Play framework and IntelliJ new project creation -- errors - intellij-idea

I am looking at Play 2.0 for the first time. I installed it using homebrew
~/code $ brew info play
play: stable 2.1.0, HEAD
/usr/local/Cellar/play/2.1.0 (3998 files, 254M) *
I create a new project and set it up for IntelliJ (12.0.4)
~/code $ play new playtime
play! 2.1.0 (using Java 1.7.0_15 and Scala 2.10.0),
OK, application playtime is created.
~/code $ cd playtime/
~/code/playtime $ play idea
[info] Created /.../playtime/.idea_modules/playtime.iml
[info] Created /.../playtime/.idea_modules/playtime-build.iml
~/code/playtime $
I open IntelliJ and rebuild the project. I get
scala: Output path /.../playtime/project/target/scala_2.9.2 is shared between: Module 'playtime-build' production, Module 'playtime-build' tests
Currently external Scala compiler prohibits output path sharing.
Either disable the external build mode or configure separate output paths.
TIP: you can use Project Artifacts to combine compiled classes.
How to make a clean empty project that builds ?
Why does Play create a -build module ? What is it used for?
Why does this module reference a Scala 2.9.2 path ?
Libraries scala-2.9.2 and scala-2.10.0 also created, but not used. Why?

1) How to make a clean empty project that builds ?
Play 2.0 plugin for IDEA 12.1 (version 0.2.25 or 0.2.26) will be uploaded soon will be much better in this direction, I hope you will not have problems with compilation here.
2-3) Why does Play create a -build module ? What is it used for?
Build module is created for SBT build file. SBT depends on Scala 2.9.2 (that's why this module requires Scala 2.9.2), so to have better editor for such build file, SBT IDEA plugin creates this module (this is third-party plugin, our own SBT plugin will be implemented soon). However this is not right to create such confusing module, in Play 2.0 plugin 0.2.25 project creation will clean this module. So you will not have this confusing module.
4) scala-2.10.0 library is used in Scala facet for Scala compiler. However Scala compiler is not used in Play 2.0 project, we are using play compiler in our support (with bundled with play SBT compiler), so in general it's not used, but you still have this library, otherwise you will get some error messages from Scala compiler, what is Scala plugin usability problem, you can post new issue about it here:


How to import a Kotlin Library in IntelliJ

So i want to use the Serialization Library in my kotlin project, and from what i can gather from this page, i must use this: "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.3.2", to do so, now i use "IntelliJ" as my build system, so i went to the project structure, and in libraries, clicked the + sign, clicked on "From Maven" and put this as the link to the library, and it downloaded it and i set it as a dependency of my project, it even shows as a external library, like this:
But when i try to import the lib, it gives error:
Apparently you can indeed use IntelliJ IDEA as a build system without maven or gradle, but I don't think this is a supported way to use kotlinx-serialization.
I'd advise to pick either maven or gradle as your build system for your project (this can be done through IntelliJ, just create a new project and pick either one).
Then you can just follow the relevant paragraph at for either maven or gradle.

Neo4J Plug In Won't Compile Due to Version Mismatch

I have seen variants of this question asked, but I have not seen an answer that was accepted. I am using IntelliJ IDEA to simply compile the TraversDemo sample plug in that Neo4J posted on GitHub. When I run mvn clean package I get no errors. But when I actually tried putting the .jar file into my plug ins folder on Neo4J Desktop . . . neo4j didn't recognize the plug in. So, I assumed something was wrong with my .jar file and I just tried to 'build' the java file in IntelliJ. When I did, I get this error:
Module 'TraversalPlugIn' production: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/neo4j/annotations/api/PublicApiAnnotationProcessor has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 54.0
I have checked and rechecked my Java (for Windows 10) is Java 8. I checked the Java Configuration GUI and asked for updates. It said I had the most recent version. Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? I already tried screwing around with various options in Build,Execution,Deployment Java compiler. No combination seemed to work.
I finally fixed this. The solution was: (i) cut existing java code (and POM file); (ii) delete original project altogether; (iii) create a new maven project but choose JDK 16 as SDK this time; and (iv) paste Java code and POM xml into new project. Then I built it, and ran maven clean package, inserted the target snapshot into the plug ins folder and ... it finally worked.

SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default

I created a new Play Framework project using the activator, activator new my-project-name and then I selected the play-java template and the project is created with no errors.
Then I import the project into my IDE, IntelliJ, as a SBT project. When the project is imported a popup is shown saying: SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default.
On IntelliJ project's panel it doesn't show all (mostly the files with the code) files. Just a handful of them.
The build.sbt file looks like full of compilation error (pretty much all the lines are red underlined).
Here's the build.sbt file
name := """my-project-name"""
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayJava)
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// Play provides two styles of routers, one expects its actions to be injected, the
// other, legacy style, accesses its actions statically.
routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator
fork in run := true
I can compile and run the code with activator ui with no errors. So, why isn't IntelliJ fully importing the project and it shows me SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default message?
I googled around and couldn't find any hint related to this so I'm kinda lost here.
EDIT: -------------------------------------
I closed the project on IntelliJ and deleted the project folder. Closed IntelliJ and using activator I created again the same project. Using activator ui I compiled the project. Then I fired up IntelliJ and was prompted to either open a project, create a new one or import a project.
Selected import a project and did the normal "import a project steps" and IntelliJ imported the project with no hassle. But if I try to import the project while with an open project on IntelliJ I get the same problem that lead me to make this question. Maybe this is a bug on IntelliJ?
EDIT 2 ------------------------------------------
The solution to these two problems (the "SBT compilation for play framework 2.x disabled by default" and the files not showing on IntelliJ) can be fixed with user3384225 and DarkShadow answers.
Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Play2
Under 'Compiler' enable 'Use Play 2 compiler for this project'
I Stumbled upon this problem myself when configuring play framework for IntelliJ IDEA IDE (version: 2017.3). I overcame this problem by following the steps below.
Navigate to:
File --> Settings --> Languages and Frameworks --> Play2 --> Compiler tab
and inside the compiler tab:
put a tick to the Use Play2 compiler for this project
Hope this helped.
Similar answer to user3384225's answer was posted here:
They say:
Settings -> Langauges & Frameworks -> Play2 -> Compiler -> User Play 2 compiler for this project
I am also a newbie and was facing the same problem till yesterday. Probably you are trying to open the project through File->open.
Try the steps below:-
File->New->Project from existing source->select the build.sbt from the project you created using the activator->Import project from external model and select SBT from the options->OK.
It will take some time to import files and to create the settings required for intellij idea project.
I am using intellij idea 14.1.5. It worked for me hope it will for you also.
For current projects, you can fix this by using File->Invalidate Caches/Restart..
Most probably you have solved you problem, but just to help others
What you just have to do is -> check the option "Use Play 2 compiler for this project" given under Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Play2 -> Compiler
Close the project and then import the project as sbt project.
Intellij will automatically dump and index the project dependancies.
Stumbled upon the same problem today. Solved by wiping the ~/.IntelliJIdea14 directory. Unfortunately any other things I've tried didn't help.
Just use: File->New->Project from existing source->select the build.sbt from the project you created using the activator->ok.
and it's done.

Play 2 dependency on a local module in Intellij Idea

I am kind of new to PlayFramework 2 and can not figure out how to resolve play 2 application dependencies. I need to add dependency on a local module loaded in IntellijIdea, not a jar file or repository.
While adding module dependencies in Idea project setting works just fine and ide itself is able to resolve them (autocompletion, imports etc are working), when trying to run in play2, its compiler cannot resolve any dependencies.
I manually configured Build.scala (adding val appDependencies = Seq("" % "" % "")) but am puzzled as to what resolvers I should use. I cannot point to a jar file, as it is a work in progress and such a file should be updated too often. Doing so would defeat the whole purpose of managed dependencies.
Play's main build mechanism uses SBT, which needs to know how to find all sources required for the build. There are several options for this:
make your module an SBT project itself and publish it to your local ivy repository. However that might be somewhat complex at this stage, and would involve adding your local ivy repository to the resolvers and re-publishing every time you change something in the module
declare your module as a sub-project. Play's documentation describes the process of working with sub-projects, I think this is the way you'd like to try out since then the idea command on Play's console will generate the IntelliJ configuration for the main application and the module.

How to add the target jar as a test resource of the same project?

I'm developing a Solr plugin and using the Solr test-framework I place a test SOLR_HOME dir under test/resources with /conf/ and /lib . Now the framework inistantiates a SolrCore and loads my plugin from /lib. Not an issue to output the jar of the plugin to /lib, but the issue is that the plugin is not yet available since it still needs to past the test (chicken and the egg).
How do you recommend solving this? I see those options:
Create another project for the tests with a dependency on the plugin, and in it run the tests. Simple enough, but how do I ensure that everytime the plugin is built also the tests of this other project is built? The point of the automated tests at every build is to having a new plugin jar which breaks the tests.
In dp4j pom.xml I build the project on 2 phases, in the 1st I <include> only the annotation processors while in the other I compile the tests which rely on the annotation processors compiled in the eariler phase.
I'm in favor of 2 since copy-pasting the configuration doesn't seem a bad option, and makes it seem less complicated than it probably is. I don't remember if I had asked about it here - what do you recommend? Any other case studies /working code to look at?
there's a 3rd. most probably best solution ~ do nothing!
I was under the impression that the Solr Testframework need to load my plugin from /lib but apparently it doesn't need to, it can load it from test-classes, all on its own!