TSQL How to get the 2nd number from a string - sql

We have the below in row in MS SQL:
Got event with:, event 34, brown fox
How can we extract the 2nd number ie the 34 reliable in one line of SQL?

Here's one way to do it using SUBSTRING and PATINDEX -- I used a CTE just so it wouldn't look so awful :)
SUBSTRING(Data,CHARINDEX(',',Data)+1,LEN(Data)) data
SELECT LEFT(SUBSTRING(Data, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', Data), 8000),
SUBSTRING(Data, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', Data), 8000) + 'X')-1)
And here is some sample Fiddle.
As commented, CTEs will only work with 2005 and higher. If by chance you're using 2000, then this will work without the CTE:
PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', SUBSTRING(Data,CHARINDEX(',',Data)+1,LEN(Data))), 8000),
PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', SUBSTRING(Data,CHARINDEX(',',Data)+1,LEN(Data))), 8000) + 'X')-1)

Simply replace #s with your column name to apply this to a table. Assuming that number is between last comma and space before the last comma. Sql-Fiddle-Demo
declare #s varchar(100) = ', event 34, brown fox'
select right(first, charindex(' ', reverse(first),1) ) final
from (
select left(#s,len(#s) - charindex(',',reverse(#s),1)) first
--from tableName
) X
OR if it is between first and second commas then try, DEMO
select substring(first, charindex(' ',first,1),
charindex(',', first,1)-charindex(' ',first,1)) final
from (
select right(#s,len(#s) - charindex(',',#s,1)-1) first
) X

I've thought of another way that's not been mentioned yet. Presuming the following are true:
Always one comma before the second "part"
It's always the word "event" with the number in the second part
You are using SQL Server 2005+
Then you could use the built in ParseName function meant for parsing the SysName datatype.
--Variable to hold your example
SET #test = 'Got event with:, event 34, brown fox'
SELECT Ltrim(Rtrim(Replace(Parsename(Replace(Replace(#test, '.', ''), ',', '.'), 2), 'event', '')))
ParseName parses around dots, but we want it to parse around commas. Here's the logic of what I've done:
Remove all existing dots in the string, in this case swap them with empty string.
Swap all commas for dots for ParseName to use
Use ParseName and ask for the second "piece". In your example this gives us the value
" event 34".
Remove the word "event" from the string.
Trim both ends and return the value.
I've no comments on performance vs. the other solutions, and it looks just as messy. Thought I'd throw the idea out there anyway!


Concatenate Strings with Spaces into a varchar(255) column

I am writing an ETL logic to insert four source columns at a certain position of a certain length into a target varchar(255) column. I have tried several ways but unable to find a solution for it. Any help is much appreciated.
Column_id at Column 14, len 8
name at Column 43, len 27
term at Column 133, len 1
Description varchar(255)
You could convert the data to char like this:
select REPLICATE(' ', 14)+convert(char(8), column_id)+REPLICATE(' ', 43-8-14) + convert(char(27), name) + REPLICATE(' ', 133-43-27)+convert(char(1), term)
from <whatever table not provided>
I left '133-43-27' as a example, test it so it's the right position...
You can try something along this:
a declared table to simulate your issue
DECLARE #tbl TABLE(id INT IDENTITY, [name] VARCHAR(100), term VARCHAR(100));
INSERT INTO #tbl VALUES('Name One','first term')
,('One more name','One more term');
-- some variables for a generic approach
,#posName INT=10
,#posTerm INT=50;
--the query
STUFF(trg,#posId, LEN(t.id), t.id)
,#posName, LEN(t.[name]), t.[name])
,#posTerm, LEN(t.term), t.term)
FROM #tbl t
--the result
1 Name One first term
2 One more name One more term
The idea in short:
First we use CROSS APPLY(SELECT ...) to add a column to our result set. This column is a string, created off 255 blanks.
Now we can use STUFF(). This functions stuffs given characters into an existing string. By replacing the exact count of characters we will not touch the total length.
Hint 1: If your data might have trailing blanks LEN() can trick you out. You can either use TRIM() (older versions LTRIM() and RTRIM()) or DATALENGTH() (be aware of 2 bytes with NVARCHAR!) then...
Hint 2: If you have to cut your data to a max length, you can use LEFT()
STUFF() does what you want. But you want to be really careful about overwriting all the data that is there. For that, I would suggest casting to a char() type:
STUFF(STUFF(STUFF(target, 14, 8, CONVERT(CHAR(8), t.id
), 43, 27, CONVERT(CHAR(27), t.name
), 133, 1, CONVERT(CHAR(1), t.term
The CHAR() type pads the values with spaces, which means that this code will overwrite any existing data in those positions (and only in those positions).

