Assigning a reference type object a value on a secondary thread, and then working with this object from my primary thread -

I am trying to create a variable which is of type MyReferenceTypeObject and of value null on thread one, use a delegate to make this thread equal to a new instance of MyReferenceTypeObject on thread two, and then access members of MyReferenceTypeObject back on thread one (in the delegates callback method).
My code is below:
Module Module1
Delegate Sub EditReferenceTypePropertyDelegate(ByVal referenceTypeObject As MyReferenceTypeObject, ByVal numberToChangeTo As Integer)
Sub Main()
Dim editReferenceDelegate = New EditReferenceTypePropertyDelegate(AddressOf EditReferenceTypeProperty)
Dim newReferenceTypeObject As MyReferenceTypeObject
editReferenceDelegate.BeginInvoke(newReferenceTypeObject, 2, AddressOf EditReferenceCallback, newReferenceTypeObject)
End Sub
Sub EditReferenceTypeProperty(ByVal referenceTypeObject As MyReferenceTypeObject, ByVal numberToChangeTo As Integer)
referenceTypeObject = New MyReferenceTypeObject()
referenceTypeObject.i = numberToChangeTo
End Sub
Sub EditReferenceCallback(ByVal e As IAsyncResult)
Dim referenceObject = DirectCast(e.AsyncState, MyReferenceTypeObject)
End Sub
End Module
Class MyReferenceTypeObject
Public Property i As Integer
End Class
However, newReferenceTypeObject comes into my callback method as null. I think I understand why, but the problem is that I need to pull some data from a database which I then need to pass into the constructor of newReferenceTypeObject, this takes a couple of seconds, and I don't want to lock up my UI while this is happening. I want to create a field of type MyReferenceTypeObject on thread one, instantiate this on thread two (after I have pulled the data of the database to pass into the constructor) and then work with members of the object back on thread one once the instantiation is complete.
Is this possible? I am using VB.Net with .Net 4.0 on Visual Studio 2012.

If you want to keep the GUI responsive during a long running action, I'd consider using the Task<> library (Comes with .NET 4.0). Here's a quick example.
Sub Main()
Dim instantiateTask = New Task(Of MyReferenceTypeObject)(Function()
' Call your database to pull the instantiation data.
Return New MyReferenceTypeObject With {.i = 2}
End Function)
instantiateTask.Start() ' Start the task -> invokes a ThreadPool.Thread to do the work.
End Sub, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext())
End Sub
.Wait blocks the GUI thread. However, you could use ContinueWith which is async and therefor nonblocking. Also you need to provide the TaskScheduler ( TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext ) from the GUI thread to prevent cross-thread exceptions in case you want to update the UI from within the async method.


Threadding: Update UI without blocking the thread?

I have written a server program that does a lot of jobs in threads simultaneously.
In those threads, I have to update a ListView with status information, but as it is right now using invoke, the thread waits for the UI to finish updating the ListView.
Any good advice to how I can send the status to the ListView and continue the thread while ListView finish updating?
Here's my code...
Public Delegate Sub InfoDelegate(status As String)
Public Sub Info(status As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New InfoDelegate(AddressOf Info)
Me.Invoke(d, status)
Dim item As New ListViewItem With {
.Text = status}
With lv
.Items.Insert(0, item)
If .Items.Count > 500 Then
For i As Integer = - 1 To 500 Step -1
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
You can call Control.BeginInvoke() to invoke the method asynchronously. However that call needs to be followed by a EndInvoke() call, or else you will get memory and/or thread leaks.
In the .NET Framework versions 4.0 and up you can utilize lambda expressions to pass the IAsyncResult returned from the BeginInvoke call to the lambda expression itself. Thus, you can call EndInvoke without having it block since by the time that it is called the asynchronous operation is already finished.
Here's an example:
Dim iar As IAsyncResult = _
Info("Status here") 'Calling your Info() method.
End Sub)

How to update main form from thread utilizing a module creates new mainform?

