How to hook a click event to a dynamically created anchor tag using jQuery - dynamic

Inside a jQuery loop, I'm trying to attach a click event to a dynamically created anchor tag which is contained in an LI element. The LI itself is dynamically created inside a static UL element. For some reason nothing gets fired when the anchor is clicked. Here is a simplified version of the problematic code:
$.each($.MyProject.cities, function (index, city) {
$('<li></li>').html($("<a></a>").attr("href", "javascript:void(0)").click(function (event) {"Anchor clicked!");
return false;
}).html($("<span></span>").text(city.FullName).attr("class", "autoText"))).appendTo($("#visiblecities"));
where visiblecities is the id of the UL element and cities is a collection on which the loop iterates.
Any idea why the click event is not working?

Use event delegation to set up a single event handler that will react to all <a> elements, even if they're added after the code executes:
$('#visibleCities').on('click', 'a', function(event) {'Anchor clicked!');
return false;
Though, as gdoron mentioned in the comments, your <a> elements don't currently have any content so they won't actually be clickable.

use .on.
//code here
$('li a').on('click',function()
//code here
$.each($.MyProject.cities, function (index, city)
$('<li></li>').html($("<a></a>").attr("href", "javascript:void(0)")).appendTo($("#visiblecities"));

use live method instead of click
$.each($.MyProject.cities, function (index, city) {
$('<li></li>').html($("<a></a>").attr("href", "javascript:void(0)").live("click",function (event) {"Anchor clicked!"); event.preventDefault(); return false; })).appendTo($("#visiblecities"));


You may have an infinite update loop in a component render function using click event conditional rendering

I am rendering two texts based on a condition and be able to pass methods to the click event based on the condition. The default text is ADD TO COLLECTION because initially hasPaid property is false. Once payment has been made, I want to set that property to true
The function addToCollection first opens a modal, on the modal, the handlePayment function is implemented. I have been able to conditionally render the div to show either ADD TO COLLECTION or DOWNLOAD using v-on="". I also return hasPaid property from the handlePayment function.
<div class="float-right peexo-faded-text card-inner-text" :face="face" v-on="!hasPaid ? {click: addToCollection} : {click: handleDownload(face)}">
data: function () {
return {
hasPaid: false,
this.showcollectionModal = true;
this.showcollectionModal = false;
let accept = true;
this.showpaymentsuccessmodal = true;
//this.hasPaid = true;
return {
hasPaid: accept
I want to be able to set hasPaid property on the handlePayment function for the render function to pick it, so that the handleDownload function can then work.
The last section of this bit is going to be problematic:
v-on="!hasPaid ? {click: addToCollection} : {click: handleDownload(face)}"
When hasPaid is true it will invoke the method handleDownload immediately. That is, it will be called during render, not when the <div> is clicked.
You could fix it by 'wrapping' it in a function:
{click: () => handleDownload(face)}
I've used an arrow function in my example but you could use a normal function if you prefer.
Personally I wouldn't try to do this using the object form of v-on.
My first instinct is that you should consider just having two <div> elements and use v-if to decide which one is showing.
If you did want to use a single <div> I would put the click logic in a method. So:
<div class="..." :face="face" #click="onDivClick(face)">
Note that despite the apparent syntactic similarity to the way you defined your click listener this won't invoke the method immediately.
Then in the methods for the component:
methods: {
onDivClick (face) {
if (this.hasPaid) {
} else {

Riot JS unmount all tags in a page and then mount only one tag is not working

I am using Riot JS and in my index.html, I have 3 custom tags - header, login-panel and candidates-panel inside my body. In my main app.js, in the callback function of $(document).ready, I execute the current route and also register a route change handler function. In my switchView, I unmount all custom tags and then try to mount only the tag pertaining to the current view being switched. Here is my code. If I do unmount, then nothing is displayed on the page
<header label="Hire Zen" icon="img/user-8-32.png"></header>
<login-panel class="viewTag" id="loginView"></login-panel>
<candidates-panel id="candidatesView" class="viewTag"></candidates-panel>
<script src="js/bundle.js"></script>
function switchView(view) {
if(!view || view === '') {
view = 'login'
//unmount all other panels and mount only the panel that is required
//TODO: unmount all view panels and mounting only required panel is not working
$(document).ready(function () {
RiotControl.addStore(new AuthStore())
RiotControl.addStore(new CandidatesStore())
//register route change handler
riot.route(function (collection, id, action) {
riot.route.exec(function (collection, id, action) {
Answer for riot.js v2.1.0:
The function
is not available as far as I know. However, you can unmount saved tags.
The trick is to remember the mounted tags to be able to unmount them later:
var viewTag = riot.mount(document.getElementById('viewTag'))
You can store all those view tags in an object and loop them to unmount all and mount only the active one.
Answer for 2.3.18
Based on the previous answer and this tutorial I have created following concept:
app.currentPage = null;
var goTo = function(page){
if (app.currentPage) {
app.currentPage.unmount(true); //unmount and keep parent tag
app.currentPage = riot.mount(page)[0]; //remember current page
riot.route(function() {"this page is not defined");
//do nothing (alternatively go to 404 page or home)
riot.route('/inventory', function(){
riot.route('/options', function() {
I think you are looking for riot.util.tags.unmountAll(tags)
How to achieve the goal?
var tags = [];
var some = this;

