Select any random string from a list -

How can I select any random string from a given list of strings? Example:
List1: banana, apple, pineapple, mango, dragon-fruit
When I call some function like randomize(List1) = somevar then it will just take any string from that particular list. The result in somevar will be totally random. How can it be done? Thank you very much :)

Use Random
Dim rnd = new Random()
Dim randomFruit = List1(rnd.Next(0, List1.Count))
Note that you have to reuse the random instance if you want to execute this code in a loop. Otherwise the values would be repeating since random is initialized with the current timestamp.
So this works:
Dim rnd = new Random()
For i As Int32 = 1 To 10
Dim randomFruit = List1(rnd.Next(0, List1.Count))
since always the same random instance is used.
But this won't work:
For i As Int32 = 1 To 10
Dim rnd = new Random()
Dim randomFruit = List1(rnd.Next(0, List1.Count))

Create a List of Strings.
Create a random number generator: Random class
Call Random number generator's NextInt() method with List.Count as the upper bound.
Return List[NextInt(List.count)].
Job done :)

Generate a random number between 1 and the size of the list, and use that as an index?

Try this:
Public Function randomize(ByVal lst As ICollection) As Object
Dim rdm As New Random()
Dim auxLst As New List(Of Object)(lst)
Return auxLst(rdm.Next(0, lst.Count))
End Function
Or just for string lists:
Public Function randomize(ByVal lst As ICollection(Of String)) As String
Dim rdm As New Random()
Dim auxLst As New List(Of String)(lst)
Return auxLst(rdm.Next(0, lst.Count))
End Function

You could try this, this is a simple loop to pick every item from a list, but in a random manner:
Dim Rand As New Random
For C = 0 to LIST.Count - 1 'Replace LIST with the collection name
Dim RandomItem As STRING = LIST(Rand.Next(0, LIST.Count - 1)) 'Change the item type if needed (STRING)


Random() doesn't seem to be so random at all

Random() doesn't seem to be so random at all, it keeps repeating the pattern all the time.
How can I make this "more" random?
Dim ioFile As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:\names.txt")
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim line As Integer
While ioFile.Peek <> -1
End While
line = rnd.Next(lines.Count + 0)
This works fine for me. I changed a few things like implementing a using block, removed a redundant addition of 0, and added a loop to test 100 times out to debug. a sample of 200 that you are just "eyeballing" is not enough to say that a random sequence is "not working".
Using ioFile As New System.IO.StreamReader("C:\names.txt")
Dim lines As New List(Of String)
Dim rnd As New Random()
Dim line As Integer
While ioFile.Peek <> -1
End While
For i As Integer = 1 To 100
line = rnd.Next(lines.Count)
End Using
You don't need a stream reader to read a text file. File.ReadAllLines will return an array of lines in the file. Calling .ToList on this method gets you the desired List(Of String)
We will loop through the length of the list in a for loop. We subtract one because indexes start at zero.
To get the random index we call .Next on our instance of the Random class that was declared outside the method (a form level variable) The .Next method is inclusive of the first variable and exclusive of the second. I used a variable to store the original value of lines.Count because this value will change in the loop and it would mess with for loop if we used lines.Count -1 directly in the To portion of the For.
Once we get the random index we add that line to the TextBox and remove it from the list.
Private Sub ShuffleNames()
Dim index As Integer
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("C:\Users\xxx\Desktop\names.txt").ToList
Dim loopLimit = lines.Count - 1
For i = 0 To loopLimit
index = rnd.Next(0, lines.Count)
TextBox1.AppendText(lines(index).Trim & Environment.NewLine)
End Sub

