Mixing eventual consistency systems and legacy ACID systems - locking

Are there any patterns for mixing eventual consistency systems with legacy ACID-systems?
I want to store data in some(at least two) legacy systems on the mainframe that need ACID-like transactions. Those mainframe-databases(Let us call them OldWorld) are running under the same transaction manager in the same process so the consistency of the mainframe-systems is no problem.
I have a transaction manager that can handle XA-Transactions with the mainframe-tm and the ACID-able relational database in the non-mainframe environment (let us call this NewWorld).
But I do not want to use the XA-Transaction because it often causes trouble with long running locks on the mainframe-side and in many cases i do not need all ACID-Features for both worlds. I always want a consistent mainframe(All Data in the OldWorld are consistent inside the OldWorld). The NewWorld System can handle inconsistent data(Inconsistency between New and Old) when it reads data from the mainframe-side. The operations that are used to store data at the OldWorld are easy and save “add-only operations” whom cannot fail functionally (it can fail technically, but this should always be a temporary failure).

My idea to work around the need for a distributed transaction is that i update the data in the OldWorld asynchronously and use an event sourcing data layer(in the NewWorlds) to store the information what is needed to be done in the OldWorld, using “soft-transaction-id's“ to prevent double-submitting to the OldWorld. These “soft-transaction-id's” will be generated while storing the data to the event-sourcing-data-layer for a transaction that needs to be done in the OldWorld.
I don't have the change to add my „soft-transaction-id's“ to the OldWorld-Databases but i can add a new Database that can store a „Done“-State beside the „soft-transaction-id“ and make the update of this database part of the old-world-transactions. Then another async-process can read the state-information without any locking and update the NewWorld (ex. Update relational-model with data from the event sourcing store. And marking the soft-transaction-id as done(„global-consistent“)) The Update of the OldWorld will always check if the soft-transaction-id is always committed first.
As i read through my writings i get the feeling that it's like global transaction, just with less locking. The knowledge that my update to the OldWorld will functional succeed is essential, without that you need a manually merge process, which can handle the functional conflicts. The NewWorld systems needs the functionality to handle inconsistent global state. It can be done by reading the relational-database and mimic the OldSystem DataRequests by analysing the not yet committed ( into the OldWorld-Database) event-store. For all other transactions I need to use distributed transactions with their locking behavior.


Keeping multi-user state across DB sessions

The situation
Suppose we have a web application connected to a (Postgre)SQL database whose task can be summarized as:
A SELECT operation to visualize the data.
An UPDATE operation that stores modifications based on the visualized data.
Simple, but... the data involved isn't user specific, so it might potentially be changed during the process by other users. The editing task may take long time (perhaps more than an hour), meaning that the probability of these collisions happening isn't low: it makes sense to implement a robust solution to the problem.
The approach
The idea would be that, once the user tries to submit the changes (i.e. firing the UPDATE operation), a number of database checks will be triggered to ensure that the involved data didn't change in the meantime.
Assuming we have timestamped every change on the data, it would be as easy as keeping the access time when the data was SELECTed and ensuring that no new changes were done after that time on the involved data.
The problem
We could easily just keep that access time in the frontend application while the user performs the editing, and later provide it as an argument to the trigger function when performing the UPDATE, but that's not desirable for security reasons. The database should store the user's access time.
An intuitive solution could be a TEMPORARY TABLE associated to the database session. But, again, the user might take a long time doing the task, so capturing a connection from the pool and keeping it idle for such a long time doesn't seem like a good option either. The SELECT and the UPDATE operations will be performed under different sessions.
The question
Is there any paradigm or canonical way to address and solve this problem efficiently?
This problem is known as the "lost update" problem.
There are several solutions that depend on whether a connection pool is used or not and on the transaction isolation level used:
pessimistic locking with SELECT ... FOR UPDATE without connection pool
optimistic locking with timestamp column if connection pool is used.

Multiple application on network with same SQL database

I will have multiple computers on the same network with the same C# application running, connecting to a SQL database.
I am wondering if I need to use the service broker to ensure that if I update record A in table B on Machine 1, the change is pushed to Machine 2. I have seen applications that need to use messaging servers to accomplish this before but I was wondering why this is necessary, surely if they connect to the same database, any changes from one machine will be reflected on the other?
Thanks :)
This is mostly about consistency and latency.
If your applications always perform atomic operations on the database, and they always read whatever they need with no caching, everything will be consistent.
In practice, this is seldom the case. There's plenty of hidden opportunities for caching, like when you have an edit form - it has the values the entity had before you started the edit process, but what if someone modified those in the mean time? You'd just rewrite their changes with your data.
Solving this is a bunch of architectural decisions. Different scenarios require different approaches.
Once data is committed in the database, everyone reading it will see the same thing - but only if they actually get around to reading it, and the two reads aren't separated by another commit.
Update notifications are mostly concerned with invalidating caches, and perhaps some push-style processing (e.g. IM client might show you a popup saying you got a new message). However, SQL Server notifications are not reliable - there is no guarantee that you'll get the notification, and even less so that you'll get it in time. This means that to ensure consistency, you must not depend on the cached data, and you have to force an invalidation once in a while anyway, even if you didn't get a change notification.
Remember, even if you're actually using a database that's close enough to ACID, it's usually not the default setting (for performance and availability, mostly). You need to understand what kind of guarantees you're getting, and how to write code to handle this. Even the most perfect ACID database isn't going to help your consistency if your application introduces those inconsistencies :)

How to use database triggers in a real world project?

