Blog integration into an existing app - ruby-on-rails-3

Are there any engines out there that would allow one to integrate a blog into an existing application/platform?
I'm quite new to rails but I am picking it up fairly quickly, and have implemented Devise, and Omniauth already, idealy I would like to have a blog implemented when a user logs in.
I've searched Stackoverflow, GitHub and other sources to no avail. However, I've heard Tom-Preston-Warner's Jekyll might work as a blog engine.
So my question is: Are there any gems, or tutorials that may help Rail's users implement blog engines into existing apps?

Jekyll uses git and files in a repo to build a blog, it's called a static site generator. If you want a rails engine, take a look at

One of the most popular blog engines out there is Refinery ( You can add the gem to your project and use it for your purposes.
It depends though how complex you want your blog. It's quite easy to throw together something using just a dedicated controller and a few views.


google now integration on website for Websiteupdates in Google Now

I am working on some integrations for Google Now.
The Schemas for Email-Notifications are clear,...
But bow I am searching for integrating our Website-News as well.
(I always get "website update-cards from Ryanair on my GNow)
But I cant seem to find the right schemas for it,... I dont even know if it is done by schema-markup-micromarkup-whatever lol
Any help or idea?
Thank you lots
Okay I have been wondering this same question for a while and these are what I have found.
Google Now doesn't support my PHP site but it does support another Drupal site of mine.
The only page that Google Now provides integration is here:
I found that quite some of the supported websites have rss.xml on its root.
So here's what I recommend to do: (I'm still trying so I'm not certain if the following methods are worth trying)
Use Drupal or other well-known CMS in case Google Now only supports a few kinds of websites.
Go to that page and try to get in contact with Google. (I haven't got replies yet though)
Try to add an rss.xml on your site's root and add a link to it at your default page. (I haven't got time to try it yet)

Linking to External Resources in jsfiddle

Can someone explain how to find external resources for creating jsfiddle examples? I've been looking on github and plugin author's websites but there must be a standard method to get links to these files.
This example of the masonry layout:
However, I scavenged the resource from David Dsandro's dropbox.
I got the fiddle's masonry layout to work but linking by scavenging doesn't sound ethical.
There is no such thing. All you can do in the External Resources section is to provide a url to the library/plugin/css you want. The hotlinking ethics principles applies in jsfiddle as in any other website.
You can get that link in the traditional way, looking into the library's author site, or in a cdn. For example, cdnjs is a great site where you will possibly find the libs you need (including mansonry in this case). jsdelivr is another cdn hosting lots of libs that I've just discovered thanks to this question.
Take into account that you already have some plugins built-in in the Frameworks & Extensions section.

PHPBB Authentication + Rails

I have a phpbb forum and i am developing a rails application that will be used for a mobile friendly app. I need a way to perform SSO between phpbb and rails.
I found a ruby gem called phpbb-auth on github but it hasn't been updated in over 3 years.
My initial thoughts were to mimic phpass (which i believe is what the latest phpbb uses) in rails and then just have rails reference the phpbb_users table when authenticating with Devise/Warden.
However, that task became daunting and would become just another lib to manage.
My next thought was to write a plugin for Warden to check for a phpbb_session and if its there, then continue. Otherwise redirect them to the phpbb login page.
Has anyone come across doing this before, and if so what was the method you used.
I doing same thing right now (already succeed actually).
So, you basically have several options depending on your setup/deployment. Consider following:
Will you deploy your rails app and phpbb on same domain or different domains?
Have both sites access to each other db.
Which authentication system you whish to use? So, you'd like rails (i.e. devise, authlogic or whatever) authenticate and handle users or phpbb db auth (i.e. storing logins and password in phpbb users table).
So far, I've implement auth through phpbb db auth + single domain with my app (phpbb:, my rails app is on: for cookie sharing). In this case you can use code from gem you have mentioned (phpbb-auth). It's not very hard. Code is still working fine (with some adjustments probably).
I do not like it this way :) I consider my site as a main app and do not want forum to handle my users...
So, as I understand starting from phpbb 3 you can write plugin (API docs) for external auth for phpbb.
There are several examples in Python and Django in the net. Looks like this one for same domain + db access. And looks like this one for doing things remotely with JavaScript. Those are in Python, but there's not too much Python inside, only some examples :), so you can easily adopt them for rails, I think.
This question discuss same stuff, but in more generic way.

Integrating Gumroad API into Github Pages

So Gumroad has a really cool API and Github has some cool Pages functionality. Has anyone tried to integrate Gumroad's API with Github Pages as a store front to sell software?
Would it be worth attempting? From my quick reading on the Github Pages it looks like the page source is published in your repo. So maybe it wouldn't work too well if you had your Gumroad API key tied into it?
Just a thought that hit me while working on something today and wanted to see if anyone has successfully accomplished this with Gumroad + Github.
It would be completely reasonable to combine Gumroad and Github Pages to create a website where you can sell software.
The easiest way, however, would probably be to just add in the embed code for your products into the Github Pages website, which would work perfectly. I'm not sure if you can use Node.js in Github Pages, but if possible, you can use the higher level API's as well.
P.S. You should try to create this. I'm planning to do something similar with artwork!

App based Rails site

I plan to make an app based rails site. The rails webapplication should only have authentication and the rest of the functionality are "apps".
The basic idea is that users in the future could develop their own functions.
What is the best soultion for this? Should i write my apps as a plugin or gem?
Point me in right direction, thanks.
ps - whilst the railscast is rails2.3, you can find your own way to more modern practices from there - rails_admin is a good gem which is written as an engine and does some of the stuff you probably want your code to do - have a look inside it's source for more info and google "rails 3" & "engines" for more info, i'm not so clued up on it myself