Master-Slave and Publish-Subscribe connections - redis

Assuming I have a Master-Slave deployment of Redis (1 master, 1 slave) and a client (webapp) that will manage Publish-Subscribe.
Can I Publish messages to the slave and will they be "seen" by the master?
Or should I use only the Master for Publish and the Slave for Subscribe commands?
I've been looking around but couldn't find the answer. Anyone knows?

EDIT: As #jameshfisher pointed out, the link below is regarding Redis Cluster. The comment from #lionello seems to be the correct answer:
Publishing to a slave will not propagate to the master, only the other way around.
The answer is on the cluster-spec docs:
In a Redis Cluster clients can subscribe to every node, and can also publish to every other node. The cluster will make sure that published messages are forwarded as needed.
The current implementation will simply broadcast each published message to all other nodes, but at some point this will be optimized either using Bloom filters or other algorithms.

For the typical data you store in Redis, you should only write to the master.
...writes [to slaves] will be discarded if the slave and the master will [sic] resynchronize, or if the slave is restarted...
In fact, starting from v2.6, you can put slaves in slave-read-only mode which would prevent the mistake of writing data to a slave.
The documentation does go on to mention a potential use case for writing data to slaves:
...often there is ephemeral data that is unimportant that can be stored
into slaves. For instance clients may take information about
reachability of master in the slave instance to coordinate a fail over


What happens if MASTER node is inaccessible by the clients in "Replicated levelDB Store" in ActiveMQ?

So the documentation to the "Replicated LevelDB Store" says:
The elected master broker node starts and accepts client connections. The other nodes go into slave mode and connect the the master and synchronize their persistent state /w it. The slave nodes do not accept client connections. All persistent operations are replicated to the connected slaves. If the master dies, the slaves with the latest update gets promoted to become the master. The failed node can then be brought back online and it will go into slave mode.
So one chosen master exist, it accepts client connections and the rest are replicated slave nodes who do not accept client connections. Fine.
So if the master dies it's all working fine - the master gets reelected, clients disconnect and they eventually connect to the new master. Awesome.
Now what happens if the master isn't dead from the perspective of Zookeeper, but it's just NOT ACCESSIBLE from clients. So a master is chosen, it's considered live(as i understand zookeeper's need to be able to connect to it to be considered available), but the actual clients can't connect to it?
Sure clients CAN connect to the other slave nodes, they just can't connect to the master. But the master won't ever be changed as it's live. Is that how it works?
Not sure i understood it right.
LevelDB support in ActiveMQ is deprecated and has been for quite some time (years) so I'd suggest not bothering with it as there is no support and plenty of open bugs that will not be fixed.
I'd suggest taking a look instead at ActiveMQ Artemis.
You understand it right, and it's a reasonable design.
Clients only commuicate to master, and slaves are just used for backup. If what you described really happens, maybe caused by network problem, then you should fix the network(or any other possible reasons).

Redis Cluster configuration for CacheManager.NET

I have a basic question about Redis connection parameters from CacheManager.NET perspective. In case when we have Redis cluster with a master and 2 slaves, and with quorum of sentinel processes, should we provide the IP:PORT combinations pointing to the sentinel processes OR the actual Redis server processes.
As suggested in, it is advisable to ask the sentinel process about the actual master before making the connection. And probably that goes in line with Jedis which provides JedisSentinelPool to do the initial lookup.
Essentially what we want is that the load balancing on reads (via CacheManager.NET) and the writes should go to the current master node of the cluster.
CacheManager relies on StackExchange.Redis for the Redis implementation. Therefor, whatever this client library supports, CacheManager does, too.
Unfortunately, sentinel support is not implemented, there are issues on github for years regarding that
That being said, I did some testing with a Multi Master/Slave + Sentinel setup. Added all the non-sentinel nodes as endpoints to the Multiplexer configuration and it kinda works because the Redis Client knows how to handle multiple master/slave instances.
In the process of switching to another master, the client might throw exceptions that it cannot write to a readonly slave and such. CacheManager might retry those calls and after a short amount of time, when the leader election is done, the call should go through.
But this is not 100% stable and I would not put that in production, as "official" support is still missing...
Alternative to running with sentinels, you could run Redis in Cluster mode which should just work, or behind a proxy which deals with all that master/slave stuff.
Twemproxy is one alternative.
I still have to add support for Twemproxy to CacheManager, as many features are simply not available, like Lua scripting or get a list of servers or flush commands...
This will come in 1.0.2
Hope that helps.