AUI input keyup detection does't work

I have this script:
<aui:script use="aui-node,aui-io-request,aui-base,event">
AUI().use('event', 'aui-node', 'aui-base', function (A) {
var inputObject ='#_Tend_ApplicationMain_WAR_ETenderportlet_vrednost').on('keyup', function (event) {
alert("Hi you have performed On change Event and Thank You");
Why doesn't the alert ever appear?
Your code has multiple issues:
You do not need to specify an AUI().use(//... if you are using <aui:script> with the use attribute.
You only need to specify the aui-node module as an argument to the use attribute.
You most likely do not want to set inputObject equal to the return value of the on method. Instead it seems that you would want to do var inputObject ='#id');.
A change event is not the same as a keyup event, so either your .on('change', function(event) { //... or your alert message which claims that it is an onchange event is incorrect.
You may have an issue with your'#_Tend_ApplicationMain_WAR_ETenderportlet_vrednost') failing to find the element (check the browser logs to find out if this is true). If it is, your element may have a partially generated prefix which can be obtained using <portlet:namespace />.
If you put all that together:
<aui:script use="aui-node">
// possibly change the argument to '#<portlet:namespace />_Tend_ApplicationMain_WAR_ETenderportlet_vrednost'.
var inputObject ='#_Tend_ApplicationMain_WAR_ETenderportlet_vrednost');
inputObject.on('keyup', function (event) {
alert("Hi you have performed On keyup Event and Thank You");
Here's a runnable example:
YUI().use('aui-node', function(A) {
var inputObject ='#_Tend_ApplicationMain_WAR_ETenderportlet_vrednost');
inputObject.on('keyup', function (event) {
alert("Hi you have performed On keyup Event and Thank You");
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"></link>
<input id="_Tend_ApplicationMain_WAR_ETenderportlet_vrednost" />

Jquery not applying on dynamic elements created in context menu

I have a script containing $('a').on('click', function () {alert($(this).attr('class')); });
In my contextmenu function, I create a list with links
$(function () {
$('a').on('contextmenu', function (event) {
$("<ul id='menu'></ul>")
.append('<li>Test 1</li>')
.append('<li>Test 2</li>')
.css({ top: event.pageY + "px", left: event.pageX + "px" });
return false;
However, the first piece of code (the on click event) does not fire when the link in the list is clicked. However, it fires for every other link on the page. How can I fix this so that my script works on dynamic elements
Just a rehash of another SO question.
Calling the jQuery on method on $(document) and providing the 'selector' option will bind the callback to dynamically added elements matching the selector parameter.
That is, this:
$(document).on('click', 'a', function () {
alert( $(this).attr('class') );
instead of this:
$('a').on('click', function () {

Create custom command to expand client detail template in Kendo UI Grid (MVC)

I've got a nested grid within my grid, and it works perfectly, but the client doesn't like to use the arrow on the left and asked for a button to be added in order to show the child grid.
The example on the Kendo website shows how to automatically open the first row, I just want a way to expand the grid from a custom control in the same way that the left selector does it.
I've got the custom command working, and it executes the sample code, but I just need some help with the javascript required to make it work for the current row.
columns.Command(command =>
command.Custom("Manage Brands").Click("showBrandsForAgency");
And the js with the standard example of opening the first row:
function showBrandsForAgency(e) {
Please help by giving me the js required to expand the row clicked and not the first row?
* EDIT *
Modified the solution provided by Atanas Korchev in order to get it to work on only the button and not the whole row.
I'd prefer a solution that uses the function showBrandsForAgency instead of a custom funciton but this does the job:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#grid").on("click", "a", function (e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var row = $(this).parent().parent();
if (row.find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-minus")) {
} else {
You can try something like this:
$("#grid").on("click", "tr", function(e) {
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
if ($(this).find(".k-icon").hasClass("k-minus")) {
} else {
When using jQuery on the function context (available via the this keyword) is the DOM element which fired the event. In this case this is the clicked table row.
Here is a live demo:
Same results just Simpler, faster, and more efficient:
$("#grid").on("click", "tr", function () {
$(this).find("td.k-hierarchy-cell .k-icon").click();