How to design Metro UIs with fonts that look good on any resolution? - windows-8

When one looks at the Guidelines for fonts, we see that fonts are specified in points. A point is 1/72 of an inch so it is an absolute measure: a 10 points character should show at the exact same absolute size on any monitor at any resolution. That would make sense to me as I want to be able to read text -at the same size- whether on a 10 in tablet or a 23 in monitor. In other words, I want my text to be readable on a tablet, but I do not want it to be too big on a monitor.
On the other hand, I can understand that some UI elements could be specified in pixels, as in the Page layout guidelines.
However, in XAML font size is specified in pixels which is device dependent (to my understanding). Hence the fonts size will look tiny on a monitor with a higher resolution! See this post for more details. The answer in that post says "this way, you are getting a consistent font size". I can't see how I am getting a consistent size when it changes when the resolution changes?!?
Should I load different font size programmatically depending on the resolution of the device?
I see here that Windows does some scaling adjustment depending on the DPI. Will this adjustment be enough for my users to have a great experience on a tablet and on, say, a 20 inch monitor (or should I programmatically change the font size depending on the device resolution)?
Bonus question: WHY are the Font Guidelines written using points when the software tools do not use points (like, what were they thinking)?

"What were they thinking" is extensively covered in this blog post.
You'll also see described how scaling for pixel density is automatic:
For those who buy these higher pixel-density screens, we want to ensure that their apps, text, and images will look both beautiful and usable on these devices. Early on, we explored continuous scaling to the pixel density, which would maintain the size of an object in inches, but we found that most apps use bitmap images, which could look blurry when scaled up or down to an unpredictable size. Instead, Windows 8 uses predictable scale percentages to ensure that Windows will look great on these devices. There are three scale percentages in Windows 8:
100% when no scaling is applied
140% for HD tablets
180% for quad-XGA tablets
The percentages are optimized for real devices in the ecosystem. 140% and 180% may seem like odd scale percentage choices, but they make sense when you think about how this will work on real hardware.
For example, the 140% scale is optimized for 1920x1080 HD tablets, which has 140% of the baseline tablet resolution of 1366x768. These optimized scale factors maintain consistent layouts between the baseline tablet and the HD tablet, because the effective resolution is the same on the two devices. Each scale percentage was chosen to ensure that a layout that was designed for 100% 1366x768 tablets has content that is the same physical size and the same layout on 140% HD tablets or 180% quad-XGA tablets.


Blur UI on High DPI windows system

wxWidgets 3.1 claims to fix the Windows High DPI issues. It works too but I see blur UI (fonts/bitmaps) looks stretched.
I went through the
I did the manifest changes to make my application DPI-aware, it removed the blur effect but application layout went wrong, every layout looks smaller (unusable UI).
Note* issue more vigilant on 3K and 4K system. Hardcoded pixel sizes are not scaling (like 400px width button, 500pixel width panel etc).
wxWidgets gives you a (relatively simple) way to make your application work in high DPI, but doesn't -- and can't -- do it automatically for you, in particular only sizer-based layouts without hardcoded pixel sizes will work correctly and you do need to provide your own higher definition artwork.
Concerning the existing pixel values, the simplest (even though not really the best) way to make them work better is to put FromDIP() calls around them.
Also note that you don't need to do anything special for pixel values in XRC, they're already interpreted as being resolution-independent pixels and are scaled according to the DPI automatically.

Understanding points and the user space in Cocoa Drawing as they interact with screen resolution

