cocoa bindings - [NSArrayController removeObjects] doesn't really delete objects from database, but it doesn't show it again - objective-c

I'm working on a data-driven iOS app.
I've finished a helper mac os app with core data&cocoa Bindings to prepare data to preload on the iOS app.
Suddenly on using the pre-loaded .sqldata file, I found empty objects.
I was using NSArrayController's add/removeObjects methods in the helper app.
I think the problem is that removeObjects doesn't really delete the objects from the database table.
Any help please to make sure it is deleted successfully from database, not only from the array controller?

I'm working on a data-driven iOS app ... using NSArrayController's add/removeObjects methods.
NSArrayController does not exist on iOS, so you're going to have problems trying to use it. I'm guessing that you're working on the simulator at this point. That's convenient, but the simulator lets you get away with stuff that's not valid on a real device. If you're working on an iOS app, fixing problems with NSArrayController is a waste of time, and the best move would be to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Ok, I solved the problem. The problem was that I deleted the object from the NSArrayController, but forgot to delete it first from the ManagedObjectContext.


Best Practices When Using CoreBluetooth Framework

Lately I have been playing around with the bluetooth framework and grew a strong enough knowledge to start building an application. The only problem is that all the examples I found and all the practice I have made consist in putting the core bluetooth core code inside the same file as the UIView with which the user is interacting.
I would like my future application to have multiple views in which the BLE scan occurs on the background. I initially thought about creating an object with a name similar to bleDeviceFinder and pass this object through each view. However, after thinking about it I realised that if I want something to happen in the current view I need the function didDiscoverPeripheral to have direct access to the UIView objects which it is supposed to affect.
I know it is probably a stupid question, what would be the best way to do so? I was thinking maybe to set and alert and subscribe every view to that alert; is this a good solution?
A quasi singleton BTLEManager that you pass around in the app. It sends NSNotifications for events like discovery, and your ViewControllers observe these notifications. The truth (i.e. list of discovered devices) stays in BTLEManager. Once a viewController has received such a notification it asks the BTLEManager for the list of current devices and then the viewController changes your views accordingly. The Views should never talk to the BTLEManager directly.
That's how I would do it.

Resolving deadlock in iOS app

So I'm trying to convert a project to ARC. The first attempt, I just converted everything and I had this problem on one of my views, it just hangs. I cannot click on any UI element, and nothing is printed to the console, and it doesn't crash. It just sits there.
So in order to start troubleshooting it, I converted all the simple classes and viewControllers, and then for some of the more complex model classes and UIViewController classes, I set the compiler flag for -fno-objc-arc. My app runs better, but it still just gets in this state where it hangs. I've never seen this on it prior to converting to ARC. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and what I can do to troubleshoot it. Thanks~
I would press "pause" in the debugger and look at the call stacks for all threads in your app. This can point out why your app is locked up.

Magical Record, saving, and NSFetchedResultsController

Not sure if this is an issue with the way Magical Record does saves, or I'm just making an noob mistake somewhere.
I'm using an NSFetchedResultController (FRC) and UITableView to display a list of entities, when the user taps "Add" a new View Controller with an editor is pushed, a new entity is created with [MyEntity MR_createEntity]. The user can add additional entities here that are added to the main entity via a relationship. When the user taps "Save" in this View Controller the context is saved using [[NSManagedObjectContext MR_contextForCurrentThread] MR_save]
The NSFetchedResultsController appears to update, but when I tap to edit the entity none of the child entities are there. Debugging seems to show that even though the entity has been saved the FRC still has the entity with it's temporary ID.
I'm doing a naive [self.tableView reloadData] in the FRC controllerDidChangeContent delegate method.
Restarting the application loads the correct entities and the child entities are show properly in the editor view controller.
It looks like the FRC responds to the "main thread" save event, but the save is actually happening on a background thread so the FRC doesn't see it. I've checked and all "my" operations (setting up the FRC, creating and fetching entities) are all happening on the main thread context.
I tried listening for change notifications on MR_rootSavingContext and merging them with the main thread context, which sort of worked but I ended up with duplicates rows in the FRC (one was the correct "permanent" entity and one was the temporary one).
OK, I'm not sure if this is "the right way to do it" but I've found that it works correctly if I created my NSFetchedResultsController in the MR_rootSavingContext instead of the default context using the "inContext" version of MR_fetchAllSortedBy.
I guess this makes sense from the point of view that the FRC is now watching the rootSavingContext instead of one of it's children. Still, I would have thought since I'm doing all my operations on the same thread that wouldn't be an issue.
Update: The only gotcha with this approach is that if I just grab the entity using [frc objectAtIndexPath:] to give it to the editing view controller then it's no longer in the default context. Worked around this by re-fetching the entity in the default context using NSManagedObjectContext's existingObjectWithID. Still doesn't all feel quite right, but it's working for me.
Aware this is an old answer but none of the above worked for me and hopefully will help future readers
For me the problem was caused by trying to setup a purely local store using a sqlite file that had previously been used with iCloud.
Basically I tried to implement iCloud with my CoreData app, did the basic steps to set it up with an ubiquity container etc but then reverted back because of the inherent instability this seemed to cause (why is it that CoreData and iCloud STILL dont get along?!), but cocoa doesn't like you backtracking like that.
Fortunately I haven't done this in a live app so it's relatively easy to change as it will only affect development devices, but if you're moving from iCloud to a local store in a live app I think you might need to check out one of these solutions:
Migrating a Core Data Store from iCloud to local