Generating an array of random strings

I'm trying to build a static array of randomly generated strings of a specific length. I've based what I have so far from here, but each index in the array has the same string, instead of a different strings. What am I doing wrong?
Dim Target As String
Target = InputBox("Input target string")
Dim StringArray(10) As String
For i = 1 To 10
StringArray(i) = GenerateString(Len(Target))
Function GenerateString(size As Integer) As String
Dim Rnd As New Random()
Dim Builder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim Ch As Char
For i As Integer = 0 To size - 1
Ch = LegalCharacters(Rnd.Next(0, LegalCharacters.Length))
Return Builder.ToString()
End Function
This: Dim Rnd As New Random() is where the error happens.
When you instantiate a new Random(), it takes the current time as seed. Since you instantiate it again in every iteration AND all the iteration steps happen at the "same" time (in very fast succession), each Random() generates the same output.
You have to instantiate it once before the iterator and pass it in the function as argument or you could also make it a static property of the class.
TL;DR: You will have to re-use the same Random() instead of creating a new one for each iteration.
This should be the correct code:
Dim Target As String
Target = InputBox("Input target string")
Dim StringArray(10) As String
Dim Rnd As New Random()
For i = 1 To 10
StringArray(i) = GenerateString(Len(Target), Rnd)
Function GenerateString(size As Integer, Rnd as Random) As String
Dim Builder As New System.Text.StringBuilder()
Dim Ch As Char
For i As Integer = 0 To size - 1
Ch = LegalCharacters(Rnd.Next(0, LegalCharacters.Length))
Return Builder.ToString()
End Function choose multiple random items from arraylist only once

So I'm trying to make a function where I can input a arraylist and the function randomly picks X amount of items from that arraylist and outputs the result to a new arraylist. This I've got working, the problem I'm having is that after one of the items is picked by the randomize, it's still there which means that it can be picked again. Here is the code I got so far
Dim RandomGeneratorMulti As New ArrayList()
Dim resultMulti As New ArrayList()
ChooseMulti("5", RandomGeneratorMulti)
Here is the function
Function ChooseMulti(ByVal Numbers As Integer, ByVal Alist As ArrayList) As ArrayList
Dim rnd = New Random()
For i As Integer = 1 To Numbers
resultMulti.Add(Alist.Item(rnd.Next(0, Alist.Count)))
Return resultMulti
End Function
All help is much appreciated :)
You should use a List(Of String) rather than an ArrayList, but I have written the code below using ArrayList so that it's closer to the original.
You can remove the items that you pick from the list:
Function ChooseMulti(ByVal numbers As Integer, ByVal Alist As ArrayList) As ArrayList
Dim resultMulti As New ArrayList()
Dim rnd = New Random()
For i As Integer = 1 To numbers
Dim index As Integer = rnd.Next(Alist.Count)
Return resultMulti
End Function
Note: As you are returning the list from the function, you should get the return value and put in the resultMulti variable, and not change the variable from inside the function:
resultMulti = ChooseMulti(5, RandomGeneratorMulti)
Another method is to shuffle the list (using Fisher-Yates shuffle) and then take the first items:
Function ChooseMulti(ByVal numbers As Integer, ByVal Alist As ArrayList) As ArrayList
Dim resultMulti As New ArrayList()
Dim rnd = New Random()
For i As Integer = Alist.Count - 1 to 1 Step -1
Dim index = rnd.Next(i + 1)
Dim temp As String = Alist(i)
Alist(i) = Alist(index)
Alist(index) = temp
For i As Integer = 0 To numbers - 1
Return resultMulti
End Function
Yet another approach is to pick numbers from the list from start to end. That way there can't be duplicates and the original list is left unchanged, but a side effect is that the picked items have the same order as in the original list:
Function ChooseMulti(ByVal numbers As Integer, ByVal Alist As ArrayList) As ArrayList
Dim resultMulti As New ArrayList()
Dim rnd = New Random()
Dim index As Integer = 0
While numbers > 0
If rnd.Next(Alist.Count - index) < numbers Then
numbers -= 1
index += 1
Return resultMulti
End Function

How can I search an array in VB.NET?

