Installing curb (0.7.18) on ubuntu 12.10 with ruby 1.9.3p194 [closed] - ruby-on-rails-3

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I tried installing libcurl4-openssl-dev but didn't work. Does anyone had this kind of issue?
Here is the output of the bundle install.
Installing curb (0.7.18) with native extensions
Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 extconf.rb
checking for curl-config... yes
/usr/bin/curl-config: 138: /usr/bin/curl-config: CPPFLAG_CURL_STATICLIB: not found
checking for curlinfo_redirect_time... yes
checking for curlinfo_response_code... yes
checking for curlinfo_filetime... yes
checking for curlinfo_redirect_count... yes
checking for curlinfo_os_errno... yes
checking for curlinfo_num_connects... yes
checking for curlinfo_ftp_entry_path... yes
checking for curl_version_ssl... yes
checking for curl_version_libz... yes
checking for curl_version_ntlm... yes
checking for curl_version_gssnegotiate... yes
checking for curl_version_debug... yes
checking for curl_version_asynchdns... yes
checking for curl_version_spnego... yes
checking for curl_version_largefile... yes
checking for curl_version_idn... yes
checking for curl_version_sspi... yes
checking for curl_version_conv... yes
checking for curlproxy_http... yes
checking for curlproxy_socks4... yes
checking for curlproxy_socks5... yes
checking for curlauth_basic... yes
checking for curlauth_digest... yes
checking for curlauth_gssnegotiate... yes
checking for curlauth_ntlm... yes
checking for curlauth_anysafe... yes
checking for curlauth_any... yes
checking for curle_tftp_notfound... yes
checking for curle_tftp_perm... yes
checking for curle_tftp_diskfull... yes
checking for curle_tftp_illegal... yes
checking for curle_tftp_unknownid... yes
checking for curle_tftp_exists... yes
checking for curle_tftp_nosuchuser... yes
checking for curle_send_fail_rewind... yes
checking for curle_ssl_engine_initfailed... yes
checking for curle_login_denied... yes
checking for curlmopt_maxconnects... yes
checking for curlopt_seekfunction... yes
checking for curlopt_seekdata... yes
checking for curlopt_sockoptfunction... yes
checking for curlopt_sockoptdata... yes
checking for curlopt_opensocketfunction... yes
checking for curlopt_opensocketdata... yes
checking for curle_conv_failed... yes
checking for curle_conv_reqd... yes
checking for curle_ssl_cacert_badfile... yes
checking for curle_remote_file_not_found... yes
checking for curle_ssh... yes
checking for curle_ssl_shutdown_failed... yes
checking for curle_again... yes
checking for curle_ssl_crl_badfile... yes
checking for curle_ssl_issuer_error... yes
checking for curlopt_username... yes
checking for curlopt_password... yes
checking for curlinfo_primary_ip... yes
checking for curlauth_digest_ie... yes
checking for curlftpmethod_multicwd... yes
checking for curlftpmethod_nocwd... yes
checking for curlftpmethod_singlecwd... yes
checking for curlm_bad_socket... yes
checking for curlm_unknown_option... yes
checking for curl_multi_timeout()... yes
checking for curl_multi_fdset()... yes
checking for curl_multi_perform()... yes
checking for curlopt_interleavefunction... yes
checking for curlopt_interleavedata... yes
checking for curlopt_chunk_bgn_function... yes
checking for curlopt_chunk_end_function... yes
checking for curlopt_chunk_data... yes
checking for curlopt_fnmatch_function... yes
checking for curlopt_fnmatch_data... yes
checking for curlopt_errorbuffer... yes
checking for curlopt_stderr... yes
checking for curlopt_failonerror... yes
checking for curlopt_url... yes
checking for curlopt_protocols... yes
checking for curlopt_redir_protocols... yes
checking for curlopt_proxy... yes
checking for curlopt_proxyport... yes
checking for curlopt_proxytype... yes
checking for curlopt_noproxy... yes
checking for curlopt_httpproxytunnel... yes
checking for curlopt_socks5_gssapi_service... yes
checking for curlopt_socks5_gssapi_nec... yes
checking for curlopt_interface... yes
checking for curlopt_localport... yes
checking for curlopt_dns_cache_timeout... yes
checking for curlopt_dns_use_global_cache... yes
checking for curlopt_buffersize... yes
checking for curlopt_port... yes
checking for curlopt_tcp_nodelay... yes
checking for curlopt_address_scope... yes
checking for curlopt_netrc... yes
checking for curl_netrc_optional... yes
checking for curl_netrc_ignored... yes
checking for curl_netrc_required... yes
checking for curlopt_netrc_file... yes
checking for curlopt_userpwd... yes
checking for curlopt_proxyuserpwd... yes
checking for curlopt_username... yes
checking for curlopt_password... yes
checking for curlopt_password... yes
checking for curlopt_password... yes
checking for curlopt_httpauth... yes
checking for curlauth_digest_ie... yes
checking for curlauth_only... yes
checking for curlopt_tlsauth_type... yes
checking for curlopt_tlsauth_srp... no
checking for curlopt_tlsauth_username... yes
checking for curlopt_tlsauth_password... yes
checking for curlopt_proxyauth... yes
checking for curlopt_autoreferer... yes
checking for curlopt_encoding... yes
checking for curlopt_followlocation... yes
checking for curlopt_unrestricted_auth... yes
checking for curlopt_maxredirs... yes
checking for curlopt_postredir... yes
checking for curlopt_put... yes
checking for curlopt_post... yes
checking for curlopt_postfields... yes
checking for curlopt_postfieldsize... yes
checking for curlopt_postfieldsize_large... yes
checking for curlopt_copypostfields... yes
checking for curlopt_httppost... yes
checking for curlopt_referer... yes
checking for curlopt_useragent... yes
checking for curlopt_httpheader... yes
checking for curlopt_http200aliases... yes
checking for curlopt_cookie... yes
checking for curlopt_cookiefile... yes
checking for curlopt_cookiejar... yes
checking for curlopt_cookiesession... yes
checking for curlopt_cookielist... yes
checking for curlopt_httpget... yes
checking for curlopt_http_version... yes
checking for curl_http_version_none... yes
checking for curl_http_version_1_0... yes
checking for curl_http_version_1_1... yes
checking for curlopt_ignore_content_length... yes
checking for curlopt_http_content_decoding... yes
checking for curlopt_http_transfer_decoding... yes
checking for curlopt_mail_from... yes
checking for curlopt_mail_rcpt... yes
checking for curlopt_tftp_blksize... yes
checking for curlopt_ftpport... yes
checking for curlopt_quote... yes
checking for curlopt_postquote... yes
checking for curlopt_prequote... yes
checking for curlopt_dirlistonly... yes
