create sql server role for stored procedures - sql

I have a mvc 4 web application that interacts with a sql server database over a number of environments.
The user I connect to the database with is different in each environment. I generate a generic script of my stored procedures during each build and deployment and run it in to each environment. In the script I grant execute permissions to the db user on each sproc.
At the moment I needed a script for each environment as the user is different in each - which is a pain!
Would it be possible to create a role in each environment, same name in each environment and grant execute permissions to the role as oppose to the user? The user would be set up as part of that role.

Yes, this is exactly what database roles are for, you create a custom database role, apply the permissions to that and then you simply add the user to that database role.
Have a look at the link below for details on how to accomplish this:
SQL Server - Custom Database Role


How to create a role that can access only selected tables during runtime

I'm running a SAP HANA database in HDI container and created a corresponding HDI Container admin. I would like to be able to grant users (for support purpose) access not to the whole schema, but only to a few selected tables. How to do it? All examples I found online look like this - and grant access only to a whole schema
I know there is an option to use .hdbrole file during deployment, where also object privileges can be written up, but it seems I would have to run deployment each time whenever I need to create a new role. And I would like to create these roles right from the SQL console. Is it possible? And if yes, how to do it?
By running the CREATE ROLE and GRANT commands in the SQL console you create catalog/runtime roles.
These cannot be transported to any other container or DB but only live in this very instance of the database.
Now, that is usually not what you want to have when dealing with HDI containers or containerized applications in general.
Creating schema objects on the fly commonly leads to operational challenges (who has access to what, where, when, why, how?) and should rather be avoided.
But, sure, you can simply connect to the container with any user that has appropriate permissions and run those commands. That includes the usual GRANT SELECT on <table_name> TO <role>; it doesn't have to be the whole schema.

SQL Server scripting permissions for my database

I am deploying a web application, this is not a production application but it's important to me none the less. I am deploying it via dacpac and I would like to script out the creation of a login / user account with sql server authentication.
At minimum this users will need access to read, write, update, and delete on all of the database tables, these tables are separated into different schema's. The user will also need access to execute all stored procedures and functions in my database.
How would i script this out? What permissions do I give to the user?
This is what i got so far, I actually have no database tables in the dbo schema, but since this was the default for sql server i figured it might make sense to leave it the default for the user, but i would like to finish this script giving explicit access to all tables in a given schema with all of the permissions i listed, as well as permission to sprocs and functions.
CREATE LOGIN [webProcessLogin] WITH PASSWORD = 'Pa$$word';
GRANT CONNECT TO [webProcessUser]

User can create but not execute stored procedure

I have a SQL Server login that is allowed to create stored procedures, but not execute them. I cannot use another login to grant execute so I am looking for an alternative way to either run the code in the sp or to grant these permissions.
The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'sp_mystoredprocedurename', database 'mydatabasename', schema 'dbo'.
The user cannot grant execute to itself
Cannot grant, deny, or revoke permissions to sa, dbo, entity owner, information_schema, sys, or yourself.
We have a Windows software application, written in Powerbuilder, that creates and updates the SQL Server database it works on itself.
On first startup the application prompts for a database admin login which it uses 1 time (we don't store this information) to create the database and a login. The login is given db_ddladmin, db_datareader and db_datawriter permissions. We currently have hundreds of these applications and databases running on servers managed by us, but also on our customers' own servers.
For this reason I would do anything to prevent the need to ask the user for a db admin login again so I can grant the execute permissions, which would be the easiest way... Downgrading all servers to SQL Server 2000 is of course also not an option :)
The stored procedure I am trying to implement is a "getnewid" method. Currently my Powerbuilder code uses multiple embedded TSQL statements to achieve this but because of network performance issues I would like to move these to a single stored procedure.
Does this help ?
CREATE ROLE db_executer
GRANT EXECUTE to db_executer
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_executer', N'<username>'
Try this.
GRANT EXECUTE ON sp_OACreate to UserLogin

