Why doesnot absolute_file_name work - gnu-prolog

The following code works in swi-prolog:
:- asserta(user:file_search_path(money, '/media/D/db')).
dataFile(F) :-
absolute_file_name(money('test.dat'), F, []).
It seems there is no module in gprolog. How can i make it work under gprolog ?

You do not give enough details but I deduce the problem is the operator ':-' Try with 'initialization/1'
$ cat > file.pl
initialization(asserta(user:file_search_path(money, '/media/D/db'))).
dataFile(F) :- absolute_file_name(money('test.dat'), F, []).
$ gprolog --init-goal "['file.pl']"
compiling /Users/user/file.pl for byte code...
/Users/user/file.pl compiled, 2 lines read - 763 bytes written, 8 ms
GNU Prolog 1.4.1
By Daniel Diaz
Copyright (C) 1999-2012 Daniel Diaz
| ?-
Hope this work…


error using yaml-cpp to get integer nested in key hierarchy

Initial Question
I have a config.yaml that has structure similar to
some_other_key: 34
d: 3
I thought I could do
YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile(config_filename.c_str());
int x = config["a"]["b"]["c"]["d"].as<int>();
but I get
terminate called after throwing an instance of
what(): bad conversion
How do I descend through my config.yaml to extract a value like this? I also get that same exception if I mistype one of the keys in the path, so I can't tell from the error if I am accidentally working with a null node or if there is a problem converting a valid node's value to int
Follow up After First Replies
Thank you for replying! Maybe it is an issue with what is in the config.yaml? Here is a small example to reproduce,
yaml file: config2.yaml
num: 3
num_per_host: 3
- local
chunksize: 600
Python can read it:
Incidentally, I am on linux on rhel7, but from a python 3.6 environment, everything looks good:
$ python -c "import yaml; print(yaml.load(open('config2.yaml','r')))"
{'daq_writer': {'num_per_host': 3, 'num': 3, 'datasets': {'small': {'chunksize': 600}}, 'hosts': ['local']}}
C++ yaml-cpp code
The file yamlex.cpp:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
int main() {
YAML::Node config = YAML::LoadFile("config2.yaml");
int small_chunksize = config["daq_writer"]["datasets"]["smal"]["chunksize"].as<int>();
When I compile and run this, I get:
(lc2) psanagpu101: ~/rel/lc2-hdf5-110 $ c++ --std=c++11 -Iinclude -Llib -lyaml-cpp yamlex.cpp
(lc2) psanagpu101: ~/rel/lc2-hdf5-110 $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib ./a.out
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'YAML::TypedBadConversion<int>'
what(): bad conversion
Aborted (core dumped)
(lc2) psanagpu101: ~/rel/lc2-hdf5-110 $ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4)
I have been able to read top level keys, like the some_other_key that I referenced above, but I got an error when I went after this nested key. Good to know that syntax works!
You have a typo in your keys: instead of "small", you wrote "smal".