Application Delegate Usage

I'm fairly new to Objective-C and cocoa programming, so I don't really understand the concept of App Delegates.
When we create a cocoa application, do we store our code (Methods, actions, outlets) in the App Delegate files or do we create a new file that will act as a controller and code from there. Right now, I put all of my code in those two files, but from what I read, your goal is to try to make your App Delegate files as slim as possible.
My question is: What's the usage of the app delegate files?
Talking about applicationDidFinishLaunching::
It's just your application entry point. Normally you only create the window and your first ViewController, or your Tabbar - your main starting interface class - here.
All the other delegate methods of the NSApplicationDelegate have other functions of course. Most of them are the point, where you react on the state of the app. Opened / Closed / Backgrounded / Reopened etc.
But you should probably have a look at the programming tutorials in the iPhone documentation. There is a lot of information on how to structure your objc projects. E.g. look here: Start Developing iOS Apps Today
Or if your looking for OSX Apps, look here:
1) Your First Mac App
2) Mac App Programming Guide
There is also a bunch of Sample code.
The App Delegate is a handler location to handle events that occur on the application. Things like open and close. It also hangs around the whole time the application is executing and you can grab the singleton instance at any point by doing [[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate].
This comes in handy for handing objects between controllers and serving as a router for events. You can also store some data on the delegate if you need to modify/have access to it in different parts of the code.
This all works well for simple applications, but as things become more complex, you need to have some division of responsibilities. The AppDelegate should really only be responsible for actions that occur on the application itself, not on another view or a controller. Putting all/most of your code in the AppDeligate is certainly bad practice and will lead to horrible code as things get more complex and need to be maintained.

iOS 3 - UITabBarItems disappear from UITabBar after a memory warning occurs

At a great number of requests from people using older iOS hardware, I'm currently refactoring and optimizing my app so it will work on iOS 3. That being said I've got a glitch with my UITabBar that I can replicate on all of the iPhone 3G units I've tested it on.
The glitch appears to have been fixed in iOS 4, but I was wondering if before that time, anyone else had this glitch as well and had figured out a (relatively elegant) workaround for it.
The problem is what you can see below; when a memory warning occurs and all of the views offscreen are released, when I bring a view controller with a tab bar back on screen, all of the UITabBarItems that are supposed to be in it are gone. As far as I can see, they're not being drawn at all; ie tapping the tab bar has no effect. After setting breakpoints and examining the UITabBar and its items in memory, they're all still there (ie not getting released), just that they're not getting redrawn when the UITabBar is re-created in the controller loadView method.
My app works similar to the official Twitter app in that I implemented my own version of UITabBarController so I could control the integration of it with a parent UINavigationController properly. I set it up as closely as possible to the original UITabBarController class though, with all of the child view controllers handling their own respective UITabBarItems and initializing them inside the class' init methods. Once the child view controllers are passed to my TabController object via an accessor method, the tabBarItems are accessed and added to the UITabBar view.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before and know of a way I can fix it? I'm hoping there's a really simple fix for this since it already works in iOS 4, so I don't want to hack it up too badly.
Thanks a lot!
After a bit of research, I think I found a solution to this. It's not the most elegant solution I was after, but it definitely works.
I'm guessing after a memory warning is triggered, something is happening to the UITabBarItem objects that basically renders them corrupt. I tried a lot of things (flushing out the UITabBar, re-creating the controllers array etc), but nothing worked.
I finally discovered that if you completely destroy the UITabBarItems and allocate new ones in their place, then those ones will work. :)
So my final solution to this was to add an extra condition in the viewDidLoad method of my controller that if the detected system was iOS 3, and there was already an array of UITabBarItems, it would go through each one, copy out all of the properties needed, destroy it, allocate a new one and then copy the old properties over to the new one.
I'm still going to keep an eye out for a better solution (I think there's a bit of overhead in this method), but thankfully at this stage, iOS 3 legacy support is becoming less and less of an issue. :)