RavenDB Spatial index for LineString - ravendb

How do I create a RavenDB Spatial Index for LineString geo data ?
I am trying to create a spatial index for LINESTRING of geo data, But search query does not return any data.
Please use following testcase as reference, since I am new to RavenDb I am not sure my search query is correct or bug on RavenDB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Raven.Abstractions.Indexing;
using Raven.Client;
using Raven.Client.Embedded;
using Raven.Client.Indexes;
namespace GeoDataLoading.Test
public class SpatialTest
public class GeoDocument
public string WKT { get; set; }
public class GeoIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<GeoDocument>
public GeoIndex()
Map = docs => from doc in docs
select new {_ = SpatialGenerate("WKT", doc.WKT, SpatialSearchStrategy.GeohashPrefixTree)};
public void LineStringsShouldNearest()
using (var store = new EmbeddableDocumentStore {RunInMemory = true})
store.ExecuteIndex(new GeoIndex());
using (IDocumentSession session = store.OpenSession())
session.Store(new GeoDocument
"LINESTRING (-0.20854 51.80315, -0.20811 51.80395, -0.20811 51.80402, -0.20814 51.80407, -0.20823 51.80419, -0.20888 51.80435, -0.20978 51.80455, -0.21033 51.80463, -0.21088 51.80467, -0.2116 51.80463, -0.21199 51.80457, -0.21246 51.80453, -0.2131 51.80448, -0.21351 51.80442, -0.2143 51.80433, -0.21436 51.80372, -0.21454 51.80321, -0.21468 51.80295)"
using (IDocumentSession session = store.OpenSession())
List<GeoDocument> result = session.Advanced.LuceneQuery<GeoDocument>("GeoIndex")
.WithinRadiusOf(1.2, -0.20854f, 51.80315f)
Assert.IsTrue(result.Count > 0);

public class YourDocumentType_SpatialIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<YourDocumentType>
public SpatialIndex()
Map = documents => from document in documents
select new
_ = SpatialGenerate(fieldName: "Geometry", shapeWKT: document.Geometry, strategy: SpatialSearchStrategy.GeohashPrefixTree, maxTreeLevel: 12)
Fair warning that I have not tested this.


Async in ASP.NET Core MVC

I am new to async programming. FirstOrDefaultAsync is throwing an error
List does not contain a definition for FirstOrDefaultAsync()
Can someone explain me what I am doing wrong?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace PatientManagement.Models
public class PatientService : IPatientService
private List<Patient> patients;
public PatientService()
patients = new List<Patient>()
new Patient(){ ID = 1, Name = "Akash", Email = "aakash1027#gmail.com" },
new Patient(){ ID = 2, Name = "John", Email = "John#gmail.com" },
new Patient(){ ID = 3, Name = "Mike", Email = "Mike#gmail.com" },
public async Task<Patient> GetPatient(int id)
return await patients.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.ID == id);
The problem is there really is no FirstOrDefaultAsync method on a List!
Async code is appropriate for cases where you, for instance, cross a boundary and have to wait for a database or some other process to do work. Your case is different: your process actually has to do the work of finding this record in the list. So you should just use the normal synchronous FirstOrDefault:
public Patient GetPatient(int id)
return patients.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == id);

Swagger 2.0 with API 2.o and Odata 3.0

I been trying to implement swagger, through [Swashbuckle][1] on my application, but i get no endpoints at all on my swagger ui, and my doc just returns this
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "v1",
"title": "NB.EAM.WebAPI.V4"
"host": "localhost:24320",
"schemes": [
"paths": {},
"definitions": {}
In my webApiConfig i set the following configuration from following the dummys
var swagConfig = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:24320");
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(swagConfig))
My swagger configuration is the standart one created by Swashbuckle:
.EnableSwagger(c =>
c.SingleApiVersion("v1", "NB.EAM.WebAPI.Odata");
var baseDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
var commentsFileName = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name + ".XML";
var commentsFile = Path.Combine(baseDirectory, "bin", commentsFileName);
c.CustomProvider(defaultProvider => new ODataSwaggerProvider(defaultProvider, c, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration).Configure(odataConfig =>
.EnableSwaggerUi(c =>
Any idea what i might be missing?
here is more information about my setting
full code of my WebApiConfig:
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.MessageHandlers.Insert(0, new ServerCompressionHandler(new GZipCompressor(), new DeflateCompressor()));
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
var conventions = ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefault();
conventions.Insert(0, new CompositeKeyRoutingConvention());
conventions.Insert(1, new CompositeKeyNavigationRoutingConvention());
conventions.Insert(2, new CountODataRoutingConvention());
ODataBatchHandler batchHandler = new UnitOfWorkBatchHandler(GlobalConfiguration.DefaultServer);
config.Routes.MapODataServiceRoute("odata", "odata", GenerateEdmModel(), new CountODataPathHandler(), conventions, batchHandler);
config.Filters.Add(new SqlExceptionFilterAttribute());
config.Filters.Add(new FilterInterceptor());
var swagConfig = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://localhost:24320");
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(swagConfig))
public static Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel GenerateEdmModel()
ODataModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
builder.ContainerName = "NBContext";
----Very long list of enetitySets
return builder.GetEdmModel();
An example of my API
using NB.EAM.DataV2;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding;
using System.Web.Http.OData;
namespace NB.EAM.WebAPI.Controllers
public class wo_hrtypeController : BaseODataController
// GET: odata/wo_hrtype
public IQueryable<wo_hrtype> Getwo_hrtype()
return this.GetWo_HrtypeBll.GetAll();
// GET: odata/wo_hrtype(5)
public SingleResult<wo_hrtype> Getwo_hrtype([FromODataUri] string key)
return SingleResult.Create(this.GetWo_HrtypeBll.Find(wo_hrtype =>
wo_hrtype.lb_tyhr == key));
There is no much information to work there.
We don't know what kind of filters are being aplied on ApplyResourceDocumentation (actually, this class is on the swashbuckle.odata sample proyect and may not fit your necesities:
We can't also check your entities and function definitions. Check this as an example: https://github.com/rbeauchamp/Swashbuckle.OData/blob/master/Swashbuckle.OData.Sample/App_Start/ODataConfig.cs
And we can't also check if your controllers are defined in a proper way (Methods as verbs. I think custom named methods are only taken into account if they are defined as functions)
I think I just had a similar issue. Try replacing the following line
with this one:
The thing is that you should use here the same configuration instance that you pass to the HttpSelfHostServer constructor.
SwaggerConfig.Register(swagConfig); // pass the swagConfig instance to the auto-generated method
using (var server = new HttpSelfHostServer(swagConfig))

