iAD best practices for shared AdBannerView's and animated transitions - objective-c

I have a global ADBannerView that I show on most of my top-level Views. When each view loads, it does a -removeFromSuper on the adBanner, then adds it as a subview.
However, when animating from one top-level view to another, this causes the ad to suddenly disappear from the departing view before the transition starts.
I've tried using viewWillAppear/Disappear as well, but in each case, they don't seem to get called at an appropriate time to remove/add the banner.
I assume it's a very bad thing to have the ADBannerView's view belong to subviews on two different top-level Viewsat the same time.
The only other thing that comes to mind is animating away the ad before the transition occurs; another animation in the queue would be a bit of a pain, though, and seems like a misguided solution.
Is there any other reasonably simple and elegant way to share an ad banner between top-level Views where transitions are involved?


How come my uitextfield(s) keeps being disabled after model?

I made an app for my wife to track inventory. it has a couple of view controllers to enter a new item, display all items, search items, and display selected item. After switching through each view a couple of times (no particular order) all of the textfields become disabled (you cannot select them to change the value) across ALL of the view controllers. The buttons still work however. I have it setup so that when the user enters info into a particular cell, it saves it into memory so that if they switch views and then come back, the cells will get the data in the viewdidload method. Please Help!
*edit - I am using storyboard with a bunch of segues (i'm new to programming and self taught, so idk if this is the right way or not)... here is a pic of my storyboard
Ok, with a look at your storyboard, I think I see your problem. If your storyboard looks like somebody spilled spaghetti on it, it's not designed correctly. Specifically, it looks like you're going "backwards" (to controllers you've already been to) using segues -- that's not good. SEGUES ALWAYS INSTANTIATE NEW CONTROLLERS! So, if you go around in a circle a few times, you're adding more and more controllers to your project. To go backwards using segues, you need to use an unwind segue -- it's the only one that is an exception to the rule that segues always instantiate new controllers. The other ways to go backwards, without segues, are popping with navigation controllers, and dismissing modal controllers.
I can't really diagnose your immediate problem without a lot more information, but redesigning the storyboard using unwind segues would probably fix your problem.

layoutSubviews being called repeatedly on ios6 after CATransaction

I inherited an overly complicated project (so I don't know all of the inner workings), and I'm running into a bug. Certain parts of my app have some long animations done with CATransaction, and it seems to be causing layoutSubviews to be called repeatedly while the animations are active. This doesn't happen on ios5 and everything looks correct, but on ios6 it gets called nonstop and interferes with a lot of the layout of the view. The stack trace is all hidden/grayed out, but it does seem to begin with CA::Transaction::commit()
Did anything with CATransaction change between ios versions to cause something like this?
See this post: UIView/CALayer: Transform triggers layoutSubviews in superview
Apple answered me via TSI:
why am I seeing this behavior?
is this inconsistency or am I misunderstanding some core concepts?
A view will be flagged for layout whenever the system feels something has changed that requires the view to re-calculate the frames of its subviews. This may occur more often than you'd expect and exactly when the system chooses to flag a view as requiring layout is an implementation detail.
why does it cascade upwards the view hierarchy?
Generally, changing a geometric property of a view (or layer) will trigger a cascade of layout invalidations up the view hierarchy because parent views may have Auto Layout constraints involving the modified child. Note that Auto Layout is active in some form regardless of whether you have explicitly enabled it.
how can I avoid superview to layoutSubviews every time I'm changing transform?
There is no way to bypass this behavior. It's part of UIKit's internal bookkeeping that is required to keep the view hierarchy consistent.
Sounds like an Autolayout issue. Does the view or any of its subviews use Autolayout? Autolayout is nice but doesn't seem very fast and efficient so may cause issues when animating.
Of course it may be necessary for the subviews to be layed out each step in the animation if the size one shape of the view is changing in a way that affects subview placement or size. Consider the animation and what effects it has.

Can I build UIView elements on a separate thread?