Creating new user/login in sql azure

Create a new user/login in sql azure with access to read/insert/update on the database items like tables sp,view etc.
This user will not have the permission to drop table/drop procedures.
Please give me an example.
First connect to the server and switch to the master database. In master create a login and then add a user for that login to the master database.
CREATE LOGIN [MyLogin] WITH password='xxxxxxxxx'
Next connect/switch to the database you want the new user for. Create a user in that database
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datareader', 'MyUser';
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_datawriter', 'MyUser';
You can also use the Azure User Management console - AUMC to manage the Logins and Users.
It's an open-source project available on CodePlex
UPDATE: Since CodePlex has been retired (thanks to #Danny the code was saved), I recreated a repo in GitHub and created a release.
This new version uses .NET 4.8
Project Description
Azure User Management Console - AUMC is a User
Graphic Interface (GUI) that manages the users and logins of an Azure
SQL database. The tool is simply converting your action into T-SQL
commands and executing them on the Azure SQL Database.
A quick simple tool with a user interface!
please read this article from Microsoft on how to properly create logins, users and assigning access rights in SQL Azure: Managing Databases and Logins
Then, in order to assign or deny specific permissions, review this article from Microsoft as well: Granting Access to a Database Object
And here is the link to specifically deny access to permissions: Deny Object Permissions
Note that you can also apply permissions to schemas. A schema is a container of database objects on which you can assign permissions. So you could easily place all your stored procedures in a single schema that you created to that effect, deny alter/drop permission, and grant execute on the schema directly. This way, all the objects within that schema will inherit the permissions defined. Here is the article for schema permissions: GRANT Schema Permission
Also you can do it manually by assigning proper user roles. Check out article: How to create custom user login for Azure SQL Database
Some Azure sql administration tips can be found here

SQL 2005 database roles and security

I've moved to creating/using schemas in Sql Server 2005, where I've also created database roles and assigned schemas to the roles.
The problem I have is one of the db roles I have should have full access - say SuperSysRole.
However, when I assign a login to that role, it cannot execute specific commands. In particular, I want a user within this role to manage password resets. However, when I execute the stored procedure, it does not return back all users in the database.
The stored procedure has been run which returns back the details and calls a view which integrates the sysusers and sysmembers tables.
The user, say myAdmin, has been assigned to the role SuperSysRole. The role SuperSysRole has been granted execute to the stored procedure selectRoles.
It's probably a simple thing but can someone please tell me what I am missing?
My application authenticates using the myAdmin user name and password. It works fine when I login with the sa account.
Database role membership is queryable through the sys.database_principals and sys.database_role_members catalog views, which are the proper catalog views to use instead of the deprecated sysusers and sysmembers. Both have the same security restrictions:
In SQL Server 2005 and later versions,
the visibility of the metadata in
catalog views is limited to securables
that a user either owns or on which
the user has been granted some
The necessary permissions are listed in GRANT Database Principal Permissions: VIEW DEFINITION. There is no permission that can be granted to view any principal and role definition.
Your best option is to create a procedure that selects from the proper metadata catalog views and sign this procedure with a credential that is added into the db_securityadmin role. See Signing an Activated Procedure for an example how to sign a procedure. The grant EXECUTE on this procedure to whoever required to view these principals and role memberships.
However, all of this will get you nowhere with regard with the declared intent: manage password resets. Only server principals (aka. logins) have passwords, and any scheme designed at the database principals level can have no effect on server principals, since they are the wrong abstraction. And since there are no server roles to define (you can only have Windows groups as roles, but you want to use SQL Auth), you cannot have this done by role membership.
My recommendation is, again, to use code signing. Create procedures that do the activities you want (query sys.server_principals and sys.sql_logins to inspect password expiration, issue ALTER LOGIN statements to reset passwords etc) then use code signing to sign these procedures and grant the required privileges to the signature. I refer you again to Signing an activated procedure for an example how to do that. Then grant EXECUTE on these procedures to the 'special' users that have to manage these.