I'm wondering if there's any good way to use cosine similarity to compare a single document with a set of documents. Obviously you could calculate the cosine similarity between the single document and every document in the set, but if you did this would you then take the average? Would you weight by the size of each of the other documents you're comparing the original document with? I'm also wondering if there's any way to combine all of the word counts in the set of documents you're comparing with so that in the end you only compute cosine similarity once; between the original document and the "aggregated" document. The reason I'm asking is that I have about 200,000 documents that I want to compare with a separate set of about 50,000 documents.Comparing each of the 200,000 with each of the 50,000 is a lot of calculating and I don't know if it's actually necessary if I'm just going to take some sort of average in the end anyway. Is my aggregated document idea a big no-no?
There is a way to speed this up significantly. The point is to notice that the word vectors are sparse. Thus you want to transform your documents into a table which is organized by word columns. One column per word. For each column you only store the non zero entries. That is one row per document that actually contains the word. Then you compute the partial sums by going through the columns and collect the results per document. This has the additional advantage that it is easy to parallelize.
To speed this up further you create a column per word per set and only compute and distribute the partial sums for the same word for documents of different sets.
For research purposes I want to determine how Lucene would score a given document to a given query if that document were in the index, but without actually indexing it. It should calculate e.g. the BM25 Score using the collection's statistics (like IDF, average document length etc.).
PyTerrier offers an API like that: TextScorer takes a batch of query-document-pairs and calculates their score with the option of specifying a background_index for the statistics.
How can I do the same with Lucene?
I have a web / mobile application that should display an infinite scroll view (the continuation of the list of items is loaded periodically in a dynamic way) with items where each of the items have a weight, the bigger is the weight in comparison to the weights of other items the higher should be the chances/probability to load the item and display it in the list for the users, the items should be loaded randomly, just the chances for the items to be in the list should be different.
I am searching for an efficient algorithm / solution or at least hints that would help me achieve that.
Some points worth to mention:
the weight has those boundaries: 0 <= w < infinite.
the weight is not a static value, it can change over time based on some item properties.
every item with a weight higher than 0 should have a chance to be displayed to the user even if the weight is significantly lower than the weight of other items.
when the users scrolls and performs multiple requests to API, he/she should not see duplicate items or at least the chance should be low.
I use a SQL Database (PostgreSQL) for storing items so the solution should be efficient for this type of database. (It shouldn't be a purely SQL solution)
Hope I didn't miss anything important. Let me know if I did.
The following are some ideas to implement the solution:
The database table should have a column where each entry is a number generated as follows:
log(R) / W,
W is the record's weight greater than 0 (itself its own column), and
R is a per-record uniform random number in (0, 1)
(see also Arratia, R., "On the amount of dependence in the prime factorization of a uniform random integer", 2002). Then take the records with the highest values of that column as the need arises.
However, note that SQL has no standard way to generate random numbers; DBMSs that implement SQL have their own ways to do so (such as RANDOM() for PostgreSQL), but how they work depends on the DBMS (for example, compare MySQL's RAND() with T-SQL's NEWID()).
Peter O had a good idea, but had some issues. I would expand it a bit in favor of being able to shuffle a little better as far as being user-specific, at a higher database space cost:
Use a single column, but store in multiple fields. Recommend you use the Postgres JSONB type (which stores it as json which can be indexed and queried). Use several fields where the log(R) / W. I would say roughly log(U) + log(P) where U is the number of users and P is the number of items with a minimum of probably 5 columns. Add an index over all the fields within the JSONB. Add more fields as the number of users/items get's high enough.
Have a background process that is regularly rotating the numbers in #1. This can cause duplication, but if you are only rotating a small subset of the items at a time (such as O(sqrt(P)) of them), the odds of the user noticing are low. Especially if you are actually querying for data backwards and forwards and stitch/dedup the data together before displaying the next row(s). Careful use of manual pagination adjustments helps a lot here if it's an issue.
Before displaying items, randomly pick one of the index fields and sort the data on that. This means you have a 1 in log(P) + log(U) chance of displaying the same data to the user. Ideally the user would pick a random subset of those index fields (to avoid seeing the same order twice) and use that as the order, but can't think of a way to make that work and be practical. Though a random shuffle of the index and sorting by that might be practical if the randomized weights are normalized, such that the sort order matters.
I have 2 documents, and am searching for the keyword "Twitter". Suppose both documents are blog posts with a "tags" field.
Document A has ONLY 1 term in the "tags" field, and it's "Twitter".
Document B has 100 terms in the "tags" field, but 3 of them is "Twitter".
Elastic Search gives the higher score to Document A even though Document B has a higher frequency. But the score is "diluted" because it has more terms. How do I give Document B a higher score, since it has a higher frequency of the search term?
