Changing devise flash messages from notice to error - devise

I know that you can override the default devise controllers and I did so for the Registrations and Sessions Controller. I know that you can also change the text for the flash messages in devise under locale. However, I am not sure how to change the type of flash message showing for the sessions controller when there is an invalid combination of username and password.
The create method looks like
def create
self.resource = warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
set_flash_message(:notice, :signed_in) if is_navigational_format?
sign_in(resource_name, resource)
respond_with resource, :location => after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
I suspect that the validation is done during the follow call
But this is where I am not sure how to overwrite that in my app.
Also, I think it is a complex override for such a simple use case of changing the color of a flash notice.
Any insights would be much appreciated.

You can do it with custom failure app. As you can see this flash message is setting right here So you can change it in your custom failure app.
So at first you inherit your failure app from Devise's one:
class CustomFailure < Devise::FailureApp
def recall
env["PATH_INFO"] = attempted_path[:error] = i18n_message(:invalid)
self.response = recall_app(warden_options[:recall]).call(env)
place this file somewhere in your app and say Devise to use it like this (config/initializers/devise.rb):
config.warden do |manager|
manager.failure_app = CustomFailure


Devise sign_in_params method missing

I'm attempting to use Devise (2.2.4), which I'm new to, with the Rails 3.2.13/Ruby 2.0.0p195 app I'm building. I turned scoped_views on because I want to have my own separate users and admins views. And I created my own Users::RegistrationsController which seems to be doing what I want it to. I've just added my own Users::SessionsController, which is where I've hit problems.
I straight copied over a couple of action methods from the Devise::SessionsController source as a first step, planning to modify them once they were working (my controller code is at the bottom of this post). But my 'new' method is failing, when called, with a NameError because `sign_in_params' is apparently undefined.
Well, that seems pretty strange because I'm inheriting from Devise::SessionsController, and when I look at the source for that on GitHub, there's the sign_in_params defined in the protected section at the bottom. So I decided to investigate whether my controller is inheriting correctly from Devise::SessionsController - and it certainly seem to be. I can list out all the inherited methods, just not that one missing one. So I ended up running the following piece of code in the Rails Console:
( - {|m| puts m}
And it produces the following output:
If I ignore the underscored methods, the remainder are all those methods defined in the Devise::SessionsController source except sign_in_params. I can't see how anything I've written can be deleting that method, and I can't think what else to try. Google is silent on this problem, so I assume I'm doing something uniquely foolish, but I can't work out what. Any suggestions please? And might someone else try running that bit of Rails Console code to see what they get?
class Users::SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
prepend_before_filter :require_no_authentication, :only => [ :new, :create ]
prepend_before_filter :allow_params_authentication!, :only => :create
prepend_before_filter { request.env["devise.skip_timeout"] = true }
# GET /resource/sign_in
def new
self.resource =
respond_with(resource, serialize_options(resource))
# POST /resource/sign_in
def create
self.resource = warden.authenticate!(auth_options)
set_flash_message(:notice, :signed_in) if is_navigational_format?
sign_in(resource_name, resource)
respond_with resource, :location => after_sign_in_path_for(resource)
I think you are using code from a devise version compatible with Rails 4 on a rails 3 application.
sign_in_params is a method to be used with strong parameters. A gem used in rails 4.
If you check the controller on devise version 2.2.
You will see that there is no sign_in_params method.
Check which version of devise you are using and copy the code based on that devise version in your controller, rather than the latest code from github.

Add variable to a devise message

I need to pass a variable to a devise message, devise.registrations.signed_up like :
signed_up: "Welcome to %{my_var}"
def create
set_flash_message :notice, :signed_up, :app_name => "my app name"
It gives the error: missing interpolation argument because in the super class the set_flash_message sets the message without the variable.
Is there a way to this with devise?
You might want to hack into the def create of Devise::RegistrationsController directly instead of subclassing it and set the flash message there itself.
So, In a way, instead of calling super you can simply paste in the code from the devise create method and set the flash message to whatever you want there itself.

Devise: "def create" in users_controller.rb not working?

I've been pulling my hair out trying to get anything working with "def create" and "def update" in the users_controller.rb for Devise.
For instance, I've tried this:
def create
#user =[:user])
respond_to do |format|
flash[:notice] = "Test Save"
flash[:notice] = "Test Error"
I've used this code along with the appropriate code to show flash notices in the views section. However nothing is shown when I either submit a blank form, an incomplete form, or a complete form. The user registration will still go through on a complete form, but it does not follow anything I put in "def create". I've tried other ways of testing this aside from flash notices, such as sending to a different page, etc. I get no response. The same thing for "def update", it doesn't seem to even use that code.
I'm completely dumbfounded on this one, any ideas?
If i understand your question correctly, you should be overwriting the devise controller.
# app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb
class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
def new
def create
# add custom create logic here
def update
You can see what the default devise controllers are doing here:
If you just want to edit the flash message, looking at the link above shows that devise uses a method called set_flash_message
# Sets the flash message with :key, using I18n. By default you are able
# to setup your messages using specific resource scope, and if no one is
# found we look to default scope.
# Example (i18n locale file):
# en:
# devise:
# registrations:
# signed_up: 'Welcome! You have signed up successfully.'
So you can just edit your devise.en.yml file with the correct text and voila!
Note: If you do overwrite the controller don't forget to also add
# app/config/routes.rb
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}
How about this instead?
redirect_to #user, notice: 'User was successfully created.'
render action: 'new'
You are setting the flash, but no redirection and no rendering. I'm wondering if you are getting a blank page, or a 200 with no body.
This will redirect to the show action, setting a flash notice if successful and render the new form with the #user.errors showing why it failed.
If you are using devise, you could use the Registrations Controller to create a new account, you shouldn't need to create a new one. If you create a new one, there might be a conflict in the routes with registrations#create and users#create both pointing to POST /users