Cocoa drawing sizes (widths & heights) are specified in points which are defined as follows in the OS X Cocoa Drawing Guide documentation:
"A single point is equivalent to 1/72 of an inch"
I understand from this that a point is a physical distance. So if my screen is 20 inches wide (for example) I would have 20 x 72 = 1440 points of horizontal width in points to work with. In other words, a point is independent of the resolution of the device.
This does not seem to be so...
A simple cocoa application using window width as a test shows that:
1) when my resolution is set to 1680x1050 it will take a width of 1680 points to span the width of the screen
2) similarly, if I change my resolution to 2560x1440 it will take a window width of 2560 points to span the width of the screen
Also confusing (in a contradictory way) is the statement made in the High Resolution Guidelines Apple Document that:
Each point in user space is backed by four pixels
The above tests seem to indicate that I have a user space of 1680x1050 when my display resolution is set to 1680x1050. If there are 4 pixels per user point then this would point to an effective "real" resolution of 2 times (1680x1050) = 3360x2100 which is more than the native resolution my 13 inch retina macbook pro of 2560x1600.
Points are an abstract, virtual coordinate system. The intent is that you usually design and write drawing code to work in points and that will be roughly consistent to human vision, compensating for different physical display pixel densities and the usual distance between the display and the user's eyes.
Points do not have a reliable relationship to either physical distance units (inches, centimeters, etc.) or physical display pixels.
For screen displays, there are at least three different measurements. For example, the screen of a Retina MacBook Pro has 2880x1800 physical pixels. In the default mode, that's mapped to 1440x900 points, so each point is a 2x2-pixel square. That's why a window on such a system has the same visual size as the same window on a non-Retina MacBook Pro with a screen with 1440x900 physical pixels mapped to 1440x900 points. The window is measured in points and so takes up the same portion of the screen real estate. However, on the Retina display, there are more pixels allowing for finer detail.
However, there is another layer of complexity possible. You can configure that Retina system to display more content on the screen at the cost of some of the detail. You can select a display mode of 1920x1200 points. In that mode, the rendering is done to a backbuffer of 3840x2400 pixels. That allows for rendering at a higher level of detail but keeps the math simple; points are still mapped to 2x2-pixel squares. (This simple math also avoids problems with seams when drawing abutting bitmap images.) But 3840x2400 is greater than the number of physical pixels in the display hardware. So, that backbuffer is scaled down when actually drawn on the screen to the physical 2880x1800 pixels. This loses some of the higher detail from the backbuffer, but the results are still finer-detailed than either a physical 1920x1200 screen or scaling up a 1920x1200 rendering to the physical 2880x1800 screen.
So, for this configuration:
Screen size in points: 1920x1200
Backbuffer in in-memory pixels: 3840x2400
Physical pixels in display hardware: 2880x1800
Other configurations are, of course, possible:
Screen size in points: 2880x1800
Backbuffer in pixels: 2880x1800
Physical pixels: 2880x1800
Everything will be teeny-tiny but you'll be able to fit a lot of stuff (e.g. many lines of text) on the screen.
Screen size in points: 1280x800
Backbuffer in pixels: 2560x1600
Physical pixels: 2880x1800
This will actually make everything (text, buttons, etc.) appear larger since there are fewer points mapped to the same physical pixels. Each point will be physically larger. Note, though, that each point still maps to a 2x2-pixel square in the backbuffer. As before, the backbuffer is scaled by the hardware to the physical display. This time it's scaled up slightly rather than down. (This scaling is the same thing as happens on a non-Retina LCD display when you select a mode with fewer pixels than the physical display. Obviously, an LCD can't change the number of physical pixels it has, so the different resolution is accomplished by scaling a backbuffer.)

How to size my UI components for a Cocoa mac app given the potential variety of resolutions it could be displayed on?

Cocoa uses a drawing system (user coordinate space) measured in "points" which are resolution independent...sounds great
While we need to be concerned with our app running in many resolutions, Cocoa is going to take care of that for us in (1) above...sounds too good to be true!
It does scale our controls as resolution changes...this is good.
BUT the screen size increases as my resolution increases...this is not good, I though we had a drawing canvas that was independent of the resolution!
What if the controls shrink to silly small levels as the resolution increases - should I be concerned about this?
To summarize: is their a "standard" resolution I should design for and then all automatic scaling by Apple will automatically look fine?
[Confused while reading the Apple Progammer Guide on the topic of Drawing]
You do not need to be concerned about this. The user is only allowed to select resolutions which make sense given the physical size of the display, so the standard controls will always be "large enough". You just need to test your app on Retina and non-Retina displays (and ideally both at the same time, with an external 1x monitor plugged on a 2x machine ; move your windows between the two screens and check that your images update accordingly).

