Extjs 4.1.1 combobox not returning numeric value - extjs4.1

Extjs 4.1.1 xtype: 'combo' not returning the value after submitting the form.
I have an array like user = ['user1','user2',...] and I need a dropdown in form panel. After submitting the form I found that the key values of the arrays are not submitted, rather the displayFields are submitted instead.

You can solve this issue as below :
var comboVal = Ext.getCmp('combo_id').getValue();
var record = Ext.getCmp('combo_id').findRecord(Ext.getCmp('combo_id').displayField, comboVal);
var ComboIDValue = record.get('comboVal');
ComboIDValue is the key value of combo


Set input value that has been binded with v-model

I'm creating my own autocomplete feature based on vue.js and materializecss.
Right now it's working okay, except for a few things.
The normal behavior for an autocomplete is that once you select an item by pressing enter, or clicking, the value of the input becomes your selected item. So if you input "alab", and select the item "Alabama", the value of the input should become "Alabama", and the dropdown list disappears.
The problem is that the input is bound with v-model="query", meaning the value of the input is the value of "query", which is the value of the input.
Trying to change the input value with this.$el.querySelector('input').value = "Alabama" does nothing. My current workaround is to set the value of query to be the value of the selected state.
this.selected = state;
this.query = state.name//replace input val
A nasty side effect of this is that changing the value of query triggers another search, which causes the dropdown to reappear with the item "Alabama".
How do i change the value of an input that has been bound with v-model?
My attempted workaround is to call this.onBlurInput(); after the user selects an item, which hides the dropdown. However, the dropdown will no longer appear until you explicity refocus the input by clicking outside and back again.
Remove your focus and blur events and add the following line to your queryMatches. You really only want to show options when there is not an exact match.
if(this.query.length <= 1){
return [];
// check to see if the current value is already in the list
if (this.query === this.selected.name) return [];
var reg = new RegExp(this.query,'gi')
var matches = this.states.filter(state=>{
return reg.test(state.name)
return matches
Here is an updated fiddle.

How to clear Kendo grid rows without invoking databound method?

I have a grid with databound method which shows the message 'No Data Found for the search' in case no data gets retrieved after performing search. Now i have added a radio buttons which when clicked needs to clear the old data from the grid. The issue is i am using the code $(grid).data("kendoGrid").dataSource.data([]); which does clear the grid but it also shows 'No Data Found for the search' message. Since user didn't perform any search but only changed the radio button it doesn't seem right to display that message in the grid. So, i was wondering if there was a way to clear the grid without invoking the databound method.
Grid code that calls databound function:
.Events(events => events.DataBound("gridDataBound"))
Databound code:
function gridDataBound(e) {
var grid = e.sender;
var gridName = "#" + grid.table.context.id;
if (grid.dataSource.total() == 0) {
var colCount = grid.columns.length;
.append('<tr class="kendo-data-row"><td colspan="' + colCount + '" class="no-data">No Records Meet Your Search Criteria.</td></tr>');
As far as i know there is no way of doing this without putting an e.preventDefault() in the dataBound function. What you can do is maybe make a boolean that your dataBound function uses to check whether it should display the message or not?