I have an app that has to load and render a fair amount of content onto screen (mostly loading from a database).
I won't post all the code here but in effect it simply builds up a set of UIView objects that are added to a UIScrollView object. Nothing too complicated, just loaded quite a lot of stuff. This currently takes a second or so render everything (running on the main thread).
I want to show an activity indicator whilst the loading is happening, and I think the best way to do this is to have the method that takes a long time happen on a background thread and "report back" when it is complete.
The question is this. I know all the actual drawing is done by the main thread, so is it possible to create a new thread and have that build up a set of UIView objects that are then drawn on screen?
there is a great WWDC2012 session video, that deals exactly with your use case:
WWDC2012 Building Concurrent User Interfaces in iOS
Basically the trick is to prepare and draw the views on another queue and ship it over to the main queue.
You are correct. All the UI work should be done on the main thread. In your case I would suggest you to add the UIView object which are visible to the scrollview and add rest of them only when scrollview starts moving to that point. You can keep on adding views once they are about to be visible and remove any views which are not needed from the scrollview. This normally helps in better memory management.

What's the best way to programmatically add and remove views and their controllers?

I'd love to see a detailed explanation on how to manage views programmatically. I'll provide an overview of how I'm doing it now and would like either comments on how my approach sucks or just an overview of how to do it cleanly and properly.
Basically, in my app's main view controller's loadView method, I first create a root view and set self.view to it. When I want to attach a controller, say, the first one that displays, I call this method:
-(void) attachViewForController:(UIViewController*)controller
[self.mRootView addSubview:controller.view];
[controller viewWillAppear:NO];
Notice that I explicitly call viewWillAppear (I believe it wasn't automatically calling it), where I manually perform any animations to bring the view in (sliding in, fading in, etc). Is there anything wrong or strange with this approach here?
Now, when I want to leave this view and switch to another, I call a method to setup the switch:
-(void) setControllerSwitch:(UIViewController*)outgoingController
self.mOutgoingController = outgoingController;
self.mIncomingController = incomingController;
self.mSwitchControllerTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:delay target:self selector:#selector(switchControllerCallback) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
At this moment in time, I've begun the exit animations for the outgoing view, and this method records the controllers and schedules a method that will perform the actual switch at the moment the outgoing view is done animating. Like this:
-(void) switchControllerCallback
self.mSwitchControllerTimer = nil;
// remove outgoing view
[mOutgoingController.view removeFromSuperview];
// add incoming view
[self attachViewForController:mIncomingController];
Is this a decent way to manage things? A few points:
I know I could probably instead setup a callback to trigger when the outgoing controllers animations end, but chose to just do it via an explicit delay param to leave room to allow me to cross fade views. However, I think calling setControllerSwitch early may in fact not allow crossfading because it would junk the old controller early and make it chop off its animation.
As mentioned earlier, I'm curious to know if explicitly calling viewWillAppear is a no no and there is a more appropriate way to manage view flow.
Copied from Apple developer documentation but it help me lot to understand about views and maneging multiple views.
Tips for Using Views Effectively
Custom views are useful for situations where you need to draw something the standard system views do not provide, but it is your responsibility to ensure that the performance of your views is good enough. UIKit does everything it can to optimize view-related behaviors and help you achieve good performance in your custom views. However, you can help UIKit in this aspect by considering the following tips.
Views Do Not Always Have a Corresponding View Controller
There is rarely a one-to-one relationship between individual views and view controllers in your application. The job of a view controller is to manage a view hierarchy, which often consists of more than one view used to implement some self-contained feature. For iPhone applications, each view hierarchy typically fills the entire screen, although for iPad applications a view hierarchy may fill only part of the screen.
As you design your application’s user interface, it is important to consider the role that view controllers will play. View controllers provide a lot of important behaviors, such as coordinating the presentation of views on the screen, coordinating the removal of those views from the screen, releasing memory in response to low-memory warnings, and rotating views in response to interface orientation changes. Circumventing these behaviors could cause your application to behave incorrectly or in unexpected ways.
For more information view controllers and their role in applications, see View Controller Programming Guide for iOS.
Minimize Custom Drawing
Although custom drawing is necessary at times, it is also something you should avoid whenever possible. The only time you should truly do any custom drawing is when the existing system view classes do not provide the appearance or capabilities that you need. Any time your content can be assembled with a combination of existing views, your best bet is to combine those view objects into a custom view hierarchy.
Take Advantage of Content Modes
Content modes minimize the amount of time spent redrawing your views. By default, views use the UIViewContentModeScaleToFill content mode, which scales the view’s existing contents to fit the view’s frame rectangle. You can change this mode as needed to adjust your content differently, but you should avoid using the UIViewContentModeRedraw content mode if you can. Regardless of which content mode is in effect, you can always force your view to redraw its contents by calling setNeedsDisplay or setNeedsDisplayInRect:.
Declare Views as Opaque Whenever Possible
UIKit uses the opaque property of each view to determine whether the view can optimize compositing operations. Setting the value of this property to YES for a custom view tells UIKit that it does not need to render any content behind your view. Less rendering can lead to increased performance for your drawing code and is generally encouraged. Of course, if you set the opaque property to YES, your view must fills its bounds rectangle completely with fully opaque content.
Adjust Your View’s Drawing Behavior When Scrolling
Scrolling can incur numerous view updates in a short amount of time. If your view’s drawing code is not tuned appropriately, scrolling performance for your view could be sluggish. Rather than trying to ensure that your view’s content is pristine at all times, consider changing your view’s behavior when a scrolling operation begins. For example, you can reduce the quality of your rendered content temporarily or change the content mode while a scroll is in progress. When scrolling stops, you can then return your view to its previous state and update the contents as needed.
Do Not Customize Controls by Embedding Subviews
Although it is technically possible to add subviews to the standard system controls—objects that inherit from UIControl—you should never customize them in this way. Controls that support customizations do so through explicit and well-documented interfaces in the control class itself. For example, the UIButton class contains methods for setting the title and background images for the button. Using the defined customization points means that your code will always work correctly. Circumventing these methods, by embedding a custom image view or label inside the button, might cause your application to behave incorrectly now or at some point in the future if the button’s implementation changes.

