How to setup private/public keys and certificates for HTTPS server? - ssl

I working to develop small HTTPS server that will be included in my android application. And the client will be browser. User can browse to the contain that I have on my HTTPS server. Can someone tell me what kind of setup do I need as far as the certificate and private/public keys are concerned. I am planning to use openssl to create my self-signed certificate.
FYI, I have initial setup done. And since my certificate is self-signed, browser displays warning to accept it on your own risk. So I believe server authentication is working. What do I need for server to authenticate the client ?

The problem with hosting an HTTPS webserver on an android device is that the certificates are validated using a domain name. Without a domain name the client browser will display an error unless the server certificate is installed and trusted locally.
The two options are:
Register a domain name, use dynamic dns, and then request an ssl/tls certificate based on that name.
Installing self-signed certificate programmatically
There is an Android library that supports https:


Does using a SSL certificate for an API server require a domain?

I'm using a React frontend application on a domain with a valid SSL certificate, which makes calls to a Django backend application on a VPS (Ubuntu 20.04, apache2), which doesn't have a domain name registered (instead the calls are being made using the IP of the server). The server doesn't yet have a valid SSL certificate which prevents the React app from receiving the resources. Self-signed won't work since it's then not valid in the browser (I might be wrong here).
Do I also need to register a domain name for the backend API server for the SSL certificate to be valid or can I just buy an SSL certificate and work from there?
To even get an SSL certificate back from the vendor, you need a fqdn (fully qualified domain name). That information is used to sign and create the certificate request. Your webserver won't even properly encrypt until you have valid signed certificate for the server in question. You can expand the number of hosts that a certificate will serve by buying a wildcard certificate (* vs
If your back end server is on some cloud or hosted service, you can use self signed certificates but you would have to disable "strictness" in your front end. If you're at any time performing financial transactions this is not advisable.
If you're making axios calls, here's a pretty good article on disabling https strictness (
Your vendor for the VPS might have some helpful information on how to harden up the server.
If this is not how you'll be doing this in production and the setup you describe is for testing only, then probably you want to use the environment to set a variable indicating 'strict' or 'test' and switch your calls accordingly. That way, a relaxed setup will work in test or in your sanbox, but production would use a properly configured host with a valid certificate.

How to Enable SSL Certificate for my website?

I am new here.
My website is LifelineFoundations and I haven't enabled SSL for this website.
Would someone please help me out and tell me the information regarding how to enable SSL certificate for my website, and in case if I won't enable it what would be the penalties I have to face?
An SSL certificate works to create an encrypted connection between your visitor’s browser and the server.
To enable SSL Certificate for your Website follow below steps :
Host with a dedicated IP address
Buy a certificate
Activate the certificate
Install the certificate
Update your site to use HTTPS
If you have hosted you site with some Domain Providers like GoDaddy, they provide a detailed list of instructions for installing SSL.
However if you have your own dedicated host with a web server installed, you need to generate CSR depending upon the operating system and have to make entry in the web servers. The instructions for the various web servers and operating system is mentioned here by DigiCert.
Regarding the impact if we don't go for SSL Certificate :
Mostly all the web browsers mark your website as not secure which creates a bad impact when a visitor is browsing your website
All the password and credentials would not be secure if entered through a non HTTPS Channel
All the form data and sensitive information would be critical and vulnerable if you are not using TLS( connection used when SSL certificate is installed ).

Is it possible to run an IIS Express instance with a recognised SSL certificate?

I'm having an issue with my development where I am trying to implement OAuth authentication in my app. In order to get this to work I have to set up my .net core app to run with SSL certificates. These certificates are generated automatically and trusted, so far so good.
The issue arises where I try to use a phone client on these sites. Obviously the device doesn't have the certificate installed, and installing the certificate on the device makes little difference (the certificate provided by the dotnet tool doesn't have a CA attribute or something? So I can't physically trust the certificate on an iOS device).
From where I'm standing, it would make more sense to just use a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate on IIS Express, have the certificate provided by a recognised authority, but it seems that I can't do that for localhost. I think this is because the Let's Encrypt ACME bot can't connect to my local development instance which makes sense.
Is there any way to have a recognised development certificate (when I say recognised, I mean something like Let's Encrypt) in use for IIS express or local development? Or do I have to use a self signed certificate and find some way to install them on my testing devices?
I think you need 2 steps to achieve it.
Configure your IIS Express to use a custom domain name rather than localhost. This custom domain name is the one that you have SSL certificate for. Check here for how to do it.
Bind the Let's Encrypt certificate to IIS Express. This blog post uses a self signed cert, but in theory it should also work for Let's Encrypt cert.

Websocket server with Self-Signed certificates in intranet application

I have an intranet application that runs over https and it needs to access a websocket sever that needs to runs over wss because chrome mixed content security. Both applications use self-signed certificates but is not possible to access the websocket server because chrome doesn't trust in self-signed certificate unless user authorize. So, cause of that the connection fails. Is there a way to have a valid certificate to use in intranet application? Or is there another way to solve this problem?
You can generate a certificate for with a public DNS that doesn't point to the real websocket server, and then copy that certificate in the real server.
Of course, your internal DNS resolver must point to the real websocket server

How to keep the SSL server certificate for verification in Cloud Foundry/Heroku?

I am developing an app to run in Cloud Foundry.
The app makes constant connections to a web service using https protocol.
The web service uses a pair of self-signed certificate created by openssl.
As there is no DNS setup, I am using IP address as the Common Name(CN) in the ssl certificate.
However, the web service IP address varies from time to time. The ssl certificate has to be re-generated each time.
In order for the app to connect, it needs to trust the SSL certificate so I have been packaging the public key for the web service’s SSL cert as a file with my app.
The problem is that I have to re-upload the app to Cloud Foundry once the public key of the SSL cert changes.
Here are some possible solutions:
Register a host name in DNS. In that case, the certificate is only bound to host name. (Might not be possible cos of the budget. )
Create a private CA and issue certificates from the CA, then install the CA as the trusted CA on the client. It is feasible and a common way for internal services. However, what if the app is pushed to the CF? How can we configure the node for the certs?
Disable the SSL server authentication. Not sure whether it would put the app at risk if the authentication is skipped. For the time being, the app pulls data from the web service.
I've been thinking of keeping the public key in the database. In that case, I don't need to re-upload the app to make it take effect. But I am not sure whether it is a safe way.
I am seeking for a common and safe way to keep the SSL server cert in a Cloud Foundry env. Are any of the above solutions viable? If not, is there any other CF preferred ways?
Thank you
This is a bit old, but in case this helps...
Did you try to generate your server SSL certificate with whatever hostname (even "localhost"). As you are uploading this certificate in your application (i.e. to "blindly" trust it), I think that it could work and this would avoid dependencies with your IP address.