Statement 'SELECT INTO' is not supported in this version of SQL Server - SQL Azure - sql

I am getting
Statement 'SELECT INTO' is not supported in this version of SQL Server
in SQL Server
for the below query inside stored procedure
,#sqlSelect NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
,#sqlFrom NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
,#sqlTempTable NVARCHAR(MAX) = '#itemSearch'
,#sqlInto NVARCHAR(MAX) = ''
,#params NVARCHAR(MAX)
SET #sqlSelect ='SELECT
SET #sqlFrom =' FROM dbo.ITEM AS IT'
SET #sqlInto = ' INTO ' + #sqlTempTable + ' ';
IF (#cityId > 0)
SET #sqlFrom = #sqlFrom +
ON CI2.CITYID = #cityId'
SET #sqlSelect = #sqlSelect +
SELECT #params =N'#cityId int '
SET #sql = #sqlSelect +#sqlInto +#sqlFrom
EXEC sp_executesql #sql,#params
I have around 50,000 records, so decided to use Temp Table. But surprised to see this error.
How can i achieve the same in SQL Azure?
Edit: Reading this blog suggesting us to CREATE a Table inside Stored procedure for storing data instead of Temp table. Is it safe under concurrency? Will it hit performance?
Adding some points taken from
Each Table must have clustered index. Tables without a clustered index are not supported.
Each connection can use single database. Multiple database in single transaction is not supported.
‘USE DATABASE’ cannot be used in Azure.
Global Temp Tables (or Temp Objects) are not supported.
As there is no concept of cross database connection, linked server is not the concept in Azure at this moment.
SQL Azure is shared environment and because of the same there is no concept of Windows Login.
Always drop TempDB objects after their need as they create pressure on TempDB.
During buck insert use batchsize option to limit the number of rows to be inserted. This will limit the usage of Transaction log space.
Avoid unnecessary usage of grouping or blocking ORDER by operations as they leads to high end memory usage.

SELECT INTO is one of the many things that you can unfortunately not perform in SQL Azure.
What you'd have to do is first create the temporary table, then perform the insert. Something like:
INSERT INTO #itemSearch

The new Azure DB Update preview has this problem resolved:
The V12 preview enables you to create a table that has no clustered
index. This feature is especially helpful for its support of the T-SQL
SELECT...INTO statement which creates a table from a query result.

Create the table using # prefix, e.g. create table #itemsearch then use insert into. The scope of the temp table is limited to the session so there will no concurrency problems.

Well, As we all know SQL Azure table must have a clustered index, that is why SELECT INTO failure copy data from one table in to another table.
If you want to migrate, you must create a table first with same structure and then execute INSERT INTO statement.
For temporary table which followed by # you don't need to create Index.
how to create index and how to execute insert into for temp table?


create dynamic temp table in sql

Is there a way to create a dynamic temp table. Below sql code is declaring a variable #tic. I am planning to insert contents from table1 to temp table #df. So instead of giving directly as #df, I am passing as a variable. But below is code is not successful. Can anyone help me here?
declare #tic as varchar(100) = 'df'
select *
into '#' + #tic from (
select * from [dbo].[table1])
select * from #df
Is there a way? Well, I think of the answer as "yes and no and maybe".
As far as I know, there is no way to do this using a local temporary table. As Stu explains in the comment, you would need dynamic SQL to define the table name and then the table would not be visible in the outer scope, because it is a local temporary table.
The "yes" is because one type of temporary table are global temporary tables. These are tables that persist across different scopes. And they are defined using ## instead of # as the prefix. So this works:
declare #tic as varchar(100) = 'df'
declare #sql nvarchar(max);
set #sql = 'select * into ##' + #tic + ' from table1';
select #sql;
exec sp_executesql #sql;
select * from ##df;
(Here is a db<>fiddle.)
The "maybe" is because I'm quite skeptical that you really need this. Dynamic table names are rarely useful in SQL systems, precisely because they depend on dynamic SQL. Introducing dynamic names into SQL (whether columns or tables) is dangerous, both because of the danger of SQL injection and also because it can introduce hard-to-debug syntax errors.
If you are trying to solve a real problem, there might be alternative approaches that are better suited to SQL Server.

dynamic sql not working . Regular sql working [duplicate]