Are modal view controllers the preferred way to replace the entire interface on an iPad?

Specifically, I have something like a game, with a menu screen made out of standard components. I want a button to switch to another view controller that the user will interact with for a while, then return to the menu screen. It seems like having the menu controller present the 'game' mode as a modal view controller is the most straightforward solution, but is this the best way to essentially replace the entire view? Is the whole menu (which may later become a deep nav or split controller) kept in memory as long as the modal controller is in front, and is this something I should bother to worry about?
There are really two parts to this question:
Which method of transitioning from one view to the next in an iPad application provides the best experience to the user?
Which method of transitioning from one view to the next is easiest to implement and best handles memory management?
I'm not going to try to address the first part of this question other than to point you to Apple's 'iPad Human Interface Guidelines' which says (among other things):
Reduce Full-Screen Transitions
Closely associate visual transitions with the content that’s changing. Instead of swapping in a whole new screen when some embedded information changes, try to update only the areas of the user interface that need it. As a general rule, prefer transitioning individual views and objects, not the screen. In most cases, flipping the entire screen is not recommended.
When you perform fewer full-screen transitions, your application has greater visual stability, which helps people keep track of where they are in their task. You can use UI elements such as split view and popover to lessen the need for full-screen transitions.
However, in your case I'd have thought a full-screen transition is entirely appropriate (but then I'm not a user experience expert).
In answer to the second part, yes displaying a new view controller modally seems like a good approach to take.
By default both the objects used by the menu view and those used by the modal view will be kept in memory - but the great thing about using UIViewController sub-classes is that they've got some default memory management built-in. If your application receives a memory warning whilst the modal view is being presented in full-screen mode, the menu view controller's views will be removed and it's 'viewDidUnload' method will be called. So in your implementation of this method you should release any objects you don't need and then recreate them as needed in the menu view controller's viewDidLoad method (which will be called again before the menu view is shown).
This is explained in more detail in the UIViewController class reference:
When a low-memory warning occurs, the UIViewController class purges its views if it knows it can reload or recreate them again later. If this happens, it also calls the viewDidUnload method to give your code a chance to relinquish ownership of any objects that are associated with your view hierarchy, including objects loaded with the nib file, objects created in your viewDidLoad method, and objects created lazily at runtime and added to the view hierarchy. Typically, if your view controller contains outlets (properties or raw variables that contain the IBOutlet keyword), you should use the viewDidUnload method to relinquish ownership of those outlets or any other view-related data that you no longer need.