AJAX Cascading with MVC4 - asp.net-mvc-4

I used the below method for doing Async postback using AJAX. This works fine on clicking submit. But i would like to know, is that possible to call various ActionMethods in a controller via AJAX.
I would like to implement something like cascading dropdown. How to call different ActionMethod via AJAX on dropdown value change?
Here is the code which call only one ActionMethod on submitting form.
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
var options = new AjaxOptions()
Url = Url.Action("Index", "City"),
LoadingElementId = "saving",
LoadingElementDuration = 2000,
Confirm = "Are you sure you want to submit?"
#using (Ajax.BeginForm(options))
<div id="saving">Loading...</div>
#Html.DropDownList("Countries",ViewBag.Countries as SelectList)<input type="submit" />
public ActionResult Index()
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectListItems = new []
new SelectListItem{ Text = "US",Value = "1" }
ViewBag.Countries = selectListItems;
return View();
public ActionResult GetState(string countryId)
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> selectListItems = new[]
new SelectListItem { Text = "Tennesse", Value = "1" },
new SelectListItem { Text = "Newyork", Value = "2" }
return View();

The answer to your first question "is that possible to call various ActionMethods in a controller via AJAX" is a big yes. You may call any action method from your controller through Ajax though the only result generated depends on various things like whether you send a view or partial view or JSON result.
for your next question :
I will be posting some codes
public JsonResult getCity(string country)
var temp = (from cntry in db.Table3.OrderBy(s => s.country)
where (string.Compare(cntry.country, country) == 0)
select cntry.city).ToList();
return Json(temp, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
<select name="countries" class="combo">
<option value=""></option>
foreach (var t in (List<string>)ViewBag.countries)
<option value=#t>#t</option>
<select name="city" class="combo2">
<div id="tese">
The following jquery code finds the selected option from country dropdown
and then sends an ajax call to the Home/getcity method
and finally populate it to the city dropdown
<script type="text/javascript">
$('body').on('change', '.combo', function () {
var selectedValue = $(this).val();
$.get("/Home/getcity", { country: selectedValue }, function (data) {
$(".combo2").html("<option value = \"\"></option>")
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
$(".combo2").append("<option value = \"" + value + "\">" + value + "</option>");
This will show a dropdown of countries list. Once a country is selected it will render a new dropdown of city list

public JsonResult getCity(string country)
var temp = (from cntry in db.Table3.OrderBy(s => s.country)
where (string.Compare(cntry.country, country) == 0)
select cntry.city).ToList();
return Json(temp, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
<select name="countries" class="combo">
<option value=""></option>
foreach (var t in (List<string>)ViewBag.countries)
<option value=#t>#t</option>
<select name="city" class="combo2">
<div id="tese">
The following jquery code finds the selected option from country dropdown
and then sends an ajax call to the Home/getcity method
and finally populate it to the city dropdown
<script type="text/javascript">
$('body').on('change', '.combo', function () {
var selectedValue = $(this).val();
$.get("/Home/getcity", { country: selectedValue }, function (data) {
$(".combo2").html("<option value = \"\"></option>")
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
$(".combo2").append("<option value = \"" + value + "\">" + value + "</option>");


How do I get the Selected Value of a DropDownList in ASP.NET Core MVC App

I have the following dropdownlist in my view:
var listado = new List<SelectListItem>()
new SelectListItem()
Text ="YES",
Value ="1"
new SelectListItem()
Text = "NO",
Value = "2"
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label">Is it True ?</label>
I want to get the selected value 'YES' or 'NO' to do something in the controller like so:
IActionResult ControllerAction(){
var theValue = dropdownList.SelectedValue //this is pseudocode syntax but you understand I want to get
//the value
// with the value I will do something like this:
User userinstance = new User {
Id = 1,
Name = "john",
isJohnTall = theValue.Value
I want something simple in other answers I've seen DropDownLists that are bound to models, but I just want to get strings selected in the dropdown and be able to do something with them in the controller.
You can use JQuery with ajax.
Something like this:
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label">Is it True ?</label>
#Html.DropDownList("miDropDownList", listado, new { #onchange = "GetYesOrNo()"})
<script src="~/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
function GetYesOrNo() {
var selectElement = document.querySelector('#miDropDownList');
var option = selectElement.value;
url: '/Home/GetYesOrNo',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
mimeType: 'text/html',
data: { getOption : option },
success: function (returnValue) {
And in Home Controller, add this JsonResult:
public JsonResult GetYesOrNo(int getOption)
if (getOption == 1) return Json("Option: YES");
return Json("Option: NO");
You can use a form to submit your data.
The form will submit Value, so you can modify your value as Text.
You can change your code like below.
var listado = new List<SelectListItem>()
new SelectListItem()
Text ="YES",
Value ="YES"
new SelectListItem()
Text = "NO",
Value = "NO"
#using (Html.BeginForm("GetYesOrNo", "User"))
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label">Is it True ?</label>
#Html.DropDownList("miDropDownList", listado)
<button type="submit">Find</button>
public IActionResult GetYesOrNo(string miDropDownList)
return View();
Test result:
And how to bind to the model with dropdownlist,you can see my this reply,it may helpful.

