Error with DotNetOpenAuth2 with VB.Net -

My new project demands the implementation OpenAuth. Following is my code.
The line
in the GetAuthorization gives the following error.
Overload resolution failed because no accessible...
GetStringValue is the most specific for these argument. I can understand that GetStringValue is not the method/argument found in the calendarservice.scopes.calendar but my question is why so? I have downloaded this code from some website and most website is giving example in C# but there are hardly any site that is showing any example in VB.Net. Can anyone help me here.
P.S. I am using Visual Studio 2008.
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2
Imports Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2
Imports Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2.DotNetOpenAuth
Imports Google.Apis.Calendar.v3
Imports Google.Apis.Util
Imports Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.Data
Imports Google.Apis.Tasks.v1
Imports Google.Apis.Tasks.v1.Data
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim provider = New NativeApplicationClient(GoogleAuthenticationServer.Description)
provider.ClientIdentifier = "Client ID Here"
provider.ClientSecret = "Client Secret Here"
Dim auth = New OAuth2Authenticator(Of NativeApplicationClient)(provider, AddressOf GetAuthorization)
Dim service = New CalendarService(auth)
Dim first = service.CalendarList.List.Fetch().Items().First()
Label1.Text = first.Summary
End Sub
Private Function GetAuthorization(ByVal arg As NativeApplicationClient) As IAuthorizationState
Dim scopes As New System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
Dim state As IAuthorizationState = New AuthorizationState(scopes)
state.Callback = New Uri(NativeApplicationClient.OutOfBandCallbackUrl)
Dim authUri As Uri = arg.RequestUserAuthorization(state)
' Open a modal dialogue for user to paste the authorization code from Browser = authCode
Dim authCode As String = Console.ReadLine()
Return arg.ProcessUserAuthorization(authCode, state)
End Function
End Class

GetStringValue is en extension method defined on Google.Apis.Util.Utilities.
Similar VB.NET code to this worked for me on VS2012 with the latest version of the library.
You can find my VB.NET sample in, but it still wasn't approved, so be careful using it.
In the samples repository (, there is currently only one VB.NET sample, but hopefully the sample above will be approved soon and it will be added to the repository.
Please elaborate more on the references that you have in your project and the stack trace.
It looks like there is another overloading to this GetStringValue somewhere else ( in your code or in a reference assembly.


Event 'Load' cannot be found

Getting the error "Event 'Load' cannot be found" referring to "Handles MyBase.Load" Please see attached code. Any help much appreciated!
I have many other applications set up the same way and they all work. However, these were in an older version of Visual Studio.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System, System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Sub cleanXMLDialog_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal
eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Public Sub Main()
Dim directories() As String = Directory.GetDirectories("C:\")
Dim files() As String = Directory.GetFiles("C:\", "*.dll")
End Sub
Sub DirSearch(ByVal sDir As String)
Dim d As String
Dim f As String
For Each d In Directory.GetDirectories(sDir)
For Each f In Directory.GetFiles(d, "*.xml")
'Dim Response As String = MsgBox(f)
Catch excpt As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Load should happen without this error.
This is the class declaration:
Public Class Form1
It looks like you intend this to inherit from a windows Form type, but there's nothing here to make that happen.
You may want this:
Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
but even this is unlikely to really accomplish anything. It's not enough just to inherit from the Form type if you don't have any controls are properties set and don't ever show the form.
Did you accidentally create a Console or Class Library project when you mean to create a WinForms project?

Error when I add connection string in a UserControl

I am facing a weird problem, I am trying to create Usercontrol (Add_companies)and add it to panel
Everything work fine but when I add the connection to the user control I face this error :
The variable 'Add_companies1' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
And this is my connection:
Protected configuracion As ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Conn")
Dim Conn As New SqlConnection(configuracion.ConnectionString)
Public Cmd As SqlCommand
Error one image
where the error code must be
and when i go to the code line error there's nothing.
Protected configuracion As ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Conn")
Dim Conn As New SqlConnection(configuracion.ConnectionString)
Public Cmd As SqlCommand
You indicate that you placed this code in your UserControl and now the Form designer is throwing errors. The VS IDE is loading and running an instance of the usercontrol when it is placed on the design surface.
These three lines of code would have to be placed at the class level to support the Protected and Public access modifiers. The issue is that the designer is not able to retrieve ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Conn") so configuracion is null when it is used in Dim Conn As New SqlConnection(configuracion.ConnectionString).
When you use the syntax: Dim var as New Something() at the class level, the compiler converts that to Dim var as Something and places var = New Something() into the class constructor (Sub New) code.
To fix this problem you need to prevent code that will throw an error while in design mode from executing. All controls have a Boolean property named DesignMode for this purpose. Note that DesignMode will not be valid if used in the constructor code, so trying to use it there will fail.
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class Add_companies
Protected configuracion As ConnectionStringSettings
Private Conn As SqlConnection
Public Cmd As SqlCommand
Private Sub Add_companies_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Not Me.DesignMode Then
configuracion = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Conn")
Conn = New SqlConnection(configuracion.ConnectionString)
End If
End Sub
End Class