checking for curlopt_append... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_use_eprt... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_use_epsv... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_use_pret... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_create_missing_dirs... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_response_timeout... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_alternative_to_user... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_skip_pasv_ip... yes
checking for curlopt_ftpsslauth... yes
checking for curlftpauth_default... yes
checking for curlftpauth_ssl... yes
checking for curlftpauth_tls... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_ssl_ccc... yes
checking for curlftpssl_ccc_none... yes
checking for curlftpssl_ccc_passive... yes
checking for curlftpssl_ccc_active... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_account... yes
checking for curlopt_ftp_filemethod... yes
checking for curlftpmethod_multicwd... yes
checking for curlftpmethod_nocwd... yes
checking for curlftpmethod_singlecwd... yes
checking for curlopt_rtsp_request... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_options... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_describe... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_announce... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_setup... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_play... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_pause... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_teardown... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_get_parameter... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_set_parameter... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_record... yes
checking for curl_rtspreq_receive... yes
checking for curlopt_rtsp_session_id... yes
checking for curlopt_rtsp_stream_uri... yes
checking for curlopt_rtsp_transport... yes
checking for curlopt_rtsp_header... no
checking for curlopt_rtsp_client_cseq... yes
checking for curlopt_rtsp_server_cseq... yes
checking for curlopt_transfertext... yes
checking for curlopt_proxy_transfer_mode... yes
checking for curlopt_crlf... yes
checking for curlopt_range... yes
checking for curlopt_resume_from... yes
checking for curlopt_resume_from_large... yes
checking for curlopt_customrequest... yes
checking for curlopt_filetime... yes
checking for curlopt_nobody... yes
checking for curlopt_infilesize... yes
checking for curlopt_infilesize_large... yes
checking for curlopt_upload... yes
checking for curlopt_maxfilesize... yes
checking for curlopt_maxfilesize_large... yes
checking for curlopt_timecondition... yes
checking for curlopt_timevalue... yes
checking for curlopt_timeout... yes
checking for curlopt_timeout_ms... yes
checking for curlopt_low_speed_limit... yes
checking for curlopt_low_speed_time... yes
checking for curlopt_max_send_speed_large... yes
checking for curlopt_max_recv_speed_large... yes
checking for curlopt_maxconnects... yes
checking for curlopt_closepolicy... yes
checking for curlopt_fresh_connect... yes
checking for curlopt_forbid_reuse... yes
checking for curlopt_connecttimeout... yes
checking for curlopt_connecttimeout_ms... yes
checking for curlopt_ipresolve... yes
checking for curl_ipresolve_whatever... yes
checking for curl_ipresolve_v4... yes
checking for curl_ipresolve_v6... yes
checking for curlopt_connect_only... yes
checking for curlopt_use_ssl... yes
checking for curlusessl_none... yes
checking for curlusessl_try... yes
checking for curlusessl_control... yes
checking for curlusessl_all... yes
checking for curlopt_resolve... yes
checking for curlopt_sslcert... yes
checking for curlopt_sslcerttype... yes
checking for curlopt_sslkey... yes
checking for curlopt_sslkeytype... yes
checking for curlopt_keypasswd... yes
checking for curlopt_sslengine... yes
checking for curlopt_sslengine_default... yes
checking for curlopt_sslversion... yes
checking for curl_sslversion_default... yes
checking for CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1... yes
checking for CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv2... yes
checking for CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3... yes
checking for curlopt_ssl_verifypeer... yes
checking for curlopt_cainfo... yes
checking for curlopt_issuercert... yes
checking for curlopt_capath... yes
checking for curlopt_crlfile... yes
checking for curlopt_ssl_verifyhost... yes
checking for curlopt_certinfo... yes
checking for curlopt_random_file... yes
checking for curlopt_egdsocket... yes
checking for curlopt_ssl_cipher_list... yes
checking for curlopt_ssl_sessionid_cache... yes
checking for curlopt_krblevel... yes
checking for curlopt_ssh_auth_types... yes
checking for curlopt_ssh_host_public_key_md5... yes
checking for curlopt_ssh_public_keyfile... yes
checking for curlopt_ssh_private_keyfile... yes
checking for curlopt_ssh_knownhosts... yes
checking for curlopt_ssh_keyfunction... yes
checking for curlkhstat_fine_add_to_file... yes
checking for curlkhstat_fine... yes
checking for curlkhstat_reject... yes
checking for curlkhstat_defer... yes
checking for curlopt_ssh_keydata... yes
checking for curlopt_private... yes
checking for curlopt_share... yes
checking for curlopt_new_file_perms... yes
checking for curlopt_new_directory_perms... yes
checking for curlopt_telnetoptions... yes
checking for curle_not_built_in... yes
checking for curle_obsolete... yes
checking for Ruby 1.9 Hash... yes
checking for Ruby 1.9 st.h... yes
checking for curl_easy_escape... yes
checking for rb_thread_blocking_region()... yes
creating curb_config.h
creating Makefile
compiling curb.c
compiling curb_postfield.c
compiling curb_errors.c
curb_errors.c: In function ‘raise_curl_easy_error_exception’:
curb_errors.c:462:33: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Werror=format-security]
curb_errors.c: In function ‘raise_curl_multi_error_exception’:
curb_errors.c:512:33: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments [-Werror=format-security]
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
make: *** [curb_errors.o] Error 1
Gem files will remain installed in /home/jombay/workspace/nextleap/vendor/cache/ruby/1.9.1/gems/curb-0.7.18 for inspection.
Results logged to /home/jombay/workspace/nextleap/vendor/cache/ruby/1.9.1/gems/curb-0.7.18/ext/gem_make.out
An error occurred while installing curb (0.7.18), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install curb -v '0.7.18'` succeeds before bundling.
The same issue was solved by installing the libcurl4-opendssl-dev on ubuntu 12.04.
Anyone please help.Thanks in advance.


Error while "Building wxWidgets" for FileZilla compilation: configure: error: X11 not found, please use --x-includes and/or --x-libraries options

I am trying to compile FileZilla3 in my Windows system by exactly following this.
