How to compare component versions for sending notifications? - notifications

I am working with Workflows (Automatic Activities).
I would like to show which parts of the component have been modified via e-mail.
I guess I can use something like:
But I don't know how to use the attribute "SystemIdentifier".
Thank you,

I think that you try to build the next link:

Assuming that you only want to include a link to the comparing functionality: The System identifier is the URI of the Component currently in Workflow.

I believe this works in a similar way with Tridion 2009 - check the documentation for "Comparing Activities" in Tridion 2011 SP1. In short: you're reinventing the wheel.

For the record, the System Identifier is a unique ID used in the MDVC to distinguish between open CME sessions.
It combines information such as the User ID, the version of the Content Manager, and the server name. You can read the current System Idenfifier from the SystemIdentifier property of the MDVC.


Shopware 6 add entity extension fields to admin search

I wonder how to make some fields of an entity extension searchable in the administration through the "/api/search/my-entity" api-endpoint. By default they are not considered during search as it looks like.
I found the answer by debugging the search-endpoint:
The association-Field of the EntityExtension needs to have a SearchRanking-flag:
...->addFlags(new SearchRanking(SearchRanking::ASSOCIATION_SEARCH_RANKING))
Then you can add SearchRanking-flags in the EntityExtensionDefinition as you like, e.g.:
(new StringField('test', 'test'))->addFlags(new SearchRanking(SearchRanking::HIGH_SEARCH_RANKING)),
After that the fields are searchable via the search-endpoint :)
As far as the API is concerned, search functionality should automatically be generated following your custom entity definitions.
When it comes to facilitate Admin search for your entity, you need to add some code to the administration component as described in the docs: (even though it looks not fully up-to-date w.r.t to the current Shopware versions).

How to select all (not only from first page) rows programatically in vue good table Remote Mode?

I'm trying to do something like this:
any advice very welcome
You will not do this in interface. You save a variable and send it to your API, telling it to apply that modification to all data.
It isn't possible in vue good table. Check this for your reference. You can use slots though

Adding recipient Groups to a CiviCRM Mailing via REST.. how?

I have been able so far to create a new civi Mailing object and populate it, but confusingly I can't see a parameter in that to specify the mail destination group.
For context, I am dealing with Civi using pure REST api from a remote server. I have a solution to getting a custom template onto the server; the new problem is setting a schedule and delivery group, and initiating the send. I am using the python-civicrm library from github as the intermediary on the client.
I presume send happens as a result of setting the schedule -- i.e. I don't need an API call to say 'send mailing'? Is setting 'sheduled date' == 'now' safe or should I set a date of 'now + 1min' or similar?
So that leaves setting the delivery group. We already have groups defined in the DB, and I want to specify the group by name (and preferably be able to verify in advance that a group name is a valid destination, perhaps by doing a group name -> id lookup).
I think there might be a parameter to Mailing create 'groups' which can have keys 'include' and 'exclude'; at least, that's what the web form seems to do. However it's not mentioned in the REST api implementation.
Can anyone offer pointers?
I think you will find all you need in the following link :
Example of api call that is using the group include/exclude :
Discussion about implementing mailing as an api -
Otherwise, if it doesn't work, i suggest that you :
help adding this api in the CiviCRM Core - you could have some help on this on irc #civicrm (and have a look at
OR create an extension with the api you need. It will be automatically available for REST. If you haven't created an extension yet, i suggest you go to the page It's quite straightforward with civix installed.
The table you need to check in the database is civicrm_mailing_group
To confirm, the problem was that (a) I needed to use groups[include]=array(ids) as mentioned by samuelsov, but also (b) I needed to use the json={...} form of request through REST, because the HTTP params syntax doesn't support nested data.

Using JSON to update app's content in iOS

I'm about to create an application that uses JSON to update its content.
This is how I planned it to work:
When application starts, it checks (with internet connection is available) if the JSON file set on remote server is newer than the one stored localy - if it is then it's downloaded.
Then, the application applies data from that JSON to the content. For example, to the "Contact" information - it applies data like phone numbers etc.
My question is, is it in your opinion, a good technique to update appliactions content?
Does anynone had an experience with building app with this kind of idea?
Best regards,
Of course you can do this. One thing that may lead to a better user experience would be to ask the user for his permission to download new content (if there is something new).
This is a normal thing to do. I have a phonebook app that does exactly this. On a side note, if you need a network class to handle the web-service interaction, see this SO post. I wrote a custom network class that works with AFNetworking.

Rails 3: Support form that auto Find Users OS and Browser info

I'm building a support form for my application. I'd like the user to include their Operating System and Browser they are using, catch is the general users either don't care to look this stuff up or don't know how. I'd like to add a text-input that automatically grabs this information for the user and displays it in the text field. Not sure how to go about doing this as I'm new to rails. I'm assuming I'd have to tie this in with javascript or a model that is attached to the form.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
you can read it on the server side so there is no need to bother the users.
request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] should do the trick. You can also read some more information like the accept language or accept encoding. Just look at the keys like this: request.env.keys and check what could be of use to you.