AutoComplete Textbox with database

I wanna do autocomplete when i enter a letter.
I have a database "USERS" and it has name .When i try texted for example e
it must show "edgar,edwin,emir" but ,t shows nothing.
ClientController here:
public class ClientController : Controller
public JsonResult AutocompleteSuggestions(string searchstring)
ModelContext db = new ModelContext();
var suggestions = from E in db.USERS
select E.Name;
var namelist = suggestions.Where(n => n.ToLower().Contains(searchstring.ToLower()));
return Json(namelist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
index.cshtml here:in here there is a textbox and i send client controller autocopleteSuggeston method but it doesnt go or it doesnt work.I add jquery script file on cshtml but it still not working.
#using (Html.BeginForm())
Name: #Html.TextBox("SearchString")
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
<script type="text/javascript">
window.jQuery(function () {
source: "/Client/AutocompleteSuggestions",
minLength: 1,
select: function (event, ui) {
if (ui.item) {
i add jquery
Where is the mistake?
you need to add [HttpPost] before JsonResult method like this:
public JsonResult AutocompleteSuggestions(string searchstring)
ModelContext db = new ModelContext();
var suggestions = from E in db.USERS
select E.Name;
var namelist = suggestions.Where(n => n.ToLower().Contains(searchstring.ToLower()));
return Json(namelist, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
as the form here is submitted using window.jQuery("form").submit(),it invokes a Post Action, so you need to add [HttpPost] for capturing the form submissions or any kind of Post Action!
Change your View Code to
#using( Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new{#id ="SearchForm"} ))
Name: #Html.TextBox("SearchString")
<input type="submit" value="Search" />
$(function() {
source: "/Client/AutocompleteSuggestions",
select: function(event, ui) {

MVC4 : Sending child Partial view values to controller?

