SQL select statement ORDER BY relationship to a second table? - sql

I have table A, which contains a row for an int representing the table B object they relate to.
Multiple As can reference the same B. B does not reference A
I want to return As ordered by a row in the B object they relate to.
Is there a way to do this in one SQL statement? Or even 2?
Thank you.

You can put anything in your SELECT list and ORDER BY any column you'd like as long as it's in tablea or tableb
FROM tablea
INNER JOIN tableb ON tablea.ID = tableb.ID
ORDER BY tableb.ID

Have you tried using
Select (columns that you want to display)
from TableA INNER JOIN TableB
ON TableA.col = TableB.col
Order By TableB.ColumnName


duplicate query result when join table

I face issue about duplicate data when join table, here my sample data table I have
-- Table A
I want to join with
-- Table B
this my query notation for join both table,
select a.trans_id, name
from tableA a
inner join tableB b
on a.ID_Trans = b.trans_id
and this the result, why I get the duplicating data which should show only two lines of data, please help me to solve this case.
Firstly, as you have been told multiple times in the comments, this is working exactly as you have written, and (more importantly) as intended. You have 2 rows in tableA and those 2 rows match 2 rows in your table tableB according to the ON clause. This means that each join operation, for the each of the rows in tableA, results in 2 rows as well; thus 4 rows (2 * 2 = 4).
Considering that your table, TableA only has one column then it seems that you should be cleaning up that data and deleting the duplicates. There are plenty of examples on how to do that already (example).
Perhaps the column you show us in TableA is one many, and thus instead you have a denormalisation issue, and instead there should be another table with the details of Id_trans and a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE CONSTRAINT/INDEX on it. Then you would join fron that table to TableB.
Finally, what you might be after is an EXISTS, which would look like this:
SELECT B.trans_id, B.[name]
FROM dbo.TableB B
FROM dbo.TableA A
WHERE A.ID_Trans = B.trans_id); --Odd that it's called ID_Trans in one table, and Trans_ID in another
As the comments mentioned your query does exactly what you asked it to do but I think you wanted something like:
select a.trans_id, a.name, b.name
from tableA a
inner join tableB b on a.trans_id = b.trans_id
group by a.trans_id, a.name, b.name
Since there are two rows in both table with same ID join will make them four. You can use distinct to remove duplicates:
select distinct a.trans_id, name
from tableA a
inner join tableB b
on a.id_trans = b.trans_id
But I would suggest to use exists:
select trans_id, name
from tableB b
exists (select 1 from tableA a where a.trans_id=b.trans_id)

Replace null with ID from right table in join

I am doing a select with right join. And I have some rows with IDS from table A but not all rows have corresponding IDs in Table B.
I wish to replace null IDS from table B with IDS of table A based on other row.
That alternative row has no null values. How can it be done?
SQL has a command for that...
ISNULL(TableB.Id, TableA.Id) AS SomeId
In the event of TableB.Id being NULL, you'll get TableA.Id as SomeId.
First, I strongly recommend left join over right join. It is easier to read a query when the logic is "keep all the rows in the first table (and I know what that is)".
You can use coalesce(). In a select query, you would do:
select coalesce(b.id, a.id)
from a left join
on a.anothercol = b.anothercol;
However, I suspect you intend:
update b
set id = (select a.id from a where a.anothercol = b.anothercol)
where id is null;

Join of Two Tables where Data Matches in One Column

For some reason I have a hard time grasping joins and this one should be very simple with the knowledge that I have in SQL.
Anyway, I have 2 tables. We will call them TableA and TableB. One of the columns in TableA is "ID". TableB only consists of the column "ID". I want to return all rows in TableA whose ID is present in TableB.
I know this should be very simple to figure out, but my brain doesn't want to work today.
You can do this using an EXISTS:
Select A.*
From TableA A
Where Exists
Select *
From TableB B
Where A.Id = B.Id
You can also use a JOIN if you wish, but depending on your data, you may want to couple that with a SELECT DISTINCT:
Select Distinct A.*
From TableA A
Join TableB B On A.Id = B.Id
One thing to keep in mind is that the ID of TableA is not necessarily related to the ID of TableB.
this should work
You can also use IN operator like this:
Select *
From TableA
Where ID in
Select distinct ID
From TableB

Join and showing different columns from tables

I have a simple SQL question, I thought it would be quite straight forward but have got myself in a muddle. Any help would be appreciated
I have table A which contains a last updated
Table A has a one to many with Table B
Table B has a one to many with Table C
I want to show all rows of table C with the last updated time from table A. I have tried some joins but they dont seem to be quite working. Ideally I want somehting like
select a.lastUpdated c.* from TableA a, TableC c where
a.id in (select a_id from TableB where (select b_id from TableC where c_id = select
id from TableC where XXXX=YYYY))
so I can pass in an id for table C and then get one row returned with the last updated time present.
XXX=YYY would be my criteria for returning one row of table C.
Any help or pointers appreciated
Something like
FROM TableA AS a
ON a.a_id = b.b_id
ON b.b_id = c.c_id
WHERE a.lastUpdated = c.lastUpdated;
Should work. This is a situation where a striaght INNER JOIN should suffice; unless of course I have missed something.
I hope this helps.
You should be able to do this by joining A and B together, aggregating the results at the c_id level, and then joining in C:
select tc.*, maxlastupdated
from tablec tc left outer join
(select tb.c_id, max(lastupdated) as maxlastupdated
from tablea ta join
tableb tb
on ta.b_id = tb.b_id
group by ta.id
) ta
on tc.c_id = ta.c_id
You need to drive your SQL query from Table C.
The query below displays the updated timestamp column from table A.
Since it is a one-to-many in the direction of tables A --> B --> C
You will inevitably end-up with a lot of rows in table C - all with the same timestamp.
SELECT c.*, a1.update_timestamp
FROM table_c c, table_b b, table_a a1
WHERE c.join_column = b.join_column
AND b.join_column = a1.join_column
AND a1.update_timestamp =
(SELECT max(a2.update_timestamp) FROM table_a a2
WHERE a2.<identifying columns> = a1.<identifying columns>

How to make a one to one left outer join?

I was wondering, is there a way to make a kind of one to one left outer join:
I need a join that matches say table A with table B, for each record on table A it must search for its pair on table B, but there exists only 1 record that matches that condition, so when it has found its pair on B, it must stop and continue with the next row at table A.
What I have is a simple LEFT OUTER JOIN.
select * from A left outer join B on A.ID = B.ID order by (NAME) asc
Thanks in advance!
SQL doesn't work this way. In the first place it does not look at things row-by-row. In the second place what defines the record you want to match on?
Assuming you don't really care which row is selcted, something like this might work:
From tableA
left outer join
(select b.* from tableb b1
join (Select min(Id) from tableb group by id) b2 on b1.id - b2.id) b
on a.id = b.id
BUt it still is pretty iffy that you wil get the records you want when there are multiple records with the id in table b.
The syntax you present in your question is correct. There is no difference in the query for joining on a one-to-one relationship than on a one-to-many.