In the MSys2 terminal, everything works fine till "Building SQLite"
In "Building wxWidgets", the steps mentioned are:
cd ~
git clone --branch WX_3_0_BRANCH --single-branch wx3
cd wx3
./configure --prefix="$HOME/prefix" --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-unicode --enable-printfposparam --without-libtiff --without-libjpeg --with-expat=builtin --with-libpng=builtin
make && make install
When I execute the third step, i.e.
./configure --prefix="$HOME/prefix" --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-unicode --enable-printfposparam --without-libtiff --without-libjpeg --with-expat=builtin --with-libpng=builtin
I get the error:
configure: error: X11 not found, please use --x-includes and/or --x-libraries options (see config.log for details)
The complete output of the configure command is:
./configure --prefix="$HOME/prefix" --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-unicode --enable-printfposparam --without-libtiff --without-libjpeg --with-expat=builtin --with-libpng=builtin
configure: loading site script /etc/
checking build system type... x86_64-pc-msys
checking host system type... x86_64-pc-msys
configure: WARNING: *** System type x86_64-pc-msys is unknown, assuming generic Unix and continuing nevertheless.
configure: WARNING: *** Please report the build results to
checking for --disable-gui... no
checking for --enable-monolithic... no
checking for --enable-plugins... no
checking for --without-subdirs... no
checking for --enable-official_build... no
checking for --disable-all-features... no
checking for --enable-universal... no
checking for --enable-nanox... no
checking for --enable-gpe... no
checking for toolkit... x11
checking for --with-libpng... builtin version
checking for --with-libjpeg... no
checking for --with-libtiff... no
checking for --without-libjbig... no
checking for --without-liblzma... no
checking for --with-libxpm... yes
checking for --with-libiconv... yes
checking for --with-libmspack... no
checking for --without-gtkprint... no
checking for --with-gnomevfs... no
checking for --with-libnotify... yes
checking for --with-hildon... no
checking for --with-opengl... auto
checking for --with-dmalloc... no
checking for --with-sdl... no
checking for --with-regex... yes
checking for --with-zlib... yes
checking for --with-expat... builtin version
checking for --with-macosx-sdk...
checking for --with-macosx-version-min...
checking for --enable-debug... default
checking for --disable-debug_flag... no
checking for --enable-debug_info... no
checking for --enable-debug_gdb... no
checking for --enable-debug_cntxt... no
checking for --enable-mem_tracing... no
checking for --disable-shared... no
checking for --enable-stl... no
checking for --enable-std_containers... no
checking for --enable-std_iostreams... yes
checking for --enable-std_string... yes
checking for --enable-std_string_conv_in_wxstring... no
checking for --disable-unicode... no
checking for --enable-mslu... no
checking for --enable-utf8... no
checking for --enable-utf8only... no
checking for --enable-extended_rtti... no
checking for --disable-optimise... no
checking for --enable-profile... no
checking for --enable-no_rtti... no
checking for --enable-no_exceptions... no
checking for --enable-permissive... no
checking for --enable-no_deps... no
checking for --disable-vararg_macros... no
checking for --enable-universal_binary... no
checking for --enable-macosx_arch... no
checking for --enable-compat26... no
checking for --disable-compat28... no
checking for --disable-rpath... no
checking for --enable-objc_uniquifying... no
checking for --disable-visibility... no
checking for --disable-tls... no
checking for --enable-intl... yes
checking for --enable-xlocale... yes
checking for --enable-config... yes
checking for --enable-protocols... yes
checking for --enable-ftp... yes
checking for --enable-http... yes
checking for --enable-fileproto... yes
checking for --enable-sockets... yes
checking for --enable-ipv6... no
checking for --enable-ole... yes
checking for --enable-dataobj... yes
checking for --enable-ipc... yes
checking for --enable-baseevtloop... yes
checking for --enable-epollloop... yes
checking for --enable-selectloop... yes
checking for --enable-any... yes
checking for --enable-apple_ieee... yes
checking for --enable-arcstream... yes
checking for --enable-base64... yes
checking for --enable-backtrace... yes
checking for --enable-catch_segvs... yes
checking for --enable-cmdline... yes
checking for --enable-datetime... yes
checking for --enable-debugreport... yes
checking for --enable-dialupman... yes
checking for --enable-dynlib... yes
checking for --enable-dynamicloader... yes
checking for --enable-exceptions... yes
checking for --enable-ffile... yes
checking for --enable-file... yes
checking for --enable-filehistory... yes
checking for --enable-filesystem... yes
checking for --enable-fontenum... yes
checking for --enable-fontmap... yes
checking for --enable-fs_archive... yes
checking for --enable-fs_inet... yes
checking for --enable-fs_zip... yes
checking for --enable-fsvolume... yes
checking for --enable-fswatcher... yes
checking for --enable-geometry... yes
checking for --enable-log... yes
checking for --enable-longlong... yes
checking for --enable-mimetype... yes
checking for --enable-printfposparam... yes
checking for --enable-snglinst... yes
checking for --enable-sound... yes
checking for --enable-stdpaths... yes
checking for --enable-stopwatch... yes
checking for --enable-streams... yes
checking for --enable-sysoptions... yes
checking for --enable-tarstream... yes
checking for --enable-textbuf... yes
checking for --enable-textfile... yes
checking for --enable-timer... yes
checking for --enable-variant... yes
checking for --enable-zipstream... yes
checking for --enable-url... yes
checking for --enable-protocol... yes
checking for --enable-protocol_http... yes
checking for --enable-protocol_ftp... yes
checking for --enable-protocol_file... yes
checking for --enable-threads... yes
checking for --enable-iniconf... no
checking for --enable-regkey... yes
checking for --enable-docview... yes
checking for --enable-help... yes
checking for --enable-mshtmlhelp... yes
checking for --enable-html... yes
checking for --enable-htmlhelp... yes
checking for --enable-xrc... yes
checking for --enable-aui... yes
checking for --enable-propgrid... yes
checking for --enable-ribbon... yes
checking for --enable-stc... yes
checking for --enable-constraints... yes
checking for --enable-loggui... yes
checking for --enable-logwin... yes
checking for --enable-logdialog... yes
checking for --enable-mdi... yes
checking for --enable-mdidoc... yes
checking for --enable-mediactrl... auto
checking for --enable-gstreamer8... no
checking for --enable-richtext... yes
checking for --enable-postscript... yes
checking for --enable-printarch... yes
checking for --enable-svg... yes
checking for --enable-webkit... yes
checking for --enable-webview... yes
checking for --enable-graphics_ctx... yes
checking for --enable-clipboard... yes
checking for --enable-dnd... yes
checking for --disable-controls... no
checking for --enable-markup... yes
checking for --enable-accel... yes
checking for --enable-animatectrl... yes
checking for --enable-bannerwindow... yes