So my use for a module is so I can use the same functions across different programs that I develope for my employer. They also want my module to be distributed amongst other programmers so they can use it as well. The programs need to know when there is a thread still running (SQL code is running (there are no problems with the sql side) and it needs to notify the user when all work is done but the user needs to be able to queue work)
From the main form I am using this code:
Dim thread1 As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf ModuleTesting.Testing)
thread1.IsBackground = True
thread1.Name = "ModuleLabelCrossThreading"
This is the code for my module:
Public Sub Testing()
Form1.threadsrunning += 1
Form1.threadsrunning -= 1
end sub
The code to access the controls on the main form is
Public Sub accesscontrolsmoduletesting()
If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then
Me.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf accesscontrolsmoduletesting))
If threadsrunning > 0 Then
Label4.Text = threadsrunning & " threads running"
Label4.Text = "0 threads running"
End If
End If
End Sub
I already know the issue is the new thread is creating a new form. I tested this by showing the form and making it wait so it didnt immediately dispose itself and I seen the label was updated. How do I make this thread update the main form instead of just creating a new mainform and then disposing itself after the thread dies?
To reiterate on my Comment you need to get the actual Form1 that is being shown, you should change your Testing Method to accept a Parameter of Form1, then you can use a Parameterized Thread.Start to pass in the Calling Form. You are running into a feature that was left in place to placate Vb6 programmers transitioning to as this answer by Hans states. And you may find this Blog Post by John Mcllhinney an interesting read.
From Second Link(emphasize mine):
In order to access a form from a secondary thread you generally need to test its InvokeRequired property and then call its Invoke method. I said earlier that there is only ever one default instance of a form class. That’s not strictly true. In fact, default instances are thread-specific, so there is only ever one default instance per thread. As such, if you test the InvokeRequired property of the default instance you will always be accessing the default instance for the current thread, not the one that was displayed on the main thread.
So in response to above I would change your Module Test Method to:
Public Sub Testing(myForm As Form1)
myForm.threadsrunning += 1
myForm.threadsrunning -= 1
End Sub
And I would change your Form1's Thread Start Code to look like this.
Dim thread1 As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf ModuleTesting.Testing)
thread1.IsBackground = True
thread1.Name = "ModuleLabelCrossThreading"
thread1.Start(Me) 'Note the passing in the instance of the calling Form
After making these few changes your code will work

Newly created thread not firing until main thread finished

I'm extremely novice at threading and I'm simply creating a single thread to run a large function. I've created a messagebox to appear at the end of the function towards the end of the program to tell me the load time it took. As i load the application, the messagebox will appear with a time it took and THEN the thread will kick off(although the UI is navigable while the components are loading from the thread) isn't the point of threading to be able to process multiple functions at the same time? Why is this waiting until the main thread is finished before the new thread kicks off?
I declare and start the new thread early in the app
For every Form in the application's namespace, there will be a default instance created in the My namespace under the Forms property.
----------------------/ Starting Main Thread /-----------------------------------
Private Sub FindCustomerLocation()
Dim Findcontractor_Thread As New Thread(AddressOf **FindContractor_ThreadExecute**)
Findcontractor_Thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal
End Sub
------------------/ Running Thread /---------------
Private Sub **FindContractor_ThreadExecute**(beginform as *NameOfFormComingFrom*)
Dim threadControls(1) As Object
threadControls(0) = Me.XamDataGrid1
threadControls(1) = Me.WebBrowserMap
**FindContractor_WorkingThread**(threadControls,beginform) ' ANY UI Calls back to the Main UI Thread MUST be delegated and Invoked
End Sub
------------------/ How to Set UI Calls from a Thread / ---------------------
Delegate Sub **FindContractor_WorkingThread**(s As Integer,beginform as *NameOfFormComingFrom*)
Sub **FindContractor_WorkingThreadInvoke**(ByVal s As Integer,beginform as *NameOfFormComingFrom*)
If beginform.mouse.InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New FindContractor_WorkingThread(AddressOf FindContractor_WorkingThreadInvoke)
beginform.Invoke(d, New Object() {s,beginform})
beginform.Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait
'Do something...
beginform.Mouse.OverrideCursor = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Sources from Pakks answer and Tested!
You have to create multiple threads if you want them to run the way you are thinking (simultaneously).Take a look at this link and try creating more than one thread. This should help your problems. Cheers

Why am I getting a "Cross-thread operation not valid exception" in the callback method when using AsyncCallback with BeginInvoke?

