Working with Multiple Windows - objective-c

In my MainMenu.xib, I have the main window of my app with web view, Now i have added a new window (with text field and button) in MainMenu.xib.
I have problem to add a menu tab where i click and my newly added window appears (Not on app Launching). How to connect menu tab item with window..???
Thanks in Advance

Would you like to do it without a single line of code?
i.e. Using Binding.
Here we go:
Create a secondary Window that you want to open on menu click.
Uncheck "Release when Close"
Create a new menu item : ctrl+drag from menu to window, select "makeKeyAndOrderFront"
That's it.


How to add main menu to application?

I know that an application template comes with default 'Main Menu' items already existing and attached.
But if this default 'Main Menu' structure was deleted then how to re-add main menu items to the application? Simply adding fresh menu items tree to XIB and connecting it to the application's window 'menu' outlet using the visual connector does not make these menu items to appear in the application main menu - application menu bar still stays empty.
What is the right way to add menu to application?

Opening the properties view as wizard dialog

Is there any way to open the properties view in the wizard .
Requirement:We are creating a button in the editor to open the wizard and in that wizard i want the properties view to be added.
Can we open the view on clicking the button i.e popping up the view on click of button in editor page and closing it if the cursor come out of the view
No, you can't show any view in a dialog (including wizards)

OpenERP - selecting Create dropdown box option does not launch the dialog window

I have a dropdown box for Class ID in a custom view. When I type new, non existent classID in the dropdown box, the dropdown shows options, one of which is Create new_class _id. However, when I click on Create '0078' for instance, no dialog window is launched and the new class is created. I don't know 100% if this is correct behaviour. Please see the picture. What I have to do to launch the window?
That will be created automatically , when you click on the Create "0078" ..... after click on that go to the button besides the Item Class field (that logo shows with arrow sign).... that will show you your created item and dialog window... :)
It will be true when there are no required field in the window that will be open for create new item. If you put more than one required field in dialog-box(form view), then it will pop-up. that you are asking.....!!
– Mischievous

javafx: adding tabs dynamically when user opens a new file

This is my edited question.. I want a new tab to be displayed in the same window. In the main window, i have a menu bar. Suppose the user clicks open, a new tab must be created in the same window below the menu bar and so on..
Kindly give me some pointers since I am a beginner in javafx. I appreciate your time and effort.
use tabpane and add tabs to it programmatically
TabPane tabPane = new TabPane();
Tab mytab = new Tab("tab to be created programmatically");
mytab.setContent(put your data here);
the tabpane should be in the window/node/scene that you are flirting with ...that's all

How to add a new Menu at the end of MenuBar?

One question is : Now I want to add a new Menu at the end of MenuBar, not to add a menuitem at the known menu. just like the Xcode Items: The last menu is Help , I want to add a new Mneu(MyMenu) behind the Help Menu ? How to do ? Thanks very much!
Generally, you should not add or remove items in the main menu at run time, because it breaks your users' muscle memory. Enable or disable them instead, and you'll have a much better UI.
Assuming you've found a good reason to do this, the way to do it is to get the main menu from the shared NSApplication object, then insert the menu item for your new menu. The menu item's submenu is the actual menu you're inserting. (Of course, you can create the menu and menu item in IB and access the menu item through an outlet.)