XCode Coordinates for iPad Retina Displays

I just noticed an interesting thing while attempting to update my app for the new iPad Retina display, every coordinate in Interface Builder is still based on the original 1024x768 resolution.
What I mean by this is that if I have a 2048x1536 image to have it fit the entire screen on the display I need to set it's size to 1024x768 and not 2048x1536.
I am just curious is this intentional? Can I switch the coordinate system in Interface Builder to be specific for Retina? It is a little annoying since some of my graphics are not exactly 2x in either width or height from their originals. I can't seem to set 1/2 coordinate numbers such as 1.5 it can either be 1 or 2 inside of Interface Builder.
Should I just do my interface design in code at this point and forget interface builder? Keep my graphics exactly 2x in both directions? Or just live with it?
The interface on iOS is based on points, not pixels. The images HAVE to be 2x the size of the originals.
Points Versus Pixels In iOS there is a distinction between the coordinates you specify in your drawing code and the pixels of the
underlying device. When using native drawing technologies such as
Quartz, UIKit, and Core Animation, you specify coordinate values using
a logical coordinate space, which measures distances in points. This
logical coordinate system is decoupled from the device coordinate
space used by the system frameworks to manage the pixels on the
screen. The system automatically maps points in the logical coordinate
space to pixels in the device coordinate space, but this mapping is
not always one-to-one. This behavior leads to an important fact that
you should always remember:
One point does not necessarily correspond to one pixel on the screen.
The purpose of using points (and the logical coordinate system) is to
provide a consistent size of output that is device independent. The
actual size of a point is irrelevant. The goal of points is to provide
a relatively consistent scale that you can use in your code to specify
the size and position of views and rendered content. How points are
actually mapped to pixels is a detail that is handled by the system
frameworks. For example, on a device with a high-resolution screen, a
line that is one point wide may actually result in a line that is two
pixels wide on the screen. The result is that if you draw the same
content on two similar devices, with only one of them having a
high-resolution screen, the content appears to be about the same size
on both devices.
In your own drawing code, you use points most of the time, but there
are times when you might need to know how points are mapped to pixels.
For example, on a high-resolution screen, you might want to use the
extra pixels to provide extra detail in your content, or you might
simply want to adjust the position or size of content in subtle ways.
In iOS 4 and later, the UIScreen, UIView, UIImage, and CALayer classes
expose a scale factor that tells you the relationship between points
and pixels for that particular object. Before iOS 4, this scale factor
was assumed to be 1.0, but in iOS 4 and later it may be either 1.0 or
2.0, depending on the resolution of the underlying device. In the future, other scale factors may also be possible.
This is intentional on Apple's part, to make your code relatively independent of the actual screen resolution when positioning controls and text. However, as you've noted, it can make displaying graphics at max resolution for the device a bit more complicated.
For iPhone, the screen is always 480 x 320 points. For iPad, it's 1024 x 768. If your graphics are properly scaled for the device, the impact is not difficult to deal with in code. I'm not a graphic designer, and it's proven a bit challenging to me to have to provide multiple sets of icons, launch images, etc. to account for hi-res.
Apple has naming standards for some image types that minimize the impact on your code:
That doesn't help you when you're dealing with custom graphics inline, however.

Managing resources in a universal ios app

I am developing a cocos2d game. I need to make it universal. Problem is that I want to use minimun amount of images to keep the universal binary as small as possible. Is there any possibility that I can use same images I am using for iphone, retina and iPad somehow? If yes, how can I do that? What image size and quality should it be? Any suggestion?
Thanks and Best regards
As for suggestions: provide HD resolution images for Retina devices and iPad, provide SD resolution images for non-Retina devices. Don't think about an all-in-one solution - there isn't one that's acceptable.
Don't upscale SD images to HD resolution on Retina devices or iPad. It won't look any better.
Don't downscale HD images for non-Retina devices. Your textures will still use 4x the memory on devices that have half or even a quarter of the memory available. In addition, downscaling images is bad for performance because it has to be done by the CPU on older devices. While you could downscale the image and save the downscaled texture, it adds a lot more complexity to your code and will increase the loading time.
There's not a single right answer to this question. One way to do it is to create images that are larger than you need and then scale them down. If the images don't have a lot of fine detail, that should work pretty well. As an example, this is the reason that you submit a 512x512 pixel image of your app icon along with your app to the App Store. Apple never displays the image at that size, but uses it to create a variety of smaller sizes for display in the App Store.
Another approach is to use vector images, which you can draw perfectly at any size that you need. Unfortunately, the only vector format that I can think of that's supported in iOS is PDF.