Associate file type to external program in WiX - wix

Is there a way to associate a file extension to an external program in my WiX setup?
For example, my application uses .xyz files, but I use a third party program to edit them, like Notepad++. I would include Notepad++ during the setup or bootstrap its installer. Is there a way to associate Notepad++ with my .xyz files using only WiX?
I've looked at the ProgId element, but I don't think it can do this.

Unfortunately, the strongly typed elements cannot be used to refer to an executable outside of the install today. However, you can write the registry keys yourself. Something like:
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key=".xyz" Value="xyz-progid" Type="string" />
<RegistryKey Root="HCKR" Key="xyz-progid>
<RegistryValue Key="shell\Open\command" Value="[NOTEPADPLUSPLUSPATH]" Type="string" />
<RegistryValue Key="DefaultIcon" Value="[!NOTEPADPLUSPLUSPATH]" Type="string" />
For this to work, you'll need to find Notepad++ on the machine. I'm not sure how to do that but let's say there was a registry key that told you:
<RegistrySearch Id="FindNotepadPlusPlus" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\NotepadPlusPlus"
Name="InstallPath" Type="raw" />


Windows Installer not deleting all files on uninstall

I've seen some similar questions asked on here, but none of the solutions given were very clear or worked for me.
I have an installer (created with WiX) which installs certain files and folders. However, when running the installed application, this creates some folders and copies some files into it. These files and folders are not removed on uninstall.
Edited to Show Code so Far:
This INSTALLDIR property:
<Property Id="INSTALLDIR">
<RegistrySearch Id='Registry' Type='raw' Root='HKLM' Key='Software\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.ProductName)' Name='Location' />
This Component which should set the install location in the registry:
<Component Id="Registry" Guid="*">
<RegistryKey Root="HKMU" Key="Software\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.ProductName)">
<RegistryValue Name="Location"
KeyPath="yes" />
<util:RemoveFolderEx On="uninstall" Property="INSTALLDIR" />
This does create a record in the registry with the install location, but I'm not sure how to adapt this code to making note of the 'public' directory and removing it - I don't know where the util:RemoveFolderEx should go either (inside which component)
The clearest tutorial I've seen is this one (except that it does have an apparent error).
Replace this block:
RemoveFolderEx requires that we "remember" the path for uninstall.
Read the path value and set the APPLICATIONFOLDER property with the value.
<RegistrySearch Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.SkuName)" Root="HKLM" Type="raw" Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER_REGSEARCH" Name="Path" />
with this one:
RemoveFolderEx requires that we "remember" the path for uninstall.
Read the path value and set the FOLDERTOREMOVE property with the value.
<RegistrySearch Key="SOFTWARE\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.SkuName)" Root="HKLM" Type="raw" Id="APPLICATIONFOLDER_REGSEARCH" Name="Path" />
and this block:
<util:RemoveFolderEx On="uninstall" Property="APPLICATIONFOLDER" />
with this one:
<util:RemoveFolderEx On="uninstall" Property="FOLDERTOREMOVE" />
and you should have a working test.
The reason for using two different properties is given here and here (among with other places).
If you can derive the path from other values you may have set during installation that Windows Installer will preserve for you, such as ARPINSTALLLOCATION, then you can adjust the above implementation to get what you need without having to create your own registry keys.
Builds on B. Murri's answer:
Example: your application installs new files or folders in 'installdir/public'. These files aren't being deleted as they weren't added by the installer.
First, you need to create a registry value which will store where your public directory is installed. This is in case the user changes the install directory.
<!-- Note that the RegistryValue Value is being set to the 'public' directory ID -->
<DirectoryRef Id='INSTALLDIR'>
<Component Id="RemovePublicDir" Guid="your-guid-here">
<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.ProductName)">
<RegistryValue Name="Location"
KeyPath="yes" />
<CreateFolder Directory="PUBLIC"/>
<util:RemoveFolderEx Property="FINDPUBLICDIR" On="uninstall"/>
<RemoveFolder Id="PUBLIC" On="uninstall"/>
You now need to add a property which will search for this registry value later on. Make sure your Root value above matches the one below:
<RegistrySearch Id='Registry' Type='raw' Root='HKCU' Key='Software\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.ProductName)' Name='Location' />
Add your manufacturer name and product name to variables, like this:
<?define Manufacturer = "My Company"?>
<?define ProductName = "Test Application"?>
Now make sure you call this Component in your Feature tag:
<Feature Id="FeatureId">
<ComponentRef Id="RemovePublicDir" />

Wix install location

I have a WIX setup that allows the user to select the install location. When uninstalling, I need to run a custom action that should activate a file in the install location. I tried getting the install location from session["INSTALLDIR"] but it results in the default path and not the one given by the user.
How can I reach that location?
I've done this in my own installer - the following should work.
This adds a property to retrieve the install location value from the registry.
<Property Id="INSTALLDIR">
<RegistrySearch Id='Registry' Type='raw' Root='HKCU' Key='Software\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.ProductName)' Name='Location' />
This sets the install location in the registry.
<Component Id="Registry" Guid="*">
<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\$(var.Manufacturer)\$(var.ProductName)">
<RegistryValue Name="Location"
KeyPath="yes" />
<util:RemoveFolderEx On="uninstall" Property="INSTALLDIR" />
If you want INSTALLDIR for a later time such as uninstallation you should use Remember property pattern described in link below.
"The root issue is that the Windows Installer does not save Property values for you. That means if the user enters values in the install UI or passes them on the command-line, those values will be not be present during repair, upgrade nor uninstall."

How to architect Wix installer upgrade to move GAC components into regular folders?