Import class-dump info into GDB

Is there a way to import the output from class-dump into GDB?
Example code:
$ cat > test.m
#include <stdio.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface TestClass : NSObject
+ (int)randomNum;
#implementation TestClass
+ (int)randomNum {
return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll.
// guaranteed to be random.
int main(void) {
printf("num: %d\n", [TestClass randomNum]);
return 0;
$ gcc test.m -lobjc -o test
$ ./test
num: 4
$ gdb test
(gdb) b +[TestClass randomNum]
Breakpoint 1 at 0x100000e5c
(gdb) ^D
$ strip test
$ gdb test
(gdb) b +[TestClass randomNum]
Function "+[TestClass randomNum]" not defined.
(gdb) ^D
$ class-dump -A test
#interface TestClass : NSObject
+ (int)randomNum; // IMP=0x0000000100000e50
I know I can now use b *0x0000000100000e50 in gdb, but is there a way of modifying GDB's symbol table to make it accept b +[TestClass randomNum]?
Edit: It would be preferably if it would work with GDB v6 and not only GDB v7, as GDB v6 is the latest version with Apple's patches.
It’s possible to load a symbol file in gdb with the add-symbol-file command. The hardest part is to produce this symbol file.
With the help of libMachObjC (which is part of class-dump), it’s very easy to dump all addresses and their corresponding Objective-C methods. I have written a small tool, objc-symbols which does exactly this.
Let’s use Calendar.app as an example. If you try to list the symbols with the nm tool, you will notice that the Calendar app has been stripped:
$ nm -U /Applications/Calendar.app/Contents/MacOS/Calendar
0000000100000000 T __mh_execute_header
0000000005614542 - 00 0000 OPT radr://5614542
But with objc-symbols you can easily retrieve the addresses of all the missing Objective-C methods:
$ objc-symbols /Applications/Calendar.app
00000001000c774c +[CALCanvasAttributedText textWithPosition:size:text:]
00000001000c8936 -[CALCanvasAttributedText createTextureIfNeeded]
00000001000c8886 -[CALCanvasAttributedText bounds]
00000001000c883b -[CALCanvasAttributedText updateBezierRepresentation]
00000001000309eb -[CALApplication applicationDidFinishLaunching:]
Then, with SymTabCreator you can create a symbol file, which is just actually an empty dylib with all the symbols.
Using objc-symbols and SymTabCreator together is straightforward:
$ objc-symbols /Applications/Calendar.app | SymTabCreator -o Calendar.stabs
You can check that Calendar.stabs contains all the symbols:
$ nm Calendar.stabs
000000010014a58b T +[APLCALSource printingCachedTextSize]
000000010013e7c5 T +[APLColorSource alternateGenerator]
000000010013e780 T +[APLColorSource defaultColorSource]
000000010013e7bd T +[APLColorSource defaultGenerator]
000000010011eb12 T +[APLConstraint constraintOfClass:withProperties:]
00000001000309eb T -[CALApplication applicationDidFinishLaunching:]
Now let’s see what happens in gdb:
$ gdb --silent /Applications/Calendar.app
Reading symbols for shared libraries ................................. done
Without the symbol file:
(gdb) b -[CALApplication applicationDidFinishLaunching:]
Function "-[CALApplication applicationDidFinishLaunching:]" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) n
And after loading the symbol file:
(gdb) add-symbol-file Calendar.stabs
add symbol table from file "Calendar.stabs"? (y or n) y
Reading symbols from /Users/0xced/Calendar.stabs...done.
(gdb) b -[CALApplication applicationDidFinishLaunching:]
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1000309f2
You will notice that the breakpoint address does not exactly match the symbol address (0x1000309f2 vs 0x1000309eb, 7 bytes of difference), this is because gdb automatically recognizes the function prologue and sets the breakpoint just after.
GDB script
You can use this GDB script to automate this, given that the stripped executable is the current target.
Add the script from below to your .gdbinit, target the stripped executable and run the command objc_symbols in gdb:
$ gdb test
(gdb) b +[TestClass randomNum]
Function "+[TestClass randomNum]" not defined.
(gdb) objc_symbols
(gdb) b +[TestClass randomNum]
Breakpoint 1 at 0x100000ee1
(gdb) ^D
define objc_symbols
shell rm -f /tmp/gdb-objc_symbols
set logging redirect on
set logging file /tmp/gdb-objc_symbols
set logging on
info target
set logging off
shell target="$(head -1 /tmp/gdb-objc_symbols | head -1 | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }')"; objc-symbols "$target" | SymTabCreator -o /tmp/gdb-symtab
set logging on
add-symbol-file /tmp/gdb-symtab
set logging off
There is no direct way to do this (that I know of), but it seems like a great idea.
And now there is a way to do it... nice answer, 0xced!
The DWARF file format is well documented, IIRC, and, as the lldb source is available, you have a working example of a parser.
Since the source to class-dump is also available, it shouldn't be too hard to modify it to spew DWARF output that could then be loaded into the debugger.
Obviously, you wouldn't be able to dump symbols with full fidelity, but this would probably be quite useful.
You can use DSYMCreator.
With DSYMCreator, you can create a symbol file from an iOS executable binary.
It's a toolchain, so you can use it like this.
$ ./main.py --only-objc /path/to/binary/xxx
Then a file /path/to/binary/xxx.symbol will be created, which is a DWARF format symbol. you can import it to lldb by yourself.
Apart from that, DSYMCreator also supports to export symbols from IDA Pro, you can use it like this.
$ ./main.py /path/to/binary/xxx
YES, just ignore --only-objc flag. Then the IDA Pro will run automatically, and then a file /path/to/binary/xxx.symbol will be created, which is the symbol file.
Thanks 0xced for creating objc-symbols, which is a part of DSYMCreator toolchain.
BTW, https://github.com/tobefuturer/restore-symbol is another choice.

