Instantiate using Windsor's factory - naming-conventions

Below's code is working fine, and successfully create an instance for class DummyComponnent.
But the problem arises when i had changed the factory method name CreatDummyComponnent()
to GetDummyComponnent() or anything else except Creat as the beginning of method name, say AnyThingComponent throws an exception. is there any specify naming rule for factory methods ?
using System;
using Castle.Facilities.TypedFactory;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;
using Castle.Windsor;
namespace AsFactoryImplementation
public interface IDummyComponnentFactory
IDummyComponnent CreatDummyComponnent();
// void Relese(IDummyComponnent factory);
public interface IDummyComponnent
void Show();
public class DummyComponnent:IDummyComponnent
public DummyComponnent()
Console.WriteLine("we are working here");
public void Show()
Console.WriteLine("just testing this for better performance");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var container = new WindsorContainer();
var val = container.Resolve<IDummyComponnentFactory>();
var iDummy = val.CreatDummyComponnent();
Console.WriteLine("OK its done ");

You should be able to use anything for starting the method names on the Factory, except for starting with Get.
If you start with Get it will try to resolve the component by name instead of by interface.
So what would work in your example is:
var iDummy = val.GetFirstConnection();
Good luck,


How to write Xunit test case of factory design pattern code block which is tightly coupled?

I would like to write xunit test case of below method. Could you please suggest alternate design so i can write xunit test case with minimum change in my current project.
public ActionResult Index(int id = 0, AssetFilterType filter = AssetFilterType.All)
using (var tracer = new Tracer("AssetController", "Index"))
ViewBag.JobId = id;
var response = ContextFactory.Current.GetDomain<EmployeeDomain>().GetEmployeeFilterAsync(id,
CurrentUser.CompanyId, filter); // Not able write unit test case , please suggest alternate design.
return View("View", response);
current design is as follow
public interface IDomain
public interface IContext
D GetDomain<D>() where D : IDomain;
string ConnectionString { get; }
public class ApplicationContext : IContext
public D GetDomain<D>() where D : IDomain
return (D)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(D));
public string ConnectionString
return "DatabaseConnection";
public class ContextFactory
private static IContext _context;
public static IContext Current
return _context;
public static void Register(IContext context)
_context = context;
//var response = ContextFactory.Current.GetDomain**< EmployeeDomain>**().GetEmployeeFilterAsync(id,
CompanyId, filter);
This line serve purpose to call specific class method i.e GetEmployeeFilterAsync from EmployeeDomain. Although it is very handy and widely used in our application but due to design issue i am not able to write unit
test case.
Could you please suggest design so with the minimum change we can write unit test case.
Don't use the Service Locator anti-pattern, use Constructor Injection instead. I can't tell what AssetDomain is from the OP, but it seems as though it's the dependency that matters. Inject it into the class:
public class ProbablySomeController
public ProbablySomeController(AssetDomain assetDomain)
AssetDomain = assetDomain;
public AssetDomain AssetDomain { get; }
public ActionResult Index(int id = 0, AssetFilterType filter = AssetFilterType.All)
using (var tracer = new Tracer("AssetController", "Index"))
ViewBag.JobId = id;
var response = AssetDomain.GetAssetFilterAsync(id, CurrentUser.CompanyId, filter);
return View("View", response);
Assuming that AssetDomain is a polymorphic type, you can now write a test and inject a Test Double:
public void MyTest()
var testDouble = new AssetDomainTestDouble();
var sut = new ProbablySomeController(testDouble);
var actual = sut.Index(42, AssetFilterType.All);
// Put assertions here
step1 : Required library
step 2 : When the application starts , register required domain like
protected void Application_Start()
Step 3: create one static class and register all your domain
public static class UnityConfig
public static void RegisterComponents()
var container = new UnityContainer();
Initialize domain which will injected in controller
container.RegisterType<IPricingDomain, PricingDomain>();
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new UnityDependencyResolver(container);
step 4 :
so you can inject respective interface in constructor
in controller file.
goal : get rid of below any pattern in your project.
and start writing unit test cases.

Resolving sub-dependency in DryIoc with a serviceKey fails

I want to use a serviceKey to distinguish between different implementations of a service.
Code explanation: there is an ICat interface, which is used to "say" a cat's word "Meow". The word "Meow" comes from the implementation of ISoundProducer (it is injected into an implementation of ICat).
I register two services (ICat and ISoundProducer) with the same serviceKey = "x". After that I try to resolve an ICat instance, but it fails.
Here is the demo code:
using DryIoc;
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Container ioc = new Container();
ioc.Register<ISoundProducer, GoodCatSoundProducer>(serviceKey: "x");
ioc.Register<ICat, GoodCat>(serviceKey: "x");
var c1 = ioc.Resolve<ICat>("x");
public interface ISoundProducer
string ProduceSound();
public class GoodCatSoundProducer : ISoundProducer
string ISoundProducer.ProduceSound() => "Meow";
public interface ICat
void Say();
public class GoodCat : ICat
private ISoundProducer _soundProducer;
public GoodCat(ISoundProducer soundProducer) => this._soundProducer = soundProducer;
void ICat.Say() => Console.WriteLine(_soundProducer.ProduceSound());
This gives me an exception:
Unable to resolve ISoundProducer as parameter "soundProducer" in
GoodCat: ICat {ServiceKey="x"} from container with normal and
dynamic registrations: x, {ID=28, ImplType=GoodCatSoundProducer}}
What am I doing wrong? How can I resolve a service with another injected service, while they both have the same serviceKey?
Specify the key of dependency:
ioc.Register<ICat, GoodCat>(serviceKey: "x",
made: Made.Of(Parameters.Of.Type<ISoundProducer>(serviceKey: "x")));
ioc.Register<ISoundProducer, GoodCatSoundProducer>(serviceKey: "x");