RavenDB querying metadata

I want to prevent documents from being deleted in my project and I decided to use metadata to mark document as Archived. I used below code to do that:
public class DeleteDocumentListener : IDocumentDeleteListener
public void BeforeDelete(string key, object entityInstance, RavenJObject metadata)
metadata.Add("Archived", true);
throw new NotSupportedException();
After that I wanted to alter query to return only documents which have Archived metadata value set to false:
using (var session = _store.OpenSession())
var query = session.Advanced.DocumentQuery<Cutter>()
.WhereEquals("#metadata.Archived", false);
Unfortunately this query return empty result set. It occurs that if Document doesn't have this metadata property then above condition is treated as false. It wasn't what I expected.
How can I compose query to return Documents which don't have metadata property or this property has some value ?
You can solve it by creating an index for you Cutter documents and then query against that:
public class ArchivedIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Cutter>
public class QueryModel
public bool Archived { get; set; }
public ArchivedIndex()
Map = documents => from doc in documents
select new QueryModel
Archived = MetadataFor(doc)["Archived"] != null && MetadataFor(doc).Value<bool>("Archived")
Then query it like this:
using (var session = documentStore.OpenSession())
var cutters = session.Query<ArchivedIndex.QueryModel, ArchivedIndex>()
.Where(x => x.Archived == false)
Hope this helps!
Quick side note. To create the index, the following code may need to be run:
new ArchivedIndex().Execute(session.Advanced.DocumentStore);

How to define 'geography' type using Npgsql and OrmLite (using postgresql, postgis, c#)

How do I define a postgis 'geography' type in my C# class model so that OrmLite can easily pass it through to Postgresql so I can run spatial queries in addition to saving spatial data to the 'geography' column?
The best library is NetTopologySuite for this case;
you can use like this;
protected GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Geometry _geom;
public GisSharpBlog.NetTopologySuite.Geometries.Geometry Geom
get { return _geom; }
set { _geom = value; }
protected string _geomwkt;
public virtual string GeomWKT
if (this.Geom != null)
return this.Geom.ToText();
return "";
string wktString = value;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wktString))
_geom = null;
var fact = new GeometryFactory();
var wktreader = new WKTReader(fact);
_geom = (Geometry)wktreader.Read(wktString);

How can I use MEF to manage interdependent modules?

