I have planned to develop a JME midlet.
I want to include a text file in the Java ARchive.
Each line in the text file will contain comma-separated strings.
The last string in a line will be a flag.
I want my midlet to read the text file.
I have looked at the MIDP 2.0 javadoc.
The Class.getResourceAsStream(String name) method returns an InputStream objet.
I can use this method to read my text file.
I want my midlet to change the flag of lines in my text file.
Is it possible to write in the text file included in my JAR?
If so then what classes and methods I have to use?
The Jar file is read-only on the device. Your midlet can read the text file, but can not write something back.
(This is by design, the jar files may get preinstalled into ROM, or they may be signed. Or the device may do dome optimisations when your midlet is installed.)
You can write information into a thing called RecordStore. If you just need a flag, you write this flag into a RecordStore. The next time your midlet starts, you check if the recordstore exists and contains your flag.
How do I change the path that Grammar-Kit's generated JFlex lexer Java file is generated into?
I've asked on Grammar-Kit's issue tracker, but haven't received any response.
I'm tired of of the lexer not being put into my generated files directory (where I would be able to easily delete it along with all my other generated file, and exclude it from searches, and IDE warnings and such).
I, too, got tired of of the lexer not being put into a generated files directory, so I skimmed through the plugin's source code to come up with an answer.
Grammar-Kit uses its own heuristic to decide where to stick your JFlex-generated lexer file, but that heuristic is obviously choosing wrongly in both of our cases.
If you want your generated lexer to go in the generated folder, and Grammar-Kit isn't doing that, it's because the way that GK is designed, your .flex file cannot be inside a source root. Of course, the .flex file is indeed a source file, but for GK's purposes it can't be marked that way — not if you want it to do the right thing and put its generated .java file into your designated generated folder [1].
Instead, move your .flex file out of any source folders, and into a content root that is not marked as a source directory. GK should now behave mostly properly [1]. For it's own source file, the .bnf file, it doesn't behave this odd way; only with the .flex file.
[1]: (actually, in my skimming, I think it may have looked like it's hardcoded specifically to go into a folder named 'gen', but I was only quickly skimming, so that may not be accurate. In either case, generating into a folder named 'gen' {the name most people choose for their generated folder anyway} should at least be sufficient, as your generated flex lexer will at least no longer be mixed in with your normal source files.)
I recently recovered a 1.5TB external HDD that crashed. The program I used to recover the files was Active Undelete Enterprise, it's excellent. When the files were successfully recovered they were all saved with a .efs extension so files looked like mydocument.docx.efs. At first I thought they were encrypted and needed to be decrypted, I spent 10 mins on it and realized I just need to remove the .efs from the entire filename and the mydocument.docx works perfectly. Problem is now I have over 55,000 files within hundreds of folders where I need to simply remove the .efs after each file. Does anyone know how to do this?
From a command prompt window, navigate to the top level directory where these files reside.
Type the command
DIR /S/B >>filelist.txt
This command will give you a bare format file listing of the current directory plus all nested subdirectories without any extraneous information. The list will be contained in the text file named "filelist.txt" or whatever else you choose to call it. I would then use this text file in a text editor to convert every line of text from, for example,
rename c:\Users\dlucas\.gimp-2.8\mathmap\file1.png.efs file1.png
to give a simple example of a file that I just found on my system using this method.
You will need to use a text editor with a columnar editing capability since you have to modify som many files. Old programmer's editors such as CodeWright made this really simple while modern editors such as Eclipse or Notepad++ make this a little more difficult and may require a columnar editing plugin, depending on version. You basically have to make a columnar copy of all of the text in the file, and then paste the copy off to the far right - far enough that a second column of filenames and paths won't overwrite any of the existing file names and paths. You can then use columnar editing features to select and delete the path names of the text in the 2nd column since the rename command requires that the 2nd argument be simply the base filename and extension without the path information. You can use the columnar editing features to prepend every line with "RENAME ". If you attempt to do this without columnar editing features, you will find it slow going!
