Example of Intermediate System for Soap Processing - wcf

When you read about WCF Message Security and compare it to Transport security, one of the drawbacks that they always mention is that transport security is point-to-point and can't secure a message routed through intermediaries.
What is an example of these intermediaries. When would you use one?
All my experience with services is with point-to-point communication so I'm trying to build a context for when you might encounter a SOAP intermediary or router or proxy.
There are other questions on SO that beat around what I'm getting at but don't directly answer my question. For example, in this question:
Does SSL provide point-to-point security?
the answer says:
intermediate system', I think that quote means a system that must
access the message in the middle (intentionally or not)... not just a
router, but something actually decrypting, viewing and/or modifying
the message.
My question is: What would be an example of a system that need to view/decrypt/modify the message and why would it need to do that?

I just found a partial answer in this document from MS:
Part of it says:
Message layer security that uses X.509 certificates is flexible enough to provide point-to-point or end-to-end security. This allows messages to be persisted in a secure state for short periods for queue-based processing or for longer periods in an archived state.
So an example would be if a message were queued or stored off to disk. It would stay encrypted through the time it was processed and deleted from disk, presumably.
Edit: Here is a really good article on building a WCF Service Router that explains some of the reasons you might want to use one: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc500646.aspx
See also: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms731081.aspx


Intercepting, manipulating and forwarding API calls to a 3rd party API

this might be somewhat of a weird, long and convoluted question but hear me out.
I am running a licensed 3rd party closed-source proprietary software on my on-premise server that stores and manipulates data, the specifics of what it does are not important. One of the features of this software is that it has an API that accepts requests to insert/manipulate/retrieve data. Because of the poorly designed software, there is no mechanism to write internal scripts (at least not anymore, it has been deprecated in the newest versions) for the software or any events to attach to for writing code that further enhances the functionality of the software (further manipulation of the data according to preset rules, timestamping through a TSA of the incoming packages, etc.).
How can I bypass the need for an internal scripting functionality that still gives me a way to e.g. timestamp an incoming package and return an appropriate response via the API to the sender in case of an error.
I have thought about using the in-built database trigger mechanisms (specifically MongoDB Change Streams API) to intercept the incoming data and adding the required hash and other timestamping-related information directly into the database. This is a neat solution, other than the fact that in case of an error (there have been some instances where our timestamping authority API is down or not responding to requests) there is no way to inform the sender that the timestamping process has not gone through as expected and that the new data will not be accepted into the server (all data on the server must be timestamped by law).
Another way this could be done is by intercepting the API request somehow before it reaches its endpoint, doing whatever needs to be done to the data, and then forwarding the request further to the server's API endpoint and letting it do its thing. If I am not mistaken the concept is somewhat similar to what a reverse proxy does on the network layer - it routes incoming requests according to rules set in the configuration, removes/adds headers to the packets, encrypts the connection to the server, etc.
Finally, my short question to this convoluted setup would be: what is the best way of tackling this problem, are there any software solutions or concepts that I should be researching?

Recommended WCF client channel lifetime with Message security

I have a question with regards to WCF client channel lifetime while using Message security, but first, a few notes on my company's setup and guidelines:
Our client-server applications are solely for intranet use
Our clients are WPF applications
Our company's guidelines for WCF usage are:
Use wsHttpBinding
Use Message Security
Service InstanceMode: PerCall
Service ConcurrencyMode: Multiple
It is the first time I have to use message security on an intranet setup. Here's how I typically use my client channels to limit the amount of resources kept on the client and server and literally just to keep things simple:
Instantiate + open channel (with ChannelFactory)
Make the WCF call
Close / dispose the channel asap
While monitoring this strategy with Fiddler 2, I noticed that because of Message Security, a single WCF call ended up causing 5 round-trips to my service:
3 initial round-trips for handshaking
1 round-trip for the actual WCF call
1 call to close the session (since I am using PerCall, I am assuming this is more a security session at the IIS level)
If I were to turn off Message Security, as one would expect, one WCF ended up being... A single round-trip.
As of now, I must use Message Security because that's our guideline. With this in mind and knowing that we make hundreds of WCF calls from each client WPF app a session, would you therefore advise to open the client channel and keep it open for re-use instead of disposing of it every time?
I would advise not to preemptively turn off features until you know they are a known problem. Preoptimization is needless work. Until you notice your clients having lagging problems, I would not worry about the message security. At that point, try a few things: one of your approaches of keeping a client open longer; two, try grouping requests together without turning off message security; three, consider caching, if you can; four, if the message security is the final culprit, then try a different method. I wouldn't just turn something off because I see a bit more network traffic until I knew it was the absolute last thing that I could do to improve performance.

what is/are the right WCF messaging function to use in my project?

