gtihub, jenkins and automated testing - testing

I have several projects in Github, and I´d like to linked them to Jenkins in order to automate testing and improve the quality code.
Is there any free online way to do it?

The git jenkins plugin allows you to link a Jenkins job to a git repository (included GitHub). Then use custom actions to run unit tests.


Allure2 How to integrate it with Jira Xray

I am trying to integrate Allure2 reports with Jira plugin called Xray. So far i managed to generate those reports on local machine and on Jenkins server in pipeline job with Allure plugin.
Also i see that there is an actual Allure plugin called xray-plugin on Allure Framework GitHub, however instructions how to use this plugin are not clear enough for me (for example, where one should put those Jira env variables?).
Can someone here explain in more clear manner how to integrate Allure2 with x-ray?

I am using Selenium with java , and I want to do the setup of CI ustin Gitlab CI

I have been trying to find out how should I execute the Selenium Test (Java) using gitlab CI
I have created an automation framework and I am able to run the maven project via jenkins
I wanted to run the same maven project with the help of gitlab ci runner
My Code will be available on git and just need to trigger the execution as a when developer checks in the code
Please help me out with this setup, I have been trying to find out the solution but couldn't figure out any
I suggest you to read about jeknins and gitlab hooks here:
, In general, these hooks "follows" any push you perform to you gitlab repository, and run the desired build on them, including pulling the latest code.

Selenium test schedule via Jenkins

I would like to schedule task which is login to a partner site and prolongs a license. I found that it can do Selenium. After I faced issue with scheduler and found article here about Jenkins configuration. Now I cannot understand how to run test from selenium in Jenkins. Is there need good knowledge in python or java ? Also I found that RC standalone selenium server is deprecated and avoided to be using now. Is there need deep diving into using these tools for executing 5-7 action on site ?
I feel that Selenium is great for doing any tasks that you may find yourself doing over and over again. For "prolonging a license" on a partner site I think this is the perfect tool for you. We setup Jenkins to run certain Selenium tests after each commit and other Selenium tests every night. If you need me to go into more detail about how the setup looks I would be glad to show you more details.
Adding Jenkins build information to help show how we did it.
1) The first step is to get a build in Jenkins that will compile any code you have and deploy a war if needed with something similar to the following: mvn -P release clean test package. We set ours to build #midnight shown in the picture below.
2) After this build finishes it triggers the next job to run this command shown in the image below: mvn -Dtest -P smokeTest clean verify

Marking Test case status in Testopia

I had a requirement to mark the automated test cases in Testopia based on the results of the automated test cases. How can I do this? I had the testopia API code, but I am not able to find a solution for this.
The Testopia Plugin for Jenkins v1.1 is available now. This wiki explains how it works:
I used the perl example from the Testopia contrib directory. I called this from a shell script and this updates the status of the testcase.
Recently I got involved in a project to develop a plugin for Jenkins to do the same.

Fitnesse deployment practices

Is there some documentation on the best ways to organize the deployment of Fitnesse for use in projects?
I have many questions:
How should it be stored? Should the whole fitnesse root be stored in SVN? How do you deal with acceptance tests that span multiple svn repositories?
We have some code that runs only on linux (server) and other code that runs only on windows (client) that make up the complete system, how do you run these? Do you have multiple Finesse servers?
In the company that I work we are setting up a FitNesse for Functional Tests integrated with SVN and Selenium.
Here is our basic idea:
Store FitNesse in a repository on SVN (yes, the root)
Store Selenium tests in another repository on SVN (per project and both .html and .java TestNG generated)
Use Hudson to automate checkouts from SVN and put everything to run on a QA Environment. If a FitNesse acceptance test span across multiple svn repositories, Hudson is able to download and build the projects. This way, FitNesse does not need to deal with this issue.
We are still integrating the tools. We also use Jira, Testlink, Sonar and MediaWiki.