Can Windows Store Apps utilize a second monitor? - windows-8

Looking to migrate my application to Windows 8 as a side-loaded LOB app but I inherently require 2 monitors. One for full-screen 1080p video and one for touch-input. Is this possible? Thank you.

Just to update the answer to this question.
As of Windows 8.1 RTM you can now run metro apps on multiple monitors simultaneously.

Windows Store apps do not support running on more than one monitor, no.
When you launch a Windows Store app, it will appear on whichever monitor shows the Start Screen when the Windows key is pressed. The end user can change this, if desired, using the Win+PgUp or Win+PgDn shortcut keys.


Windows 10 IoT disable update

I would like to disable Windows 10 IoT update. I am using Rpi2 and 3. My app is running as default and I am using it for remote control of electronic devices. When the IoT is updating, app is not working and I need to have my app avalaible 24/7. Do you know how to do it?
The answer is simple. You have to stop and disable the update service. Both is done by PS script that is on this website
Go to control panel -> administrative tools -> services
try to find windows update
double click on it select disable
if you don't understand watch this video

Windows 8 metro apps array

I need to switch between metro apps backwards and forwards. Is there a way to get an array of metro apps or the number of metro apps running?
I am making a desktop app!
No, your app doesnt know what other apps are running. This is also a security feature and by design.
If all apps are made by you, you could use URI protocols (Can I open a Windows 8 application with a URL?) to make the apps call each other. But this is not really "switching", it's a protocol activation which starts an app if it's not already running. As far as I know, this is the only way of making one Windows 8 app call another Windows 8 app (except for other (unsuitable) activations such as file activation).

Windows-8 browse url,local storage

I have searched around a lot but have not found much of anything in regards to local storage for Windows 8, Windows RT, and Windows Phone apps.
I want to display the browser on a page surf and search webpages. When I find the specified webpage, I want to store the url on a local storage of the device.
On another page, I want to display the URLs in a list for fast select and direct surf to the url. I am developing with visual studio 2012 and
Local storage options for Windows Store apps is pretty well covered in the dev center topic Accessing app data with the Windows Runtime
In Windows 8 (Windows Store apps), you could use app settings (registry based), local application data (file-based and sandboxed) as well as the roaming versions thereof.
Since you mentioned Windows Phone 8, I'll add that while the same Windows Storage APIs are surfaced for Windows Phone, only local application data will work directly. In Windows Phone 8, local application data is another way of handling isolated storage; however, there is no built-in roaming data option. Additionally, app settings as implemented in Windows 8 is not available in Windows Phone, but you can use isolated storage settings which is semantically equivalent.
I have gone through the web browser terms and conditions, and there it is clearly mentioned that you cannot use the web browser for general browsing, and if you are doing the same, your app would be rejected by the microsoft app store
For reference please go through

Windows 8 roaming storage in WPF desktop application?

I planned to create a Windows 8 Store App but reluctantly had to switch to desktop application. I found that Windows 8 Store Apps fail to detect second screen, which is necessary for me.
The intention still is to mimic the behaviour of Windows Store App as much as possible. Partly to educate myself but also to use a modern nice design.
I use WPF with very similar design (App bars, Navigation bar, snappy await-async pattern, etc)
Now I come to the point where I need to store settings!
I would really like to use the very convenient central storage available through Microsoft Live login. Is that possible even if I don't have Windows Store App?
Clients might be Windows 7 or Windows 8.
Can I make the user login to Microsoft Live and use these facilities?
Many WinRT APIs are available from desktop applications, in addition to Windows Store applications. Windows.Storage.ApplicationData appears to support desktop apps. Look under the "Requirements" section in the documentation:
Minimum supported client: Windows 8 [Windows Store apps, desktop apps]
Someone at Intel posted on how to use WinRT APIs from desktop apps. The post is from September, 2012, and the screenshots appear to be for an older version of the MSDN documentation. Just keep that in mind.
Dave Bennett of Microsoft has a useful blog post which will introduce you to roaming your app data.
I may have misunderstood you, but I think what I mention above is what you want instead of using the Live Connect APIs.

windows 8 app for mobile device

I am new to Windows Phone applications and Windows 8 Apps. All I know about windows 8 is the metro style and the news that it will run on the PCs, tablets and Phones as well.
I want to get started developing an App for an expected Windows 8 Phone Device. All the guideline I found for windows 8 is for developing the apps for windows 8 tablets or PCs (not phones). Here is a link for windows 8 SDK, I am looking at.
Should I start developing a regular windows 8 app (for tablet) assuming that it will run on the expected upcoming windows 8 phone device?
Does anyone have any idea?
Microsoft has made very few announcements so far on the developer story for Windows Phone 8. What little news has been announced can be viewed in the Windows Phone Summit video here:
The only statement made so far regarding development across the two platforms is that applications developed using C# and Xaml will have "high compatibility" between Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8.
Windows Phone 8 is due out later this year so hopefully development tools aren't far off. If you want to get started right away I recommend you try your hand at developing a Windows 8 application using C# and Xaml. That should catch you up to speed and get you prepared for Windows Phone 8.
You can get started at
I think there is nothing really official about the development of applications windows phone 8 (except as regards the integration of the new features of future devices). Everything in internet indicates that one of the reasons that drove microsoft to update wp7 is precisely the desire to converge development for windows 8 with development for windows phone8. This convergence will be visual (for example the pivot layout will be characterized by a single page horizontally scrollable similar to windows 8 apps) and under the hood (with a kernel very similar).
The enhanced hardware will perform more complex operations (thus tending toward user experience similar to pc).
What we also know that in some metro style app in actual microsoft store someone found comments in the source related to the integration of the app in windows phone 8.
What I can suggest then is to develop your app for windows 8. In all likelihood make the porting to Windows phone 8 will be simple (different sized images for backgrounds, different icons, but side code probably will not change anything).