sql trimming function

I have a table called transactions which has a column Customer_Transactions_ID
Now the values in this column vary in the below
I want to trim all the values that start with "AB_EL" to make them from
AB_EL_820_23066_E_N (or whatever variation of the above) to
So basically no E or H after the id's
Is this possible?
This will give your values truncated until the last ocurrence of a number.
Original = T.Customer_Transactions_ID,
Truncated = SUBSTRING(
LEN(T.Customer_Transactions_ID) - PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', REVERSE(T.Customer_Transactions_ID)) + 1)
Transactions AS T
if i understand your requirement correctly.if text starts with ab_el then trim _e,_l from the text.
DECLARE #txt VARCHAR(100)= 'aqb_el_205_72330_h';
WHEN #txt LIKE 'ab_el%'
THEN replace(replace(REPLACE(#txt,'ab_el',''), '_e', ''), '_h', '')

SQL Server query to remove the last word from a string

There's already an answer for this question in SO with a MySQL tag. So I just decided to make your lives easier and put the answer below for SQL Server users. Always happy to see different answers perhaps with a better performance.
Happy coding!
SELECT SUBSTRING(#YourString, 1, LEN(#YourString) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#YourString)))
Edit: Make sure #YourString is trimmed first as Alex M has pointed out:
SET #YourString = LTRIM(RTRIM(#YourString))
Just an addition to answers.
The doc for LEN function in MSSQL:
LEN excludes trailing blanks. If that is a problem, consider using the DATALENGTH (Transact-SQL) function which does not trim the string. If processing a unicode string, DATALENGTH will return twice the number of characters.
The problem with the answers here is that trailing spaces are not accounted for.
SELECT SUBSTRING(#YourString, 1, LEN(#YourString) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#YourString)))
As an example few inputs for the accepted answer (above for reference), which would have wrong results:
'abcd ' -> 'abc' --last symbol removed
'abcd 123 ' -> 'abcd 12' --only removed only last character
To account for the above cases one would need to trim the string (would return the last word out of 2 or more words in the phrase):
SELECT SUBSTRING(RTRIM(#YourString), 1, LEN(#YourString) - CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(RTRIM(LTRIM(#YourString)))))
The reverse is trimmed on both sides, that is to account for the leading as well as trailing spaces.
Or alternatively, just trim the input itself.
DECLARE #Sentence VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Hi This is Pavan Kumar'
SELECT SUBSTRING(#Sentence, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', #Sentence) - 1) AS [First Word],
CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#Sentence)) - 1)) AS [Last Word]
DECLARE #String VARCHAR(MAX) = 'One two three four'
SELECT LEFT(#String,LEN(#String)-CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#String),0)+1)
All the answers so far are actually about removing a character, not a word as the OP wanted.
In my case I was building a dynamic SQL statement with UNION'd SELECT statements and wanted to remove the last UNION:
/* populate #sql with something like this:
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T1 WHERE condition
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T2 WHERE condition
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T3 WHERE condition
SELECT 1 FROM dbo.T4 WHERE condition
-- remove the last UNION
SET #sql = SUBSTRING(#sql, 1, LEN(#sql) - PATINDEX(REVERSE('%UNION%'), REVERSE(#sql)) - LEN('UNION'))
SELECT LEFT(username , LEN(json_path) - CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(username ))+1)
FROM Login_tbl
UPDATE Login_tbl
SET username = LEFT(username , LEN(json_path) - CHARINDEX('/', REVERSE(username ))+1)
DECLARE #String VARCHAR(MAX) = 'One two three four'
SELECT LEFT(#String,LEN(#String)-CHARINDEX(' ', REVERSE(#String),0)+1)

