Api URI Design Preference - api

A quick api uri design question. We have resources that belong to our clients. These resources can be edited / viewed / deleted by the client who entered them into our system. The resources can be searched by all clients but access is only granted if certain criteria is met (client has level 3 access etc).
Choice 1: include the client who owns the resource in the uri.
Choice 2: ditch the whole "client/:clientname" since this part of the uri has to be verified and checked against the credentials of the user accessing the information.
We have other resources other than widgets that also belong to clients.
Which way is the more preferred way and why? Cheers.

The only advantage that Choice 1 gives it that it allows you to effectively namespace widgets/whatever by the user that uploaded them. Similar to Github, how different users can have projects with the same name. If Github were to exclude the username, no two users could have a project with the same name. If the widgets are all unique, I would go with option two and you will have a 1:1 mapping from a widget the the user that created it, thus supplying it is just extra work for whoever is calling it.
If you can have the same widget name for different users, use an approach which includes the username. You may not need to actually use the 'client' word in your url though; using a path like '/:clientname/widget/:widgetid' instead.
Note that this is kind of an opinion based question, so you may get different answers. You'll have to weigh the information provided and in the end make your own decision.


Alfresco permissions depending on whether document is currently part of workflow or not

Out-of-the-box, an Alfresco user can read a document based on:
The document's permissions
The user's role
The user's groups
Whether the user owns the document or not
Maybe some other factors I forgot?
Now, I want to add a new factor: Whether the document is currently part of a workflow.
Alfresco's permissionDefinitions.xml allows me to define permissions based on authorities such as ROLE_LOCK_OWNER etc, but it does not seem to be the right place to add permission conditions.
I guess I will have to write some Java source code, but I am not sure what classes are responsible for this, and whether there is an Alfresco way to customize them?
So, I assume you want to somehow have nodes that are attached to a workflow have different access rights? You need to think about the behavior you want in all of the UIs and protocols you are exposing (e.g. share, WebDAV, CIFS, FTP, etc.).
If you want to set a permission on a node, you can do that via JavaScript as well as Java (See http://docs.alfresco.com/5.2/references/API-JS-setPermission.html and http://docs.alfresco.com/5.2/references/dev-services-permission.html). As was mentioned in one of the comments, you can also get the number of active workflows on a node by referencing the activeWorkflows property in JavaScript (http://docs.alfresco.com/5.2/references/API-JS-ScriptNode.html) or in Java
Depending on the specifics, I might implement this in different ways, but if all you want to do is have the permission change, you could just update it at the beginning and end of your workflow with a simple javascript call. The only thing bad about that is that it doesn't take into consideration the workflow getting canceled. You could also create a policy/behavior on an aspect you attach or even have a rule or job run that updates content based on the activeWorkflows values.

RESTful API with multitenancy and shared resources

I am trying to figure out the "right" implementation for an url structure for an application with multitenancy support and shared resources.
Resources: Users, Projects
The URL schema is
User A (width id = 1) gets a collection of his projects at
GET http://example.com/api/1/projects/
User A creates a new project, readable by
GET http://example.com/api/1/projects/2
Now User A gives another User B (id = 2) access to project 2.
User B would like to see a collection of all projects related to his account via:
GET http://example.com/api/2/projects/
Should the shared project (id = 2) be in this collection besides those, User B created by himself? Or is there a better naming structure for shared resources?
Focusing on the design of URL structures is actually a no-go for RESTful architectures. Roy Fielding:
A REST API must not define fixed resource names or hierarchies (an obvious coupling of client and server).
See also this answer.
For your specific problem I would return a list of (basically arbitrary) hypertext links to the projects the user has access to. The links would contain attributes making it clear, whether the project is »owned« or »accessible« by the user. To improve readability you could design your resource URLs as
http://example.com/user/{user id}
http://example.com/project/{project id}
The representation of user after a GET http://example.com/user/2 would contain the list of links like
<a href="http://example.com/project/1" class="owned"/>
<a href="http://example.com/project/2" class="access-permitted"/>
The HATEOAS principle is inherent to REST and makes most »how do I design my URIs« questions obsolete:
The principle is that a client interacts with a network application entirely through hypermedia provided dynamically by application servers. A REST client needs no prior knowledge about how to interact with any particular application or server beyond a generic understanding of hypermedia.
Maybe one advantage can be in using tenant info in the path. In such way we can easily have for example the lists of objects.
Querying the uri on get /tenant-id/projects
We can have a list of of projects for each entry tenant.
How can be get without tenant info into url?
My 2 cents

REST API: How to name a derived resource?