An alternate way to do this is to use a command formed from a "regular expression" to create the rename command. If you are not familiar with "regular expressions", ask a programmer friend as this is not an easy topic to learn from scratch. If you are familiar with regular expressions, this is probably the simplest way to perform this task. I haven't used them in many years and no longer recall the exact syntax to use or I would tell you myself.
Regardless of what kind of editor you use, the goal is to turn this ASCII file list of paths and filenames into a batch file (simply rename file1.txt to file1.bat when you are finished editing). You can then run the batch file by typing file1.bat at a command prompt.
I have just run into this same problem myself using the same really wonderful tool that you used. I am writing this while waiting for the undelete program to finish. That it restores files with this extra extension seems very anti-intuitive so I will look for an option to make it not do this when it finishes. If I find one, I will post a new answer here that is more specific to this tool. Otherwise, I am going to have rename all kazillion files just as you had to.
You experienced this problem because the disk that you recovered your files to "does not support encryption", according to the Active# UNDELETE documentation. The documentation offers no further explanation of what kind of disks support encryption, etc.
They offer a Decrypt command that restores the file's proper names as a post processing step. Unfortunately, this requires that you "include" each and every file to be decrypted, with no support for wildcards and parsing subdirectories so that is a non-starter, in my opinion given that both of us have hundreds of thousands of files to be renamed.
I did find that by selecting a normal fixed (non-removable) hard drive as the destination of the recovery effort, that the resulting files do not end up encrypted (i.e., they are recovered with the proper file name and extension). I originally chose a large USB based flash drive and the files were stored in their "encrypted" state (not really encrypted, but possibly potentially so and thus they give the .efs extension). Of course, this meant that I had to run the command all over again after switching to a regular hard drive (takes about 16 hours to recover 80GB worth of files due to presence of many sector CRC errors).
Is there a way to read the ptd or zgy file outside of Petrel? I have an application that would like to read the 3d seismic data that petrel holds in these formats without opening petrel to export the data into ASCII or something else. Obviously its a better user experience to just read it from my own application.
You can use zgy access C++ library deployed with Petrel. It's named Slb.Salmon.ZgyPublic.zip and located in the Petrel root folder. The archive contains binaries (native DLLs), C++ header files and documentation.
As for ptd, it is an extension of a folder name which contains files in many formats (binary, XML etc.), belonging to one project. The project's main file has pet extension, it is stored in binary format. There is no documentation on the format, it may change without notice, so you are not supposed to read those files directly.
Is there any way to create a new text file and write to it using Wix? I have come across elements that will allow me to work with Xml files and Ini files, but nothing for a plain text file.
The root of the problem stems from the fact that we're using a third party library that reads from its own custom configuration file, which really ties my hands as to what the text file can look like. The configuration file is similar to an Ini file, minus the "sections." And I've noticed that Wix handles Ini files by always placing them in the system folder, which won't work for our needs.
The data that needs to be written to the configuration file is gathered at run-time, so there's no opportunity to simply lay down a pre-configured file.
I would be willing to accept a Wix extension to accomplish the same result if one exists, but haven't come across one yet.
There is no built-in feature in Windows Installer for this. You'll have to write code to do it and invoke that code with a custom action.
The IniFile element can write .ini files anywhere; use the #Directory attribute to specify which directory it should go in. If the library ignores [section] lines, you can use anything as the #Section attribute value.
You might want to have a look at this project. It contains the collection of WiX extensions and custom actions, and I suppose it also has CA to read and write text files. Try it out - it is claimed to be tested and proved by using in enterprise installations.
I have 2 MULTILINE text files, I want to combine them into a third file in an Msbuild script.
Ideally, I would have a token in one file, say %REPLACEME%, somewhere in the middle of that file, and I would want it replaced with the contents of the 2nd file (which contain multiple lines of text).
I want to do this in MSBUILD, although a Windows Shell solution would suffice, and so would the usage of some 3rd party utility (preferably small, and a single exe).
The solution is trivial if the content of the replacement text file is just one line .. but that is not the case.
Note that I want to AVOID using Powershell, I also want to avoid building my own MsBuild Tasks.
You can use the MsBuild Community Tasks which have a RegexReplace task. I use it for my builds without any problem