Organization of files in Code Blocks - project

I am currently working on a medium/large project on Code::Blocks and I am wondering how to organize my files.
First, it seems that creating "virtual folders" in Code::Blocks is quite natural but then on disk, all files are in the root folder of the project and it seems messy for me : if I want to do something outside of Code::Blocks, files are then hard to find. Should I use this method anyway ?
Then if I create "real" folders every time I need them, I need to add them to the path in order for them to be built. Plus, Code::Blocks seems not to like that. Is there an easy way to say to Code::Blocks "build the project as if the files in the sub-folders in my project directory where directely inside the root project directory" ?
I did not find on the Internet how project are usually organized with Code::Blocks, any links are welcomed

large projects organisation
If you are creating a new project, coding a new software application or want to refactor existing code, it's a good to properly structure your project. While there is probably hundreds of ways to structure and while there are many thing to consider, here I would like to give you one possible approach which has really worked for me over and over. This example/proposal is the summary of the years of research I have done regarding this topic, so it's not just 'an idea'
There are three 'main' issues you definitely need to address when organising a project:
Medium to large projects, not to say all projects, should be version controlled (GIT as an example).
medium to large projects, not to say all projects, should be maintained by a project generator (Cmake as an example).
It would be impossible, for a medium to large project, to keep all files in the same physical directory. It is even strongly discouraged (by several guidelines including linux kernel). You should organize these files in a physical logical manner.
An example physical projects file structure would be:
~example/environment$project tree .
|- code
|- core
|- extern
|- docs
|- tests
|- core_tests
|- extern-tests
|- ...
This, unfortunately in code::blocks, means you will have to include all your project physical folders to the search paths.
You can organize your files inside code::blocks in any way you want, virtually too, but if your physical structure is logical, your project should be intuitive to browse!
code::blocks does not allow to include virtual paths.
hope this helps

In one of my projects in Code::Blocks I use different folders in my source folder; client, common and server.
I then have different compile targets, so that the client compile target will use the source files found in client and common, and the server compile target will use the source files found in server and common.
Not sure if that's what you're after but here is a picture of how my project looks like:


UWP APPX1101 errors with 2 unique data files

I'm in the process of converting a rather huge project to a Windows 10 Store app. I've gotten it to compile and now can't get past several APPX1101 errors - "Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path". The files are .xml files part of the project, e.g. "baseDir\Assets\foo\timers.xml" and "baseDir\Assets\bar\timers.xml". Different files and different paths.
The solution and projects are created by CMake (3.72). The cmake files have been modified to support creating a Windows 10 store app platform config.
It appears that the directory tree has been flattened and files are overlapping. But how or why eludes me. Every UWP project I've seen contains an "Assets" folder under the main project but this one does not. I see files such as Logo.png and SplashScreen.png in folder named "Resource Files". The files causing the errors are under the folder named "Assets" which existed before this was a UWP project.
How can I fix this error? Did I misconfigure CMake?
How to avoid directory flattening?
There are a few hundred data files taking up a few hundred megabytes used by the program. Will I need to add each of them to the solution to be packaged?
I've gleaned more info but not enough to fully satisfy the question. The directory flattening in the output occurs due to how the files are added to the project via CMake and how the original Windows product was packaged. The XML files are added to the project with a full path in the .vcxproj. The .vcxproj.filters also use a full path to the file and a filter like "Data\foo". The desktop Windows version didn't need to care since it knew where to find it's data relative to the executable and was packaged by an external tool.
I've manually added an "Assets" filter and modified the .vcxproj and .vcxproj.filters files. The .vcxproj file needed a property added to the file's include. This uses relative paths and gets rid of the APPX1101 duplicate error.
<XML Include="..\Base\Assets\foo\Data\timers.xml">
<XML Include="..\Base\Assets\foo\Data\timers.xml">
Update 2
From what I can tell, it's not possible to get CMake to add a <Link> to XML and other .vcxproj Include types. I went through the latest CMake source code (3.8rc). The <XML Include> is added to the .vcxproj in cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator::WriteExtraSource() in cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx. Other types have the option to set the flag to add the <Link> but XML and other data types do not have code to set the flag.
The only options I can see are modifying CMake source or reworking the project to add data files using relative paths that match the same <Filter> for the matching Include in the vcxproj.filters file. This is only a problem with CMake. Visual Studio 2015/2017 have no problem adding assets above your tree. The MS UWP examples on GitHub do it to share common data between sample projects.
It's been a while and I'm posting this as an answer in case someone else runs into this problem. I'm not marking it accepted because I find the workaround rather weak. My knowledge of CMake is limited and my understanding of Universal Windows apps even less.
The primary issue is that by design, CMake does not build a relocatable solution. i.e. you can't xcopy a Windows solution to another tree and expect it to work as you would would with one generated from within the Visual Studio IDE.
The second issue is that this was a huge pre-existing project already targeting multiple platforms. And by huge, I mean it ships on a dual layer blu-ray disc. The location of asset files was fixed and was above the location of the CMake build folder. This caused files to be stripped of their path when added to the layout whenever their location was not under the expected assets folder.
There is no way in the current CMake (3.8) to add a <link> tag to the include in the project file. And CMake creates the include tag with the full path to the file not a relative one by design.
The workaround I came up with was to add a step to the batch file that invokes CMake to edit the .vcproj and vcproj.filters files to change the fixed asset paths relative ones and then added another step to create a symbolic link/junction ( under the build folder to the location where the assets were. The assets now appear as being under the expected asset folder are now added correctly to the layout.
As I said, not ideal but it works. The real solution would be to re-organize all the data but this is not something that can happen for this project when a vast amount of data is generated from different script, tools, sources and contributors.

