I want to create a backup of my hbase table using hbase export.
The problem is that my rows are very big and I get a java heap space error. Is there any parameter I can give in order to limit the copied size in each step?
I use the following command:
hadoop jar /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-0.90.3-cdh3u1.jar export tableName backupPathOnHdfs numberOfColumnFamiliesVersions
hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce.Export tableName backupPathOnHdfs numberOfColumnFamiliesVersions
You can use the export tool, that is, hadoop jar hbase-*-SNAPSHOT.jar export, with a regexp param (if it starts with ^) or interpreted as a row key prefix as the last argument. Details see in the source as it seems not yet to be documented (should work from 0.91.0 on).
Currently testing a cluster and when using the "CREATE TABLE AS" the resulting managed table ends up being one file ~ 1.2 GB while the base file the query is created from has many small files. The SELECT portion runs fast, but then the result is 2 reducers running to create one file which takes 75% of the run time.
Additional testing:
1) If using "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS" is used the query runs very fast and there is no merge files step involved.
2) Also, the merging doesn't appear to occur with version HDP 3.0.1.
You can change set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=<number> to let hive decide number of reducers based on reducer input size (default value is set to 1 GB or 1000000000 bytes ) [ you can refer to links provided by #leftjoin to get more details about this property and fine tuning for your needs ]
Another option you can try is to change following properties
set mapreduce.job.reduces=<number>
set hive.exec.reducers.max=<number>
I have 2 environments namely Dev and stage. Both has hive installed (same version 2.1). On Dev I have external hive tables pointing to hbase table. I have to export this hive table to stage. No compulsion that hbase table also be migrated. If managed hive table is created with data in it, will be sufficient. Can anyone suggest me how to do this? Below is diagrammatic representation of scenario. Solution to any of the expected scenario will be useful.
I tried:
Dump hive table's data into CSV file and load it into managed hive table on stage. But data have Japanese characters (non-utf8) causing higher row count on stage w.r.t. row count on Dev.
I guess, this is completely theoretical problem so not adding queries. Please let me know if you wish to see queries.
Dev Hive table -> Dev HDFS location -> Distcp -> Stage HDFS location -> Import -> Stage Hive table
You can export the hive table data to an HDFS location using the command below.
INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY 'hdfs_exports_location/department' SELECT * FROM department;
Copy the HDFS data to the stage environment HDFS location using distcp
hadoop distcp <hdfs_export_location>/department hdfs://<stage name node>/<import location>
Import the table from the copied HDFS files
import from '<import location>';
I am trying to copy data of a partitioned Hive table from one cluster to another.
I am using distcp to copy the data but the data underlying data is of a partitioned hive table.
I used the following command.
hadoop distcp -i {src} {tgt}
But as the table was partitioned the directory structure was created according to the partitioned tables. So it is showing error creating duplicates and aborting job.
org.apache.hadoop.toolsCopyListing$DulicateFileException: File would cause duplicates. Aborting
I also used -skipcrccheck -update -overwrite but none worked.
How to copy the data of a table from partitioned file path to destination?
Try to use this option -strategy dynamic
By default distcp is using uniformsize.
Check the below settings to see if they are false.Set them to true.
hive> set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories;
hive> set mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.input.dir.recursive;
hadoop distcp -Dmapreduce.map.memory.mb=20480 -Dmapreduce.map.java.opts=-Xmx15360m -Dipc.client.fallback-to-simple-auth-allowed=true -Ddfs.checksum.type=CRC32C -m 500 \
-pb -update -delete {src} {target}
Ideally there can't be same file names. So, what's happening in your case is you trying to copy partitioned table from one cluster to other. And, 2 different named partitions have same file name.
Your solution is to correct Source path {src} in your command, such that you provide path uptil partitioned sub directory not the file.
For ex - Refer below :
If you use {src} as "/a/*/*" then you will get the error "File would cause duplicates."
But, if you use {src} as "/a" then you will not get error in copying.
I do the following from a hive table myTable.
INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/myDir/out' SELECT concat_ws('',NAME,PRODUCT,PRC,field1,field2,field3,field4,field5) FROM myTable;
So, this command generates 2 files 000000_0 and 000001_0 inside the folder out/.
But, I need the contents as a single file. What should I do?
There are multiple files in the directory because every reducer is writing one file. If you really need the contents as a single file, run your map reduce job with only 1 reducer which will write to a single file.
However depending on your data size, this might not be a good approach to run a single reducer.
Edit: Instead of forcing hive to run 1 reduce task and output a single reduce file, it would be better to use hadoop fs operations to merge outputs to a single file.
For example
hadoop fs -text /myDir/out/* | hadoop fs -put - /myDir/out.txt
A bit late to the game, but I found that using LIMIT large_number, where large_number is bigger than rows in your query. It forces hive to use at least a reducer. For example:
set mapred.reduce.tasks=1; INSERT OVERWRITE LOCAL DIRECTORY '/myDir/out' SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 1000000000
Worked flawlessly.
CLUSTER BY will make the work.
i have created a table in Hive "sample" and loaded a csv file "sample.txt" into it.
now i need that data from "sample" into my local /opt/zxy/sample.txt.
How can i do that?
Hortonworks' Sandbox lets you do it through its HCatalog menu. Otherwise, the syntax is
as per Hive language manual
Since your intention is just to copy the entire file from HDFS to your local FS, I would not suggest you to do it through a Hive query, because of the following reasons :
It'll start a Mapreduce job which will take more time than a normal copy.
It'll create file(s) with different names(000000_0, 000001_0 and so on), which will require you to rename the file manually afterwards.
You might face problem in opening these files as they are without any extension. Your OS would be unable to choose an application to open these files on its own. In such a case you either have to rename the file or manually select an application to open it.
To avoid these problems you could use HDFS get command :
bin/hadoop fs -get /user/hive/warehouse/sample/sample.txt /opt/zxy/sample.txt
Simple n easy. But if you need to copy some selected data, then you have to use a Hive query.
I usually run my query directly through Hive on the command line for this kind of thing, and pipe it into the local file like so:
hive -e 'select * from sample' > /opt/zxy/sample.txt
Hope that helps.
Readers who are accessing Hive from Windows OS can check out this script on Github.
It's a Python+paramiko script that extracts Hive data to local Windows OS file-system.