checking for --enable-artstd... yes
checking for --enable-arttango... auto
checking for --enable-bmpbutton... yes
checking for --enable-bmpcombobox... yes
checking for --enable-button... yes
checking for --enable-calendar... yes
checking for --enable-caret... yes
checking for --enable-checkbox... yes
checking for --enable-checklst... yes
checking for --enable-choice... yes
checking for --enable-choicebook... yes
checking for --enable-collpane... yes
checking for --enable-colourpicker... yes
checking for --enable-combobox... yes
checking for --enable-comboctrl... yes
checking for --enable-commandlinkbutton... yes
checking for --enable-dataviewctrl... yes
checking for --enable-datepick... yes
checking for --enable-detect_sm... yes
checking for --enable-dirpicker... yes
checking for --enable-display... yes
checking for --enable-editablebox... yes
checking for --enable-filectrl... yes
checking for --enable-filepicker... yes
checking for --enable-fontpicker... yes
checking for --enable-gauge... yes
checking for --enable-grid... yes
checking for --enable-headerctrl... yes
checking for --enable-hyperlink... yes
checking for --enable-imaglist... yes
checking for --enable-infobar... yes
checking for --enable-listbook... yes
checking for --enable-listbox... yes
checking for --enable-listctrl... yes
checking for --enable-notebook... yes
checking for --enable-notifmsg... yes
checking for --enable-odcombobox... yes
checking for --enable-popupwin... yes
checking for --enable-prefseditor... yes
checking for --enable-radiobox... yes
checking for --enable-radiobtn... yes
checking for --enable-richmsgdlg... yes
checking for --enable-richtooltip... yes
checking for --enable-rearrangectrl... yes
checking for --enable-sash... yes
checking for --enable-scrollbar... yes
checking for --enable-searchctrl... yes
checking for --enable-slider... yes
checking for --enable-spinbtn... yes
checking for --enable-spinctrl... yes
checking for --enable-splitter... yes
checking for --enable-statbmp... yes
checking for --enable-statbox... yes
checking for --enable-statline... yes
checking for --enable-stattext... yes
checking for --enable-statusbar... yes
checking for --enable-taskbaricon... yes
checking for --enable-tbarnative... yes
checking for --enable-textctrl... yes
checking for --enable-timepick... yes
checking for --enable-tipwindow... yes
checking for --enable-togglebtn... yes
checking for --enable-toolbar... yes
checking for --enable-toolbook... yes
checking for --enable-treebook... yes
checking for --enable-treectrl... yes
checking for --enable-treelist... yes
checking for --enable-commondlg... yes
checking for --enable-aboutdlg... yes
checking for --enable-choicedlg... yes
checking for --enable-coldlg... yes
checking for --enable-filedlg... yes
checking for --enable-finddlg... yes
checking for --enable-fontdlg... yes
checking for --enable-dirdlg... yes
checking for --enable-msgdlg... yes
checking for --enable-numberdlg... yes
checking for --enable-splash... yes
checking for --enable-textdlg... yes
checking for --enable-tipdlg... yes
checking for --enable-progressdlg... yes
checking for --enable-wizarddlg... yes
checking for --enable-menus... yes
checking for --enable-miniframe... yes
checking for --enable-tooltips... yes
checking for --enable-splines... yes
checking for --enable-mousewheel... yes
checking for --enable-validators... yes
checking for --enable-busyinfo... yes
checking for --enable-hotkey... auto
checking for --enable-joystick... yes
checking for --enable-metafile... auto
checking for --enable-dragimage... yes
checking for --enable-accessibility... no
checking for --enable-uiactionsim... yes
checking for --enable-dctransform... yes
checking for --enable-webviewwebkit... yes
checking for --enable-palette... yes
checking for --enable-image... yes
checking for --enable-gif... yes
checking for --enable-pcx... yes
checking for --enable-tga... yes
checking for --enable-iff... yes
checking for --enable-pnm... yes
checking for --enable-xpm... yes
checking for --enable-ico_cur... yes
checking for --enable-dccache... yes
checking for --enable-ps-in-msw... yes
checking for --enable-ownerdrawn... yes
checking for --enable-uxtheme... yes
checking for --enable-wxdib... yes
checking for --enable-webviewie... yes
checking for --enable-autoidman... no
checking for gcc... gcc
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.exe
checking for suffix of executables... .exe
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
checking whether we are using the Intel C compiler... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
checking whether gcc needs -traditional... no
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking whether we are using the Intel C++ compiler... no
checking for ar... ar
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for langinfo.h... no
checking for wchar.h... yes
checking for sys/select.h... no
checking for cxxabi.h... yes
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for inline... inline
checking size of short... 2
checking size of void *... 8
checking size of int... 4
checking size of long... 4
checking size of size_t... 8
checking size of long long... 8
checking size of wchar_t... 2
checking for va_copy... yes
checking whether the compiler supports variadic macros... yes
checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... 64
checking if large file support is available... yes
checking for _LARGEFILE_SOURCE value needed for large files... no
checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... no
checking for iostream... yes
checking if C++ compiler supports the explicit keyword... yes
checking for std::wstring in <string>... yes
checking for std::istream... yes
checking for std::ostream... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... g++ -E
checking type_traits usability... yes
checking type_traits presence... yes
checking for type_traits... yes
checking for __sync_fetch_and_add and __sync_sub_and_fetch builtins... yes
checking for libraries directories... /usr/lib
checking for cos... yes
checking for floor... yes
checking if floating point functions link without -lm... yes
checking for strtoull... yes
checking for pkg-config... /mingw64/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
configure: WARNING: Defaulting to the builtin regex library for Unicode build.
checking for zlib.h >= 1.1.4... yes
checking for zlib.h... (cached) yes
checking for deflate in -lz... yes
checking for X... no
configure: error: X11 not found, please use --x-includes and/or --x-libraries options (see config.log for details)
I get the same error on trying out any of these 2 also:
./configure --prefix="$HOME/prefix" --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-unicode --enable-printfposparam --without-libtiff --without-libjpeg --with-expat=builtin --with-libpng=builtin --x-includes=/mingw64/include/X11
./configure --prefix="$HOME/prefix" --enable-shared --disable-static --enable-unicode --enable-printfposparam --without-libtiff --without-libjpeg --with-expat=builtin --with-libpng=builtin --x-includes=/mingw64/include
Kindly help
You seem to be running configure from "msys" subsystem of MSYS2 which is a POSIX-like system not meant to be used for compilation.
