What are all the possible first-words of SQL statements? - sql

I'm building a user interface to be able to execute SQL statements on a SQL Server database, compatibility at SQL Server 2008 R2. I need to be able to determine whether each statement could possibly return a dataset, or if it just needs to be executed. In Delphi, the TADOQuery consists of either Open / Close for a dataset, or ExecSQL just to execute. I need to automatically determine which one to use based on the first word(s) of the SQL statement.
How can I determine which method I should call based on the first word(s) in the statement? I would need to know each possible word, and which method based on each word.

That is not possible in the general sense. EXEC stored-procedure-name for example can eithers return a result set or not, depending on how the proc is written. There is no way to know if it's one or the other just from the syntax of the call.


SQL Server Getting Parsed Query

I need to get each statement of given SQL Server stored procedure.
To achieve this, I generate execution plan XML and look for "StmtSimple" nodes in query.
This approach is quite slow for large procedures.
Is there any way that I can get every single statement of the procedure without generating XML execution plan?
When you have the text of a stored procedure, you can perform a full parse on it using the TransactSql ScriptDom. If you just want to get each statement, it's possible to do that using this method.
However, I'm not convinced that it would actually perform much better than using the method you are using now. It's just another option to try.
Edit -> The ScriptDom is part of the SQL Server 2012 Feature Pack, and is contained in the 'SqlDom.msi' install.

Can I avoid all SQL-injection attacks by using parameters?

Can I avoid all SQL-injection attacks by using parameters?
And don't worry about any thing in SQL injection in this case?
Or are there some types of these attacks which require more care on the part of the programmer?
No, you can't avoid all SQL injection attacks by using parameters. Dynamic SQL is the real issue, and this can occur in stored procedures as well as in your application code.
E.g., this is prone to a SQL injection attack: your parameterized query passes a username to a stored procedure, and within the stored procedure the parameter is concatenated to a SQL command and then executed.
For an example of many kinds of SQL injection attacks, see this SQL Injection Cheat Sheet. You will see that simply escaping single quotes is just scratching the surface, and that there are many ways around that.
Yes and no. Yes, if all of your SQL statements are indeed static and use only parameters, then you're 100% protected from SQL injection attacks.
The problem comes when the parameters themselves are used to construct dynamic SQL statements. An example would be a stored procedure that generates a SQL statement dynamically for querying a multitude of different options, where a single monolithic statement would be impractical. While there are better solutions to this problem, this is a common one.
Yes you can avoid all SQL-injection attacks by using parameters, as long as you use parameters exclusively all the way down the call stack. For example:
Your app code calls a stored procedure or dynamic SQL in the database. That must use parameters to pass all values.
The stored procedure or dynamic SQL internally constructs a call to another stored procedure or dynamic SQL statement. That must also use parameters to pass all values.
Repeat ad-infinitum until you run out of code.
If you are programming in SQL Server, you can use sp_executesql to execute dynamic SQL, and it will let you define and pass parameterised values to the statement being executed.
If you are going to build a dynamic sql query with those parameters (passed to a stored procedure, for example) then there's a chance of sql injection if precautions are not taken.
You can always minimize the risk of SQL injection by using prepared statements, provided your database engine supports them.
Anyway, prepared statements is probably the most secure way of blocking SQL injections.
The problem is building the SQL statement dynamically.
For example, you might want to order the result based on the column the user selected. In most databases, you can't use parameters here ("ORDER BY ?" doesn't work). So you have to "ORDER BY " + column. Now, if "column" is a String, then the user of your web-application could inject code there (which is not easy, but possible).

What is a dynamic SQL query, and when would I want to use one?