Strange behavior of Buf.subbuf in Perl 6

Today I installed Rakudo Star 2012.07 and tryed to write a simple Perl 6 script:
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
use LWP::Simple;
my $html = LWP::Simple.get('http://perl6.org');
say $html;
It doesn't work because of the following error:
No such method 'get_string' for invocant of type 'String'
in method decode at src/gen/CORE.setting:6766
in method parse_response at lib/LWP/Simple.pm:244
in method make_request at lib/LWP/Simple.pm:199
in method request_shell at lib/LWP/Simple.pm:63
in method get at lib/LWP/Simple.pm:28
Code of LWP::Simple on line 244 is:
my #header_lines = $resp.subbuf(
0, $header_end_pos
The strange thing is that the following code is OK:
> Buf.new(1,2,3,4,5).decode('ascii')
while this one fails:
> Buf.new(1,2,3,4,5).subbuf(0,3).decode('ascii')
Method 'get_string' not found for invocant of class 'String'
Could you explain me please, why it happens? As far as I can see, in both cases Buf.decode method is called:
> Buf.new(1,2,3,4,5).subbuf(0,3).isa('Buf')
> Buf.new(1,2,3,4,5).isa('Buf')
Perhaps it's a bug in Rakudo Perl? Or maybe subbuf is a deprecated/undocumented method? It's not present on doc.perl6.org. In this case which method should be used?
It was a bug in Rakudo, which has already been fixed in the newest development version
$ perl6 -e 'say Buf.new(1,2,3,4,5).subbuf(0,3).decode("ascii")'|hexdump -C
00000000 01 02 03 0a |....|
(I'm pretty sure the fix is also the Rakudo 2012.08 release, the Rakudo Star release based on the compiler will be out this week).
The reason it's not documented yet is that I've focused on those methods that are also in the spec, since they have a higher chance to survive. I'll hope to get around to adding the documentation soon though.
Update: got around to it, see http://doc.perl6.org/type/Buf#subbuf

Regarding nawk and system command

I am working on Solaris and working on a script that turns on any disabled service .
Here is the output file:
disabled 7:22:05 svc:/network/bla-bla:default
online Jun_14 svc:/network/blu-blu:default
I would like my code to parse this and turn the disabled one on using nawk itself
Here is what I have tried by it doesn't work for some reason:
cat output | nawk '/disabled/ {system(svcadm enable $3)}'
here is the output it gives:
**sh: line 1: svc:/network/bla-bla:default: not found**
The output i need on cat output |grep bl* is :
online 7:22:05 svc:/network/bla-bla:default
online Jun_14 svc:/network/blu-blu:default
Can anyone explain to me why this happens and how to make this nawk work. All I want is
svcadm enable svc:/network/bla-bla:default
to be executed.
Because it's treating svcadm as a variable name, which has no value. Try
nawk '{system("svcadm enable " $3)}'
(Sorry, I meant that as the nawk program -- corrected now.)

How difficult is it to compile the Go programming language?

Basically what the title says: what's the process for compiling your average go* file? drop it on a compiler and execute the result?
*note: The OP edited the question replacing "go" with "C", before it was rolled back. So some of the answers won't make sense.
Did you take a look at the Go tutorial at http://golang.org/doc/go_tutorial.html
Here's how to compile and run our program. With 6g, say,
$ 6g helloworld.go # compile; object goes into helloworld.6
$ 6l helloworld.6 # link; output goes into 6.out
$ 6.out
Hello, world; or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界
With gccgo it looks a little more traditional.
$ gccgo helloworld.go
$ a.out
Hello, world; or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界