I have an existing installation that includes .NET assemblies which are registered for COM Interop and installed in the GAC. These DLLs are used only by an unmanaged EXE that we also include in the installation.
A simple sample component (obfuscated from the real thing) looks like this:
<Component Id="MyApp.ClientInterop.dll" Guid="{9A9C2B62-531C-4E60-ABD2-EDD447643C4F}">
<Class Id="{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}" Context="InprocServer32" Description="MyApp.ClientInterop.ClientAppUpdate" ThreadingModel="both" ForeignServer="mscoree.dll">
<ProgId Id="MyApp_Interop.ClientAppUpdate" Description="MyApp.ClientInterop.ClientAppUpdate" />
<File Id="MyApp.ClientInterop.dll" Name="MyApp.ClientInterop.dll" KeyPath="yes" Assembly=".net">
<TypeLib Id="{08963623-70A8-4DD8-A8DA-EAF209919797}" Description="MyApp_ClientInterop" Language="0" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0">
<Interface Id="{207BB6C4-3054-4853-BA20-40D99EA6ACFE}" Name="IClientAppUpdate" ProxyStubClassId="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ProxyStubClassId32="{00020424-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}\Implemented Categories\{62C8FE65-4EBB-45e7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}" Value="" Type="string" Action="write" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}\InprocServer32\" Name="Class" Value="MyApp.ClientInterop.ClientAppUpdate" Type="string" Action="write" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}\InprocServer32\" Name="Assembly" Value="MyApp.ClientInterop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cf47a01d50a7b0f5" Type="string" Action="write" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}\InprocServer32\" Name="RuntimeVersion" Value="v4.0.30319" Type="string" Action="write" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}\InprocServer32" Name="Class" Value="MyApp.ClientInterop.ClientAppUpdate" Type="string" Action="write" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}\InprocServer32" Name="Assembly" Value="MyApp.ClientInterop, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cf47a01d50a7b0f5" Type="string" Action="write" />
<RegistryValue Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{963057C7-83B4-4602-87B4-B0AB9D3D149A}\InprocServer32" Name="RuntimeVersion" Value="v4.0.30319" Type="string" Action="write" />
For several reasons I won't get into here, we would like to re-architect the application to have the DLLs live in the folder with the executable, rather than in the GAC.
Can this be accomplished with a major upgrade, without requiring the user to completely uninstall the prior version. Our installer is sequenced so the old version is removed during finalization because most upgrades change only a small percentage of the components.
I was initially planning on the following changes to each GAC component:
Remove Assembly=".Net" attribute
Generate new Guid on the Component element
This should work with regard to the file system. However, I'm not sure what will happen to the, , , , and elements. If I do not change those, I suspect they will be removed when the old version uninstalls at the end, leaving a broken installation.
Is this an accurate interpretation? Does this mean I would need to force new Interface/Typelib/CLSID values for all of my Interop classes? I have over 1000 classes exposed through Interop on this project.
Could I change the sequencing so the old product is installed first? I am concerned with doing that because it means I have to stay with that sequence until I can be sure all of my customers are beyond that release. It will also significantly increase the installer time (that has been previously tested).
Perhaps there is another option that I am not aware of?
Doing the major upgrade with RemoveExistingProducts at the beginning would be safer, a clean slate so to speak. However I think it would work with REP at the end if:
Your assemblies get a new component guid so that the older product assemblies are removed from the GAC.
Registry entries are not versioned so they are always overwritten. You should be able to keep the same WiX component IDs, but you'll need to a add CodeBase location anyway so it should be easy to see if it has all worked. Obviously after the upgrade you need no assemblies in the GAC, assemblies in the normal file system, and CodeBase registry entries that point to them, and clients that can call them ok :)

Using WiX, how to skip a component when a certain registry key does not exist?

I want to copy some files into a directory in another product's installation tree, but only if that product is installed. So I figured I could set a property based on a registry search to find that product's installation root. Then I could use the property in a condition element on the component element.
Here is my code. For some reason, I am getting an error when the other product is not installed and the registry search comes up empty since the registry key will not be found.
<Property Id="PRODUCTPATH">
<RegistrySearch Id="PRODUCTPATH" Root="HKLM" Key="_MY_KEY_" Name="_MY_NAME_" Type="raw" />
<SetProperty Id="PRODUCTBINPATH" Value="[PRODUCTPATH]\BIN" After="AppSearch"/>
<Component Id="CommonDLLs" Guid="_MY_GUID_" Directory="INSTALLLOCATION">
<RegistryValue Id="_MY_ID_" Root="HKLM" Key="_MY_KEY_2" Name="Installed" Value="1" Type="integer" KeyPath="yes" />
<CopyFile Id="myfile1.dll" FileId="myfile1.dll" DestinationProperty="PRODUCTPATH" DestinationName="myfile1.dll"/>
<CopyFile Id="myfile2.dll" FileId="myfile2.dll" DestinationProperty="PRODUCTPATH" DestinationName="myfile2.dll"/>
Try to use the util:RegistrySearch instead of RegistrySeach
This element comes with Util Extension. Check here if you don't know how to use extensions.
The util:RegistrySearch has an attribute (Result) for only checking if the key exists or not.
It would be like that:
Actually, all you have to do is add a condition to the SetProperty element like this:
<Property Id="PRODUCTPATH">
<SetProperty Id="PRODUCTBINPATH" Value="[PRODUCTPATH]\BIN" After="AppSearch">PRODUCTPATH</SetProperty>

How to write a registry key and value in bundle of wix?

I can write a registry key and value in setup project of wix,the code like this:
<RegistryKey Id="WinApp" Root="HKLM" Key="Software\App\[ProductName]" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall" >
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="InstallName" Value="[ProductName]" Action="write" KeyPath="yes"></RegistryValue>
How can i do in bootstrapper project?
Bundles do not modify the machine state. The registry key should be placed in one of the chained packages to be part of the installation transaction.