What is a dynamic SQL query, and when would I want to use one? I'm using SQL Server 2005.
Here's a few articles:
Introduction to Dynamic SQL
Dynamic SQL Beginner's Guide
From Introduction to Dynamic SQL:
Dynamic SQL is a term used to mean SQL code that is generated programatically (in part or fully) by your program before it is executed. As a result it is a very flexible and powerful tool. You can use dynamic SQL to accomplish tasks such as adding where clauses to a search based on what fields are filled out on a form or to create tables with varying names.
Dynamic SQL is SQL generated by the calling program. This can be through an ORM tool, or ad-hoc by concatenating strings. Non-dynamic SQL would be something like a stored procedure, where the SQL to be executed is predefined. Not all DBA's will let you run dynamic SQL against their database due to security concerns.
A dynamic SQL query is one that is built as the program is running as opposed to a query that is already (hard-) coded at compile time.
The program in question might be running either on the client or application server (debatable if you'd still call it 'dynamic') or within the database server.

Is there an Access equivalent of the SQL Server NewId() function?

I have written SQL statements (stored in a text document) that load data into a SQL Server database. These statements need to be repeated daily. Some of the statements use the NewId() function to populate a keyed field in the database, and this works fine.
While I'm in the process of writing an application to replicate these statements, I want to use Access queries and macros instead of copying and pasting queries into SQL Server, thus saving me time on a daily basis. All is working fine but I can't find any function that will replace the SQL Server NewId() function. Does one exist or is there a work around?
I'm using SQL Server 2005 and Access 2007.
On top of matt's answer, you could simply use a pass-through query and just use your existing, working queries from MS Access.
A solution would be to insert the stguidgen() function in your code, as you can find it here: http://trigeminal.fmsinc.com/code/guids.bas https://web.archive.org/web/20190129105748/http://trigeminal.fmsinc.com/code/guids.bas
The only workaround I can think of would be to define the column in your access database of type "Replication ID" and make it an autonumber field. That will automatically generate a unique GUID for each row and you won't need to use newid() at all. In SQL server, you would just make the default value for the column "newid()".
Again, there seems to be confusion here.
If I'm understanding correctly:
You have an Access front end.
You have a SQL Server 2005 back end.
What you need is the ability to generate the GUID in the SQL Server table. So, answers taht suggest adding an AutoNumber field of type ReplicationID in Access aren't going to help, as the table isn't a Jet table, but a SQL Server table.
The SQL can certainly be executed as a passthrough query, which will hand off everything to the SQL Server for processing, but I wonder why there isn't a default value for this field in SQL Server? Can SQL Server 2005 tables not have NewId() as the default value? Or is there some other method for having a field populate with a new GUID? I seem to recall something about using GUIDs and marking them "not for replication" (I don't have access to a SQL Server right at the moment to look this up).
Seems to me it's better to let the database engine do this kind of thing, rather than executing a function in your SQL to do it, but perhaps someone can enlighten me on why I'm wrong on that.

How to generate sql scripts from a query

Does anyone know how to generate SQL scripts from a query?
For example,
Script some tables.
Do custom action 1.
Script the views.
Do custom action 2.
It sounds like you want to write a cursor to execute custom SQL. This is common and easy to do. What you need to do is specify a few things to help us more completely answer your question:
What type of SQL server are you using? (MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL)
What language are you writing in? (Java, C++, PL/SQL, TSQL)
You can either write code (Java / C++) to generate SQL from a query, or possibly use a cursor to iterate over recordsets (PL/SQL / TSQL). You can use the results to give you information that can then be executed as SQL via an exec (of some kind depending on the language).
... but please investigate SQL injection before implementing dynamic SQL. Look into Parameterized Queries...
With Microsoft Sql Server, the best way to script database objects is to use SMO. Sql Management Objects is a c# api, but you could always execute t-sql scripts from c# using a SqlClient.
You could want something like
select 'UPDATE '+table_name+ ' SET description=''(new!) ''+description WHERE description_date>''2008-11-01'''
from information_schema.tables where table_name like '%Description'
(this query generates queries which prepend value of description column with '(new!) ' for each recent row in each table which name ends with 'Description' in a fictional database).
The system view INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES contains data about all database tables, there are also INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS, INFORMATIONS_CHEMA.COLUMNS and other system views in INFORMATION_SCHEMA table schema.
Hope this will help.