extjs 4.1.0 how to get textfield values without using their id

I have one Textfield, Combo and a Radio. I want to get values of these 3 fields on clicking one button. How I can get the values of above 3 without using Ext.getCmp('id').getValue();
Is there any other method is their to get the values,
please let me know.
It depends on how you have contained your fields and the button you want to click to get their values.
You can navigate up and down your containers
var TheComponent = this.up('form').down('#MyTextField')
This climbs up your container hierarchy until it finds a 'form' container (doesn't matter what its Id or name is) and them climbs down until it finds a component with the id: 'MyTextField'
If your radio button is in a radio button group container you can retrieve an object that has all your 'on' key/values.
If your container is a form you can use the method proposed by lzhaki and retrieve an object that contains all the values on your form. Just remember that combo boxes behave differently to text boxes.
Each of these methods will return either a single value or an object containing a group of values.
In ExtJS 4.1, I found the prior example was close, but incorrect:
var TheComponent = this.up('form').down('#MyTextField')
There is no "down" method in the form object (apparently form fields aren't included in the down method's navigation logic).
Here's what worked for me to set initial focus on an edit field within a form.
var theForm = this.down('form').getForm();
var theField = theForm.findField('idEditVolname');
You still must use getForm() to get the embedded form object, followed by findField() to locate the specific field - at least that's what works for me.
I don't know if this is still relevant, but here goes.
First of all, in Extjs4 and up, you use Ext.ComponentQuery.query() instead of Ext.getCmp().
What this allows you to do is access any xtype you have directly, just like the up, and down methods mentioned in other answers, but this method doesn't need any anchors as it searches the entire component hierarchy. Since you have only one of each element on the page that would be very easy to achieve without using id's.
I would name the main panel that contains the fields, but that's just for convenience.
Look at this fiddle
The code is really simple:
var panel = Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
name: 'myForm',
title: 'Sample Test',
layout: 'anchor',
height: 200,
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'text',
value: 'Oh yeah!'
var myVal = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('panel[name=myForm] textfield')[0];
alert (myVal.getValue());
The same can be done with the radio and combo fields, and you don't need a form for that, though it is more logical that way.

Dojo OnKeyPress Handler: TextBox value is blank

I have a Dojo form that does not contain a submit button. Instead, I added an onkeypress handler to calls a method when Enter is pressed. The problem I am having is that when I hit enter before blurring off the current field, the _process method thinks that field is empty.
Or in other words: type in field1. hit tab. type in field2. hit enter. field2 is blank unless i click off the field or shift-tab back.
Any ideas?
dojo.connect(dijit.byId("fkrform"),"onKeyPress",function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == dojo.keys.ENTER) {
and the method it calls:
function _process()
var field1 = dijit.byId("field1").value;
var field2 = dijit.byId("field2").value;
...do stuff...
The fields are of dojoType: dijit.form.TextBox, and the form is: dijit.form.Form
Use dijit.byId('field1').get('value') instead of directly try to access the property "value". In your example you saved the value in the variable field1 and field2 and in the alert you use the variable username and password could be the answer why you don't get anything. But you still should use the get method to get a property instead of directly access the property.
When you press "Enter" your form will submit. So you need to connect to the "onSubmit" event on the form, instead of onkeyPress or onKeyUp.
The first example i created prints the value of the input box on every key someone pressed in the console.
But what you really wanted was hooking into the submit. I modified the example. The new example connects to "onSubmit" and creates an alert box with the text of the user input.
For completness if jsfiddle doesn't work some day. You JavaScript should looks like this.
var form = dijit.byId('form');
var box = dijit.byId('box');
var submit = function(event) {
alert("User input was " + box.get('value'));
dojo.connect(form, 'onSubmit', submit);
Assuming your form in your HTML has the id form and your box have the id box.

How to filter flex datagrid with three check boxes.?

I am new to flex.
I need your help. Can anyone help me please.
My Requirement:
Flex Datagrid should be filter based on 3 checkboxes.(Checkboxes can be checked with several combinations).
My Code:
Data Provider:
MXML code:
Here i have to filter the datagrid when i check the different combinations of 3 checkboxes.
The checkbox values are from Staus column of arraycollection.
When i select 'completed' checkbox and 'onhold' check box, datagrid should display only those records which have Status as "Completed" & "On Hold".
Similarly for all combinations of c
Can anyone give simple solution please ?
Use an ArrayCollection as your dataProvider and assign a filtering function to its filterFunction property :
var provider:ArrayCollection;
At the part where you instantiate your array, give it a filterFunction :
provider.filterFunction = myFilteringFunction;
With the code of the filterFunction like this :
private function myFilteringFunction(item:ObjectTypeInYourArray) : Boolean {
var show:Boolean;
if(item.completed == checkBox1.checked &&
item.onHold == checkBox2.checked){
show = true;
return show;
It's an example with two checkboxes. The type of value assigned to the completed and onHold attributes of your object may not be boolean so you'll have to convert them somehow before comparing them to the state of the checkboxes but I think you get the idea.
Basically the filterFunction that you pass to your arraycollection is applied to each of the items inside and return true or false depending on you code inside (e.g check if the object has the right values for its properties). When true the values are showed
At the change events of your checkboxes, you refresh the dataProvider :
Hope that helps