I have a windows form that gets data from a scale via the serial port. Since I need the operator to be able to cancel the process I do the get data process on a second thread.
The data collection process gets multiple readings from the scale one at a time. The form has a label that needs to be updated with information specific to each reading.
I call the method to get the data from the scale with this code.
Dim ad As New readALine(AddressOf thisScale.readALine)
Dim ac As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Me.GetDataCallback)
Dim iar As IAsyncResult = ad.BeginInvoke("", ac, ad)
The delegate for the readALine method is defined in the UI code.
Delegate Function readALine(ByVal toSend As String) As String
The GetDataCallback method:
Private Sub GetDataCallback(ByVal ia As IAsyncResult)
lblInstructions.Text = _thisMeasure.dt.Rows(_currRow - 1).Item("cnt") & ":"
End Sub
I get the exception on the "lblInstructions.Text =" statement.
I thought the GetDataCallback method was part of the UI thread so don't understand why I'm getting the exception. I know this could probably be rewritten using a BackgroundWorker and it's appropriate events but for now would like to understand why this isn't working as expected.
The application was written originally in VS2003 and just recently upgraded to VS2008.
Any insight will be appreciated.
The problem is a confusion over BeginInvoke. Calling Control.BeginInvoke marshals a delegate call to the UI thread. Calling BeginInvoke on a delegate causes it to be executed on a thread pool thread - and any callback you provide is executed on the same (thread pool) thread. The latter is what you're doing, which is why GetDataCallback is being executed on a thread pool thread, not the UI thread..
So, within GetDataCallback you need to call Control.Invoke or Control.BeginInvoke to marshal back to the UI thread.
One point to note: I very rarely use Control.InvokeRequired these days - it's simpler to unconditionally call Invoke/BeginInvoke; the performance difference isn't usually enough to make up for the benefit in readability, in my experience.
user-interface controls can only be updated by the thread that created them
instead; that should marshall the call to the correct thread
In .NET 1.1 it was possible to perform these cross-thread operations, even though they weren't safe.
In .NET 2.0 the exception you mention is thrown, when you try to perform cross-thread operations such as this, which means that you are performing the UI operations on a non-UI thread, even though you thought you weren't.
Try using the Me.InvokeRequired method to determine whether you are currently on the UI thread. E.g. you could define a method to perform the necessary tasks:
Protected Sub PerformUIOperations()
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
'We are currently on a non-UI thread. Invoke this method on the UI thread:
Me.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf Me.PerformUIOperations))
End If
'Perform UI operations when we know it is safe:
lblInstructions.Text = "blabla"
End Sub
The PerformUIOperations method can then be called from any non-UI thread, since it takes care of performing the tasks on the correct thread itself.
Of course, if you need to pass parameters to the PerformUIOperations method (such as information regarding the ongoing operation) you'll have to define a delegate to match the PerformUIOperations method signature and use this instead of the MethodInvoker.
I have the following in another section of the code:
Delegate Sub setValueCallback(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal value As Decimal)
Public Sub setValue(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal value As Decimal)
If Me.Controls.Item(_tbIndex(row - 1)).InvokeRequired Then
Dim d As New setValueCallback(AddressOf setValue)
Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {row, value})
Dim tb As TextBox = Me.Controls.Item(_tbIndex(row - 1))
tb.Text = value
_dt.Rows(tb.Tag).Item(1) = value
End If
End Sub
How would this be rewritten to not use .InvokeRequired?
Dave, maybe this is the solution you are looking for:
Dim ad As New readALine(AddressOf thisScale.readALine)
Dim ac As New AsyncCallback(AddressOf Me.GetDataCallback)
Dim iar As IAsyncResult = ad.BeginInvoke("", ac, ad)
Delegate Function readALine(ByVal toSend As String) As String
Private Sub GetDataCallback(ByVal ia As IAsyncResult)
If lblInstructions.InvokeRequired Then
lblInstructions.Invoke(New AsyncCallback(AddressOf GetDataCallback), New Object() {ia})
lblInstructions.Text = _thisMeasure.dt.Rows(_currRow - 1).Item("cnt") & ":"
End If
End Sub

How to mock a method (custom behavior) with Rhino Mocks in VB.NET

How can I mock one method with RhinoMocks in VB.Net? The reference I found is in C#:
.Do((Action<int>)delegate(int item) {
if (item < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
SharpDevelop converts this to:
Expect.Call(Function() Do
End Function).IgnoreArguments().Do(DirectCast(Function(item As Integer) Do
If item < 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException()
End If
End Function, Action(Of Integer)))
But that doesn't work either (it doesn't compile).
This is what I want to do: create a new object and call a method which sets some properties of that method. In real-life this method, will populate the properties with values found in the database. In test, I would like to mock this method with a custom method/delegate so that I can set the properties myself (without going to the database).
In pseudo-code, this is what I'm trying to do:
Dim _lookup As LookUp = MockRepository.GenerateMock(Of LookUp)()
_luvalue.Expect(Function(l As LookUp) l.GetLookUpByName("test")).Do(Function(l As LookUp) l.Property = "value")
Unfortunately you're attempting to do both a Sub lambda and a Statement Lambda. Neither are supported in VS2008 (but will be in the upcoming version of VS). Here is the expanded version that will work for VB
I'm guessing at the type of m_list
Class MockHelper
Dim m_list as new List(Of Object)
Public Sub New()
Expect(AddressOf CallHelper).IgnoreArguments().Do(AddressOf Do Hepler)
End Sub
Private Sub CallHelper()
End Sub
Private Sub DoHelper(ByVal item as Integer)
if item < 0 Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException
End If
End Sub
End Class
I have never mocked something w/ both a delegate and a lambda so I can't give a full solution to this problem, but I did want to share some example code for the usual "AssertWasCalled" function in Rhino Mocks 3.5 for vb developers because I spent some time trying to grok this... (keep in mind the below is kept simple for brevity)
This is the method under test - might be found inside a service class for the user object
Public Sub DeleteUserByID(ByVal id As Integer) Implements Interfaces.IUserService.DeleteUserByID
End Sub
This is the interactive test to assert the repository method gets called
<TestMethod()> _
Public Sub Should_Call_Into_Repository_For_DeleteProjectById()
Dim Repository As IUserRepository = MockRepository.GenerateStub(Of IUserRepository)()
Dim Service As IUserService = New UserService(Repository)
Repository.AssertWasCalled(Function(x) Wrap_DeleteUserByID(x))
End Sub
This is the wrap function used to ensure this works w/ vb
Function Wrap_DeleteUserByID(ByVal Repository As IUserRepository) As Object
Return Nothing
End Function
I found this to be a very nasty solution, but if it helps someone w/ the same issues I had it was worth the time it took to post this ;)