Common wwwroot folder for multiple websites in MVC 6

I have multiple websites which use /wwwroot/assets folder (html theme, css and javascript files) to load the static content.
Currently I am copying assets folder in each site. All of my projects are sitting under a common parent directory.
I don't want to copy the /wwwroot/assets folder into each website. Is there a way to share one assets folder between all sites. May be by providing a direct file system path or something?
At the moment it's not clear from the documentation what sorts of values the webroot key in the project.json file will accept, but so far it would appear that Visual Studio doesn't care for very complicated paths. For example, setting the value to ../wwwroot causes the entry to disappear in the Solution Explorer.
If you look at the kpm code that bundles your project up for deployment, it appears to combine your project's directory with whatever is stored in the wwwroot key, so even though Visual Studio may not understand it, relative paths appear to be supported. Using kpm bundle from the command line confirms this, and a directory above src bundles correctly when using a relative path.
Depending on your particular needs, there is one way that should work that makes kpm and Visual Studio happy, but it will depend on your build environment as to whether that is a good option for you.
Windows, OSX, and Linux all support creating symbolic links for directories, which would allow you to have your assets directory in one location in the filesystem and then create links to it elsewhere. For example, if you had assets in /projects/shared/assets, you could create a link in both of your other projects (e.g. /projects/project1/src/wwwroot/assets) that point to the "real" location.
In Windows, the command would might something like this
mklink /j "C:\link\to\create" "C:\path\to\assets"
So if you did
mklink /j "C:\source\shared\assets" "C:\source\project1\src\wwwroot\assets"
project1 would appear to have an assets directory inside of wwwroot and the build process would be happy since it would appear to each project that the files were local. One thing to note here is that Windows supports a number of different sorts of links. /j specifically creates a junction rather than a true symbolic link. The differences are a bit subtle, but this is a good description of the differences. It is enough to know that if you're working locally, the /j command doesn't require administrative rights and Visual Studio and kpm will both be happy.
In OSX and Linux, the command is similar:
ln -s /link/to/create /path/to/assets
and like Windows, they support different sorts of links.
In any case, under the right circumstances, this might work well without needing any special support from the new ASP.NET project structure, but it would be nice to eventually have that as well.

Is it possible to keep *.erl sources and *.beam output in the same directory with intellij-erlang?

