Rails Flash was working, now it's not - ruby-on-rails-3

Suddenly flash and params aren't working for me. Even my normal flash error/success messages don't work.
This is just one sample - I have the following in a view:
<%= link_to 'New Comment', new_comment_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary', :onclick => flash[:worequest_id] = #worequest.id %>
And in the new comment form:
<% if flash[:worequest_id] != nil %>
<%= f.hidden_field :worequest_id, :value => flash[:worequest_id] %>
I have been using flash to pass data between a view and a form in quite a few places in my Rails app. Now, none of them are working!!
Could I have set some configuration that would turn off flash and params?
I appreciate your help!!
I read on another post, where someone was having "session problems" with FLASH. Where would I look for session problems?
I added the following to the view that receives the data from the flash:
<% if flash[:worequest_id].blank? %>
<h3>flash blank</h3>
<% end %>
And "flash blank" showed up.
Really - This has been in many places of my app for months. And now it's not working!!!!!!!
I also tried this:
<% flash.keep[:worequest_id] = #worequest.id %>
Is there a rails config file that deals with session? Maybe I messed up a parameter or something.
This is the only line in my initializers/session_store.rb file:
Ndeavor::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_ndeavor_session'
Params don't work either !!!!!
I just created a new app from scratch using Rails 3.2.11 and flash and params are working fine. So, it's not the version of Rails.

Im a bit confused about what/how you're trying to achieve.
Have you looked at the output produced by this?
<%= link_to 'New Comment', new_comment_path, :class => 'btn btn-primary', :onclick => flash[:worequest_id] = #worequest.id %>

I removed the jbuilder gem and now flash and params are working. It has to be something I did, because I just tried jbuilder in another app, and it didn't break flash. I'm going to try and figure out why my use of the gem caused the problem.


Rails 3 Search Action Redirects To Show?

I've ran into a weird problem in Rails. When I try and submit a search query with the following form on my Uploads controller:
<%= form_tag ({:controller => "uploads", :action => 'find_uploads'}), :method => "get" do %>
<%=h text_field_tag :search, params[:search], :id => 'search_field' %>
<br />
<%= submit_tag "Search", :style=>"display:inline;" %>
<% end %>
I get redirected to the following url and error page:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in UploadsController#show
Couldn't find Upload with id=0
My find_uploads route: get 'uploads/find_uploads' => "uploads#find_uploads"
And when I did I rake routes this is what I got:
uploads_find_uploads GET /uploads/find_uploads(.:format) {:controller=>"uploads", :action=>"find_uploads"}
Everything seems to be in order... not sure why it's not working out as expected. For debugging purposes I dropped breakpoints in both my find_uploads and show actions and neither of them were reached so this error message must be lying to me as the UploadsController show action is never called!
This form is being rendered on my index page if it counts for anything.
I think it's taking find_uploads for an id.
Declare your routes like that:
resources :uploads do
collection do
get :find_uploads
ps: currently, when you do rake routes, /uploads/find_uploads is after /uploads/:id right?

RoR: form_for action button doesn't respond

I'm coding the project from Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Learn Rails by Example and am having trouble with the following and unfollowing features.
I have a piece of HTML in one of my pages that looks like this:
<%= form_for current_user.relationships.build(:followed_id => #user.id),
:remote => true do |f| %>
<div><%= f.hidden_field :followed_id %></div>
<div class="actions"><%= f.submit "Follow" %></div>
<% end %>
My RelationshipsController has a create method, but it is never called. The same applies to my 'unfollow' html and corresponding destroy method. Is there something I need to add to my project to let Rails know that the relationships.build method should call the create method, or is that automatic?
Thanks in advance.
RelationshipsController has a create method
Is it create or build?
Show us the controller code. Since you use "remote=> true" you probably need to change the "respond_to" code in there and create a js.erb file.

Rails 3, Form submitting to its controller

I'm new to Rails and I've just spent another hour Googling and not finding an example.
So I have a simple form that I need to submit to an API. So I tried submitting it to the API directly but got advice that I do it in my app so I can do something with the results. Anyway, here's my simple form:
<%= form_tag(:action => 'submit') do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :email, :value => "Your email address...", :class => "text", :id => "email", :name => 'email',
:onFocus => "change(this,'#222222'); this.value=''; this.onfocus=null;",
:size => "26" %>
<%= f.hidden_field :ref_code, :id => 'ref_code', :name => 'ref_code', :value => #referralid %>
<%= submit_tag "Enter To Win", :class => "button-positive submit" %>
<% end %>
Everything I'm seeing has forms that that use a model, I have no need to persist this data, just pass it on to the API.
So my thought was I just create an action in the home controller, where this page lives and have the action submit to it but I get a RoutingError and it's: No route matches {:action=>"submit", :controller=>"home"}
So what do I need to put in the Routes.rb? I tried:
namespace :home do
resources :submit
No Joy... I'm sure it's simple but I just can't find the right example.
I think that you should have a look at the ruby guides, it's very well explained (but I don't think it talks about API) and it will save you a lot of time in the future, I swear.
Not sure what you mean but I see some wired stuff, so I hope to be useful, but if you're following some tutorials from the net let us know the link.
Basically what I do is always to call an action of a controller (MVC), following this way you should have a controller (?? apis_controller ??) and call one action of it.
So you want to use form_tag instead of form_for because you're not addressing a model, therefor you want to get rid of f. and use suffix _tag (api).
<%= form_tag(send_api_path) do %>
<%= text_field_tag :email, "Your email address..." %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :ref_code, #referralid %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :api_name, 'your_api_name' %>
<%= submit_tag "Enter To Win" %>
<% end %>
Then, in your apis_controller.rb you create an action send where you send and manage your request.
def send
# TODO: your code here
Another thing is to set the routes, something like
match 'apis/send' => 'apis#send', :as => :send_api
I'm sure this is not 100% working code, but it should be useful
How to call the api? I had I fast look and found this.
When you ask for help it's always good to attach the error you get, this makes it easier for people to understand the problem.

