Fixed address bar url zend framework app - apache

So first of, hi,
I have probably a simple issue but I'm not expert enough to figure out what the problem is.
I just deployed a zend framework application on a debian server. I have dotster as registrar and another provider for the dedicated server. The problem is about the domain mapping and the urls when navigating from page to page within the app.
Basically when I use the server ip, like to reach the app, the url works just fine and displays well in the address bar like for example. But when I use the url this stays fixed. Did I mess up with dotster config or Apache rewrite rule?
I must say I don't really get how to configure things properly on the dotster side...
Thanks a lot anyway


Reaching website through IIS from an other computer

I think I'm almost done with this problem but there is something off. Perhaps you guys can help me out.
I've created a website which I can reach through C:\inetpub\wwwroot\KLABrowser\publish.htm.
I've created a website through IIS called KLABrowser. The http binding is listed on port 1111, with * as IP adress.
When going to http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:1111/KLABrowser/publish.htm, I get a Cannot find page error. When I go to http://xxx.xx.xx.xx/KLABrowser/publish.htm, I get a blank page but no error. When I hit the first link (the psychical path), I get to see the website.
What am I missing? What should I configure so that I can reach the website through my IP on an other computer in the local network?
This answer provided the solution.
You must specifically choose "Static Content" under Common HTTP Features in the same Add/Remove Windows Features list to show the page.

Path problems with running a sub application (umbraco) inside my MVC4 web application

I have this MVC4 web application, I run it locally at mySite.local/. I created an application in IIS 7, mapping to mySite.local/corporateSite/. I point that application to an Umbraco (CMS) installation I have locally.
This works pretty well.
I have these UI images and .css files that were in my corporate site and were linked-to by absolute urls (Examples: /css/myCss.css, /media/ui/myFunLogo.png, etc.).
Now this "/" root has changed, if I want my css and images to work, I have to use /corporateSite/cssmyCss.css... this is logical.
How can I change my configuration or sites setup or code so that I don't have to write that whenever I'm linking to a file like that. Should I use rewrite rules to prepend the application url?
How to people integrate these elements normally ? I know a lot go through subdomains, but this would not be ideal for us at the moment.
Thanks for the help!
(I think my question is related to this one how to integrate umbraco with mvc4 but in some different aspects. And the answers are not good for me.)
In umbracoSettings.config, there is a setting for "ResolveUrlsFromTextString".
Setting it to true should tell Umbraco to add the virtual directory name to links and images.

"Hack" in to localhost root directory from a VM web app

I have apache VM web app running locally. It's red hat.
It's PHP based but the main page is index.html. I am able to to into sub-directories for images and such, I wanted to know if it is possible for me to gain access to the directories that contain the php code, probably just one level above the images directory. Because of index.html, it forces the load, and I am unable to see server files.
Yes there used to be a trick called dot-dot-traversal that could do this. Basically you put two dots into a URL and climb above the web root. Something like . Occasionally a new way to exploit the vulnerability is discovered, but mostly it is rare. Unless you're running an old server, you should be pretty safe.

IIS7 (Windows) Authentication -- Cannot figure out why new website errors 401

I am trying to make a new website on an IIS server, of which has websites that are using Windows Authentication just fine. However, for the life of me, I cannot figure out why my new website refuses access (401.2)
Basically, I create a new website and add a single .html file ("Hello, World"). I can access it just fine. But turn off Anonymous, leaving on Windows Authentication, I get prompted for ID/PWD, ending always a 401.2
So, I decided to make a new website as a copy of the existing working website on the same webserver. I've even gone and made the new website share the same App Pool and the same Physical Path. This way, as far as I can tell, the only possible differences between the two websites is now the IIS configuration of the two sites. Still can't authenticate.
I've switched the bindings, doesn't help.
I've even compared the settings in applicationHost.config, making sure they're equal.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I've used this article several times for problems like these with some success: Hope it helps!
I was advised to try running iisreset from the command line. This turns out to be what I needed all along. Seems some configuration changes do not get applied properly, even when restarting the particular website, until IIS itself is restarted.

Apache not loading CSS files on remote browsers but works on localhost

I have an ubuntu installation on my laptop i use for web app development. When i type in http://localhost/blah.php i see my php web page as i normally would with all css style loaded and rendering fine.
When i try to connect to this same apache server from a remote machine by typing in the IP address the page loads but without any css styling at all. I also get the same problem trying to connect to the apache server from a virtual machine on the same box. I would like to get this working so i can test my web apps in IE but obviously css not loading is a problem. Any tips ?
Look into your source code and look how your style sheets are referenced.
If you have references to http://localhost/mystylesheet.css, that's your problem right there.
If that doesn't help, try to access a style sheet directly (enter the address in the browser) and tell us what happens. Also post the URL you are using. The head of the HTML document you are calling would also be helpful.