You should launch mingw64.exe or mingw32.exe instead to build native MSW software using MinGW and then configure should work just fine there.

Errors building ncurses 6 in AIX 64 with gcc

The configure command issued errors when called with the default settings (like as with the 64 bits flags). But the built libncurses worked in both versions (32 and 64 bits).
Should I worry about this error ?
Default settings:
configure && make clean && make
With 64 bit flags (-X64 necessary to AIX ar command, and -maix64 to gcc):
ARFLAGS="-X64" CFLAGS="-maix64" CXXFLAGS="-maix64" configure && make clean && make
The full configure output with default settings:
checking for egrep... grep -E
Configuring NCURSES 6.0 ABI 6 (Wed Oct 26 14:34:30 2016)
checking for package version... 6.0
checking for package patch date... 20150808
checking build system type... error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
error: incorrect format: unknown tag
checking host system type... powerpc-ibm-aix7.1.3.0
checking target system type... powerpc-ibm-aix7.1.3.0
Configuring for aix7.1.3.0
checking for prefix... /usr/local
checking for gnatgcc... no
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for executable suffix...
checking for object suffix... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking version of gcc... 4.8.3
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking $CC variable... ok
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking whether gcc needs -traditional... no
checking whether gcc understands -c and -o together... yes
checking for ldconfig... no
checking if you want to ensure bool is consistent with C++... yes
checking for g++... g++
checking whether we are using the GNU C++ compiler... yes
checking whether g++ accepts -g... yes
checking if g++ works... yes
checking for g++... /opt/freeware/newbin/g++
checking version of /opt/freeware/newbin/g++... 4.8.3
checking if you want to build C++ binding and demo... yes
checking if you want to build with Ada95... yes
checking if you want to install terminal database... yes
checking if you want to install manpages... yes
checking if you want to build programs such as tic... yes
checking if you want to build test-programs... yes
checking if you wish to install curses.h... yes
checking for mawk... no
checking for gawk... no
checking for nawk... nawk
checking for egrep... (cached) grep -E
checking for a BSD compatible install... /opt/freeware/newbin/install -c
checking for tdlint... no
checking for lint... lint
checking whether ln -s works... yes
checking if ln -s -f options work... yes
checking for long file names... yes
checking if you want to use pkg-config... yes
checking for pkg-config... /opt/freeware/newbin/pkg-config
checking for /opt/freeware/newbin/pkg-config library directory... checking done... /opt/freeware/lib/pkgconfig
checking if we should install .pc files for /opt/freeware/newbin/pkg-config... no
checking if we should assume mixed-case filenames... auto
checking if filesystem supports mixed-case filenames... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... yes
checking for exctags... no
checking for ctags... ctags
checking for exetags... no
checking for etags... no
checking for ctags... yes
checking for etags... no
checking for makeflags variable...
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for ld... ld
checking for ar... ar
checking for nm... nm
checking for ar... (cached) ar
checking for options to update archives... -curv
checking if you have specified an install-prefix...
checking if libtool -version-number should be used... yes
checking if you want to build libraries with libtool... no
checking if you want to build shared libraries... no
checking if you want to build static libraries... yes
checking if you want to build debug libraries... yes
checking if you want to build profiling libraries... no
checking for specified models... normal debug
checking for default model... normal
checking if you want to have a library-prefix... auto
checking for PATH separator... :
checking if you want to build a separate terminfo library... no
checking if you want to build a separate tic library... no
checking if you want to link with the GPM mouse library... maybe
checking for gpm.h... no
checking for default loader flags...
checking for an rpath option...
checking if release/abi version should be used for shared libs... auto
checking which gcc option to use... -fPIC
checking if you want to disable library suffixes... no
checking if you wish to append extra suffix to header/library paths...
checking if you wish to install ncurses overwriting curses... no
checking if external terminfo-database is used... yes
checking which terminfo source-file will be installed... ${top_srcdir}/misc/terminfo.src
checking whether to use hashed database instead of directory/tree... no
checking for list of fallback descriptions...
checking if you want modern xterm or antique... xterm-new
checking if xterm backspace sends BS or DEL... BS
checking for list of terminfo directories... /usr/local/share/terminfo
checking for default terminfo directory... /usr/local/share/terminfo
checking if big-core option selected... yes
checking if big-strings option selected... yes
checking if you want termcap-fallback support... no
checking if ~/.terminfo is wanted... yes
checking if you want to use restricted environment when running as root... yes
checking for remove... yes
checking for unlink... yes
checking if link/symlink functions work... link symlink
checking if tic should use symbolic links... no
checking if tic should use hard links... yes
checking if you want broken-linker support code... no
checking if tputs should process BSD-style prefix padding... no
checking if _XOPEN_SOURCE really is set... yes
checking if SIGWINCH is defined... yes
checking for nl_langinfo and CODESET... yes
checking if you want wide-character code... no
checking whether to enable _LP64 definition in curses.h... yes
checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... no
checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... no
checking for _LARGE_FILES value needed for large files... 1
checking for _LARGEFILE_SOURCE value needed for large files... no
checking for fseeko... yes
checking whether to use struct dirent64... no
checking if you want tparm not to use X/Open fixed-parameter list... yes
checking for type of bool... auto
checking for alternate terminal capabilities file... Caps
checking for type of chtype... uint32_t
checking for type of ospeed... short
checking for type of mmask_t... uint32_t
checking for size CCHARW_MAX... 5
checking for type of tparm args... intptr_t
checking if RCS identifiers should be compiled-in... no
checking format of man-pages... normal
checking for manpage renaming... no
checking if manpage aliases will be installed... yes
checking if manpage symlinks should be used... yes
checking for manpage tbl... no
checking if you want to build with function extensions... yes
checking if you want to build with SCREEN extensions... yes
checking if you want to build with terminal-driver... no
checking for extended use of const keyword... yes
checking if you want to use extended colors... yes
configure: WARNING: This option applies only to wide-character library
checking if you want to use extended mouse encoding... yes
checking if you want to use extended putwin/screendump... yes
checking if you want $NCURSES_NO_PADDING code... yes
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
checking for sys/types.h... yes
checking for sys/stat.h... yes
checking for stdlib.h... yes
checking for string.h... yes
checking for memory.h... yes
checking for strings.h... yes
checking for inttypes.h... yes
checking for stdint.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... yes
checking for signed char... yes
checking size of signed char... 1
checking if you want to use signed Boolean array in term.h... no
checking if you want SIGWINCH handler... yes
checking if you want user-definable terminal capabilities like termcap... yes
checking if you want all development code... no
checking if you want hard-tabs code... no
checking if you want limited support for xmc... no
checking if you do not want to assume colors are white-on-black... yes
checking if you want hashmap scrolling-optimization code... yes
checking if you want colorfgbg code... no
checking if you want interop bindings... yes
checking if you want to link with the pthread library... no
checking if you want reentrant code... no
checking if you want experimental safe-sprintf code... no
checking if you want wgetch-events code... no
checking if you want to see long compiling messages... yes
checking if you want to see compiler warnings...
configure: checking for gcc __attribute__ directives...
