I need to create separate file for all the constants of my project - objective-c

In my project I have a requirement to create separate file for all constants that i am using in separate classes in the same project.
I seen some examples but they are saying about creating in '.h' file and again they are implementing them in '.m' files. But i need only '.h'file to create all constants and i have to use all those constants by importing that '.h' file in every class of my project.

ADD a new file.
Right click on the file inspector
choose New File
The pop up window select ios>C and C++>HeaderFile[Figure]
Give name Constants
Add #define OK #"OK"
Go to View Controller include file in header #import "Constants.h"
OR Define in pch file ,so that all View controllers can access the file
In viewDidLoad NSLog(#"%#",OK);

You can create .h file and use #define to create constants and then include your file to prefix file of your project. Though I prefer to use extern constants which you declare in .h file and define in .m file. This help to track possible warnings in your code at compilation time.

You've pretty much answered your own question, to the point where I'm not sure exactly what you're asking - you can just create a header file (.h) with your constants, and import it into your other classes. You don't need to create a corresponding implementation (.m) file. If you're using your constants throughout your code you could import them in your prefix header and have them automatically available.


Importing modulename-Swift.h file to ObjC .h file

Is it possible to import the modulename-Swift.h file to another .h file, so that the test target also would compile?
Currently, I was importing the modulename-Swift.h in the one of the headers of the app's target, however, the test target was not able to compile.
When I moved the import statement to the .m file instead, I was able to compile both, the app and the tests.
However, I have to resort to a forward protocol declaration in order to resolve this issue - the modulename-Swift.h file contains a protocol.
So, the question is whether I can import that file in .h file at all?
No, you can't import modulename-Swift.h in a .h file. You'll need to create forward declarations (adding #protocol Something; to your .h) and import the Swift module in the .m file.
Another way to work around this is to declare the protocol conformance in a category in the .m file. More details can be found in this StackOverflow answer:

Add custom header to Xcode project to hold related imports in one place

I've realised that that I have like 4 or 5 related .h files that I have to import at few places. It seems reasonable to create a one .h file, add all imports to it and then only import one new file instead of 5.
First of all, is this a common practice? Or is there a nicer way?
In Xcode, when I try to do so using File -> New -> File... -> Source -> Header File the newly created header holds this:
#ifndef MyProject_MyProjetCommonHeader_h
#define MyProject_MyProjetCommonHeader_h
Not sure why these preprocessor commands needed. And it doesn't recognise (autocomplete) any headers when I try to use #import. Am I doing it wrong?
Yes you could import all the header files into MyProjectCommonHeader.h file.
#import "Header1.h"
#import "Header2.h"
And then to use Header1.h and Header2.h in another file just import MyProjectCommonHeader.h in the desired files.
The #ifndef commands are explained nicely here http://www.cprogramming.com/reference/preprocessor/ifndef.html

How to create a .m file corresponding to a .h file in xcode

When I try to create a .m file from the file menu, it prompts me for choosing a template from the several types mentioned - Objective-C class, Objective-C category, Objective-C protocol, etc.. Which one should be preferred?
I am fairly new to Objective-C as well as Xcode, so pardon me if this question is too obvious.
You may have to add Objective-C class and rename the new.m alone
to match your old.h and remove the newly added new.h file.
Create a new Objective-C class and copy your code from old.h to new.h file
Update as per comments: I see you are trying to add .m for the MAC sdk library, which is not possible.
You may have to consider using Categories extending the existing class methods.
What is “category
Customizing Existing Classes
If you want to create just an empty .m file, you can do so following these steps (Xcode 5.1.1):
In your Xcode project, go to File --> New --> File...
Select Other --> Empty
Click on Next
Type a name for your file and be sure to finish it with extension .m
Click on Create to save it

Importing into .h versus .m

Is there a difference between importing something (e.g. #import "JSON.h") into the header file versus the implementation file?
If you #import it in the header, then everything including that header gets it. You may find that useful, in that you don't have to #import it again in other places, but my preference is to #import things only where necessary, to minimize dependencies and make builds faster.
I think if you do it in the header file, you save your self some trouble later on in case you reference a class which is defined in the imported file.
In other words, if you import "JSON.h" in the header file, and there's a JSON class (hypothetically) that you will use in your header file (in the interface), then it would save you from having to do the #class directive at the top. Then your implementation file will also be fine since it would import the header file, which itself imported the "JSON.h" file
Basically I think it would be neater and would be more like objective-c if you import the required files in the interface file (.h). As you've probably noticed, interface files are usually short and concise, allowing you to get a quick glance at what a certain class is about and what it does. If you import your files there, you can also see what files/classes it relies on more easily, saving the implementation file (.m) for the actual 'meat'.

Link to a constants file in Cocoa / Xcode

In reference to this related question on stackoverflow:
If you create a constants file, how do you "link" to it in your target, so you don't have to
#import "Constants.h"
in every file you use constants?
You really should be using #import "Constants.h" every place you want to use the constants within it; Objective-C is a C-based language.
Furthermore, you aren't "linking" to it either when you put an #import directive in your code or if you put one in your prefix file. In both cases, the contents of the file are included in the text stream fed to the compiler by the preprocessor.
Finally, you shouldn't generally add random things to your prefix file. (Panagiotis Korros referred to this as "your pre-compiled header file," but that's slightly incorrect; your prefix file is used to generate the pre-compiled header file.) If you keep your build settings consistent across projects, and use the same name for your prefix files across projects, Xcode will actually cache and re-use the precompiled versions for you very aggressively. This is defeated by putting project-specific contents in them.
You can put the import line in your pre-compiled header file.
That is the .pch file named after you application name.
When I use the constant in more file inside my application, normally I use the .pch file (find it under "Supporting Files" folder).
Into my .pch file I insert the constant, for example:
static const int NAME_CONSTANT = 200;
and use NAME_CONSTANT into all file inside my project without import never file because the .pch is pre-compiled header file.