How to launch an APP in background in iOS 6.x silently - objective-c

We want to launch an APP silently in iPhone without bring this APP to the Foreground. In iOS 5.x we achieve this goal by this code:
[(SBApplication*)app setDisplaySetting:0x4 flag:NO];
[(SBDisplayStack*)displayStack pushDisplay:app];
[(SBDisplayStack*)displayStack popDisplay:app];
But, in iOS 6.x there is not SBDisplayStack any more. I did some search but not found any answers. Someone says that SBWorkSpace replaces the SBDisplayStack in iOS 6.x. We use SBAppToAppWorkspaceTransaction to implement but always bring the APP to the Foreground which dose not achieve our goal.
Anyone can help me? Thx!

You can use the SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier() function from the SpringBoardServices private framework. It takes a suspended argument:
SBSLaunchApplicationWithIdentifier(CFSTR(""), TRUE);
You'll also need the entitlement for this.


Migrate app to ios11 for Iphone X

I need to update my app and make it look good on the iphone X. I've seen a couple of answers on stackoverflow and on the internet regarding the new safe area option (Use Safe Area Layout Guides).
According to what I've read the app should adapt automatically using autolayout as well but what I've got is this:
If I start a new project it all works fine. The project is quite big, so starting all over again is not an option. What should I do?
I just had the same problem, and in my case, the problem was that my app didn't have a Launch Screen.storyboard, it was using a image as launcher. So adding a new Launch Screen.storyboard and selecting that one fixed it, maybe the rest of the app takes some settings from that Launch Screen.storyboard

How can we achieve coverflow view in android titanium?

I have seen that titanium support CoverFlowView in titanium but it works only on ios, Can anyone have idea to achieve CoverFlow in android with titanium
Thanks in advance
Looks like you are in luck! Someone already built a coverflow module for Android using the Android development environment.
You need to be willing to write the additional code for that to turn it into a module for Titanium.!/guide/Android_Module_Development_Guide
It should be possible, but I must admit I've never tried to write one myself.
Basically you cannot get Coverflow on Android. Since it is a native iOs component which is not implemented in Android at all. Frameworks like Titanium always "link" your commands to internal system APIs. When there is no API there is no way to access it. Of course you could try to build it on your own but I think this would not work that well. And its a lot of work!
Additionally cover flow is not really useful (except for holding just a few items). Have a look at my question at ux.stackexchange.

How to debug the changes made in application on titanium without relaunching the application?

After launching the application, i make some code changes. Is relaunching the application necessary each and every time i make a change to the code.
MRT is right As there is Fastdev server(For classic approach) in Titanium which automatically push the changes to your app if there are changes except in app.js ,Also If you are using the Alloy Approach than for speedy development you can use Ti Shadow.
you can find it Here.
Use TIShadow!
It supports rapid deployment and testing of traditional titanium projects and alloy projects
Yes, you need to Relaunch again when you any change make in your code.
But, Some time this is working without Relaunch. But not in Home page. This is working when you are using on Sub view and use URL Property in CreateWindow Object.
But, best way to Relaunch you App always.
May this Information is helpful for you.

How to know about app launched and details jailbreak iOS 7

I am making a tweak for iOS 7, in which I want to know about app launch event, and the details of app being launched (name and identifier). So far the only useful framework I have found is SpringBoardServices.framework. The header files which may be/are useful to track app launch event include:
If I am on right track, can anyone provide me information about their methods usage? There is no relevant information or guide present on iphonedevwiki.
Moreover, How can I get information about app launched? I have studied Andy ibanez's tutorial. It hooks SBApplicationIcon class, which I guess has been removed from iOS 7 frameworks because I can't find it in dumped frameworks. So what is alternate header? Is it SBSCardItem.h and SBSCardItemsController ?
Looking forward for help. Thanks.
You need to look into instead of SpringBoardServices.framework. SpringBoard app comes "alone" because like it's extension implies, it's an app, and not a framework that can be found in the entire Private Frameworks.
You can get a lot of info from the SBApplicationIcon class in SpringBoard, such as the app display name and things like that. Check the headers for more info.

windows phone equivalent of ondestroy() of android

I am new in WP platform. I want to do some operation when user leaves the current page.Where can I write the codes of the operations.Like ondestroy method of android.
Glad to hear you are interested in developing to Windows Phone OS.
Please check this link to examine WP Application Lifecycle:
To answer your direct question: You should override the OnNavigatedFrom function.
Maybe yo can do something overriding "OnNavigatedFrom" and using this.Frame.BackStack.Last() to compare with the current page to know if you go back or not.