First of all I must say this I am new to MVC4 and developing this app and learning MVC4 simultaneously :).
In this app,
Below is the parent view where 3 partial views are rendered also there is one button:
<td id="track">#Html.Partial("_Track",Model)</td><br>
<td id="tech">
<div id="Technologies"> #Html.Partial("_Technology",Model)
[some code]
<td class="subtopic">
<div class="subtopiclist" id="subque">#Html.Partial("_Subtopics",Model)</div><br>
<input type="Submit" value="Fetch Interview Questions" name="Fetch" id="Fetch" />
Partial View1 (it contains dropdownlist) :
#model MvcApplication3.Models.CommonWrapper
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("SelectTrack", "Home", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "Technologies" }))
new SelectList(Model.track, "TrackId", "TrackName"),
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#SelectedTrackId').change(function () {
Parital View2 (it contains dropdownlist):
#model MvcApplication3.Models.CommonWrapper
#if (Model.tech != null && Model.tech.Count() > 0)
using (Ajax.BeginForm("SelectTechnology", "Home", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "subque" }))
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.SelectedTrackId)
m => m.SelectedTechId,
new SelectList(Model.tech, "TechId", "TechName"),
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).on('change', '#SelectedTechId', function () {
Partial view 3 (it contains multiple checkboxes):
#if (Model.subtopic != null && Model.subtopic.Count() > 0)
#for (int i = 0; i < Model.subtopic.Count; i++)
#Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.subtopic[i].IsSelected, new { id = "subTopic_" + i })
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.subtopic[i].SubtopicName)
#Html.DisplayFor(m => m.subtopic[i].SubtopicName)
Now In parent view, I want to fetch the values from these three partial views.Also, I need to send these fetched values to controller.
How to do this ? can anybody please help me on this.
Thanks in advance
Added controller code :
public ActionResult SelectTrack(int? selectedTrackId)
CommonWrapper wrapper = new CommonWrapper();
wrapper.tech = new List<TechModel>();
if (selectedTrackId.HasValue)
wrapper.tech = (from s in CommonWrapper.GetTechnology()
where s.TrackId == selectedTrackId
orderby s.TechName
select s).ToList();
return PartialView("_Technology", wrapper);
public ActionResult SelectTechnology(int? selectedTechId)
CommonWrapper wrapper = new CommonWrapper();
wrapper.subtopic = new List<SubtopicsModel>();
if (selectedTechId.HasValue)
wrapper.subtopic = (from s in CommonWrapper.GetSubtopics()
where s.TechId == selectedTechId
orderby s.SubtopicName
select s).ToList();
return PartialView("_Subtopics", wrapper);
Try changing the ajax forms to simply using jquery to post to a desired controller action. This then separates your partial views from requiring an update target.
You can apply this method for each of your drop down lists calling a different controller action.
Remove your Ajax.BeginForm's and the corresponding jquery code and replace each with the below.
Parent View
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function ()
$("#SelectedTrackId").change(function ()
var selectedValue = $(this).val();
type: "post",
data: selectedValue,
url: url,
success: function (data)
// data contains your partial view
I'd put together a ViewModel and put this in the [HttpPost] Controller Action
Hope this helps

Mvc4 having 2 forms in one view

So i'm building a simple mvc4 application, I have created all base models for the creation of the DB, from these classes I could naturally create basic controllers with their matching views.
Now my problem: I have the basic create actionresult + view and in this view I wanted that the user would be able to select some values from a dropdownlist which would make creation of new objects simpler.
I tried to achieve this with a second form in my view (the first one is the basic create form) now if I want to use these dropdowns (they filter each other(so first the user must specify a continent, then the dropdown of the countries only shows countries from that continent and after he specifies a country the region dropdown gets updated :) )) the submit of the basic view is always automatically called.
so making the dropdowns update themselves isn't the problem :s it's that the form for the create automatically validates when the dropdowns are updated
this is the controller where the dropdowns filter each other
// GET: /FederationCenter/Create
public ActionResult Create(string searchRegion, string searchCountry, string searchContinent)
var countries = from c in db.Countries select c;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchContinent))
Continent searchContinentEnumValue = (Continent)Enum.Parse(typeof(Continent), searchContinent);
countries = from c in db.Countries where ((int)c.Continent).Equals((int)searchContinentEnumValue) select c;
var regions = from r in db.Regions where r.Country.Name.Equals(searchCountry) select r;
ViewBag.searchContinent = new SelectList(Enum.GetNames(typeof(SchoolCup.Domain.Continent)));
ViewBag.searchCountry = new SelectList(countries, "Name", "Name");
ViewBag.searchRegion = new SelectList(regions, "Name", "Name");
return View();
// POST: /FederationCenter/Create
public ActionResult Create(NSSF nssf, string searchRegion, string searchCountry, string searchContinent)
var countries = from c in db.Countries select c;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchContinent))
Continent searchContinentEnumValue = (Continent)Enum.Parse(typeof(Continent), searchContinent);
countries = from c in db.Countries where ((int)c.Continent).Equals((int)searchContinentEnumValue) select c;
var regions = from r in db.Regions where r.Country.Name.Equals(searchCountry) select r;
ViewBag.searchContinent = new SelectList(Enum.GetNames(typeof(SchoolCup.Domain.Continent)));
ViewBag.searchCountry = new SelectList(countries, "Name", "Name");
ViewBag.searchRegion = new SelectList(regions, "Name", "Name");
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var naam = Request["searchRegion"];
Region creatie = (from c in db.Regions where c.Name.Equals(naam) select c).SingleOrDefault();
nssf.ISFId = 1;
nssf.RegionId = creatie.RegionId;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(nssf);
and this is my view
#model SchoolCup.Domain.POCO.NSSF
ViewBag.Title = "Create";
<h2>Create NSSF</h2>
#using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { name = "form" }))
#Html.DropDownList("searchContinent", null, "-- All continents --", new { onchange = "sendForm()" })
#Html.DropDownList("searchCountry", null, "-- All countries --", new { onchange = "sendForm()" })
#Html.DropDownList("searchRegion", null, "-- All regions --", new { onchange = "sendForm()" })
<input type="submit" name= value="Search" />
#using (Html.BeginForm())
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Name)
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Name)
some more inputs
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
#Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "Index", null, new { #class = "button" })
#section Scripts {
<script type="text/javascript">
function sendForm() {
I've been looking for at least a day and I don't know how to solve this
with regards
How about either (1) using JQuery and loading the drop-down with a Partial view returned by your controller or (2) you could have an AJAX call that would return your values as a JSON object mapped from your entity and you can render them in the drop-down. This way your form won't be submitted every time you update a drop-down.
The first solution might look something like this:
$("#searchContinent").change(function() {
$("#searchCountry").load("/YourController/GetCountries", { 'continentId': $(this).val() },
function (response, status, xhr) {
if (status == "error") {
alert("An error occurred while loading the results.");
#Html.DropDownList("searchContinent", null, "-- All continents --" })
<div id="searchCountry">
<!--the newly created drop-down will be placed here-->
For Javascript you might try something like this:
#Html.DropDownList("searchContinent", null, "-- All continents --", new { onchange = "getCountries(this)" })
<div id="searchCountry">
<!--the newly created drop-down will be placed here-->
function getCountries(input){
var selectedValue = input.options[input.selectedIndex].value;
var xhReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhReq.open("GET", "YourController/GetCountries?continentId="+selectedValue, false);
var serverResponse = xhReq.responseText;
document.getElementById("searchCountry").innerHTML=serverResponse ;
DISCLAIMER: This I have never tried so if it's wrong don't hesitate to let me know and correct it if necessary
public ActionResult GetCountries(string continentId)
/*Get your countries with your continentId and return a Partial View with a list of
countries as your model*/
return PartialView(countryList);
GetCountries VIEW
#model IEnumerable<SchoolCup.Domain.Country>
#Html.DropDownListFor( 0, Model)

