Why my sql comment parsing EReg expression not compile? - sql

I have an sql querying tool that is written in Haxe and im trying to add some sql comment support to the code. Currently if a user has any comments (single line or multi line) the query fails on the server side. Thus, im trying to write a simple method that takes the sql the user inputs and replaces any comments with a "". Here is method
static function removeComments(snippet: SqlSnippet): SqlSnippet {
var rComment: EReg = ~/(--[^\n]*)|(/\*[\w\W]*?(?=\*/)\*/)/;
var resultSql = rComment.replace(snippet.sql, "");
snippet.sql = resultSql;
return snippet;
My issue isnt with this method, but that neko wont compile it. When i try to compile this method i get this message:
src/skyview/SqlSnippetParser.hx:30: character 33 : Invalid character '\'
[Finished in 0.2s with exit code 1]
the '\' this message is refering to is the '\' im trying to use to escape the '*' metacharacter at the beginning of the 2nd set of "()"
Does anyone know why nako wont compile the "/*" in this EReg?

The problem is not \*. It is / needs to be escaped.
Try changing your EReg to ~/(--[^\n]*)|(\/\*[\w\W]*?(?=\*\/)\*\/)/.


How to extracting large amounts of data (more than 100 MB) from Snowflake into CSV

I am trying to export large amounts of data from snowflake into a CSV. I saw a similar question and the solution given was to “Run the query as part of a COPY INTO {location} command to an internal stage, and then use a GET command to pull it down locally.”
I tried following the guide and ran the following but receives the error, “SQL compilation error: syntax error line 4 at position 3 unexpected 'file_format'.”
I am not sure how to fix this or even if the first part of my syntax is correct. Can someone please help.
copy into #my_stage/result/data_ from (select *
get #%my_stage/result/data.csv/;
I'm pretty sure the issue is that you're missing a closing parenthesis. Try:
copy into #my_stage/result/data_ from (select *
get #%my_stage/result/data.csv/;
Sorry - I don't have a way to test this.
You are missing a parentheses after the where clause. You opened a parentheses after the first FROM and then another one at the WHERE clause, but you only closed the WHERE parentheses.
Also, AFAIK, you don't need to call a get if the stage was properly set. The copy into command will place it in your stage, you then retrieve it from that stage but you can do this by the normal way of accessing the stage you specified. So if you sent it to a s3 bucket, you'd just access the resource from S3 as if it were any other file.
Lastly, remember there are many useful parameters you can indicate in the FILE_FORMAT, such as Record_delimiter, compression and how to handle nulls.
And remove the last semicolon after csv, that's going to cause another error because HEADER is not a valid instruction on its own.
Also you don't have to put HEADER = TRUE between brackets. Brackets in documentation mean it's an optional parameter.

Use antlr v4 for syntax check

Can I use antlr v4 for syntax check before I actually run the code?
Example :
I defined syntax: select * from table, I want to know the statement is correct or not before actually executing it.
Following is my code :
val listener = new SQLListener()
val loadLexer = new SQLLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(input))
val tokens = new CommonTokenStream(loadLexer)
val parser = new SQLParser(tokens)
val stat = parser.statement()
I tried but DefaultErrorStrategy won't throw an Exception
I tried this:
parser.addErrorListener(new BaseErrorListener {
override def syntaxError(recognizer: Recognizer[_, _ <: ATNSimulator],
offendingSymbol: scala.Any,
line: Int,
charPositionInLine: Int,
msg: String, e: RecognitionException ): Unit = {
throw new AssertionError("line: " + line + ", offset: " + charPositionInLine +
", symbol:" + offendingSymbol + " " + msg)
but get this:
Error: Note: the super classes of contain the following, non final members named syntaxError:
If the input contains any syntax errors, this will call the visitErrorNode method on the listener. So if you define that method in your listener, you'll see any errors that occur.
If your listener is directly executing the code (rather than first building an AST or other form of IR), you probably won't want your listener to even start executing when there's a syntax error. One way to achieve that would be to set the BailErrorStrategy instead of the DefaultErrorStrategy as the error handling strategy of your parser (using setErrorHandler on the parser). This will throw an exception as soon as a syntax error occurs.
If you don't want to abort on the first error and/or you want some additional checks beyond just syntax errors (like checking for certain types of semantic errors), an alternative is to have a listener just to perform those checks. Then you'd run your code-executing listener only if the error-checking listener does not find any errors.
You are on the right track here. Use your error listener to store the errors in a list while parsing. Afterwards you can then check that list.
That requires however not to do any action during the parsing process (e.g. in a parse listener) other than stuff related to the parsing process itself. Any follow up action (e.g. error markup in an editor) should be done after the parse run.
If you like to see an example of an application using this approach take a look at the parser module implementation of MySQL Workbench. It also demonstrates the 2-stage parsing strategy for quicker parsing.

Selenium xpath stored string/vs direct string

Why can I not do the following:
String xpathString = "\"(//input[#name='FIN'])" + "[" + 3 + "]\"";
As I get the following error
org.openqa.selenium.remote.UnreachableBrowserException: Error communicating with the remote browser. It may have died.
However, the following does not cause an error and works fine
The reason I want to use a stored string is that I want to use a loop to loop through the different instances and find the one that doesn't cause an error when clicked.
Any help appreciated.
yes, try by simply removing back-Slash following double quotes.
like this,
or to make it dynamic,
remove the quotes from the stored string!

Executing the contents of a memo on a TADOQuery

I have a really long list of sql commands on a memo, when I try to execute it I get the following error:
Parameter object is improperly defined. Inconsistent or incomplete information was provided.
The code to execute it:
Query.SQL.Text := Memo1.Lines.Text;
I have a vague idea that the error is caused due to the way the query content was added, so, here's how I'm doing it now:
1) Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile('Patch.sql');
2) Proceed to the query commands
As you can see, the contents of the memo is loaded from a file. Is there any other way to successfully do this?
P.S.: I'm using Microsoft SQL 2008.
Thank you!
It looks like you're not using parameters, so set ParamCheck off
Query.ParamCheck := false;
If there is a colon ":" in a string in the SQL, the TADOQuery thinks it's a parameter

PHP error_log errors to MySQL

In a previous ticket i asked about logging PHP errors in MySQL which gives me:
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
// mysql connect etc here...
$sql = "INSERT INTO `error_log` SET
`number` = ".mysql_real_escape_string($errno).",
`string` = ".mysql_real_escape_string($errstr).",
`file` = ".mysql_real_escape_string($errfile).",
`line` = ".mysql_real_escape_string($errline);
// Don't execute PHP internal error handler
return true;
// set to the user defined error handler
$new_error_handler = set_error_handler("myErrorHandler");
I can make this work but only if it is triggerred like this:
trigger_error("message here");
However, I also want the error handler to be called for all errors such as syntax errors like:
echo "foo;
But these errors are just outputted to the screen, what am i doing wrong?
You can only handle runtime errors with a custom error handler. The echo "foo error in your example happens when parsing (i.e. reading in) the source. Since PHP can not fully parse the code, it can also not run your error handler on this error.
If You're forced to test if syntax is correct, You can use php_check_syntax function, with filename parameter PHP Manual php_check_syntax
php_check_syntax also provides second parameter, witch when used will be populated by the error string, as far as i remember
That's indeed terrible way of error logging
You don't need not a single advantage of a database. Would you make a database lookup for the certain line number? Or order your results by file name?
database is a subject of many errors itself.
You've been told already that it's impossible to catch a parse error at the program logic level, because a syntactically wrong program will never run.
Let's take your code as an example. It will raise a MySQL error (because of poorly formed query) which you will never see. As well as any other errors occurred. That's what I am talking about.