There is a gazillion of questions about RESTful interface naming conventions, esp. around singular vs plural resource names. A somewhat convention is:
GET /users Retrieve collection of users
GET /users/{id} Retrieve user
POST /users Create user
PUT /users/{id} Update user
DELETE /users/{id} Delete user
However, the above does not work when resource is a value derived from the environment.
My hypothetical application has the following endpoint:
GET /source Get information about the source of the query.
That responds with:
Referrer URL
Remote IP
Since source is derived from the environment, there is never more than one source, therefore calling the resource sources or providing sources/{foo} lookup is not practical.
Does REST style propose how to handle naming of these entities?
Dr. Fielding notes in section 6.2.1 of his famous dissertation :
..authors need an identifier that closely matches the semantics they
intend by a hypermedia reference, allowing the reference to remain
static even though the result of accessing that reference may change
over time.
Therefore, it makes sense to use plain source endpoint.
It would be a different thing if you wanted to provide more general service around IP address provided, like this one.

In what situation should the client choose the unique resource ID for REST URIs and in which should the server specify it?

It looks like there are two ways I can make my REST API. I can have users created with a POST without specifying the URI and it will create the user and return the URI OR I can have the create the users with a PUT and specify the URI themselves.
When should one be used over the other? The key difference here is that in one method MY system is deciding what the unique ID and thus URI for the resource should be, in the other situation THEY are specifying what it should be when I create.
It basically comes down to whether you are willing to cede the control of resource naming to the client.
The biggest issue simply being dealing with conflicts (If I PUT /photo.png and you PUT /photo.png, is that OK?).
Answer those questions, and you're on your way.
When your user is specifying the resource ID, they can PUT to the URI; the ID that they are performing the PUT to is the specification of the resource ID.
When you are specifying the resource ID, they can POST to the URI of the parent / group; your system will assign a URI to the resource, and return that to the client so they can reference their created resource.
The answer to this question hinges on two more specific questions:
Do clients know the location of the resource to be created? (This might be the case if, for instance, users are accessed via the name of the user rather than a server-assigned ID.)
Do clients have a full representation of the resource to be created? (This might not be the case if some portion of your resource is computed by the server.)
If the answer to both of those questions is 'yes', then a PUT is probably appropriate. If you answered 'no' to either, then you ought to stick with a POST.
I can have users created with a POST
without specifying the URI and it will
create the user and return the URI OR
I can have the create the users with a
PUT and specify the URI themselves.
When should one be used over the
Use the first.
In RESTful HTTP the client should never construct URIs. The service should be well-connected, which means that the client should only ever follow URIs given by the server and make requests to those URIs.
It creates better separation between the client and server, and makes it easier to make changes to the service without breaking existing clients.
(And yes, lots of existing APIs get this wrong)
There's a really good post by Fielding related to this topic here:

Suggestions on addressing REST resources for API

I'm a new REST convert and I'm trying to design my first RESTful (hopefully) api and here is my question about addressing resources
Some notes first:
The data described here are 3d render
A user (graphics company) has multiple projects.
A project has multiple render jobs.
A render job has multiple frames.
There is a hierarchy enforced in the data (1 render job
belongs to one project, to one user)
How's this for naming my resourses...?
OR a shortened address for renders?
OR should I shorten (even more) the address if possible, omitting the user when not needed...?
Instead of thinking about your api in terms of URLs, try thinking of it more like pages and links
between those pages.
Consider the following:
Will it be reasonable to create a resource for users? Do you have 10, 20 or 50 users? Or do you have 10,000 users? If it is the latter then obviously creating a single resource that represents all users is probably not going too work to well when you do a GET on it.
Is the list of Users a reasonable root url? i.e. The entry point into your service. Should the list of projects that belong to a GraphicsCompany be a separate resource, or should it just be embedded into the Graphics Company resource? You can ask the same question of each of the 1-to-many relationships that exist. Even if you do decide to merge the list of projects into the GraphicsCompany resource, you may still want a distinct resource to exist simple for the purpose of being able to POST to it in order to create a new project for that company.
Using this approach you should be able get a good idea of most of the resources in your API and how they are connected without having to worry about what your URLs look like. In fact if you do the design right, then any client application you right will not need to know anything about the URLs that you create. The only part of the system that cares what the URL looks like is your server, so that it can dispatch the request to the right controller.
The other significant question you need to ask yourself is what media type are you going to use for these resources. How many different clients will need to access these resources? Are you writing the clients, or is someone else? Should you attempt to reuse an existing standard like XHTML and classes/microformats? Could you squeeze most of the information into Atom? Maybe Atom with some extra namespaces like GDATA does it? Or is this only going to be used internally so you can just create your own media types, like application/vnd.YourCompany.Project+xml, application/vnd.YourCompany.Render+xml, etc.
There are many things to think about when designing a REST api, don't get hung up on what your URLs look like and you should really try to avoid doing "design by URL".
Presuming that you authenticate to the service, I would use the 1st option, but remove the user, particularly if the user is the currently logged in user.
If user actually represents something else (like client), I would include it, but not if it simply designates the currently logged in user. Agree with StaxMan, though, don't worry too much about squeezing the paths, as readability is key in RESTful APIs.
Personally I would not try to squeeze path too much, that is, some amount of redundant information is helpful both to quickly see what resource is, and for future expansion.
Generally users won't be typing paths anyway, so verbosity is not all that bad.