gwan reverse proxy - reverse-proxy

I am searching to configure gwan to act as reverse-proxy cache to my web python application.
I could'nt find some example on the web.
Thanks a lot for your examples

If your goal is merely to accelerate your Python application then you should just run it from G-WAN (see the example).
Some (advanced) users have used G-WAN handlers to write their own custom proxy, but G-WAN will document its embedded proxy (and load-balancer) in the following weeks.
It still works without configuration files, so you will not have to learn anything new.
And the competent users will like the ability to personalize the proxy with their own scripts.
There's always a long way between a solution that "runs" and a polished version ready for a wide public.


What alternative to Browsermob proxy can I choose?

This tool is almost all good, but there are nuances that I basically do not like in his work. Their discussion can be made here, but now interests me is: what tool can I choose to replace BMP? The requirements are as follows:
Ability to work through API
Ability to work not just as a proxy, but as a proxy manager, to create separate living proxies, with all their individual settings, and manage them using the API
Correctly work with proxy chains
Living as a standalone application, or as a php project (this is of course unlikely), or as a project that has an SDK for PHP.
What can you advise?
I use several different proxies depending on my need. I'll list them here.
Browsermob Proxy
WireMock :
Charles Proxy :
Charles is not going to meet the needs that you laid out, but check on WireMock.

How to get Repositorytool.jar in Apache ACE?

Apache Ace documentation refers about RepositoryTool.jar that can be used to manage Repository. But I could not find this tool in the Apache ACE distribution. Where can I download this tool?
The page you're referring to is part of the old site (the new one is located at, and refers to tooling you probably shouldn't be using anymore: it has been used before there were other ways to interact with the repository, mainly for development purposes.
Depending on your needs, you can use the repository in a number of ways,
If you need to programmatically read and write the repositories (remember that they're only XML), use the HTTP API available for that.
You can do the same thing from code, see Repository and its implementations.
If you want to edit 'meaningful' ACE data (such as linking distributions and targets), use the Client REST API. This is probably the option you want.

Small cross reverse proxy server that can be configures and redistrubution

Hi as the title says I'm looking for a cross platform reverse proxy that can be pre configured and then redistributed.
There are multiple people running 5 apps on servers
Now with the reverse proxy I would like to set it up so
I could manually set it up with Apache or something similar for each person but it seems wiser to pre configure something and then just redistribute it so everyone can just run it and it works out the box. I was thinking of python as its cross platform but haven't found anything suitable yet. Does anyone know of anything that doesn't have tons of frills and is lightweight?
I know this is rather late, but Node.js has a number of proxy components that would fit. node-http-proxy being the most commonly quoted.
Node.js works well on multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux at least) and is based on Google's "V8" JavaScript engine. It is non-blocking and highly performant.

URL shortening (tinyURL, application for internal deployment (open source or commercial)

I'm looking for the equivalent of a URL shortening service such as for an internal deployment in our organisation. Anyone know of any open source projects (especially Java ones) or commercial products which I can install internally rather than using an external service?
Shorty :
But there's several other url shortener .... most of them are in PHP/Mysql.
Don't know if a Java one exist.
tells you the core basics of how to achieve the concept with PHP and Htaccess building up from there I can say would solely be on your own. However not all to hard a concept in general to build off of if you know php/mysql. That said your not likely to find anything directly built in JavaScript however using this with JavaScript again wouldn't be all that hard a concept. I say your not likely to find one JS based as you need some type of server-side script to communicate with a DB somewhere, where you have all your short URL identifiers, and JavaScript to my knowledge doesn't support directly at least database connectivity. You can go through any means of AJAX to communicate with a server-side script to then do what you want with the JavaScript though.

Apache module for restful services

My objective is create an apache module that will provide RESTful services (i.e., we have some legacy code that controls/queries some networking equipment and we would now like to expose that functionality as a RESTful service). I guess the flow might look something like this:
WebBrowser -- issues RESTful URI---> [Apache (my_module) ] -->..
..---> Interface to existing Legacy code.
I have been mucking around various wikis, blogs, forums, articles etc. but I just can't seem to understand how those RESTful urls will get to (my_module) in apache [you can tell I have never worked with web-servers internals, much less modules, before]. I mean, do I have to edit that httpd.conf file and say something like: Send all urls that look like http://baseurl/restservices/... to my_module. If so, how do I do it?
Also, what will my_module actually get? Does it get the full http request message and it has to parse it like typical CGI programs?
Further, what is the best way for my_module to interact with my legacy code? E.g., Open a TCP connection to it and send messages and write wrapper around legacy code to interpret those messages. Or can my_module directly invoke the functions in my legacy code somehow if I compiled my entire legacy code as a module in apache?
Thanks for any hints. If u know of a good tutorial, please point me to it. I'm looking for a high level overview that will give me the architecture (the developers under me can then follow up on the nitty-gritty details).
I'd write an extension for PHP or Python and use mod_php / mod_wsgi
I think you are approaching this in the wrong way:
Apache modules are not really how you want to handle a URL if your requirements are quote basic. Depending on the language your legacy code is in, I would advise:
Binding its API into a python or PHP module, and have that script called by Apache through normal means. It is also a lot simple (in many cases) to glue a C-call style compiled language to these scripting languages rather than Apache itself.
It also has the advantage of adding an abstractions which allows you to layer additional logic in a scripting language on your core legacy code. You may also want to preprocess data and validate it from the request before handing it into your legacy code.
Both PHP and Python also have RESTful frameworks and utilities.
If you do write an Apache module, then check out Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C
Developing PHP Extensions in C, Extending Python in C or C++ ... also if using Python checkout the WSGI stuff.
I'd agree with Aiden. Writing Apache modules is not for the faint hearted and you definitely don't want to go there unless you absolutely must. You would need to be prepared to become very conversant with how Apache works.
If you still think you need to, then look at:
This is a library which uses existing Apache Runtime Libraries and which provides higher level functionality for dealing with POST data, cookies etc from C code hooked into Apache via a custom module.
The book Aiden mentions though is a bit dated. Better off getting:
The Apache Modules Book: Application Development with Apache