I've learned a lot about triggers and active databases in the last weaks, but I've some questions about real world examples for these.
At work we use the Entity Framework with ASP.Net and an MSSQL Server. We just use the auto generated constrains and no triggers.
When I heared about triggers I asked myself the following questions:
Which tasks can be performed by triggers?
e.g.: Generation of reporting data: currently the data for the reports is created in vb, but I think a trigger could handle this as well. The creation in vb takes a lot of time and the user should not need to wait for it, because it's not necessary for his work.
Is this an example for a perfect task for a trigger?
How does OR-Mapper handle trigger manipulated data?
e.g.: Do OR-Mapper recognize if a trigger manipulated data? The entity framework seems to cache a lot of data, so I'm not sure if it reads the updated data if a trigger manipulates the data, after the insert/update/delete from the framework is processed.
How much constraint handling should be within the database?
e.g.: Sometimes constrains in the database seem much easier and faster than in the layer above (vb.net,...), but how to throw exceptions to the upper layer that could be handled by the OR-Mapper?
Is there a good solution for handeling SQL exceptions (from triggers) in any OR-Mapper?
Thanks in advance
When you hear about a new tool or feture it doesn't mean you have to use it everywhere. You should think about design of your application.
Triggers are used a lot when the logic is in the database but if you build ORM layer on top of your database you want logic in the business layer using your ORM. It doesn't mean you should not use triggers. It means you should use them with ORM in the same way as stored procedures or database functions - only when it makes sense or when it improves performance. If you pass a lot of logic to database you can throw away ORM and perhaps whole your business layer and use two layered architecture where UI will talk directly to database which will do everything you need - such architecture is considered "old".
When using ORM trigger can be helpful for some DB generated data like audit columns or custom sequences of primary key values.
Current ORM mostly don't like triggers - they can only react to changes to currently processed record so for example if you save Order record and your update trigger will modify all ordered items there is no automatic way to let ORM know about that - you must reload data manually. In EF all data modified or generated in the database must be set with StoreGeneratedPattern.Identity or StoreGeneratedPattern.Computed - EF fully follows pattern where logic is either in the database or in the application. Once you define that value is assigned in the database you cannot change it in the application (it will not persist).
Your application logic should be responsible for data validation and call persistence only if validation passes. You should avoid unnecessary transactions and roundtrips to database when you can know upfront that transaction will fail.
I use triggers for two main purposes: auditing and updating modification/insertion times. When auditing, the triggers push data to related audit tables. This doesn't affect the ORM in any way as those tables are not typically mapped in the main data context (there's a separate auditing data context used when needed to look at audit data).
When recording/modifying insert/modification times, I typically mark those properties in the model as [DatabaseGenerated( DatabaseGenerationOptions.Computed )] This prevents any values set on in the datalayer from being persisted back to the DB and allows the trigger to enforce setting the DateTime fields properly.
It's not a hard and fast rule that I manage auditing and these dates in this way. Sometimes I need more auditing information than is available in the database itself and handle auditing in the data layer instead. Sometimes I want to force the application to update dates/times (since they may need to be the same over several rows/tables updated at the same time). In those cases I might make the field nullable, but [Required] in the model to force a date/time to be set before the model can be persisted.
The old Infomodeler/Visiomodeler ORM (not what you think - it was Object Role Modeling) provided an alternative when generating the physical model. It would provide all the referential integrity with triggers. For two reasons:
Some dbmses (notably Sybase/SQL Server) didn't have declarative RI yet, and
It could provide much more finely grained integrity - e.g. "no more than two children" or "sons or daughters but not both" or "mandatory son or daughter but not both".
So trigger logic related to the model in the same way that any RI constraint does. In SQL Server it handled violations with RAISERROR.
An conceptual issue with triggers is that they are essentially context-free - they always fire regardless of context (at least without great pain, and you might better include their logic with the rest of the context-specific logic.) So global domain constraints are the only place I find them useful - which I guess is another general way to identify "referential integrity".
Triggers are used to maintain integrity and consistency of data (by using constraints), help the database designer ensure certain actions are completed and create database change logs.
For example, given numeric input, if you want the value to be constrained to say, less then 100, you could write a trigger that fires for every row on update or insert, and raise an application error if the value of that column does not meet that contraint.
Suppose you want to log historical changes to a table. You could create a Trigger that fires AFTER each INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, which also inserts the data into a logging table. If you need to execute custom custom logic, then Triggers may appeal to you.

Recover from SQL batch-abort errors inside a transaction? Alternative?