It looks like #temptables created using dynamic SQL via the EXECUTE string method have a different scope and can't be referenced by "fixed" SQLs in the same stored procedure.
However, I can reference a temp table created by a dynamic SQL statement in a subsequence dynamic SQL but it seems that a stored procedure does not return a query result to a calling client unless the SQL is fixed.
A simple 2 table scenario:
I have 2 tables. Let's call them Orders and Items. Order has a Primary key of OrderId and Items has a Primary Key of ItemId. Items.OrderId is the foreign key to identify the parent Order. An Order can have 1 to n Items.
I want to be able to provide a very flexible "query builder" type interface to the user to allow the user to select what Items he want to see. The filter criteria can be based on fields from the Items table and/or from the parent Order table. If an Item meets the filter condition including and condition on the parent Order if one exists, the Item should be return in the query as well as the parent Order.
Usually, I suppose, most people would construct a join between the Item table and the parent Order tables. I would like to perform 2 separate queries instead. One to return all of the qualifying Items and the other to return all of the distinct parent Orders. The reason is two fold and you may or may not agree.
The first reason is that I need to query all of the columns in the parent Order table and if I did a single query to join the Orders table to the Items table, I would be repoeating the Order information multiple times. Since there are typically a large number of items per Order, I'd like to avoid this because it would result in much more data being transfered to a fat client. Instead, as mentioned, I would like to return the two tables individually in a dataset and use the two tables within to populate a custom Order and child Items client objects. (I don't know enough about LINQ or Entity Framework yet. I build my objects by hand). The second reason I would like to return two tables instead of one is because I already have another procedure that returns all of the Items for a given OrderId along with the parent Order and I would like to use the same 2-table approach so that I could reuse the client code to populate my custom Order and Client objects from the 2 datatables returned.
What I was hoping to do was this:
Construct a dynamic SQL string on the Client which joins the orders table to the Items table and filters appropriate on each table as specified by the custom filter created on the Winform fat-client app. The SQL build on the client would have looked something like this:
TempSQL = "
OrderId, ItemsId
Orders, Items
Orders.OrderID = Items.OrderId AND
/* Some unpredictable Order filters go here */
/* Some unpredictable Items filters go here */
Then, I would call a stored procedure,
CREATE PROCEDURE GetItemsAndOrders(#tempSql as text)
Execute (#tempSQL) --to create the #ItemsToQuery table
SELECT * FROM Items WHERE Items.ItemId IN (SELECT ItemId FROM #ItemsToQuery)
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Orders.OrderId IN (SELECT DISTINCT OrderId FROM #ItemsToQuery)
The problem with this approach is that #ItemsToQuery table, since it was created by dynamic SQL, is inaccessible from the following 2 static SQLs and if I change the static SQLs to dynamic, no results are passed back to the fat client.
3 around come to mind but I'm look for a better one:
1) The first SQL could be performed by executing the dynamically constructed SQL from the client. The results could then be passed as a table to a modified version of the above stored procedure. I am familiar with passing table data as XML. If I did this, the stored proc could then insert the data into a temporary table using a static SQL that, because it was created by dynamic SQL, could then be queried without issue. (I could also investigate into passing the new Table type param instead of XML.) However, I would like to avoid passing up potentially large lists to a stored procedure.
2) I could perform all the queries from the client.
The first would be something like this:
SELECT Items.* FROM Orders, Items WHERE Order.OrderId = Items.OrderId AND (dynamic filter)
SELECT Orders.* FROM Orders, Items WHERE Order.OrderId = Items.OrderId AND (dynamic filter)
This still provides me with the ability to reuse my client sided object-population code because the Orders and Items continue to be returned in two different tables.
I have a feeling to, that I might have some options using a Table data type within my stored proc, but that is also new to me and I would appreciate a little bit of spoon feeding on that one.
If you even scanned this far in what I wrote, I am surprised, but if so, I woul dappreciate any of your thoughts on how to accomplish this best.
You first need to create your table first then it will be available in the dynamic SQL.
This works:
CREATE TABLE #temp3 (id INT)
EXEC ('insert #temp3 values(1)')
FROM #temp3
This will not work:
'create table #temp2 (id int)
insert #temp2 values(1)'
FROM #temp2
In other words:
Create temp table
Execute proc
Select from temp table
Here is complete example:
CREATE PROC prTest2 #var VARCHAR(100)
EXEC (#var)
EXEC prTest2 'insert #temp values(1)'
FROM #temp
1st Method - Enclose multiple statements in the same Dynamic SQL Call:
SET #DynamicQuery = 'Select * into #temp from (select * from tablename) alias
select * from #temp
drop table #temp'
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicQuery
2nd Method - Use Global Temp Table:
(Careful, you need to take extra care of global variable.)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##temp2') IS NULL
'create table ##temp2 (id int)
insert ##temp2 values(1)'
FROM ##temp2
Don't forget to delete ##temp2 object manually once your done with it:
IF (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##temp2') IS NOT NULL)
DROP Table ##temp2
Note: Don't use this method 2 if you don't know the full structure on database.
I had the same issue that #Muflix mentioned. When you don't know the columns being returned, or they are being generated dynamically, what I've done is create a global table with a unique id, then delete it when I'm done with it, this looks something like what's shown below:
DECLARE #DynamicTable VARCHAR(255) = 'DynamicTempTable_' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(36), NEWID())
--Get "#DynamicColumns", example: SET #DynamicColumns = '[Column1], [Column2]'
SET #DynamicSQL = 'SELECT ' + #DynamicColumns + ' INTO [##' + #DynamicTable + ']' +
' FROM [dbo].[TableXYZ]'
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicSQL
SET #DynamicSQL = 'IF OBJECT_ID(''tempdb..##' + #DynamicTable + ''' , ''U'') IS NOT NULL ' +
' BEGIN DROP TABLE [##' + #DynamicTable + '] END'
EXEC sp_executesql #DynamicSQL
Certainly not the best solution, but this seems to work for me.
I would strongly suggest you have a read through
Personally I like the approach of passing a comma delimited text list, then parsing it with text to table function and joining to it. The temp table approach can work if you create it first in the connection. But it feel a bit messier.
Result sets from dynamic SQL are returned to the client. I have done this quite a lot.
You're right about issues with sharing data through temp tables and variables and things like that between the SQL and the dynamic SQL it generates.
I think in trying to get your temp table working, you have probably got some things confused, because you can definitely get data from a SP which executes dynamic SQL:
USE SandBox
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DynTest(#table_type AS VARCHAR(255))
EXEC (#sql)
EXEC usp_DynTest 'VIEW'
USE SandBox
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_DynTest(#table_type AS VARCHAR(255))
EXEC (#sql)
EXEC usp_DynTest 'VIEW'