... scanf
... printf
... unused
... noreturn
checking if you want to work around bogus compiler/loader warnings... no
checking if you want to enable runtime assertions... no
checking if you want to use dmalloc for testing... no
checking if you want to use dbmalloc for testing... no
checking if you want to use valgrind for testing... no
checking if you want to perform memory-leak testing... no
checking whether to add trace feature to all models... no
checking if we want to use GNAT projects... yes
checking for gettimeofday... yes
checking if -lm needed for math functions... yes
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... yes
checking for opendir in -ldir... no
checking whether time.h and sys/time.h may both be included... yes
checking for regcomp... yes
checking for regular-expression headers... regex.h
checking for fcntl.h... yes
checking for getopt.h... no
checking for limits.h... yes
checking for locale.h... yes
checking for math.h... yes
checking for poll.h... yes
checking for sys/bsdtypes.h... no
checking for sys/ioctl.h... yes
checking for sys/param.h... yes
checking for sys/poll.h... yes
checking for sys/select.h... yes
checking for sys/time.h... yes
checking for sys/times.h... yes
checking for ttyent.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for wctype.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for getopt.h... (cached) no
checking for header declaring getopt variables... stdio.h
checking if sys/time.h works with sys/select.h... yes
checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes
checking for inline... inline
checking if gcc supports options to tune inlining... yes
checking for signal global datatype... volatile sig_atomic_t
checking if unsigned literals are legal... yes
checking if external errno is declared... yes
checking if external errno exists... yes
checking if data-only library module links... yes
checking for getcwd... yes
checking for getegid... yes
checking for geteuid... yes
checking for getopt... yes
checking for getttynam... no
checking for issetugid... no
checking for poll... yes
checking for putenv... yes
checking for remove... (cached) yes
checking for select... yes
checking for setbuf... yes
checking for setbuffer... yes
checking for setenv... yes
checking for setvbuf... yes
checking for sigaction... yes
checking for sigvec... yes
checking for strdup... yes
checking for strstr... yes
checking for tcgetpgrp... yes
checking for times... yes
checking for vsnprintf... yes
checking for isascii... yes
checking whether sigaction needs _POSIX_SOURCE... no
checking if nanosleep really works... yes
checking for termio.h... yes
checking for termios.h... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking whether termios.h needs _POSIX_SOURCE... no
checking for tcgetattr... yes
checking for vsscanf function or workaround... vsscanf
checking for working mkstemp... yes
checking whether setvbuf arguments are reversed... no
checking for intptr_t... yes
checking for ssize_t... yes
checking for type sigaction_t... no
checking declaration of size-change... yes
checking for memmove... yes
checking if poll really works... yes
checking for va_copy... yes
checking for __va_copy... yes
checking for pid_t... yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for vfork.h... no
checking for fork... yes
checking for vfork... yes
checking for working fork... (cached) yes
checking for working vfork... (cached) yes
checking for openpty in -lutil... no
checking for openpty header... no
checking if we should include stdbool.h... yes
checking for builtin bool type... no
checking for library stdc++... no
checking whether /opt/freeware/newbin/g++ understands -c and -o together... yes
checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /opt/freeware/newbin/g++ -E
checking for typeinfo... yes
checking for iostream... yes
checking if iostream uses std-namespace... yes
checking if we should include stdbool.h... (cached) yes
checking for builtin bool type... yes
checking for size of bool... unsigned char
checking for special defines needed for etip.h...
checking if /opt/freeware/newbin/g++ accepts parameter initialization... no
checking if /opt/freeware/newbin/g++ accepts static_cast... yes
checking for gnatmake... no
checking for library subsets... ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs
checking default library suffix...
checking default library-dependency suffix... .a
checking default object directory... objects
checking c++ library-dependency suffix... .a
checking if linker supports switching between static/dynamic... no
checking where we will install curses.h... ${prefix}/include/ncurses
checking for src modules... ncurses progs panel menu form
checking for tic... /usr/bin/tic
checking for defines to add to ncurses6-config script... -D_ALL_SOURCE
package: ncurses
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating include/MKterm.h.awk
config.status: creating include/curses.head
config.status: creating include/ncurses_dll.h
config.status: creating include/termcap.h
config.status: creating include/unctrl.h
config.status: creating man/Makefile
config.status: creating include/Makefile
config.status: creating ncurses/Makefile
config.status: creating progs/Makefile
config.status: creating panel/Makefile
config.status: creating menu/Makefile
config.status: creating form/Makefile
config.status: creating test/Makefile
config.status: creating misc/Makefile
config.status: creating c++/Makefile
config.status: creating misc/
config.status: creating misc/ncurses-config
config.status: creating man/ncurses6-config.1
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating include/ncurses_cfg.h
Appending rules for normal model (ncurses: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for debug model (ncurses: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for normal model (progs: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for debug model (progs: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for normal model (panel: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for debug model (panel: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for normal model (menu: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for debug model (menu: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for normal model (form: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for debug model (form: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for normal model (test: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for debug model (test: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for normal model (c++: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
Appending rules for debug model (c++: ticlib+termlib+ext_tinfo+base+ext_funcs)
** Configuration summary for NCURSES 6.0 20150808:
extended funcs: yes
xterm terminfo: xterm-new
bin directory: /usr/local/bin
lib directory: /usr/local/lib
include directory: /usr/local/include/ncurses
man directory: /usr/local/share/man
terminfo directory: /usr/local/share/terminfo
After the new install of rpm.rte we might see the error like this
error: incorrect format: unknown tag" if AIX level is not same as or higher than
AIX 61 TL9 SP6
AIX 71 TL4
AIX 72
This error is from the lslpp command due to the INSTALLPREFIX tag deprecation and use of new INSTPREFIXES tag in newer rpm.
