Last Modified By fields and foreign keys - sql

In SQL Server 2012, I have a User table to store application users. I also have an Organization table which has a LastModifiedBy field in which I would like to store the UserID of the last person to modify the values within the table via an ASPX page. Should I create a foreign key relationship between the LastModifiedBy field and the UserID field within the Users table?
I would also like to add a LastModifiedBy field to the Users table itself. Should/can I create a self referencing foreign key constraint on this table? If this is possible, is it a horrible idea?
Any perspectives on pros and cons of creating these foreign key constraints would be greatly appreciated.

What you are describing is what foreign keys are made for. These foreign keys are at the very core of relational databases. Even if they might give a slight performance impact when inserting new rows, because it has to check if the referenced key exists, it should not be avoided.


Report Structure in the database

I am building a dynamic structure in a data base so that I can configure reports from backend dynamically. Need your help in designing the backend structure. Here is my idea
Table ReportAccountMap
One account can map to multiple ReportIds, accountid is unique
Table Report_MetaData
Table Report_Structure
I am trying to find what constraints to put in the above structure.
Thanks in advance.
Add an id into ReportAccountMap and Report_Structure so your primary key there will be one-dimensional.
ReportAccountMap.AccountId needs to be a foreign key to Account(id)
(ReportAccountMap.AccountId, ReportAccountMap.ReportId) needs to be unique
Report_MetaData.StructureId needs to be a foreign key to Report(StructureId)
Report_MetaData(DataSetSourceId) needs to be a foreign key to DataSetSource(Id)
Report_Structure.ReportId needs to be a foreign key to Report(Id)
Report_Structure.StructureId needs to be a foreign key to (Structure.Id)
At least this is how I understood your intention. It would not hurt to add indexes for the n:m tables taking into account the optimal direction.
Also, ReportAccountMap is needed, since it is different from Account logically and it also has an attribute called IsActive.

How to validate user's access to specific rows in a SQL table?

I'm working on a project and I'm new to both web apps and SQL, so bear with me. I'm building an API and I want to make sure that my users only have access to certain rows in a specific table that have a foreign key to their customer id in another table, but have to be validated by user id in another table. (A single Customer has multiple Users and owns multiple Assets. For right now, all of the Customer's Users can access any Asset, but no Customers share an Asset or User.) The way I can think to do this is to do
SELECT * FROM [Asset] WHERE Id=#AssetId AND CustomerId=(SELECT CustomerId FROM [User] WHERE UserId=#UserId);
This is great, but with many entries in the Asset and User tables, this query could take up a ton of time. This is bad since every request made to my API that needs the Asset data should be doing this check. I could set up an index, and in fact UserId is a Secondary Key in User because it's a unique identifier from the auth provider, but I'm not sure if I should add an index for CustomerId in Asset. The Asset table should grow relatively slowly compared to some other tables (have a messaging record table for auditing purposes), but I'm not sure if that's the right answer, or if there's some simpler answer that's more optimized. Or is this kind of query so fast at scale that I have nothing to worry about?
For your particular case, it looks like the perfect context to build a junction table between the User table and the Asset table. Both field together will become the primary key. Individually, AssetId and UserId will be foreign keys.
Let's say the junction table is called AssetUser.
Foreign keys :
CONSTRAINT [FK_AssetUser_User] FOREIGN KEY ([UserId]) REFERENCES [User]([UserId])
CONSTRAINT [FK_AssetUser_Asset] FOREIGN KEY ([AssetId]) REFERENCES [Asset]([AssetId])
Primary key :
CONSTRAINT [PK_AssetUser] PRIMARY KEY([AssetId], [UserId]));
You shouldn't worry about scale too much unless you are going to have ALOT of data and/or the performance is critical in your application. If so, you have the option to use hadoop or to migrate to a NoSQL database.

What's a foreign key for?