I want to be able to effectively search an array for the contents of a string.
dim arr() as string={"ravi","Kumar","Ravi","Ramesh"}
I pass the value is "ra" and I want it to return the index of 2 and 3.
How can I do this in VB.NET?
It's not exactly clear how you want to search the array. Here are some alternatives:
Find all items containing the exact string "Ra" (returns items 2 and 3):
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(arr, Function(s) s.Contains("Ra"))
Find all items starting with the exact string "Ra" (returns items 2 and 3):
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(arr, Function(s) s.StartsWith("Ra"))
Find all items containing any case version of "ra" (returns items 0, 2 and 3):
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(arr, Function(s) s.ToLower().Contains("ra"))
Find all items starting with any case version of "ra" (retuns items 0, 2 and 3):
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(arr, Function(s) s.ToLower().StartsWith("ra"))
If you are not using VB 9+ then you don't have anonymous functions, so you have to create a named function.
Function ContainsRa(s As String) As Boolean
Return s.Contains("Ra")
End Function
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(arr, ContainsRa)
Having a function that only can compare to a specific string isn't always very useful, so to be able to specify a string to compare to you would have to put it in a class to have somewhere to store the string:
Public Class ArrayComparer
Private _compareTo As String
Public Sub New(compareTo As String)
_compareTo = compareTo
End Sub
Function Contains(s As String) As Boolean
Return s.Contains(_compareTo)
End Function
Function StartsWith(s As String) As Boolean
Return s.StartsWith(_compareTo)
End Function
End Class
Dim result As String() = Array.FindAll(arr, New ArrayComparer("Ra").Contains)
Dim inputString As String = "ra"
Enumerable.Range(0, arr.Length).Where(Function(x) arr(x).ToLower().Contains(inputString.ToLower()))
If you want an efficient search that is often repeated, first sort the array (Array.Sort) and then use Array.BinarySearch.
In case you were looking for an older version of .NET then use:
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim arr() As String = {"ravi", "Kumar", "Ravi", "Ramesh"}
Dim result As New List(Of Integer)
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Length
If arr(i).Contains("ra") Then result.Add(i)
End Sub
End Module
check this..
string[] strArray = { "ABC", "BCD", "CDE", "DEF", "EFG", "FGH", "GHI" };
Array.IndexOf(strArray, "C"); // not found, returns -1
Array.IndexOf(strArray, "CDE"); // found, returns index
compare properties in the array if one matches the input then set something to the value of the loops current position, which is also the index of the current looked up item.
simple eg.
dim x,y,z as integer
dim aNames, aIndexes as array
dim sFind as string
for x = 1 to length(aNames)
if aNames(x) = sFind then y = x
y is then the index of the item in the array, then loop could be used to store these in an array also so instead of the above you would have:
z = 1
for x = 1 to length(aNames)
if aNames(x) = sFind then
aIndexes(z) = x
z = z + 1
Dim arr() As String = {"ravi", "Kumar", "Ravi", "Ramesh"}
Dim result = arr.Where(Function(a) a.Contains("ra")).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray()
string[] arr = { "ravi", "Kumar", "Ravi", "Ramesh" };
var result = arr.Where(a => a.Contains("Ra")).Select(a => Array.IndexOf(arr, a)).ToArray();
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim arr() As String = {"ravi", "Kumar", "Ravi", "Ramesh"}
Dim searchStr = "ra"
'Not case sensitive - checks if item starts with searchStr
Dim result1 = arr.Where(Function(a) a.ToLower.StartsWith(searchStr)).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray
'Case sensitive - checks if item starts with searchStr
Dim result2 = arr.Where(Function(a) a.StartsWith(searchStr)).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray
'Not case sensitive - checks if item contains searchStr
Dim result3 = arr.Where(Function(a) a.ToLower.Contains(searchStr)).Select(Function(s) Array.IndexOf(arr, s)).ToArray
End Sub
End Module
Never use .ToLower and .ToUpper.
I just had problems in Turkey where there are 4 "i" letters. When using ToUpper I got the wrong "Ì" one and it fails.
Use invariant string comparisons:
Const LNK as String = "LINK"
Dim myString = "Link"
If myString.ToUpper = LNK Then...
Good and works in the entire world:
If String.Equals(myString, LNK , StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) Then...
This would do the trick, returning the values at indeces 0, 2 and 3.
Array.FindAll(arr, Function(s) s.ToLower().StartsWith("ra"))

Is there an easy way to randomize a list in VB.NET?