Rails 3: Manipulating devise "resource" in controller?

I'm using devise & devise_invitable in a rails 3 project, and I'm trying to manipulate some of the 'User' object fields in the devise controller.
The action is question is this:
def update
self.resource = resource_class.accept_invitation!(params[resource_name])
resource.first_name = 'Lemmechangethis'
if resource.errors.empty?
set_flash_message :notice, :updated
sign_in(resource_name, resource)
respond_with resource, :location => after_accept_path_for(resource)
respond_with_navigational(resource){ render_with_scope :edit }
I'd have thought that the (commented out) resource.first_name call would influence resource in much the same way as a model - but it doesn't seem to. I'm still getting a 'blank' validation error on this form.
So, the question is, how do I specify values to the User model in devise (and/or devise_invitable) that will actually be subject to verification?
Any suggestions appreciated,
resource does return a User models instance. So the resource.first_name = 'Lemmechangethis' statement does change your User models instance but it doesnot trigger your User models validations, which is probably why resource.errors always returns an empty array. One way to trigger the User models validation is to call resource.valid? for example. You can then check the resource.errors array for specific error messages.

Where to put business logic that requires the current_user to be known? (Rails)

I have a model (say Car) in which a method needs access to the current_user to determine if the user is allowed to perform the things that the method does.
For example, a method might want to do these things:
Check that current_user owns this object
Check that the object status == 1 (Active)
Check that a related object exists and it's X field is not NULL
I need this business logic to be in the model, not in the controller, so that it's the one place where my business logic will be. The method might get called from places other than a controller.
I know that there are gems like cancan, declarative_authorization etc. but they seem to be overkill for what I need to do. And also, accessing current_user in a model is not considered the "right way".
Then, how do I make that check in the model but still feel "clean"?
I have experienced a situation where "current_user" needs be tightly connected to a model, but I handled it all in the Controller and it works pretty well. Here are some examples:
My model is "Photos". Photos are owned by users, and how people interact with photos is obviously tightly related to whether or not they own the photo.
In the show action I need to load either the existing rating a user has given to a photo (so they can edit it) or allow them to create a new one:
def show
#photo = Photo.find(params[:id])
if user_signed_in?
if #rating = current_user.ratings.find_by_photo_id(params[:id])
#current_user_rating = #rating.value
#rating =
#current_user_rating = "n/a"
When people create photos I want them to be automatically assigned to the current user.
def new
#photo =
def create
#photo =[:photo])
redirect_to user_path(current_user), :notice => t('photo.notice.created')
render 'new'
Only the owners of a photo can change them:
def edit
#photo = Photo.find(params[:id])
if #photo.user == current_user
render 'edit'
redirect_to user_path(current_user), :alert => t('application.error.unauthorized')
def update
#photo =[:id])
redirect_to user_path(current_user), :notice => t('photo.notice.updated')
render 'edit'
This approach is based on the constraints that a "current_user" object is tied to the session, which only the controller knows about. So, in short, I have yet to find a good way to integrate "current_user" into a model, but I've been able to find (I think) pretty clean ways to tie the model and controller together so that this can be provided by the controller.
One fairly simple solution to most problems, if your controller is starting to get messy, would be to take a chunk of logic and define as a method in the model, but require one argument = a user object. Then you can just feed "current_user" to that method from your controller and the model handles the rest.
Good luck! Also, if anyone else has any better ideas for this, I'd love to hear them!
Handle auth'ing in a Controller.
Example: Putting auth logic in parent ApplicationController.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# Returns the currently logged in user or nil if there isn't one
def current_user
return unless session[:user_id]
#current_user ||= User.find_by_id(session[:user_id])
# Make current_user available in templates as a helper
helper_method :current_user
# Filter method to enforce a login requirement
# Apply as a before_filter on any controller you want to protect
def authenticate
logged_in? ? true : access_denied
# Predicate method to test for a logged in user
def logged_in?
current_user.is_a? User
# Make logged_in? available in templates as a helper
helper_method :logged_in?
def access_denied
redirect_to login_path, :notice => "Please log in to continue" and return false
Now that current_user is an accessor to the logged in user and you can access it in any controller, you can do your authorization logic in the appropriate controller before you do anything with the model.
Your right, though. Models don't care about authorization or who is accessing them.