This question already has an answer here:
Serializing a BitmapImage in WinRT
(1 answer)
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm getting the thumbnail image from a video, all I need is to serialize it
how to do that.
I've been doing some searches and I get nothing.
I have the code of how to serialize an object, but I want to serialize the thumbnail image itself to get it later when I start my app up again.
you have an image or video feed ?
if its an image, you can easily do it.
Have a look at it provides extension methods to WriteableBitmap class that allows Resize in addition to tons of other things.
What you need to do is
* Load the image into writeable bitmap
* Resize it using extension methods
* Have the image to stream ?
This question already has an answer here:
iOS CoreImage Edge detection
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
Here is the UIImage, Wikipedia icon,
But it is a png file, but I would like to find the boundary of this image like this(Sorry, ugly drawing):
Is there any existing algorithm that allow me to find out the image?
Here is the assumption:
1. All the background is transparent.
2. The image MUST be one big piece.
Are you looking for this. I didn't tried this myself but it will solve your problem seems. Here's the tutorial.
UIImage* edge = [myImage edgeDetectionWithBias:0];
I am not sure, if it will solve your problem.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Remote image size without downloading
I have some tables,views, etc that shows images that are on remote URLs. In order to make the app more fluid, all the images are being downloaded asynchronously.
In that context, I need to know the width/height of an image without downloading it in order to correctly set heights to the table rows and views that are one behind the other (like Pinterest gui).
Does anyone know how to do that?
You should download the image and check it's size before displaying it. Or limit it's size and shrink it to fit your predetermined view height.
Download image and change size of UITableViewCell and other UIView's after you get the UIImage's size.
Is it possible to upload an animated GIF with TWTweetComposeViewController?
I gave it a try with UIImage, and it only uploads the first frame. This makes sense, since UIImage doesn't support animated GIFs.
Is there a way to do this? Maybe a way to pass an NSData?
(My app is MonoTouch C#, but Objective-C answers work just as
Follow This Link It has the library to insert GIF images into UIImageView
You are correct - Twitter's official API documentation does not allow animated gif - only png, jpeg and one frame of gif is allowed
Here is their api doc page
I also tried the example for TWrequest post using multipart image data set to the raw Gif file and twitter sent back 400 / 403 error message
I'm assuming there isn't a way to do this.
Let's say I have a thumbnail image and I have an original image(about 1200 * 1600) on my server. What is the best way for users to see the full screen of the original image on iPhone?
I could send HTTP request to download the image but how can I show the image on the full screen? Also. If I download the full size image then is this bed for memory management?
Use a UIImageView in your UI, download the fullscreen image to disk, create a new image using UIImage's imageWithContentsOfFile:
+ (UIImage *)imageWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path
and eventually assign the image property of your UIImageView instance to this newly created image.
To download the fullscreen image, do not use synchronous methods like NSData's dataWithContentsOfURL or it will block your UI. Instead use the asynchronous methods of NSURLConnection.
See the Loading Data Asynchronously section of NSURLConnection Class Reference.
The full image seem to be appr. 12 times larger than the standard iPhone 320x480 screen. I think you can pre-render a down-scaled image to download for this and not feel about that.
Automator is a simple way to batch process this for you. See this vid.
Im creating a upload component that do these things:
select multiple images
convert to BitmapData
resize if is too large
create a thumb(itemRenderer) and add it to a list
And the problem is how to upload them with a preloader for each image when a button is pressed. Anybody know how to do it?
thanks ;)
You could use the FileReference.browse() method to select the images and then upload them by using the FileReference.upload() method. That allows you to show an upload progress bar for every image.
FileReference class