I'm trying to add a checkbox input to my simple form in Rails. I only need the input for javascript and don't actually want it in my model file.
I've learned that in order to add inputs to simple form that do not exist in the model a value has to be passed in the parameters
input_html: {value: true}
This works for a text input, but I can't get it working for a checkbox.
I've tried
<%= f.input :current_job, :as => :check_box, input_html: {value: false} %>
<%= f.input :current_job, :as => :check_box, input_html: {checked: false} %>
But I get an error saying
No input found for check_box
You should use type as boolean in your fields. In your case, you can change this:
<%= f.input :current_job, :as => :check_box, input_html: {checked: false} %>
to this:
<%= f.input :current_job, :as => :boolean, input_html: {checked: false} %>
form do |f|
f.inputs :question do
f.input :id, :as => :hidden
f.input :questionaire_id, :as => :hidden
f.input :role, :as => :hidden
f.input :question_type
f.input :description
f.input :option
f.input :score
In above form, how to show this two inputs
f.input :option
f.input :score
in one line? Any idea?
I think I got the answer
First we should check this Formtastic::Helpers::InputHelper
According to the helper:
input is used to render all content (labels, form widgets, error messages, hints, etc) for a single form input (or field), usually representing a single method or attribute on the form's object or model.
The content is wrapped in an li tag, so it's usually called inside an inputs block (which renders an ol inside a fieldset).
It's option :wrapper_html can be used to override or add to the HTML attributes to be passed down to the wrapping li tag
So in the form we should do this:
form do |f|
f.inputs :question do
f.input :id, :as => :hidden
f.input :questionaire_id, :as => :hidden
f.input :role, :as => :hidden
f.input :question_type
f.input :description
f.input :option, :wrapper_html => { :class => 'fl' }
f.input :score, :wrapper_html => { :class => 'fl' }, :label => false
:label => false can disabled the label of form input.
And then specify the class 'fl' in the css file(I just add following css from Include two inputs in same LI element in Formtastic in active_admin.css.scss like #Andrey Deineko told):
form.formtastic fieldset ol li.fl {display:inline;}
Then we have two inputs on the same line~Hope this will be helpful~
I'm trying to render this form:
<form class="form-inline">
<%= simple_form_for #prospect,
:url => url_for(:action => 'create', :controller => 'prospects'),
:method => 'post' do |f| %>
<%= f.error_notification %>
<%= f.input :name, placeholder: 'Name', label: false %>
<%= f.input :email, placeholder: 'Email', label: false %>
<%= f.input :interests, placeholder: 'Tell us what you were searching for', label: false, value: params[:search] %>
<%= f.error :base %>
<%= f.button :submit, "Submit", :class=> "btn" %>
<% end %>
Using this partial:
<%= render partial: 'prospects/novideo_capture' %>
The partial is in a view controlled by Videos#index controller, and I keep getting this error: 'undefined method `model_name' for NilClass:Class'
This is my prospects controller:
class ProspectsController < ApplicationController
def index
#prospects = Prospect.all
def new
#prospect = Prospect.new
def create
#prospect = Prospect.new(params[:prospect])
if #prospect.save
render "thanks_for_interest"
render "novideo_capture"
I'm not sure what I'm going wrong, although I'm pretty sure it's a simple solution. I've seen a lot of similar questions around SO and tried all their answers, but none of them seem to work for this situation.
Thanks for any help...
EDIT: Adding
#prospect = Prospect.new
to the videos index controller stops the error occurring, but I don't feel it's the right way to do this. It also doesn't actually make the form use the prospects controller.
EDIT2: I now have the partial rendering correctly (I think), and my videos#index calls the partial like this:
<%= render partial: 'prospects/novideo_capture', :prospect => #prospect %>
Then simple_form in the partial looks like this:
<form class="form-inline">
<%= simple_form_for :prospect,
:url => url_for(:action => 'create', :controller => 'prospects'),
:method => 'post' do |f| %>
<% end %>
However it's not actually submitting the form with the prospects controller. Any ideas why?
Check your markup. You're wrapping a simple_form inside another form. Since the first form tag has no action associated with it (<form class="form-inline">), that form will submit against the current URL, which is the video#index.
You're going to want something like this:
<%= simple_form_for :prospect, :url => etc, :method => 'post', :class => "form-inline" do |f|
<% end %>
Losing the leading (redundant) form-inline form tag and you'll be fine.
I'm definitely a bit of a noob, so this might be something simple that I'm overlooking, however, the searches that I've done to try and find a solution have come up empty.
I've built a form using formtastic that has 5 input fields: two are text boxes and three are select lists.