how to do postback on changing dropdownlist selected item in mvc4

I have a dropdown in my page. On selecting a value in dropdown I want the label text to be changed. Here is my code :
#model FND.Models.ViewLender
ViewBag.Title = "Change Lender";
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.Label("Change Lender : ")
#Html.DropDownList("Ddl_Lender", Model.ShowLenderTypes)
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Description)
On changing the value in dropdownlist I want the Description to change accordingly.
You could start by putting the description into a div and give your dropdown an unique id:
#model FND.Models.ViewLender
ViewBag.Title = "Change Lender";
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.Label("Change Lender : ")
#Html.DropDownList("Ddl_Lender", Model.ShowLenderTypes, new { id = "lenderType" })
<div id="description">
#Html.DisplayFor(model => model.Description)
Now all that's left is to subscribe to the onchange javascript event of this dropdown and update the corresponding description.
For example if you are using jQuery that's pretty trivial task:
$(function() {
$('#lenderType').change(function() {
var selectedDescription = $(this).find('option:selected').text();
This being said I probably misunderstood your question and this description must come from the server. In this case you could use AJAX to query a controller action that will return the corresponding description. All we need to do is provide the url to this action as an HTML5 data-* attribute to the dropdown to avoid hardcoding it in our javascript file:
new {
id = "lenderType",
data_url = Url.Action("GetDescription", "SomeController")
and now in the .change event we trigger the AJAX request:
$(function() {
$('#lenderType').change(function() {
var selectedValue = $(this).val();
url: $(this).data('url'),
type: 'GET',
cache: false,
data: { value: selectedValue },
success: function(result) {
and the last step of course is to have this controller action that will fetch the corresponding description based on the selected value:
public ActionResult GetDescription(string value)
// The value variable that will be passed here will represent
// the selected value of the dropdown list. So we must go ahead
// and retrieve the corresponding description here from wherever
// this information is stored (a database or something)
string description = GoGetTheDescription(value);
return Json(new { description = description }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);