I know ElasticSearch/Lucene performs some normalization based on the number of terms in the document. How can I disable this normalization, so that Document B gets a higher score above?
As the other answer says it would be interesting to see whether you have the same result on a single shard. I think you would and that depends on the norms for the tags field, which is taken into account when computing the score using the tf/idf similarity (default).
In fact, lucene does take into account the term frequency, in other words the number of times the term appears within the field (1 or 3 in your case), and the inverted document frequency, in other words how the term is frequent in the index, in order to compare it with other terms in the query (in your case it doesn't make any difference if you are searching for a single term).
But there's another factor called norms, that rewards shorter fields and take into account eventual index time boosting, which can be per field (in the mapping) or even per document. You can verify that norms are the reason of your result enabling the explain option in your search request and looking at the explain output.
I guess the fact that the first document contains only that tag makes it more important that the other ones that contains that tag multiple times but a lot of ther tags as well. If you don't like this behaviour you can just disable norms in your mapping for the tags field. It should be enabled by default if the field is "index":"analyzed" (default). You can either switch to "index":"not_analyzed" if you don't want your tags field to be analyzed (it usually makes sense but depends on your data and domain) or add the "omit_norms": true option in the mapping for your tags field.
Are the documents found on different shards? From Elastic search documentation:
"When a query is executed on a specific shard, it does not take into account term frequencies and other search engine information from the other shards. If we want to support accurate ranking, we would need to first execute the query against all shards and gather the relevant term frequencies, and then, based on it, execute the query."
The solution is to specify the search type. Use dfs_query_and_fetch search type to execute an initial scatter phase which goes and computes the distributed term frequencies for more accurate scoring.
You can read more here.
I am trying to implement BM25f scoring system on Lucene. I need to make a few minor changes to the original implementation given here for my needs, I got lost at the part where he gets Average Field Length and document length... Could someone guide me as to how or where I get it from?
You can get field length from TermVector instances associated with documents' fields, but that will increase your index size. This is probably the way to go unless you cannot afford a larger index. Of course you will still need to calculate the average yourself, and store it elsewhere (or perhaps in a special document with a well-known external id that you just update when the statistics change).
If you can store the data outside of the index, one thing you can do is count the tokens when documents are tokenized, and store the counts for averaging. If your document collection is static, just dump the values for each field into a file & process after indexing. If the index needs to get updated with additions only, you can store the number of documents and the average length per field, and recompute the average. If documents are going to be removed, and you need an accurate count, you will need to re-parse the document being removed to know how many terms each field contained, or get the length from the TermVector if you are using that.
I need to normalize the Lucene scores between 0 and 1.
For example, a random query returns the following scores...
What's the biggest score ? 10.0 ?
You can divide all scores with the maximum score to get scores between 0 and 1.
However, please note that the normalised scores should be used to compare the results of a single query only. It is not correct to compare the scores (normalised or not) of results from 2 different queries.
There is no good standard way to normalize scores with lucene. Read this: ScoresAsPercentages and this explanation
In your case the highest score is the score of the first result, if the results are sorted by score. But this score will be different for every other query.
See also how-do-i-normalise-a-solr-lucene-score
There is no maximum score in Solr, it depends on too many variables, so it can't be predicted.
But you can implement something called normalized score (Scores As Percentages) which is not recommended.
See related links for more details:
Is it possible to set a Solr Score threshold 'reasonably', independent of results returned? (i.e. Is Solr Scoring standardized in any way)
how do I normalise a solr/lucene score?
Remove results below a certain score threshold in Solr/Lucene?
A regular normalization will only help you to compare the scoring distribution among queries (and theirs retrieved lists).
You cannot simply normalize the score to compare the performance between queries.
Think of a query which all retrieved documents are highly relevant and received the same (high score), and on another query that the retrieved list comprise barley relevant document (again, with the same score) - now, no matter the per-query normalization you make - the normalized score will be the same.
You need to think on a cross-query factor that can bring all the scores to the same level.
For example - maybe computing similarity between the query and the whole index, and use that score somehow along with the document-score
If you want to compare two or more queries, i found an workaround.
You can compare your highest scored document with your queryterm using the LevenstheinDistance or LuceneLevenstheinDistance(Damerau) class to get the distance between your queryterm and your result. The result is the similiarity between them. Do this for each query you want to compare against. Now you have a tool to compare your queries using the similiarity of your querytherm and your highest result. You can now choose the query with the highest score of similiarity and use this for next proper actions.
//Damerau LevenstheinDistance
LuceneLevenshteinDistance d = new LuceneLevenshteinDistance();
similiarity = d.getDistance(queryterm, yourResult );
I applied a non-linearity function in order to compress every queries.