<%= semantic_form_for #player do |f| %>
<%= f.inputs do %>
<%= f.input :firstname, :label => "First Name " %>
<%= f.input :lastname, :label => "Last Name " %>
<%= f.input :leagueid, :as => :select, :collection => League.all(:order => :leaguename), :label => "League " %>
<%= f.input :team_1, :as => :select, :collection => Team.all(:order => :name), :label => "Team 1 " %>
<%= f.input :team_2, :as => :select, :collection => Team.all(:order => :name), :label => "Team 1 " %>
<% end %>
<%= f.actions %>
<% end %>
What is happening is that the Teams lists work perfectly (the team names are displayed). However, the League list is a different story. All of the entries in the list look like this (with different a different code after 'League:'):
If I use the form to create a Player, it works fine. The correct league ID goes into the database and everything. I just can't figure out why the names of the teams show, while whatever-that-is shows for the league.
Any and all help is appreciated.
When converting objects to String, Ruby will convert them to the memory address like you see unless you provide a to_s method for string conversions. I haven't used formtastic, but I believe adding a to_s method to your League class should cause it to display what you want.
Try adding
def to_s
#name # use whatever you want to be displayed.
to the League class.
You could try explicitly specifying the fields that should be used as the text and id within the select list. I believe it would look like.
<%= f.input :leagueid, :as => :select, :collection => Hash[League.all.map { |league| [league.leaguename, league.id] }]
The syntax is crazy. The call to map is returning an array of name/id pairs, like [ ['league1', 1], ['league2', 2] ]. Calling Hash on that converts it to a hash, like {'league1' => 1, 'league2' => 2}. Seems like the select list should use this hash to populate itself.
There's an example of this at http://rdoc.info/github/justinfrench/formtastic, under the Usage section.
:member_name is the solution I think.
<%= f.input :leagueid, :as => :select, :collection => League.all(:order => :leaguename), :label => "League " %>
Will probably work for you as
<%= f.input :leagueid, :as => :select, :member_name => :league, :collection => League.all(:order => :leaguename), :label => "League " %>
My problem was I have a model with a field the same name as the model and I think that confused Formtastic
Example scaffold:
rails g scaffold Countries code:string country:string
rails g scaffold Types title:string description:string
class Sign < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :country_id, :type_id
belongs_to :country
belongs_to :type
Form View:
<%= f.input :type %>
<%= f.input :country, :member_label => :country %>
Having a form without the member_label leads to the object id displaying in the select box for countries although the ID is correctly saved. The type select worked perfectly without declaring member_label.
Note that I didn't need to specify :as => :select as formtastic can deduce this from the belongs_to relationship.
Try using :
<%= form.input :league, :member_label => :leaguename %>
This will override the naming convention of the Formtastic Column Select.
Have a look also at : Overriding the Column Name Convention wiki
Hope this helped.
I need to set up two languages for a single form using internationalization.
This is the proposed form page
<%= semantic_form_for #detail do |f| %>
<%= f.inputs do %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.input :dob %>
<%= f.input :gender, :as => :radio, :label => "Gender", :collection => [["Male", 'male'], ["Female", 'female']] %>
<% end %>
<%= f.actions do %>
<%= f.action :submit, :as => :input %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
This is wk.yml file
dob: "Data of birtha"
name: "Youre Nama"
gender: "Gendera""
This is en.yml file
dob: "Date of Birth"
name: "Your Name"
gender: "gender"
I have added Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder.i18n_lookups_by_default = true in formtastic.rb initializer.
I was successful in using en.yml.
I need to switch from 'en' to 'wk' and vise-verse.
How to achieve it via drop down box?
That's not something related to formstatic, but rather to your rails code.
All you have to do in order to switch to wk is
I18n.locale = :wk
In order to let your client to choose his language for the website, probably a good place to start is on this link: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html
If all you want is to update the form (and not the rest of the website) in different languages on a user action, like selecting the language from a select box, you can use an ajax listener on the select box, that could require something like "http://www.yourwebsite.com/:locale/form/new" which will answer with an ajax action and will replace your form with the selected language (so on :locale you will pass the value of your select box for the language).
When using formtastic in my rails3 application, I can't get the dropdown menus to work. Instead they appear as a selection list.
My code looks like this:
<%= f.label :slas, "Service" %></td><td><%= f.input :slas, :collection => #slas %>
Is this something I need to change in the css?
Wow, that took some fiddling.
In order to get a single dropdown list, instead of the select box, I needed to do this:
<%= f.label :slas, "Service" %></td><td><%= f.input :slas, :as => :select, :multiple => false, :input_html => { :size => 1 } %>
That was surprisingly hard...
That's strange. :as => :select should have done the trick by itself.