Pass data from android service to ContentPage in Xamarin Form based application

I am having one Application based on XamarinForms.
One background service I have created in Android project and that service would like to send data to ContentPage(which is in PCL) which is displayed to user.
How could I pass data to ContentPage(From xx.Droid project to PCL)?
One solution is:
To Create class in PCL with static variable(e.g. var TEMP_VAR), which will be accessed from xxx.Droid project.
Update value of that static variable(TEMP_VAR) from the service class from the xxx.Droid project.
Need to create Notifier on that static variable(TEMP_VAR)
Update the content page using MessageCenter Mechanism if require.
If there is any better solution, could you please provide me?
This can be achieved using the concept of C#
Dependency service
Need to have 4 classes for such an implementation:
Interface in PCL(e.g. CurrentLocationService.cs) with event handlers defined in it.
namespace NAMESPACE
public interface CurrentLocationService
void start();
event EventHandler<PositionEventArgs> positionChanged;
Implementation of interface of PCL in xxx.Droid project (e.g. CurrentLocationService_Android.cs) using Dependency service
class CurrentLocationService_Android : CurrentLocationService
public static CurrentLocationService_Android mySelf;
public event EventHandler<PositionEventArgs> positionChanged;
public void start()
mySelf = this;
Forms.Context.StartService(new Intent(Forms.Context, typeof(MyService)));
public void receivedNewPosition(CustomPosition pos)
positionChanged(this, new PositionEventArgs(pos));
ContentPage in PCL - which will have object of implementation of interface.
Object can be obtained by
public CurrentLocationService LocationService
if(currentLocationService == null)
currentLocationService = DependencyService.Get<CurrentLocationService>();
currentLocationService.positionChanged += OnPositionChange;
return currentLocationService;
private void OnPositionChange(object sender, PositionEventArgs e)
Debug.WriteLine("Got the update in ContentPage from service ");
Background service in xxx.Droid project. This service will have reference of implementation of dependency service CurrentLocationService.cs
public class MyService : Service
public string TAG = "MyService";
public override IBinder OnBind(Intent intent)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Android.Content.Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId)
Log.Debug(TAG, TAG + " started");
return StartCommandResult.Sticky;
public void doWork()
var t = new Thread(
() =>
Log.Debug(TAG, "Doing work");
Log.Debug(TAG, "Work completed");
if(CurrentLocationService_Android.mySelf != null)
CustomPosition pos = new CustomPosition();
pos.update = "Finally value is updated";
Note : PositionEventArgs class need to be created as per usage to pass on data between service and ContentPage.
This works for me like charm.
Hope so this would be helpful to you.

Ninject Decorator not being used

What I am trying to do is wrap a decorator around a command using the following code.
public interface ICommand
public interface ICommand<T> : ICommand where T : class
void Execute(T args);
public class TransactionalCommand<T> : ICommand<T>
where T : class
private readonly ICommand<T> command;
public TransactionalCommand(ICommand<T> command)
this.command = command;
public void Execute(T args)
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
Here is how I am invoking the resolve but i only get back my ChangePasswordCommand without the decoratoration. (Actually it wont event compile on the second Bind)
The ultimate goal is to have this auto-register all my types using this decorator. Any help would be great!
var command = kernel.Get<ChangePasswordCommand>();
You were pretty close. However: when you want to use a decorator you need the decorator to implement the same interface as the command. That's the case here, but you'll also need to resolve that interface (and bind it, too). So here's how it works:
var command = kernel.Get<ICommand<ChangePasswordArgs>>();

Can't get Ninject.Extensions.Interception working

I've been trying for ages to figure this our. when i try to bind my class with an interceptor i'm getting the following exception on the line
Error loading Ninject component IAdviceFactory. No such component has been registered in the kernel's component container
I've tried with and without LoadExtensions, With about with using a Module to set up my bindings and my last attempt looks like this
internal class AppConfiguration
internal AppConfiguration( )
var settings = new NinjectSettings() { LoadExtensions = false };
Kernel = new StandardKernel(settings);
internal StandardKernel Kernel { get; set; }
public static AppConfiguration Instance
get { return _instance ?? (_instance = new AppConfiguration()); }
private static AppConfiguration _instance;
private void Load()
internal static StandardKernel Resolver()
return Instance.Kernel;
My Logger Attribute looks like this
public class LogAttribute : InterceptAttribute
public override IInterceptor CreateInterceptor(IProxyRequest request)
return request.Context.Kernel.Get<ILoggerAspect>();
And my interceptor like this
public class Log4NetAspect : SimpleInterceptor, ILoggerAspect
protected override void BeforeInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
Debug.WriteLine("Running " + invocation.ReturnValue);
public new void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
catch (Exception e)
Debug.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message);
protected override void AfterInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
Debug.WriteLine("After Method");
Most likely you didn't deploy Ninject.Extensions.Interception.DynamicProxy or Ninject.Extensions.Interception.Linfu alongside your application [and Ninject.Extensions.Interception]. You have to pick exactly one of them.
With the code as you have it right now (LoadExtensions=false) it will fail to pick up the specific interception library - you should remove that and the normal extensions loading should wire the extension into the Kernel on creation for the interception bits to pick it up.
In addition to Remo Gloor's answer which pointed me toward adding the nuget package for Ninject.Extensions.Interception.DynamicProxy, I kept getting the same exception as the OP, until I manually loaded a DynamicProxyModule - the FuncModule is manually loaded as well, to work around a similar error involving the factory extension:
_kernel = new StandardKernel(
new NinjectSettings{LoadExtensions = true},
new FuncModule(),
new DynamicProxyModule()); // <~ this is what fixed it