I'm looking for a way to continue execution of a transaction despite errors while inserting low-priority data. It seems like real nested transaction could be a solution, but they aren't supported by SQL Server 2005/2008. Another solution would be to have logic to decide if an error is critical or not, but it would seem that's not possible either.
Here's more detail on my scenario:
Data is periodicaly inserted in the database using ADO.NET/C#, and while some of it is vital, some could also be missing without problems. When the inserts are done, some computations are made on the data. (Both vital and non-vital) This whole process is inside a transaction so everything remains in synch.
Currently, transaction save points are used, and partial rollbacks are made on exceptions which occur during non-vital inserts. However, this doesn't work for "batch-abort" errors, which automaticly rollback the entire transaction. I understand some errors are critical, but things like failed casts are considered by SQL Server to be batch-abort errors. (Info on batch errors) I'm trying to prevent these errors from bringing down the whole insert if they occur on low priority data.
If what I'm describing isn't possible, I'm willing to consider any alternative way to achieve data integrity but allow the failure of the non-vital inserts.
Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately, can't be done as you describe (full support for nested transactions would be key here). Couple things I can think of that have been used to get around this in the past:
Best option would probably be to separate the commands into important/non-important commands that could be executed distinctly, naturally this would require that they not be order-dependent on each other
Could also use a messaging based approach (see Service Broker) where you would execute the primary commands inline and push the non-primary commands onto a queue for execution later/separately. The push to the queue would be transactional within the batch, but the execution of the command when you pop off the queue would be separate. This too would require they not be order-dependent on each other.
If order-dependent, you could use the messaging approach for everything, which would ensure order and could have separate messages per operation, then grouping them together (via conversation groups) would allow you to pull them off the queue in order as well and use separate transactions for each 'type' of operation (i.e. primary vs. non-primary). This would require some special coding on your part if all the grouped messages must be a single autonomous operation, but could be done.
I hesitate to even mention this option, because it is a terrible option, but for full disclosure I suppose you could consider it at your discretion if you think it fits (but it is definitely not an architecture that would apply to almost any scenario). You could use xp_cmdshell to call out to the command line and execute sqlcmd/osql for the non-critical tasks - this sqlcmd execution would be in a separate transaction from the module you are executing from, and simply ignoring the xp_cmdshell failure should allow the primary batch to continue.
Those are some ideas...
Can you do your import into a temporary location, using transactions only for the important parts. Once the temp location loaded, having absorbed any non-critical errors, you can copy the data into its final destination in a single transaction. Depends on the nature the work you are doing, but potentially a viable option.

What are the problems of using transactions in a database?

From this post. One obvious problem is scalability/performance. What are the other problems that transactions use will provoke?
Could you say there are two sets of problems, one for long running transactions and one for short running ones? If yes, how would you define them?
EDIT: Deadlock is another problem, but data inconsistency might be worse, depending on the application domain. Assuming a transaction-worthy domain (banking, to use the canonical example), deadlock possibility is more like a cost to pay for ensuring data consistency, rather than a problem with transactions use, or you would disagree? If so, what other solutions would you use to ensure data consistency which are deadlock free?
It depends a lot on the transactional implementation inside your database and may also depend on the transaction isolation level you use. I'm assuming "repeatable read" or higher here. Holding transactions open for a long time (even ones which haven't modified anything) forces the database to hold on to deleted or updated rows of frequently-changing tables (just in case you decide to read them) which could otherwise be thrown away.
Also, rolling back transactions can be really expensive. I know that in MySQL's InnoDB engine, rolling back a big transaction can take FAR longer than committing it (we've seen a rollback take 30 minutes).
Another problem is to do with database connection state. In a distributed, fault-tolerant application, you can't ever really know what state a database connection is in. Stateful database connections can't be maintained easily as they could fail at any moment (the application needs to remember what it was in the middle of doing it and redo it). Stateless ones can just be reconnected and have the (atomic) command re-issued without (in most cases) breaking state.
You can get deadlocks even without using explicit transactions. For one thing, most relational databases will apply an implicit transaction to each statement you execute.
Deadlocks are fundamentally caused by acquiring multiple locks, and any activity that involves acquiring more than one lock can deadlock with any other activity that involves acquiring at least two of the same locks as the first activity. In a database transaction, some of the acquired locks may be held longer than they would otherwise be held -- to the end of the transaction, in fact. The longer locks are held, the greater the chance for a deadlock. This is why a longer-running transaction has a greater chance of deadlock than a shorter one.
One issue with transactions is that it's possible (unlikely, but possible) to get deadlocks in the DB. You do have to understand how your database works, locks, transacts, etc in order to debug these interesting/frustrating problems.
I think the major issue is at the design level. At what level or levels within my application do I utilise transactions.
For example I could:
Create transactions within stored procedures,
Use the data access API (ADO.NET) to control transactions
Use some form of implicit rollback higher in the application
A distributed transaction in (via DTC / COM+).
Using more then one of these levels in the same application often seems to create performance and/or data integrity issues.