I have a vb.net aspx page that i need to assign a session variable inside of javascript
if i do the following
var baz ="<%=Session("User")%>";
the alert i receive is the class name
i need a nested value of this session , and have no idea how to do this in vb
i do however know how to do this in C# / generic http handler
public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
IAdvanceUser user = context.Session["User"] as IAdvanceUser;
var ID = user.EntityID
and of course in php, RoR , ColdFusion, ect
I have tried this but it failed miserably
var baz ="<%=Session("User").("EntityId")%>";
any ideas?
Try this: use CType(fromObjectHere, toObjectHere)
var baz ="<%= CType(Session("User"), AdvanceUser).EntityID %>";
You might need to type the full name TheName.WebFramework.Security.AdvanceUser or import the namespace
<%= CType(Session("User"), TheName.WebFramework.Security.AdvanceUser).EntityID %>
I am using ASP.net core
I can use an Html action inside a view
#Url.Action("GetOptions", "ControllerName", new { id="1"});
However I want to get a string value of it in the Controller.
e.g. something like
string Url= Url.Action("GetOptions", "ControllerName", new { id="1"}).ToString();
In previous versions of MVC you can reference the helper in the controller by
UrlHelper urlHelper = new UrlHelper(HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext);
Basically what I want to do is generate a URL string representation in my controller
In order for the route values to work correctly for me I had to use the static invocation of the url helpers
UrlHelperExtensions.Action(Url, "Details", "Resellers", new { id = 1 })
Edit: The shorthand way of writing this is:
this.Url.Action("Details", "Resellers", new { id = 1 })
Thanks #Learner.
How can I inject a custom method into a .net assembly using mono.cecil, and then call it in the entrypoint?
I like to do this to implement security methods after the binary is built.
To inject method you need to get the type you want to add it the method and then add a MethoDefinition.
var mainModule = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(assemblyPath);
var type = module.Types.Single(t => t.Name == "TypeYouWant");
var newMethodDef= new MethodDefinition("Name", MethodAttributes.Public, mainModule.TypeSystem.Void);
To call this method form the entry point, you need to get the entry point MethodDefinition and the new injected MethodReference and add instruction in the entry point method to call the new injected method.
var newMethodRef = type.Methods.Single(m => m.Name == "Name").Resolve();
var entryPoint= type.Methods.Single(m => m.Name == "YourEntryPoint");
var firstInstruction = entryPoint.Body.Instructions.First();
var il = entryPoint.Body.GetILProcessor();
il.InsertBefore(firstInstruction, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Callvirt, newMethodRef));
Note: Yes I know its C# and not VB but I'm sure once you got the idea you can easily convert it to VB.
You can make use of the Module.Import() function.
Example Class can be seen in the video:
Credits to TheUnknownProgrammer's importer class.
Using Restlet 2.1 for Java EE, I am discovering an interesting problem with its ability to handle attributes.
Suppose you have code like the following:
and on your browser you provide the following URL:
then, of course, the attr attribute gets set to "command".
Unfortunately, suppose you want the attribute to be something like command/test, as in the following URL:
or if you want to dynamically add things with different levels, like:
in both cases the attr attribute is still set to "command"!
Is there some way in a restlet application to make an attribute that can retain the "slash", so that one can, for example, make the attr attribute be set to "command/test"? I would like to be able to just grab everything after testpath and have the entire string be the attribute.
Is this possible? Someone please advise.
For the same case I usually change the type of the variable :
Route route = cmp.getDefaultHost().attach("/testpath/{attr}",SomeServerResource.class);
route.getTemplate().getVariables().get("attr") = new Variable(Variable.TYPE_URI_PATH);
You can do this by using url encoding.
I made the following attachment in my router:
router.attach("/test/{cmd}", TestResource.class);
My test resource class looks like this, with a little help from Apache Commons Codec URLCodec
protected Representation get() {
try {
String raw = ResourceWrapper.get(this, "cmd");
String decoded = new String(URLCodec.decodeUrl(raw.getBytes()));
return ResourceWrapper.wrap(raw + " " + decoded);
} catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }
Note my resource wrapper class is simply utility methods. The get returns the string of the url param, and the wrap returns a StringRepresentation.
Now if I do something like this:
I get a 404.
Instead, I do this:
I have URLEncoded the folder path. This results in my browser saying:
haha%2fawesome haha/awesome
The first is the raw string, the second is the result. I don't know if this is suitable for your needs as it's a simplistic example, but as long as you URLEncode your attribute, you can decode it on the other end.
I am currently writing a ping status monitoring ASP. But i could not figure out how to pass data from calling a action to controller.
My Action Code as follow:-
Function showPing2(ByVal ipaddress As String) As String
If ipaddress = 1 Then
Return "Online"
Return "Offline"
End If
End Function
Calling method from Index.vbhtml
I could not pass the value like that, it keep showing the error "HttpException was unhandled by user code"
Could anyone please tell me how to correctly pass value in ASP .NET?
Thank you very much!!
Wrong syntax, try this:
#Html.Action("showPing2", new { ipaddress = "1" })
#Html.Action("showPing2", "ControllerName", new { ipaddress = "1" })
This is C# syntax as I understand from Anonymous Types (Visual Basic) or Anonymous class initialization in VB.Net, VB.NET is something like:
#Html.Action("showPing2", New With { .ipaddress = "1" })
I am using RhinoMocks 3.6 and would like to use the multimock feature to implement both a class and a interface.
var mocks = new MockRepository();
var project = mocks.StrictMultiMock(
using (mocks.Record())
((INotifyCollectionChanged)project).CollectionChanged += null;
The LastCall is working though. I get this message :
System.InvalidOperationException : Invalid call, the last call has been used or no call has been made (make sure that you are calling a virtual (C#) / Overridable (VB) method).
What am I doing wrong here??
Have you actually checked that the Project class has methods you can override as the error message indicates? I'll assume you have. :-)
I'd suggest you switch to using the AAA syntax instead of record/replay as shown here:
I assume you're wanting to know if the class under test reacts the right way when the CollectionChanged event is fired? If that's the case, you can do it something like this:
var project = MockRepository.GenerateMock<Project, INotifyPropertyChanged>();
project.Expect(p => p.SomeMethod())
.Raise(p => ((INotifyCollectionChanged)p).CollectionChanged += null,p,new NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs());