Opera Dragonfly in each window - opera

How do I get two separate Dragonfly instances in two Opera windows? Right now when I try to load Dragonfly in the second window, whilst it's already opened in the first one, Opera will focus on the first window and close Dragonfly there

Unfortunately, it currently isn’t possible due to the architecture of the Scope protocol that Opera Dragonfly uses to talk to the browser.
It is a known issue however.


Chrome Headless - Firefox

I'm working on a monitoring tool for my website to log data. The actual logging is made on server. My goal is to calculate stats based on how long the user stays on the website.
Main question: I used chrome headless command --remote-debugging-port=80. I got logs for up to 10 minutes. Works perfectly. But how long will it work if left working? Is there a default timeout? If yes, how can I change it? If I want to run it exactly 30 minutes after page finished loading?
I'm trying to do the same on firefox (tried using PhantomJS but it wasn't loading the page correctly even though useragent was set to firefox) but firefox just throws an bank page when I'm trying to start a headless mode. I used "firefox -headless" and tried capturing an screenshot. It was just exiting my currently open firefox tabs without capturing any image. Any idea?
Using firefox quantum 59.0. I don't want to use selenium.
Also PhantomJS solution would be great. Currently I just want to collect logs. So, it only have to run all javascript (an jquery) code on the page which then sends the data using ajax. I tried page.onLoadFinished and then a wait function to make it stay on the page for the exact time after page loading.
Since no one answered, I will try to answer my own question after even more research and logical thinking.
Main question: Seems that there is no timeout but if need can be used --timeout X. Even though it's not perfect because it runs independently if the page if fully loaded or not.
As for the firefox, it's buggy. -new-instance (make headless run while you are already on firefox) is not working and -no-remote didn't help. Firefox is only working if running only one instance. So, if it's the PC you are working on and you want to run tests too, firefox is not for you. Headless runs only when no other instances of firefox are running, while chrome runs fine.
PhantomJS didn't work even though tried multiple solutions.
Best solution? Use chrome. Need portable? Use chromium and use headless. Or write your soft to use cefsharp which is based on chromium. Your browser with all libs will be around 120-200MB. Pretty big for portable but do it's work. Same as portable chrome or chromium. CefSharp have a privilege of integrating whatever you like into the browser since it's a... browser.

Headless browsers not honouring view port in matchMedia queries

I have been playing with phantomJS for a while and I came across problems when using it in websites that use matchMedia queries to distinguish device types.
For a while I thought that was a phantom problem but it is happening with other headless browsers like slimerJS and Headless Chrome.
The problem is that matchMedia queries are not honouring the view port on HB.
As sample, the following steps reproduce the problem in these HB:
Setting a mobile view port(ex: 736x414).
Open https://josebrandao13.github.io/
Take a screenshot.
Result is always: "I'm a tablet". Meaning that width and height are greater than 768px when they are not.
If you open this website on Chrome or Firefox dev tools and switch between phone and tablet devices, matchMedia behaves as expected. Also if I open it on my mobile phone chrome's everything is ok.
Is there any known problem with headless browsers and matchMedia ?
After a time struggling with this problem I found a way to emulate a mobile device with Headless Chrome, including match media queries.
For those interested:

Screen Sharing on webRTC

Is it possible to capture desktop screen sharing through webRTC.. As we know that it just captures the screen on the browser tab but is it possible to capture the whole desktop screen like navigating through files on computer or opening and viewing files like pdf etc..
Currently, only "stateless" screen capturing is available in RTCWeb implementations (both chrome & firefox). E.g.
Install chrome extension and then try this demo
Above demo will simply capture screen of "any" opened application's screen. Though, such screen capturing API fails to capture screens of full-screen game applications.
More information available here:
https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/desktopCapture (HTTPs+getUserMedia+postMessage)
Regarding remote desktop sharing from a web-browser, it has a pile
more security risks associated with it compared to screen sharing. The
UI/security aspects will be tough to deal with, and the feature will
be very susceptible to social engineering -- phone call: "this is
Google/Dell/Computer-Management; we've detected your machine has a
virus on it; could you browse to and we'll assist you in
removing it" -- etc. Ref
Yes, it's possible. At least using Chrome. There are several ways of doing it, but the simplest one is:
Add this constaint when you invoke getUserMedia:
constraints.video.mandatory.chromeMediaSource = 'screen'
When starting chrome, use this argument (chrome version > 35):
You can find an example of sharing screen and recording the shared screen at a remote server repository here:
If you try to execute that example, play close attention to the security restrictions. All signalling needs to travel using TLS. Using raw HTTP will produce chrome to refuse sharing screen.
Yes it is. I recently worked on WebRTC and was able to stream desktop easily. Following links helped me implement my requirements :
Firefox Extension : http://mozilla.github.io/webrtc-landing/
Dont forget to add your *.github.io to about:config -> getUserMedia screensharing allowed domains
Google Chrome extension : https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/samples#search
Open this in Run : Chrome.exe --enable-usermedia-screen-capturing
Other Reference : https://github.com/muaz-khan/WebRTC-Experiment

Use the remote debugging protocol in the Chromium based Opera

I use the Google Chrome remote debugging protocol to get benchmarking information of the page loading process with Google Chrome. I would like to switch to Opera which should offer the same functionality now that it runs on Chromium.
I started Opera with the cli parameters "--remote-debugging-port=9222 --enable-benchmarking --enable-net-benchmarking" similar to starting Google Chrome. I discovered that benchmarking seams not to be started in Opera - the chrome.benchmarking object is not visible to JavaScript.
I didn't find any documentation on the cli parameters for Opera, neither how to work with the remote debugging protocol in Opera.
Does anybody know how benchmarking can be enabled and/or the remote debugging protocol works in Opera?
Maybe you don't need this anymore, but I did today.
For some reason (maybe it's by design, but I didn't bother to check), you can't really start two separate instances of Chropera. Therefore, you first have to exit opera (from the menu to save your session).
Then, find your installation directory, and start Opera with the params:
C:\PROGRA~2\OperaNew\31.0.1889.174>opera --remote-debugging-port=9222 "http://www.opera.com"
(Maybe you can use launcher.exe, but I didn't bother checking)
Then, using another browser, visit http://localhost:9222. Maybe you can use the same one, but again, I didn't bother checking.
Now it's just the same as the Chrom(e|ium) protocol.
Hope that helps somebody.

Is the Safari Web Browser an Open Source Project?

I'm interested in doing some development against the Safari browser but I'm not sure if it's an open source project or not? I know webkit is open source but that doesn't mean the browser is.
I've emailed apple but they haven't been very responsive so I'm wondering if anyone on stackoverflow has any idea?
Safari is closed source. Only the Webkit portion is open source.
You may want to look at Konqueror, as it is the basis for Safari, and what you want to add may be added there, and if it gets into the trunk it may find it's way into Safari.
Chromium is also based on WebKit, the rendering engine behind Safari. If you want to look at a fully functional browser based on WebKit, Chromium is probably your best bet.