Ajax Callbacks in Rails 3 with Prototype, not jQuery

I'm upgrading an app from Rails 2 to 3 and am reworking all of the remote functions to use Unobtrusive Javascript. Where I'm struggling is handling ajax callbacks in UJS.
There are a lot of resources I've found that show how to implement these callbacks with jQuery, but not much for prototype. Perhaps you can help me figure this out.
In Rails 2, I had this:
<% remote_form_for #foo, {:loading => "loading_function()", :complete => "complete_function()" } do |f| %>
<% end %>
In Rails 3, I have this:
<%= form_for #foo, :remote => true do |f| %>
<% end %>
From what I've figured out so far (which may be wrong), I need to attach my old loading/complete functions to the form so that they'll be fired by the handleRemote function in Rails.js. I'm just not sure how to go about that.
Again, I'm doing this in Prototype. So answers specific to that framework are appreciated.
The answer is the following:
<%= form_for #foo, :remote => true do |f| %>
<% end %>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$('edit_foo').observe('ajax:before', loading_function());
$('edit_foo').observe('ajax:complete complete_function());
Try this link. Yes, it is JQuery, but JQuery and Prototype do not differ the way how things work together. Here is a code fragment that adds a new task directly in the index page - and it uses Prototype:
<%= form_for(#task, :remote => true) do |f| %>
<%= f.label 'Add a new task: ' %>
<%= f.text_field :name %>
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>
<div id='newform'>
<%= render :partial => "newform", :locals => { :#task => Task.new } %>
page.insert_html :after, 'tablehead', :partial => #task
page.replace_html 'newform',:partial => "newform", :locals => { :#task => Task.new }
Edit: you need to add "format.js" to our create method of the task controller
For people with a similar issue, it may also help to look at the source code for the remote helpers in the Rails 2.3.x source code.
In my case, I wanted to figure out what to do with the ':update' parameter, as in:
remote_form_for(#obj, :update => "new_obj", :before => "some js code") do |f|
I had to find the update functionality in the remote_function code.
For my specific issue, it looks like it's impossible to get the equivalent of :update with Rails 3 UJS helpers. The rails.js in Rails 3 wraps :remote => true requests with the Ajax.Request(...), whereas the :update function in Rails 2 wraps Ajax requests with Ajax.Updater(...). For people looking to replace the :update feature from Rails 2, I see 2 options:
Switch to jquery-rails, so that you can access the response from the Ajax request, with code like this:
$("#elem").bind("ajax:complete", function(et, e){
Write your own Prototype based code to grab the form and submit it via ajax, using Ajax.Updater(...) instead of Ajax.Request. Do NOT use :remote => true, since this will attempt to use Ajax.Request.
Side note: I played around with the callback object provided in the ajax:complete event
$('new_obj').observe('ajax:complete', function(request){
The request object doesn't appear to contain the response anywhere in it. It is pretty massive, though, so I could be wrong. Hopefully this will help someone else trying to upgrade from Rails 2 to 3, though.
There's a way to get the response from the Ajax.Request invocation, if you were using remote_form_for with :update option. So, you probably don't need to change it to use Ajax.Updater as a workaround. Basically, you use respone.memo.responseText, in your example it would be something like this:
$('new_obj').observe('ajax:complete', function(response){
// Probably you would use it like this:

Syntax for link_to with block in rails3 with :remote=>true and including :class and :id

For the love of god, I've been banging my head on this for hours. Using rails3 rc, 1.9.2.
I'm trying to create a link_to that submits an ajax request, with parameters, a class and id, and needs a block so I can insert a span tag around the name. Documentation is of absolutely zero help, as are numerous google searches. Here's what I've got so far:
<%= link_to(
:controller => 'themes', :action => 'remove_tag',
:entity_id => entity_id, :theme_id => theme_id,
:entity => entity, :element_id => element_id, :parent_id=>parent_id
:remote => true,
:id => "theme-tag-#{entity}-#{entity_id}",
:class => "tag") do %>
<span class='subtract'><%= tag %></span>
<% end %>
The generated url looks like this:
<a href="/explore/index/theme-tag-user-3?url[controller]=themes&url[action]=remove_tag&url[entity_id]=3&url[theme_id]=16&url[entity]=user&url[element_id]=filter-contributor-3&url[parent_id]=filter-contributors&remote=true&class=tag">
Test descriptor
I can't indicate properly that the text "Test descriptor" is actually properly included within the span; code formatting is failing a little here, however, the href is wrong, there's no class or id, and downhill it continues to roll
If I didn't need the block, I could just add the name and not have to specify :url=>{...} (leaving if off throws an exception with the block, go figure) and then follow that with :remote=>true, :id=>"whatever", :class=>"blah" and it works. What am I doing wrong? Because I'm new to rails in general, I'd also like to understand why this syntax must differ so much? I mean really, thank god you don't have to write a lot of links like this in a web app... ;-)
Thanks in advance
turns out you have to do url_for(...) instead of :url=>{...} and it all worked as expected.
Just putting wkhatch's comment here so it's nicely formatted.
<%= link_to(
:id=>"theme-tag-#{entity}-#{entity_id}") do %>
<span class='subtract'></span><%= tag %>
<% end %>