This issue has been addressed and fixed in AIX version mentioned above.
The problem is coming from something outside ncurses's configure script, and the only clues I've found are related to rpm queries, e.g., IC92045: RHEL 6 RPM TAG "INSTALLPREFIX" WAS REPLACED BY "INSTPREFIXES" SO SCRIPTS REFERENCING THE OLD TAG WILL FAIL
It's likely that something in your shell initialization is calling a script which misbehaves with an rpm query.

ghostscript preserve PDF input's font

My ghostscript command is this:
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-dColorConversionStrategy=/LeaveColorUnchanged \
-dDownsampleMonoImages=false \
-dDownsampleGrayImages=false \
-dDownsampleColorImages=false \
-dAutoFilterColorImages=false \
-dAutoFilterGrayImages=false \
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode \
-dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode \
-sOutputFile=./merge.pdf \
-f ./page_*.pdf
Most of the command are related to images.
After execution, I find that the fonts look less sharp than the input file.
The difference between the fonts is as follows:
Fonts of (one of) the input file:
$ pdffonts page_3.pdf
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
NachlieliCLM-Bold Type 1 Builtin yes no yes 62 0
NachlieliCLM-Bold Type 1 Custom yes no yes 65 0
Courier10PitchBT-Bold Type 1 Builtin yes no yes 70 0
EAAAAA+LiberationSerif TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 27 0
NachlieliCLM-Light Type 1 Builtin yes no yes 75 0
NachlieliCLM-Light Type 1 Custom yes no yes 78 0
HAAAAA+LiberationSans-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 42 0
IAAAAA+DejaVuSans TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 47 0
JAAAAA+LMMono9-Regular Type 1 Builtin yes yes yes 52 0
KAAAAA+LMMonoProp10-Regular Type 1 Builtin yes yes yes 37 0
Courier10PitchBT-Roman Type 1 Builtin yes no yes 83 0
MAAAAA+LiberationSerif-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 57 0
NAAAAA+LiberationSerif-Italic TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 32 0
Font of the output file:
$ pdffonts merge.pdf
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
LQRJGW+LiberationSerif-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 54 0
ZAZOKA+NachlieliCLM-Light Type 1C Custom yes yes yes 42 0
XFXEQZ+LiberationSerif-Italic TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 56 0
KBCNYY+LiberationSans-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 44 0
PPEMTT+DejaVuSans TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 46 0
FUVLBK+NachlieliCLM-Bold Type 1C Custom yes yes yes 36 0
OQFKGW+LMMono9-Regular Type 1C Custom yes yes no 48 0
ZFATCB+LMMonoProp10-Regular Type 1C Custom yes yes no 50 0
WIGEDL+Courier10PitchBT-Bold Type 1C WinAnsi yes yes no 38 0
AFLCKO+Courier10PitchBT-Roman Type 1C WinAnsi yes yes no 52 0
QNUNTR+LiberationSerif TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 40 0
BLSWAW+DejaVuSansMono TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 97 0
HQDKJN+LiberationSerif TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 99 0
SCAKLE+LiberationSerif-Italic TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 101 0
AGALJA+NachlieliCLM-Bold Type 1C Custom yes yes yes 91 0
PPEMTT+DejaVuSans TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 103 0
TLVEAY+LiberationSans-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 93 0
GLOKSW+NachlieliCLM-Light Type 1C Custom yes yes yes 95 0
The only method which PARTIALLY works is executing the following:
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-dCompressFonts=true \
-dSubsetFonts=true \
-dEmbedAllFonts=false \
-sOutputFile=./merge.pdf \
-f ./page_*.pdf
$ pdffonts merge.pdf
name type encoding emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- ---------------- --- --- --- ---------
LQRJGW+LiberationSerif-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 54 0
NachlieliCLM-Light Type 1 Custom no no yes 42 0
XFXEQZ+LiberationSerif-Italic TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 56 0
KBCNYY+LiberationSans-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 44 0
PPEMTT+DejaVuSans TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 46 0
NachlieliCLM-Bold Type 1 Custom no no yes 36 0
EVJWAP+LMMono9-Regular Type 1C Custom yes yes no 48 0
LAKFSN+LMMonoProp10-Regular Type 1C Custom yes yes no 50 0
Courier10PitchBT-Bold Type 1 WinAnsi no no no 38 0
Courier10PitchBT-Roman Type 1 WinAnsi no no no 52 0
QNUNTR+LiberationSerif TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 40 0
BLSWAW+DejaVuSansMono TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 97 0
HQDKJN+LiberationSerif TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 99 0
SCAKLE+LiberationSerif-Italic TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 101 0
NachlieliCLM-Bold Type 1 Custom no no yes 91 0
PPEMTT+DejaVuSans TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 103 0
TLVEAY+LiberationSans-Bold TrueType WinAnsi yes yes yes 93 0
NachlieliCLM-Light Type 1 Custom no no yes 95 0
In the last case - the font LMMono9 doesn't change, but the font NachlieliCLM is sharper (probably due to that it is not embedded...).
As you can see - some of the fonts aren't embedded - which is bad.
The output PDF is intended for printing and sharing, therefore the fonts needs to be embedded and in high quality.
BTW, I know that the flags need to be as such:
-dCompressFonts=true \
-dSubsetFonts=false \
-dEmbedAllFonts=true \
But the fonts still not sharp with these flags.
I've read many SO threads and in documentation but failed to find a solution.
I suspect that I need the output font to be of type Type 1, instead of type Type 1C, but not sure.
There are attached two files: input.pdf and output.pdf.
There is a difference between them ONLY in the following text:
"Title is here (heading 2)" - Font is Courier 10 Pitch
Bullets "First" up to and including "Sixth" - Font is LM Mono 9
(Notice that the rest of the sentence in the bullets is fine - it doesn't change. Meaning that only the word numbers, like "First", are the ones who change.)
The last/bottom (Hebrew) sentence - Font is Nachlieli CLM
The difference is that in the output file, the text is more gross. (input is sharper). In order to see the difference, place the two PDF documents side by side, each having a zoom of 100%. The difference is noticeable with using either Ubuntu's default Document Viewer or Okular.
The rest of the text is the same.
Also indeed the input PDF file was created using LibreOffice 4.2.