T-SQL: Creating a temp Table/ table Variable with Flexible structure

I am working on a reporting project based in SQL but I have restricted access to the DB; I can only make SELECT Queries and insert the data I retrieve into temp Tables/table variables. I cannot create/execute stored procedures or any sort of functions.
The query I am running is meant to pool together all Engineers and the different key skills that they have so that we can later on see what Skills each engineer has or which Engineers fall under a certain skill.
To this end, I am trying to create a table variable/temp table with a flexible structure, a structure based on previously obtained values in the same query.
For E.g.
1st Output:
2nd Output (Skill separated by white space):
Create temp table/table variable that uses 1st output as rows and 2nd output as columns or vice versa. I will then populate this new table according to different values on the main DB.
Please advise how this can be done, or provide any other solution to this problem.
Thank you
I believe you can.
First of all you need to create temp table with dynamic structure based on query. It can be done like this:
declare script template:
Set #ScriptTmpl = 'Alter table #tempTable Add [?] varchar(100);
build script that will insert columns you need based on query:
Select #TableScript = #TableScript + Replace(#ScriptTmpl, '?',
ColumnName) From ... Where ...
then execute script and then fill your new table with values from second query
here is the full sample of temporary table dynamic creation. I used global temporary table in my sample:
declare #scriptTemplate nvarchar(MAX)
declare #script nvarchar(MAX)
declare #tableTemplate nvarchar(MAX)
SET #tableTemplate = 'create table ##tmptable (?)'
SET #scriptTemplate = '? nvarchar(500),'
SET #script = ''
Drop table ##tmptable
Select #script = #script + Replace(#scriptTemplate, '?', [Name])
From Account
Where name like 'ES_%'
SET #script = LEFT(#script, LEN(#script) - 1)
SET #script = Replace(#tableTemplate, '?', #script)
Select #script
Select * from ##tmptable
Firstly, you may be able to achieve what you want through pivots, rather than temporary tables.
Secondly, if you really want to create a table with column name "Adam Brad", the solution is dynamic SQL, which you may not be able to do based on your permissions.