I've been using table associations with SQL (MySQL) and Rails without a problem, and I've never needed to specify a foreign key constraint.
I just add a table_id column in the belongs_to table, and everything works just fine.
So what am I missing? What's the point of using the foreign key clause in MySQL or other RDBMS?
A foreign key is a referential constraint between two tables
The reason foreign key constraints exist is to guarantee that the referenced rows exist.
The foreign key identifies a column or set of columns in one (referencing or child) table that refers to a column or set of columns in another (referenced or parent) table.
you can get nice "on delete cascade" behavior, automatically cleaning up tables
There are lots of reason of using foreign key listed over here: Why Should one use foreign keys
Rails (ActiveRecord more specifically) auto-guesses the foreign key for you.
... By default this is guessed to be the name of the association with an “_id” suffix.
Foreign keys enforce referential integrity.
Foreign key: A column or set of columns in a table whose values are required to match at least one PrimaryKey values of a row of another table.
See also:
The basic idea of foreign keys, or any referential constraint, is that the database should not allow you to store obviously invalid data. It is a core component of data consistency, one of the ACID rules.
If your data model says that you can have multiple phone numbers associated with an account, you can define the phone table to require a valid account number. It's therefore impossible to store orphaned phone records because you cannot insert a row in the phone table without a valid account number, and you can't delete an account without first deleting the phone numbers. If the field is birthdate, you might enforce a constraint that the date be prior to tomorrow's date. If the field is height, you might enforce that the distance be between 30 and 4000 cm. This means that it is impossible for any application to store invalid data in the database.
"Well, why can'd I just write all that into my application?" you ask. For a single-application database, you can. However, any business with a non-trivial database that stores data used business operations will want to access data directly. They'll want to be able to import data from finance or HR, or export addresses to sales, or create application user accounts by importing them from Active Directory, etc. For a non-trivial application, the user's data is what's important, and that's what they will want to access. At some point, they will want to access their data without your application code getting in the way. This is the real power and strength of an RDMBS, and it's what makes system integration possible.
However, if all your rules are stored in the application, then your users will need to be extremely careful about how they manipulate their database, lest they cause the application to implode. If you specify relational constraints and referential integrity, you require that other applications modify the data in a way that makes sense to any application that's going to use it. The logic is tied to the data (where it belongs) rather than the application.
Note that MySQL is absolute balls with respect to referential integrity. It will tend to silently succeed rather than throw errors, usually by inserting obviously invalid values like a datetime of today when you try to insert a null date into a datetime field with the constraint not null default null. There's a good reason that DBAs say that MySQL is a joke.
Foreign keys enforce referential integrity. Foreign key constraint will prevent you or any other user from adding incorrect records by mistake in the table. It makes sure that the Data (ID) being entered in the foreign key does exists in the reference table. If some buggy client code tries to insert incorrect data then in case of foreign key constraint an exception will raise, otherwise if the constraint is absent then your database will end up with inconsistent data.
Some advantages of using foreign key I can think of:
Make data consistent among tables, prevent having bad data( e.g. table A has some records refer to something does not exist in table B)
Help to document our database
Some framework is based on foreign keys to generate domain model

Constrain table entries on sql table

I have 3 related tables as shown in the image below.
Everyone has an entry in the User table and a UserRole.
Some Users are Subscribers.
I want to constrain the Subscribers table so that it can only contain users whose role IsSusbcriber but retain the UserRole at User level. Is it possible?
Excuse the current relationships between the table, they represent whats there at the moment rather whats necessarily needed.
I think you could drop the IsSubscriber columns and add a UserSubscriberRoles table that will contain exactly those roles that had previously set the IsSubscriber column.
CREATE UserSubscriberRoles
, FOREIGN KEY (UserRoleId)
REFERENCES UserRoles (UserRoleId)
) ;
Then change the FKs in Subscribers table to:
FOREIGN KEY (UserId, UserRoleId)
REFERENCES User (UserId, UserRoleId)
REFERENCES UserSubscriberRoles (UserRoleId)
Is it possible?
In theory, yes; you can use a SQL assertion. See this StackOverflow answer for an example.
In practice, however, no major DBMS supports SQL assertions, and what you describe cannot be implemented as a foreign-key constraint, so I think your only option is to write a trigger that evaluates this constraint, and raises an exception if it's not satisfied.
The only way to contrain this without RoleId in the table is via either a trigger (and triggers are usually a bad design choice), or a SQL Agent job that periodically removes people from Subscribers that don't fit the criteria.
With RoleID in Subscribers, you can add a check constraint that limits it to a specific value.
This would really be better enforced with a different design and/or in the application code.

Database: One To Many (or One To None) relationship

Im modelling a database in MSSQL 2008.
I have 4 tables.
I understand that I should have foreign keys between the News and the Category tables. But what should I do with the supscriptions? Should I have a Foreign Key between User and Subscription tables though it's not mandatory to subscribe for something?
Yes you should. Foreign key is used for be sure, that Subscription is created for existing user. Foreign key does not mean, that user should be subscribed on something.
Yes you should have this foreign key because it will prevent a Subscription from existing that does not map to a real user id.
It acts as a constraint on your data.
Subscription is a link (many-many) table and "not mandatory" means there will no row for that user or that user/category.
The foreign key is required to enforce data integrity when you do have subscriptions which will be one or more rows.
Note: In optional parent-child type relationships the FK column(s) will be NULLable to capture "non mandatory". In link tables this is captured by row non-existence
Yes, you should add Foreign keys between User and SubCription tables with Subscription table.
Foreign key contraints are for the validating of adding wrong information to the database. For example, in your Subscription table, there shouldn't be userIDs which are not in the User table and there should be CategoryIDs which are not in the NewsCategory table. These contraints will do the validation for you even if you don't do the validation at the user interface end.
You've gotten some good answers. Let me try to add another.
A SUBSCRIPTION requires both a subscriber and a category. Therefore, each of these columns should not allow nulls. Preventing nulls is not the same thing as a foreign key constraint.
It should also be impossible to insert a row into SUBSCRIPTIONS if the user does not already exist in the USERS table; and it should be impossible to insert a row into SUBSCRIPTIONS if the category does not already exist in the CATEGORIES table. To enforce these rules your SUBSCRIPTIONS table requires two foreign key constraints:
When you create a foreign key constraint on a table, you are in effect saying to the database engine: make sure that any value that gets inserted into this table already exists in that other table. BTW, a requirement for the constraint to be created is that a unique constraint must be in effect on the column(s) referenced in that table; typically, the referenced column(s) of that table will be the primary key of that table.
By creating a foreign key constraint, you are not saying to the database engine: make sure a row gets inserted into this table. It is quite possible (though it would be unusual) that this table has no rows in it whatsoever. The foreign key constraint simply makes sure that any value that does get inserted into this table has a counterpart in that table.