Move UIScrollView so UIButton is fully shown - objective-c

I have 6 UIButton controls placed inside a UIScrollView.
The buttons are horizontally aligned, but there is only room for 3.5 of them to be visible at a time.
What I want to happen is when I touch the half visible button - for the UIScrollView to move its content so that the touched button will be fully visible (like how the filters bar works in Instagram).

- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender{
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:sender.frame animated:YES];
//your code
Add action to button.


UIView in UITableView disappear when becomes firstResponder

In storyboard I have a UITableViewController-->UITableView-->UITableViewSecion--> with static cells
in the same UITableView I also have a UIView that holds a background image and UITextView.
A click on a button shows the UIView and set it's frame, which appears OK, but as soon as I click on the UITextView or make it firstResponder programmatically the keyboard appears and the view disappears
the code when clicking the button
self.myView.frame = CGRectMake(0, self.tableView.contentOffset.y+100, self.tableView.frame.size.width, self.tableView.frame.size.height-100);
self.myView.hidden = NO;
how can I fix this?
Can you copy paste us the code where you add the view to the tableview? Are you doing it with constraints or with frames?
The issue you are having is probably due to the fact the UITableViewControllers automatically shrink the contentSize of the UITableView they hold when the keyboard shows. If you add a UIView to your tableView with addSubview: programmatically, you might need to add a flexible bottom resize mask to make sure when the contentSize shrinks in height, your view stays attached to the top and not the bottom.
Try this on viewDidLoad:
[theViewYouAddedToTableView setAutoresizingMask:UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleBottomMargin];

making buttons change size along when zoom

I have a UIScrollView, with a UIImageView and UIButton inside of it.
I was reading in the answers here that if I have a single view that contains all of my zoomable content, then I should be fine. The problem is that the button doesn't zoom when the image does.
I thought that what I have would work, since the Scroll View is the zoomable view.
Do I need to create another UIView and put everything in there (and keep the same hierarchy?) ?
Have you checked your Springs and Struts? Look in the size inspector under "autosizing". Those little red lines.. if that doesn't make sense, search for 'auto layout'.
I ended up fixing this by declaring the button in code, and added a UView into the hiearchy. The uiview is a subview of the scroll view, and the imageview is a subview of the uiview. I then added the buttons to the uiview.
UIButton *button = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect];
[view addSubview:button];

I would like to implement a half UITableView half MapView UIView with a button in the middle

Well, this is what I want to do in my app: I would like to implment a UIView with a map on the top half of the screen and a tableview on the other half with two buttons in the middle. If I press one of the buttons the map will get fullscreen and if I press the other one the tableView will fit all the screen.
Any suggestion?
In one view controller like a UINavigationController create an MKMapView with a frame the size of the top half of the view and add it as subview of your view controller. Then I would create a UIToolbar to hold your buttons and make the top of it's frame line up with bottom of the MKMapView. Finally create a UITableView with it's frame just below the others (make sure you hook up it's delegates).
Then assign the target of your UIBarButtonItem that makes the map go fullscreen to a method that animates the frames of all three views like this:
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.24
animations:(void (^)(void)) ^{
self.toolbar.frame = CGRectMake(0, MAP_HEIGHT_FULLSCREEN, 320, TOOLBAR_HEIGHT);
self.mapView.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,320,MAP_HEIGHT_FULLSCREEN);
completion:^ (BOOL finished){}
Create both views how you are planning, On one button click, change the frame of one view to fit the full screen, if you click the other button, do the same thing to the other view.

Releasing invisible buttons with images in UIScrollView

I have main UIScrollView with lots off buttons which i create like this:
UIButton *myButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]
every button have an image:
UIImage *fileImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"sun.png"];
[myButton setBackgroundImage:fileImage forState:UIControlStateNormal];
Buttons count could be more than 500. So i need to remove from UIscrollView invisible buttons with images to save memory ?
I believe in this method i need to calculate when UIscrollview is stopped scrolling and for example 20 images are invisible, then i need to remove them and reduce scroller contentOffset.
-(void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
float bottomEdge = scrollView.contentOffset.y + scrollView.frame.size.height;
Maybe some one could give me tips on this. Or even have a good bookmarked tutorial.
I created a similar thing to this using UIViews in a UIScrollView. When the UIScrollView loads, I set the contentView size of the scrollView to be the size of all the views but only loaded the views that can be seen, then when the user scrolls i added the previous/next views and removed the hidden views.
This question helped me: How to implement UIScrollView with 1000+ subviews? especially akosma's answer

Present UIView modally that nots full screen

I have a view 200 x 150 px which i would like to present on the tap of a button. If i use addSubview: then the view shows up in the correct position, but i can still tap other buttons on the superview, which is behaviour i don't want.
If i use presentModalViewController then the view takes up the whole screen, which is what i don't want either... this happens even if i set wantsFullScreenLayout to NO.
How can i present the view so that the user can only interact with controls on the presented view?
Make the view the size of the screen (taking the status bar into account). That view should have a translucent background color (or clear). Have the 200x150 view be on the bottom of that view to have the appearance of a UIActionSheet, where the background dims and the user cannot interact with other elements on the screen.
Then, you can use presentModalViewController to present the view.
In the view controller's .m file, define awakeFromNib:
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];