Changing the photo in Google+ posts - google-plus

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to change the photo once it's been posted on Google+?
E.G. I posted some text and included an image below the post (in the add link, video, photo section).
So, can I now edit that very post and just change the photo? When I try to do that, G+ gives me the option to edit the link only, not the photo.
Has anyone experienced issues like that, and is there a fix?

That is not possible. You have to delete the post and make a new post.


Where would i find the code to edit an iframe ( youtube video) in shopify for a blog?

Where would I find the code to edit an iframe (youtube video) in Shopify? Right now in a blog it is not resizing in mobile and looks half cut off. I have looked in the article folder, blog folder, theme.liquid. I've checked everywhere. I don't even know what code to send you guys so you can help me figure it out. Basically what I am trying to do is find the code and then somehow resize it so it doesn't look cut off in mobile view. Does anyone know how to do that?

Rich links in hangouts chat

I'm working on the sharing aspects of a website, and got stuck with google's hangouts chat.
I want links to the site to be displayed as "cards" with my preview image (ideally, an animated gif), the same way these are:
I was hoping the generic "og:image" meta tag would do the trick, but that's not working
So, I checked out the source code of these pages, but that didn't help either:
In the github page, for example, the url to the image can be found in the og:image and twitter:image:src meta tags. I thought it would be weird for 'twitter:image:src' to be the solution, but I tried anyways. It didn't work.
I've been looking everywhere for some documentation on this, but all I can find is stuff about creating a bot, which is not what I'm looking for.
Thanks for any advice

Post on twitter from ios app

I simply want to post some text and if possible also photo from my ios 7 app. When I click some button and perform action, I want to post silently to twitter. However, if the user has not sign in to twitter, I want to ask for authentication.
I have look through many examples, but could not find any satisfactory guide. Can anbybody please help me out giving guideline and resources?
Thanks in advance
Please find below link for simple tweet example .

Imgur API v3 - Retrieve Image/Album comments

I'm developing a Windows Phone unofficial client for Imgur, the documentation talks about Comments endpoints/data models...but there isn't any method to retrieve comments about a specific image or album.
Anyone known how to retrive them...if is possible? Thanks
After a month I understand how to retrieve them: just putting "/comments" after album or image id. Stupid incomplete API documentation.
To clarify I want to add few things:
Indeed You need to put '/comments', so in the end Your url should look like:
The id ('cUkfS9L' here) may be the id of IMAGE, not only gallery.
But what's more important, and where I had a problem:
It looks like this doesn't work for newest images.
I tried it for a list of newest images (got by '(...)time/all(...)' sorting in query) and noticed that getting comments works for like 4th page of my images.
My solution was changing "time/all" to "top". Now I had much older images and getting comments worked well for them.

How to get information from a website into my tableview row

The application I'm making is similar to YouTube. It is a TableView that has a custom cell that displays a screenshot of the video, title, duration, and rating. I think I'm able to create this custom cell, my question is what to use to get the information from the website? Thanks for the help, I'm still inexperienced.
Update: Maybe I didn't word it properly, but I meant to get the video and information from a different web site that isn't YouTube for its videos, sorry for the confusion.
You use YouTube's API.