How can I create a Query that looks at a field and pulls the 3 characters that appear after a comma

How can I create a Query that looks at a field and pulls the 3 characters that appear after a comma -- EACH entry in this field has a comma and characters after it.
Basically I have a field that has CITY, STATE and sometimes the zipcode after it
I want it to pull the 2 letter State code that appears after the , and the space following the comma
You can use
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(str, delim, count)
See here for documentation.
Standard SQL, as you didn't specify the SQL dialect:
substring(col from position(',' in col)+1 for 3)
Here you go:
SELECT RIGHT(#str, LEN(#str) - CHARINDEX(',', #str) - 1)
in MS SQL Server having the value of a field as 'LAREDOTX,78041', do something like:
SELECT SUBSTRING(#Sentence, CHARINDEX(',', #Sentence)+1 , 3) AS [Second Word]
Getting as result:
Second Word
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX('www.mytestpage.info','.',2);
for more information

Extract float from String/Text SQL Server

I have a Data field that is supposed to have floating values(prices), however, the DB designers have messed up and now I have to perform aggregate functions on that field. Whereas 80% of the time data is in correct format,eg. '80.50', sometime it is saved as '$80.50' or '$80.50 per sqm'.
The data field is nvarchar. What I need to do is extract the floating point number from the nvarchar. I came accross this: Article on SQL Authority
This, however, solves half my problem, or compound it, some might say. That function just returns the numbers in a string. That is '$80.50 per m2'will return 80502. Obviously that wont work. I tried to change the Regex from =>
PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', #strAlphaNumeric) to=>
PATINDEX('%[^0-9].[^0-9]%', #strAlphaNumeric)
doesnt work. Any help would be appreciated.
This will do want you need, tested on (http://sqlfiddle.com/#!6/6ef8e/53)
DECLARE #data varchar(max) = '$70.23 per m2'
Select LEFT(SubString(#data, PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', #data),
len(#data) - PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', #data) +1
PatIndex('%[^0-9.-]%', SubString(#data, PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', #data),
len(#data) - PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', #data) +1))
But as jpw already mentioned a regular expression over a CLR would be better
This should work too, but it assumes that the float numbers are followed by a white space in case there's text after.
// sample data
DECLARE #tab TABLE (strAlphaNumeric NVARCHAR(30))
INSERT #tab VALUES ('80.50'),('$80.50'),('$80.50 per sqm')
// actual query
strAlphaNumeric AS Original,
SUBSTRING(stralphanumeric, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', strAlphaNumeric),
CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[ ]%', strAlphaNumeric) = 0
THEN LEN(stralphanumeric)
PATINDEX('%[ ]%', strAlphaNumeric) - PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', strAlphaNumeric)
AS FLOAT) AS CastToFloat
FROM #tab
From the sample data above it generates:
Original CastToFloat
------------------------------ ----------------------
80.50 80,5
$80.50 80,5
$80.50 per sqm 80,5
Sample SQL Fiddle.
If you want something more robust you might want to consider writing an CLR-function to do regex parsing instead like described in this MSDN article: Regular Expressions Make Pattern Matching And Data Extraction Easier
Inspired on #deterministicFail, I thought a way to extract only the numeric part (although it's not 100% yet):
('$70.23 per m2'),
('181.93 per m2'),
(' There are 4 tokens'),
(' No numbers '),
(' ')
WHEN ISNUMERIC(RTRIM(LEFT(RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)), 1+LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))-PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))), LEN(RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)), 1+LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))-PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))))- PATINDEX('%[^0-9.-]%',RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)), 1+LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))-PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val))))))))=1 THEN
RTRIM(LEFT(RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)), 1+LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))-PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))), LEN(RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)), 1+LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))-PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))))- PATINDEX('%[^0-9.-]%',RIGHT(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)), 1+LEN(RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))-PatIndex('%[0-9.-]%', RTRIM(LTRIM(n.Val)))))))
ELSE '0.0'