Performance Dynamic SQL vs Temporary Tables

I'm wondering if copying an existing Table into a Temporary Table results in a worse performance compared to Dynamic SQL.
To be concrete i wonder if i should expect a different performance between the following two SQL Server stored procedures:
#Tablename VARCHAR(100)
SELECT #SQL = 'Insert into Table2 Select Sum(ValColumn) From '
+ #Tablename + ' Where ID=' + #ID
#Tablename Varachar(100)
Create Table #TempTable (ValColumn float, ID int)
SELECT #SQL = 'Select ValColumn, ID From ' + #Tablename
+ ' Where ID=' + #ID
EXEC ( #SQL );
FROM #TempTable;
DROP TABLE #TempTable;
I'm asking this since I'm currently using a Procedure build in the latter style where i create many Temporary Tables in the beginning as simple extracts of existing Tables and am afterwards working with these Temporary Tables.
Could I improve the performance of the stored procedure by getting rid of the Temporary Tables and using Dynamic SQL instead? In my opinion the Dynamic SQL Version is a lot uglier to programm - therefore i used Temporary Tables in the first place.
Table variables suffer performance problems because the query optimizer always assumes there will be exactly one row in them. If you have table variables holding > 100 rows, I'd switch them to temp tables.
Using dynamic sql with EXEC(#sql) instead of exec sp_executesql #sql will prevent the query plan from being cached, which will probably hurt performance.
However, you are using dynamic sql on both queries. The only difference is that the second query has the unnecessary step of loading to a table variable first, then loading into the final table. Go with the first stored procedure you have, but switch to sp_executesql.
In the posted query the temporary table is an extra write.
It is not going to help.
Don't just time a query look at the query plan.
If you have two queries the query plan will tell you the split.
And there is a difference between a table variable and temp table
The temp table is faster - the query optimizer does more with a temp table
A temporary table can help in a few situations
The output from a select is going to be used more than once
You materialize the output so it is only executed once
Where you see this is with a an expensive CTE that is evaluated many times
People of falsely think a CTE is just executed once - no it is just syntax
The query optimizer need help
An example
You are doing a self join on a large table with multiple conditions and some of conditions eliminate most of the rows
A query to a #temp can filter the rows and also reduce the number of join conditions
I agree with everyone else that you always need to test both... I'm putting it in an answer here so it's more clear.
If you have an index setup that is perfect for the final query, going to temp tables could be nothing but extra work.
If that's not the case, pre-filtering to a temp table may or may not be faster.
You can predict it at the extremes - if you're filtering down from a million to a dozen rows, I would bet it helps.
But otherwise it can be genuinely difficult to know without trying.
I agree with you that maintenance is also an issue and lots of dynamic sql is a maintenance cost to consider.

Drop all temporary tables for an instance

I was wondering how / if it's possible to have a query which drops all temporary tables?
I've been trying to work something out using the tempdb.sys.tables, but am struggling to format the name column to make it something that can then be dropped - another factor making things a bit trickier is that often the temp table names contain a '_' which means doing a replace becomes a bit more fiddly (for me at least!)
Is there anything I can use that will drop all temp tables (local or global) without having to drop them all individually on a named basis?
The point of temporary tables is that they are.. temporary. As soon as they go out of scope
#temp create in stored proc : stored proc exits
#temp created in session : session disconnects
##temp : session that created it disconnects
The query disappears. If you find that you need to remove temporary tables manually, you need to revisit how you are using them.
For the global ones, this will generate and execute the statement to drop them all.
declare #sql nvarchar(max)
select #sql = isnull(#sql+';', '') + 'drop table ' + quotename(name)
from tempdb..sysobjects
where name like '##%'
exec (#sql)
It is a bad idea to drop other sessions' [global] temp tables though.
For the local (to this session) temp tables, just disconnect and reconnect again.
The version below avoids all of the hassles of dealing with the '_'s. I just wanted to get rid of non-global temp tables, hence the '#[^#]%' in my WHERE clause, drop the [^#] if you want to drop global temp tables as well, or use a '##%' if you only want to drop global temp tables.
The DROP statement seems happy to take the full name with the '_', etc., so we don't need to manipulate and edit these. The OBJECT_ID(...) NOT NULL allows me to avoid tables that were not created by my session, presumably since these tables should not be 'visible' to me, they come back with NULL from this call. The QUOTENAME is needed to make sure the name is correctly quoted / escaped. If you have no temp tables, #d_sql will be the empty string still, so we check for that before printing / executing.
SET #d_sql = ''
SELECT #d_sql = #d_sql + 'DROP TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(name) + ';
FROM tempdb..sysobjects
WHERE name like '#[^#]%'
IF #d_sql <> ''
PRINT #d_sql
-- EXEC( #d_sql )
In a stored procedure they are dropped automatically when the execution of the proc completes.
I normally come across the desire for this when I copy code out of a stored procedure to debug part of it and the stored proc does not contain the drop table commands.
Closing and reopening the connection works as stated in the accepted answer. Rather than doing this manually after each execution you can enable SQLCMD mode on the Query menu in SSMS
And then use the :connect command (adjust to your server/instance name)
:connect (local)\SQL2014
create table #foo(x int)
create table #bar(x int)
select *
from #foo
Can be run multiple times without problems. The messages tab shows
Connecting to (local)\SQL2014...
(0 row(s) affected)
Disconnecting connection from (local)\SQL2014...