The output file was created using the following command:
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-dColorConversionStrategy=/LeaveColorUnchanged \
-dDownsampleMonoImages=false \
-dDownsampleGrayImages=false \
-dDownsampleColorImages=false \
-dAutoFilterColorImages=false \
-dAutoFilterGrayImages=false \
-dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode \
-dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode \
-sOutputFile=./output.pdf \
-f ./input.pdf
I'm using GPL Ghostscript 9.10 and Ubuntu 14.04.
Screenshot to show the differences between input (pre-GS) and output (post GS). Used the software Document Viewer 3.10 (or Evince).
No the font format is not an issue. Type 1C is simply CFF format which is (more or less) a more compact representation of a type 1 font.
You don't say which operating system you are using, nor which version of Ghostscript.
Its not possible to tell you anything about what is happening without an example. Please post an input file somewhere where we can look at it and then we might be able to help you.
Converting to type 1C is a simple matter and does not affect the font 'sharpness' since both are vector forms. You will not get a type 1 font out of pdfwrite, all type 1 fonts are converted to CFF (type 1C).
The reason NachlieliCLM is not embedded is that have set EmbedAllFonts=false, and its not subset and uses the default Encoding. A subset input font needs to be embedded, because it almost invariably uses a custom Encoding, so you can't simply use the original font in its place.
I suspect, but can't prove without seeing the input, that your problem is due to the poor naming convention used by certain PDF-producing applications. The subset is not unique, causing name collisions. LibreOffice is a known culprit here.
That problem was believed resolved recently (we now additionally use the PDF object number as well the font name) but since I don't know what version of Ghostscript you are using I can't say whether that's likely to be the problem. However that normally causes incorrect characters, not a loss of 'sharpness' which is more likely to be caused by rendering to an image.
As I said, post a (small) example input file and the result you get from Ghostscript and pdfwrite, and it might be possible to say more.
I don't know how current your question is but today I faced a similar issue as yours and I found out using pdffonts that my output after merging does not contain the same fonts as my source resulting in unsharp and unpretty characters. I solved the problem in putting all fonts used by the input in a specific folder and then I called ghostscript with following arguments:
gs -sFONTPATH=<my_folder> \
-dEmbedAllFonts=true \
-sOutputFile=<my_output>.pdf \
Input and output pdfs matched after that! BTW: I am currectly using gs 9.25.0

Ghostscript renders embedded fonts in pdf poorly (all jaggy)

Ghostscript doesn't render embedded fonts in pdf's properly.
The characters of the logo on the right top ('Thermrad') are all jagged.
If I open the file in Adobe Reader, no problem at all!
Do you have this problem too? Is there any solution?
I've been searching for days now, but I cannot find anything.
I tried Ghostscript 8.64 and 8.71 both on Windows Vista and CentOS.
My advice is to use Ghostscript 8.71. Then use this commandline:
gswin32c.exe ^
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite ^
-o thermrad-out.pdf ^
-dPDFSETTINGS=/printer ^
That should do the job of converting the PDF to one that has no problems any more. Because the original .axd file does have a problem with an embedded font. (I'm using pdffonts.exe from the XPDF suite to check). The problem occurs on page 3 of your 10.axd:
for /l %i in (1,1,16) do (
echo. ............ Page %i ............................... ^
& pdffonts.exe -f %i -l %i 10.axd ^
& echo.)
outputs this:
............ Page 3 ...............................
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 249 0
XCZBKH+HelveticaNeue-Light Type 1C yes yes yes 250 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 15 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 19 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 41 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 45 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 49 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 53 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 57 0
Error: Illegal entry in bfchar block in ToUnicode CMap
YCRHYF+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes yes 61 0
After I let Ghostscript repair it, the problem is gone for page 3 in the repaired PDF:
c:\> pdffonts.exe -f 3 -l 3 thermrad.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
CZBBTM+HelveticaNeue-LightExt Type 1C yes yes no 13 0
MXETZY+HelveticaNeue-Light Type 1C yes yes no 40 0
The cure for smooth font rendering for us when converting PDF to JPG was to turn on text anti-aliasing with -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4.
Here's a windows batch file I use to convert to a page size passed on the command line. Sample invocation: pdf2jpg infile.pdf 11x17
gswin64c.exe ^
-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 ^
-dTextAlphaBits=4 ^
-sDEVICE=jpeg ^
-dJPEGQ=85 ^
-r300x300 ^
-sOutputFile=%~n1.jpg ^
Also there is at least one known issue with font anti-aliasing being turned off automatically in some gs versions if transparent images are present. Convert a PDF to a Transparent PNG with GhostScript has a solution.

How to find out which fonts are referenced and which are embedded in a PDF document

We have a little problem with fonts in PDF documents. In order to put the finger on the problem I'd like to inspect, which fonts are actually embedded in the pdf document and which are only referenced. Is there an easy (and cheap as in free) way to do that?
pdffonts command line tool originally from Xpdf, now part of Poppler.
This tool is available in most Linux distributions as part of poppler-utils package.
Example usage and output:
$ pdffonts some.pdf
name type emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ----------------- --- --- --- ---------
BAAAAA+Arial-Black TrueType yes yes yes 53 0
CAAAAA+Tahoma TrueType yes yes yes 28 0
DAAAAA+Wingdings-Regular TrueType yes yes yes 43 0
EAAAAA+Webdings TrueType yes yes yes 38 0
FAAAAA+Arial-BoldMT TrueType yes yes yes 33 0
GAAAAA+Tahoma-Bold TrueType yes yes yes 23 0
HAAAAA+OpenSymbol TrueType yes yes yes 48 0
Much simpler if you just want to find out the font names: run this from a terminal
strings yourPDFfilepath.pdf | grep FontName
I finally got an example file that actually seems to have fonts embedded.
Using the normal Adobe Reader (or Foxit if you prefer). Select File->Properties on the resulting Dialog choose the Font tab. You will see a list of fonts. The ones that are embedded will state this fact in ( ) behind the font name.
CAM::PDF has a font reporter, available as a command-line utility or via a library call. If you run " file.pdf" you get output like this:
Page 1:
Name: F1.0
Type: TrueType
BaseFont: NZUXSR+Impact
Encoding: MacRomanEncoding
Widths: yes
Characters: 0-255
Embedded: yes
Name: F2.0
Type: TrueType
BaseFont: XSFKRA+ArialMT
Encoding: MacRomanEncoding
Widths: yes
Characters: 0-255
Embedded: yes