How to change registration requirement for user ID in chat function - quickblox

Hi when I run the sample chat function provided by quickblox, it contains several built-in limitation for username registration, for example, I need to have a certain number of characters or type of characters in order to register. I'm wondering which files contain those registration and display of error messages (I only found a class called "errors" in SignUpViewController ) and how do I change those limitations?

There are 2 ways:
Sign Up & then Sign In with email
Sign Up & then Sign In with login - Login field should contain alphanumeric and punctuation characters only
Is it OK? Or you have problem with other User's field?


How to modify laravel 5.6 login behaviour? How to add more fields for logging along with email and password?

Laravel has 2 fields in its auth to help user login i.e email and password. I have added another field(hidden field) in the login blade to pass a random number along with a password and email.
In my eloquentuserprovider.php i am grabbing $credentials[‘password’] and $credentials[‘email’] like this but when I write $credentials[‘hidden’] I get an error saying ‘undefined index hidden’.
So my question is how should I add other fields along with email and password to validate the user
I am writing all my validation logic in eloquentuserprovider.php

Slack API - Don't notify user when parsing user id

In this message formatting doc:, you can use special control sequence characters < and > to perform server-side parsing (server-side as in Slack API's server-side).
So using <#U024BE7LH> in your chat.postMessage() call will get parsed to something like #bob or whatever the username associated with that ID is, in the actual text that shows up in slack.
Unfortunately, this will cause a notification for the person you're referring to. How do I make it so that it doesn't notify the person? I've tried to enclose in a code block, i.e.:
But it still pings. I'm thinking the only way is to get a list of users and parse the name from the ID.
According to this, backticks should work but empirically it hasn't for me. The Slack employee says to just convert the user ID to their name and use that without the templating.

Create custom validation with three different error messages

I need to create a validation on an email field, i am using MVC 4.
I would use a simple regular expression, however as you see below i need to show three different error messages depending of the input on email field.
Validation Rules:
1)If the # sign is not present in the email address, display the message: # sign is required.
2) If no period (.) is entered, display the message: Period (.) after the # sign is required.
3) If 2 characters are not present after the period, display the message: Must contain at least 2 characters after the period.

How does Password Managers (in browsers) detect user & password fields, and how to force this detection?

I'm trying to understand how does password managers to detect user & password field in forms.
I guess that the password field is detected by looking for a input[type="password"], and the user field is the direct previous input (hidden, text, email, etc...)
/***** EDITED ****/
Confirmed, for example:
I have two forms
F1= name,email,pass
F2= email,name,pass
So, I save my password in the first form, the PM saves "email" and "pass".
Then, the second form is filled with the value of email in the field name.
/***** END EDITED ****/
But this produces too many bugs, and these are very commons, even in some famous sites and frameworks.
There are some way to explicitly specific which fields should be saved?
I didnt find any info in internet.
I only find this propose: but is not implemented yet (and maybe never)

Google + (after sign in retrieve the code)

I completed the Google + sign in.But after sign in I want to retrieve the inforamation means User first name and lastname seperately.But I retrieve the full name Using disPlayname.But I want first name and last name seperately. So please help any one.Because those values should be passed to one method in my web application.My web application is based on JAVA.(Ecommerce site).Please suggest any code for me.
Instead of using the displayName field in the returned object, you can use the name.firstName and name.lastName fields.
See for details and for what other fields are available as part of name.