I want to set up my HelloWorld intellij-erlang project with all files in the same directory so I can easily switch between IDEA and emacs/vim.
Now, if I configure the output directory to be the same as the source, hello.erl gets emptied as part of the build and the compilation fails.
I assumed it's something to do with copying resources to the output directory, so I've configured intellij-erlang to exclude *.erl from the resources with a !?*.erl pattern, but this does not have any effect, hello.erl still gets emptied before the compilation takes place.
As an experiment, I've also tried using separate src and out directories, and intellij-erlang always copies the *.erl to out irrespective of the resource patterns.
Based on all this, I would conclude that intellij-erlang cannot work with all files in the same directory. Have I missed anything?
Erlang programs should be build on standard OTP directory structure. Build tools like rebar (used by intellij) or build on this conventions. And so should all IDE's.
Intellij does it, just like you notice. And so does Emacs's plugin (that I use and can confirm). I would guess so does Vim's one.
So if you would like to be able to switch easily between your IDE's you should try to keep to this convetion of keeping you source files in src and compiled files in bin (and headers in include).

Using Mercurial with a Visual Studio/VB.Net project

I want to start using Mercurial on a VB.Net project, but I'm not sure which files should I add. Do I include the Project.sln file, bin/ and obj/ folders?
I would recommend using the hgignore detailed in this SO post
there is one that has 100+ up votes that would be a good starting point
With every source control, you should only include source files (i.e. files that are not generated during the build process), and the complete set of files necessary to build a solution. This does include the .sln file (for ease of use of the project in Visual Studio) but not the bin and obj folders, nor (usually) the user-specific settings (.suo), nor auto-generated files that can be re-generated.
A good rule of thumb is to only include things that you cannot easily regenerate. So, source code obviously meets this role and so does resources like images, sounds, and other data you need. Objects and the actual binary you generate from the source code usually are easy to get again and generally do not need to go in.
As for the sln file, if you will be making edits to the sln file and that's how others are to build the project, then you probably want to include that as well. If you generating the sln file from some other process (e.g., a script generates the sln and then builds it from that), then it's probably a good idea to leave that out.
Here's an MSDN article called Introducing Source Control. It lists files you can and cannot add to source control.

Project organization in perforce

I created several web applications that use the same static files (css, js, images).
When I use svn for version control, I use an external repository (svn: externals) to add files to the current project.
For example:
- Project_1
---- Webapp
-------- Static (external to static's repo)
- Project_2
---- Webapp
-------- Static (external to static's repo)
I could easily use it in their web pages by adding a link like /static/ ...
But now our company has moved to perforce.
How can I support the current structure?
We also use maven, I think to pack these files as a jar and use as a dependency, but then my editor (idea) does not see that this dependence are js-scripts and styles.
And i need to repackage and deploy jar file when create minor changes.
How to use maven correctly?
Perforce has support for defining multiple mappings from the depot to your hard drive as part of the client spec. You could, for example, set the following:
Client Name: Sample_Maven
Client Root: c:\inetpub\wwwroot
//depot/Project_1/Webapp/... //Sample_Maven/Project_1/...
//depot/Project_2/Webapp/... //Sample_Maven/Project_2/...
//depot/Shared/static/... //Sample_Maven/static/...
... any other folder mappings you need to bring in and sync ...
Perforce won't handle multiple mapping of the shared static folder situation by itself, you will have to use junctions/symlinks in your file system to get the behavior you want. A word of caution though, make sure only one of the shared static folders is actually managed through Perforce. It can get slightly grumpy if resources get changed out from under it without it knowing about the changes.
Really though, you are probably better off (if you can) - having a single workspace/client spec per project - one for proj1 and one for proj2, each with their own mappings to the shared static folder. If you can structure things appropriately and just use maven to build each "project" things will go more smoothly.
For a Maven based solution, you could use WAR Overlays, sharing common resources across multiple web applications is exactly what overlays are for.
It seems you have a couple of choices, both called overlays:
a) Maven overlays as #Pascal suggests. Then you a struction like #Goyuix suggests to checkout the static content from Perforce.
b) Perforce overlays, which would allow you to have two different workspaces/client specs, one for each project, and in each import the static content into the expected place in the filesystem. This is the closest match to the subversion structure you were using before.