I am novice in WCF and I have a project that needs to be migrated into WCF communication base with the client/server and server to server architecture.
My question is what is the right messaging function that I need for this project that insure the security of data across the network ,reliable connection and speed exchange of data.
I was able to find out the WCF has numerous messaging function.
Below is the architecture of my project:
Note: The clients should be simultaneously updated by both data processing and feed source servers. And clients also sends simultaneous requests to the servers while feeds are still being supplied by the feed source server.
I would be appreciate any suggestion or comments.
My first question is why are you putting the Connection Manager (CM) component in-between your clients and the services which they want to use? What is the job it does which means it needs to be right in the middle of everything?
This ultimately means that your CM component will have to handle potentially high volumes of bi-directional traffic across potentially different transport bindings and introduces a single failure point.
What if client A wants only to receive messages from the Feed Source (FS) component? Why should client A have to deal with an intermediary when it just wants to send a subscription notification to receive updates from the FS?
Equally, what if client B wants to send a message to the Data Processing (DP) component? Surely it should just be able to fire off a message to DP?
I think the majority of what you want to do with this architecture can be achieved with one-way messaging, in which case you should use netMsmqBinding (assuming you are in a pure wcf environment).

How much security is required for message storage and transmission?

I need to implement a very secured Web Service using WCF. I have read a lot of documents about security in WCF concerning authorization, authentication, message encryption. The web service will use https, Windows Authentication for access to the WS, SQL Server Membership/Role Provider for user authentication and authorization on WS operations and finally message encryption.
I read in one of documents that it is good to consider security on each layer indenpendently, i.e. Transport Layer security must be thought without considering Message Layer. Therefore, using SSL through https in combination with message encryption (using public/private key encryption and signature) would be a good practice, since https concerns Transport Layer and message encryption concerns Message Layer.
But a friend told me that [https + message encryption] is too much; https is sufficient.
What do you think?
If you have SSL then you still need to encrypt your messages if you don't really trust the server which stores them (it could have its files stolen), so this is all good practice.
There comes a point where you have a weakest link problem.
What is your weakest link?
Example: I spend $100,000,000 defending an airport from terrorists, so they go after a train station instead. Money and effort both wasted.
Ask yourself what the threat model is and design your security for that. TLS is a bare minimum for any Internet-based communications, but it doesn't matter if somebody can install a keystroke logger.
As you certainly understand, the role of Transport-Level Security is to secure the transmission of the message, whereas Message-Level Security is about securing the message itself.
It all depends on the attack vectors (or more generally the purpose) you're considering.
In both cases, the security models involved can have to purposes: protection against eavesdropping (relying on encryption) and integrity protection (ultimately relying on signatures, since based on public-key cryptography in most cases).
TLS with server-certificate only will provide you with the security of the transport, and the client will know that the communication really comes from the server it expects (if configured properly, of course). In addition, if you use client-certificate, this will also guarantee the server that the communication comes from a client that has the private key for this client certificate.
However, when the data is no longer in transit, you rely on the security of the machine where it's used and stored. You might no longer be able to assert with certainty where the data came from, for example.
Message-level security doesn't rely on how the communication was made. Message-level signature allows you to know where the messages came from at a later date, independently of how they've been transferred. This can be useful for audit purposes. Message-level encryption would also reduce the risks of someone getting hold of the data if it's stored somewhere where some data could be taken (e.g. some intranet storage systems).
Basically, if the private key used to decrypt the messages has the same protection as the private key used for SSL authentication, and if the messages are not stored for longer time than the connection, in that case it is certainly overkill.
OTOH, if you've got different servers, or if the key is stored e.g. using hardware security of sorts, or is only made available by user input, then it is good advice to secure the messages themselves as well. Application level security also makes sense for auditing purposes and against configuration mistakes, although personally I think signing the data (integrity protection) is more important in this respect.
Of course, the question can also become: if you're already using a web-service that uses SOAP/WSDL, why not use XML encrypt/sign? It's not that hard to configure. Note that it does certainly take more processor time and memory. Oh, one warning: don't even try it if the other side does not know what they are doing - you'll spend ages explaining it and even then you run into trouble if you want to change a single parameter later on.
Final hint: use standards and standardized software or you'll certainly run into crap. Spend some time getting getting to know how things work, and make sure you don't accept ill formatted messages when you call verify (e.g. XML signing the wrong node or accepting MD5 and such things).

Why is transport security only hop to hop?

I have read at several places that transport security is only hop to hop (vs. endpoint to endpoint), and thus has limited use in internet scenarios where there may be several hops in-between your endpoints. First, is this correct? Second, why is transport security only hop to hop? What is preventing the intermediary nodes from simply relaying what they have gotten from their respective receivers?
what they mean when they say that transport security provides only hop-by-hop protection is that at the intermediate steps, the incoming data stream is unencrypted and the intermediary can see the message in plain-text if it so wishes. The intermediary does encrypt the message again before passing it over to next node. So if the intermediary nodes are trusted nodes (your own servers) there is no harm in using transport security, but if the intermediary nodes are not owned by you, these nodes can see the plain message and your data is vulnerable.
This brings me to the question: what are intermediary nodes? Are these the nodes specified in clientVia? So if I don't have any clientVia's (as is mostly the case) can I safely use transport security without the need for message-level security?
http://www.silverlighthack.com/post/2008/12/10/WCF-101-Understanding-Transfer-Security-Visually.aspx. There is a nice diagram here, but per my understanding above, I think part of it is wrong.