I found this question difficult to express (particularly in title form), so please bear with me.
I have an application that I am continually modifying to do different things. It seems like MEF might be a good way to manage the different pieces of functionality. Broadly speaking, there are three sections of the application that form a pipeline of sorts:
In it's simplest form, I can express each of these stages as an interface (IAcquisition etc). The problems start when I want to use acquisition components that provides richer data than standard. I want to design modules that use this richer data, but I can't rely on it being there.
I could, of course, add all of the data to the interface specification. I could deal with poorer data sources by throwing an exception or returning a null value. This seems a long way from ideal.
I'd prefer to do the MEF binding in three stages, such that modules are offered to the user only if they are compatible with those selected previously.
So my question: Can I specify metadata which restricts the set of available imports?
An example:
Acquision1 offers BasicData only
Acquision2 offers BasicData and AdvancedData
Transformation1 requires BasicData
Transformation2 requires BasicData and AdvancedData
Acquisition module is selected first.
If Acquisition1 is selected, don't offer Transformation 2, otherwise offer both.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Your question suggests a structure like this:
public class BasicData
public string Basic { get; set; } // example data
public class AdvancedData : BasicData
public string Advanced { get; set; } // example data
Now you have your acquisition, transformation and expression components. You want to be able to deal with different kinds of data, so they're generic:
public interface IAcquisition<out TDataKind>
TDataKind Acquire();
public interface ITransformation<TDataKind>
TDataKind Transform(TDataKind data);
public interface IExpression<in TDataKind>
void Express(TDataKind data);
And now you want to build a pipeline out of them that looks like this:
So let's start building a pipeline builder:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition.Primitives;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
// namespace ...
public static class PipelineBuidler
private static readonly string AcquisitionIdentity =
private static readonly string TransformationIdentity =
private static readonly string ExpressionIdentity =
public static Action BuildPipeline(ComposablePartCatalog catalog,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> acquisitionSelector,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> transformationSelector,
Func<IEnumerable<string>, int> expressionSelector)
var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
The class holds MEF type identities for your three contract interfaces. We'll need those later to identify the correct exports. Our BuildPipeline method returns an Action. That is going to be the pipeline, so we can just do pipeline(). It takes a ComposablePartCatalog and three Funcs (to select an export). That way, we can keep all the dirty work inside this class. Then we start by creating a CompositionContainer.
Now we have to build ImportDefinitions, first for the acquisition component:
var aImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == AcquisitionIdentity), null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
This ImportDefinition simply filters out all exports of the IAcquisition<> interface. Now we can give it to the container:
var aExports = container.GetExports(aImportDef).ToArray();
aExports now holds all IAcquisition<> exports in the catalog. So let's run the selector on this:
var selectedAExport = aExports[acquisitionSelector(aExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
And there we have our acquisition component:
var acquisition = selectedAExport.Value;
var acquisitionDataKind = (Type)selectedAExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
Now we're going to do the same for the transformation and the expression components, but with one slight difference: The ImportDefinition is going to ensure that each component can handle the output of the previous component.
var tImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == TransformationIdentity) && ((Type)def.Metadata["DataKind"]).IsAssignableFrom(acquisitionDataKind),
null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
var tExports = container.GetExports(tImportDef).ToArray();
var selectedTExport = tExports[transformationSelector(tExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
var transformation = selectedTExport.Value;
var transformationDataKind = (Type)selectedTExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
var eImportDef = new ImportDefinition(def => (def.ContractName == ExpressionIdentity) && ((Type)def.Metadata["DataKind"]).IsAssignableFrom(transformationDataKind),
null, ImportCardinality.ZeroOrMore, true, false);
var eExports = container.GetExports(eImportDef).ToArray();
var selectedEExport = eExports[expressionSelector(eExports.Select(export => export.Metadata["Name"] as string))];
var expression = selectedEExport.Value;
var expressionDataKind = (Type)selectedEExport.Metadata["DataKind"];
And now we can wire it all up in an expression tree:
var acquired = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(acquisition), typeof(IAcquisition<>).MakeGenericType(acquisitionDataKind).GetMethod("Acquire"));
var transformed = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(transformation), typeof(ITransformation<>).MakeGenericType(transformationDataKind).GetMethod("Transform"), acquired);
var expressed = Expression.Call(Expression.Constant(expression), typeof(IExpression<>).MakeGenericType(expressionDataKind).GetMethod("Express"), transformed);
return Expression.Lambda<Action>(expressed).Compile();
And that's it! A simple example application would look like this:
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic acquisition")]
public class Acquisition1 : IAcquisition<BasicData>
public BasicData Acquire()
return new BasicData { Basic = "Acquisition1" };
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced acquisition")]
public class Acquisition2 : IAcquisition<AdvancedData>
public AdvancedData Acquire()
return new AdvancedData { Advanced = "Acquisition2A", Basic = "Acquisition2B" };
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic transformation")]
public class Transformation1 : ITransformation<BasicData>
public BasicData Transform(BasicData data)
data.Basic += " - Transformed1";
return data;
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced transformation")]
public class Transformation2 : ITransformation<AdvancedData>
public AdvancedData Transform(AdvancedData data)
data.Basic += " - Transformed2";
data.Advanced += " - Transformed2";
return data;
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(BasicData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Basic expression")]
public class Expression1 : IExpression<BasicData>
public void Express(BasicData data)
Console.WriteLine("Expression1: {0}", data.Basic);
[ExportMetadata("DataKind", typeof(AdvancedData))]
[ExportMetadata("Name", "Advanced expression")]
public class Expression2 : IExpression<AdvancedData>
public void Express(AdvancedData data)
Console.WriteLine("Expression2: ({0}) - ({1})", data.Basic, data.Advanced);
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var pipeline = PipelineBuidler.BuildPipeline(new AssemblyCatalog(typeof(Program).Assembly), StringSelector, StringSelector, StringSelector);
static int StringSelector(IEnumerable<string> strings)
int i = 0;
foreach (var item in strings)
Console.WriteLine("[{0}] {1}", i++, item);
return int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());