NSQ MessageHandler

I am trying to use this package in NsqSharp
There is a good code for it in C# but i need it in
I got it to send a message to my NSQ server, but the problem is to get it.
But i get a error on consumer.AddHandler(New HandleMessage()) and i do not know if i declare the HandleMessage right.
Imports NsqSharp
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim producer = New Producer("")
producer.Publish("test-topic-name", Me.txt_tx.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim consumer = New Consumer("test-topic-name", "channel-name")
consumer.AddHandler(New HandleMessage())
End Sub
Public Interface IHandler : End Interface
Public Sub HandleMessage(message As Message)
Dim msg As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body)
End Sub
Public Sub LogFailedMessage(message As Message)
Dim msg As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body)
End Sub
End Class
But i get a error on Implements IHandler
Lovely description of the problem, you can't get useful answers when you don't describe the exact error message you see. You did write the code wrong, VB.NET requires the Implements keyword on interface method implementations. You'd normally fall in the pit of success by letting the IDE generate these methods for you. As soon as you type "Implements IHandler" and press the Enter key, the IDE automagically adds the methods.
So there's probably something wrong with the library reference as well. Steps one-by-one:
Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console.
Type "Install-Package NsqSharp". Watch it trundle while it downloads and installs the package.
Put Imports NsqSharp at the top of the source file.
You should now end up with:
Public Class MessageHandler
Implements IHandler
Private Sub IHandler_HandleMessage(message As Message) Implements IHandler.HandleMessage
Dim msg As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body)
End Sub
Private Sub IHandler_LogFailedMessage(message As Message) Implements IHandler.LogFailedMessage
Dim msg As String = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body)
End Sub
End Class

'Sub Main' was not found. Service management console application error?

There is possibly a few things wrong with the below. Haven't had a chance to test/debug the code yet as can't run it. It stating that no main method has been found. But there is? i've even changed it to shared etc. It's probably something obvious?
It's flagging - 'Sub Main' was not found in 'ConsoleApplication1.Module1' error.
Also the main method wasn't always a separate class, I was just trying stuff. I'm importing a reference - system.processes. Was initially created as a vb.form but realised i didn't want the form part and recreated as a console app (which is very possibly where the problem lies as it's one of the first console apps i've done).
Code is basically planned to act on a service dying. Report and try and manage the restart (not finished, ideas welcome).
Imports System
Imports System.Management
Imports System.ServiceProcess
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Public Class Control
Public Sub Main() 'Public Sub Main(ByVal sArgs() As String)
Dim restart As New Rest
restart.startTime = DateTime.Now()
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Rest
public startTime As String
Dim logPath As String = "C:\cr20\restart.txt"
'Dim fileExists As Boolean = File.Exists(strFile)
Dim arrcr20ServicesInitialStatus As New ArrayList
Dim failedServices As New ArrayList
Dim arrcr20Services As New ArrayList
Public Sub cr20Services()
'cr20 Services
arrcr20Services.Add("cr20 service")
arrcr20Services.Add("cr20 router")
For Each cr20Service In arrcr20Services
arrcr20ServicesInitialStatus.Add(cr20Service & " - " & cr20Status(cr20Service))
End Sub
Private Function cr20Status(ByVal cr20Service As String)
Dim service As ServiceController = New ServiceController(cr20Service)
Return service.Status.ToString
End Function
Private Sub cr20Restore(ByVal cr20Service As String)
Dim service As ServiceController = New ServiceController(cr20Service)
'Dim p() As System.Diagnostics.Process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("calc")
If (service.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped)) Or (service.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.StopPending)) Then
Thread.Sleep(10000) 'give service 10 seconds to stop
End If
End Sub

Windows service setup project custom dialog - how do i get the variables?

Quick question about a windows service, I've added a setup project for my Windows service, and ive added a custom dialog to it, with 4 text fields, but my question is how to i get these informations/variables?
Ive also added an installer for the windows service also, and afterwards the setup project, with the custom dialog.
The informations is something like database connection strings, and so on - so just string values.
This is my code for the "project installer" . the installer item ive added for the windows serive if you wanted to see it.
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Configuration.Install
Imports System.ServiceProcess
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ProjectInstaller
Public Sub New()
'This call is required by the Component Designer.
My.Settings.TestSetting = Context.Parameters.Item("PathValue")
#If DEBUG Then
Dim ServicesToRun As ServiceBase()
ServicesToRun = New ServiceBase() {New tdsCheckService()}
Dim listener As New tdsCheckService()
#End If
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Install(ByVal stateSaver As System.Collections.IDictionary)
Dim regsrv As New RegistrationServices
regsrv.RegisterAssembly(MyBase.GetType().Assembly, AssemblyRegistrationFlags.SetCodeBase)
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Uninstall(ByVal savedState As System.Collections.IDictionary)
Dim regsrv As New RegistrationServices
End Sub
Private Sub ServiceProcessInstaller1_AfterInstall(sender As Object, e As InstallEventArgs) Handles ServiceProcessInstaller1.AfterInstall
End Sub
Private Sub ServiceInstaller1_AfterInstall(sender As Object, e As InstallEventArgs) Handles ServiceInstaller1.AfterInstall
End Sub
End Class
You should eb able to access them using the Context object.
'Get Protected Configuration Provider name from custom action parameter
Dim variableName As String = Context.Parameters.Item("dialogSettingName")
Public Overrides Sub Install(ByVal stateSaver As System.Collections.IDictionary)