I have a list of type System.IO.FileInfo, and I would like to randomize the list. I thought I remember seeing something like list.randomize() a little while back but I cannot find where I may have seen that.
My first foray into this yielded me with this function:
Private Shared Sub GetRandom(ByVal oMax As Integer, ByRef currentVals As List(Of Integer))
Dim oRand As New Random(Now.Millisecond)
Dim oTemp As Integer = -1
Do Until currentVals.Count = IMG_COUNT
oTemp = oRand.Next(1, oMax)
If Not currentVals.Contains(oTemp) Then currentVals.Add(oTemp)
End Sub
I send it the max val I want it to iterate up to, and a reference to the list I want the randomized content in. The variable IMG_COUNT is set farther up in the script, designating how many random images I want displayed.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it :D
Check out the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm here:
with a more concise discussion by this site's chief overlord here:
There is a simple C# implementation in the blog entry that should be real easy to change to VB.NET
I've extended the List class with the following Randomize() function to use the Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm:
''' <summary>
''' Randomizes the contents of the list using Fisher–Yates shuffle (a.k.a. Knuth shuffle).
''' </summary>
''' <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
''' <param name="list"></param>
''' <returns>Randomized result</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Function Randomize(Of T)(ByVal list As List(Of T)) As List(Of T)
Dim rand As New Random()
Dim temp As T
Dim indexRand As Integer
Dim indexLast As Integer = list.Count - 1
For index As Integer = 0 To indexLast
indexRand = rand.Next(index, indexLast)
temp = list(indexRand)
list(indexRand) = list(index)
list(index) = temp
Next index
Return list
End Function
Build a Comparer:
Public Class Randomizer(Of T)
Implements IComparer(Of T)
''// Ensures different instances are sorted in different orders
Private Shared Salter As New Random() ''// only as random as your seed
Private Salt As Integer
Public Sub New()
Salt = Salter.Next(Integer.MinValue, Integer.MaxValue)
End Sub
Private Shared sha As New SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()
Private Function HashNSalt(ByVal x As Integer) As Integer
Dim b() As Byte = sha.ComputeHash(BitConverter.GetBytes(x))
Dim r As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 0 To b.Length - 1 Step 4
r = r Xor BitConverter.ToInt32(b, i)
Return r Xor Salt
End Function
Public Function Compare(x As T, y As T) As Integer _
Implements IComparer(Of T).Compare
Return HashNSalt(x.GetHashCode()).CompareTo(HashNSalt(y.GetHashCode()))
End Function
End Class
Use it like this, assuming you mean a generic List(Of FileInfo):
list.Sort(New Randomizer(Of IO.FileInfo)())
You can also use a closure to make the random value 'sticky' and then just use linq's .OrderBy() on that (C# this time, because the VB lambda syntax is ugly):
list = list.OrderBy(a => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList();
Explained here, along with why it might not even be as fast as real shuffle:
There are several reasonable methods of shuffling.
One has already been mentioned. (The Knuth Shuffle.)
Another method would be to assign a "weight" to each element and sort the list according to that "weight." This method is possible but would be unweildy because you cannot inherit from FileInfo.
One final method would be to randomly select an element in the original list and add it to a new list. Of course, that is, if you don't mind creating a new list. (Haven't tested this code...)
Dim rnd As New Random
Dim lstOriginal As New List(Of FileInfo)
Dim lstNew As New List(Of FileInfo)
While lstOriginal.Count > 0
Dim idx As Integer = rnd.Next(0, lstOriginal.Count - 1)
End While
You could also implement a shuffle, many ways to do this, the simplest is randomly pick a item and insert it into a new location a bunch of times.
If you have the number of elements then a pseudo-random method can be used whereby you choose the first element at random (e.g. using the inbuilt random number function) then add a prime and take the remainder after division by the number of values. e.g. for a list of 10 you could do i = (i + prime) % 10 to generated indices i from some starting value. As long as the prime is greater than the number of values in the list then you create a sequence which runs through all of the numbers 0...n where n is the number of values - 1, but in a pseudorandom order.
Dim oRand As New Random() 'do not seed!!!!
Private Sub GetRandom(ByRef currentVals As List(Of Integer))
Dim i As New List(Of Integer), j As Integer
For x As Integer = 0 To currentVals.Count - 1
j = oRand.Next(0, currentVals.Count)
currentVals = i
End Sub
You could create custom comparer that just returns a random number, then sort the list using this comparer. It could be horribly inefficient and cause an almost infinite loop, but might be worth a try.