Redis connect single instance slave (slave of) to cluster or sentinel

When running a single instance redis, I can use "slave of" to create a (or as many I like) readonly replica of this one redis node.
When using redis cluster, I split my Data into Partitons (Masters) and can create a slave for each partition.
Is it possible to treat this cluster as a single instance and connect a "slave of" Slave to this cluster which will hold a replica of all Data in the cluster and not just the partition of the connected node?
If not possible with redis cluster, is this might a working solution when using sentinel?
Our current Problem:
We are using the "slave of" feature together with keepalived to failover our redis instance on an outage of the master.
But we have lots of "slave of" slaves connected to the virtual IP of the failover setup, to deliver cached data.
Now everytime the system fails over (for maintenance reasons e.g.) all connected slaves have a timout for up to 30 seconds, when they have to resync their data with the new master.
We allready played with all possible redis config parameters but can't get this syncing time to be shorter (e.g. by relying on the replication-backlog, which isn't available on the new master after the failover).
Anyone any ideas?
a very good doc here : and here (slide #9) or better
If you want "slave" in Redis cluster mode, you need use replication of all nodes.
Well, I just read this article:
The author used a single master with Redis Cluster, with 2 slaves per master, instead of one, and he let Redis Sentinel take care of the election of a slave to a master when the master is down.
You could play with this setup to see if the election of Master occurs quickly. While it's happening, clients would be served by a slave and should experience no downtime.

How does a Redis slave stay in sync after the replication is over?

Redis's replication starts upon connection of a slave to the master. But after the inital replication is over, how does the slave continuously stay in sync with the master? I could not find any part of the documentation describing this mechanism. In particular, how can I measure the lag between the master and the slave?
After the initial replication, the master writes changes to internal buffers and sends them to the slave(s). From the replication page:
The master will then send to the slave all buffered commands. This is
done as a stream of commands and is in the same format of the Redis
protocol itself.
You can look at the full replication source code (this points to Redis version 3.0) on GitHub for the nitty-gritty details.
As far as latency is concerned, there is a page dedicated to latency troubleshooting and one dedicated to latency monitoring. These two pages contain a plethora of background information and techniques to troubleshoot/measure Redis latency. A simple place to start is by running redis-cli --latency -h 'host' -p 'port' from slave to master and/or master to slave.
I believe you can find that out by doing issuing INFO replication on the slave and examining the value of slave_repl_offset.

what is meaning partial resynchronization of redis?

Starting with Redis 2.8,redis add a function named "Partial resynchronization".I read this official document,but i don't understand.who can help me?
It is about master-slave replication.
The normal behavior of a Redis slave (slave of command, or configuration) is to connect to the master, ask the master to accumulate master-slave traffic, request a complete dump on filesystem to the master, download this dump on the slave, load the dump, and finally play the accumulated traffic until the slave catches up with the master.
This mechanism is quite robust but not very efficient to cover transient connection drops between the slave and the master. If the master-slave link is down for a couple of seconds, the slave will request a full resynchronization (involving a dump, etc ...), even if only a few commands have been missed.
Starting with 2.8, Redis includes a partial replication mechanism so a slave can reconnect to the master, and if some conditions are met (like a transient connection drop), asks the master to resynchronize without having to dump the whole memory instance.
In order to support this feature, the master has to buffer and keep a backlog of commands, so they can be served to the slaves at any time if needed. If the slave is too late behind the master, the backlog may not contain anymore the required data. In that case, a normal full synchronization is done, as in previous versions.