Customising Object Explorer - ssms

Object Explorer shows this:
But I only want to see Keys and Columns folder expanded when I clicked on database plus icon.
Like this:
Is there any way to do this via script or something else?

There is no built-in way to accomplish it. But it is possible to achieve it by writing an add-in.
If you want - you can try to write your own one. Here is a sample "hello world" add-in for SSMS2012, that I have written:
If you do not have time for that, you can submit a feature request at the project's website.


Upload File / Image using Dropzone.js with Selenium-Ide

Hi Everyone
I'm new to selenium, please bear with me, and guide me a little bit.
So I want to make an automation process with selenium-ide, with the hope that this automation will make testing in my project easier.
So using selenium-ide and trying to upload a file using dropzone.js, here is the normal flow.
Click the button 'Add Photo'
Windows explorer will pop up
After the file is selected, on the background, 'dropzone' will manipulate the file while opening a pop up "Image Editor"
After clicking "Confirm" the file will be uploaded to the server.
What I want to accomplish is "How can I manipulate click/select the file after file explorer opened, using selenium-ide? or is it possible?"
I have already spent hours trying to find the solution and have had no luck.
I try using the command "type" or "send key", and also on my discovery we could use javascript directly with the command "execute script", but I just don't know how to make it work
What I expect is, I could manipulate the manual proses of the selection file with automation from selenium-ide.
Thank You.
I got my own answer guys!
My goals above can be solved using selenium-ide command called "type",
Here is the explanation:
I use "type", according to selenium-ide it will store value to your element.
Dropzone will create its own element 'input file' and it's hidden, of course, so this is one that we should get, instead of your own input file. You may find it with class dz-hidden-input, and since I have many file inputs I use an array at the end of XPath [{$check}]
Value This one is the exact path where you put your file locally.
**The Logic / How it works: **
with this solution, we don't need to trigger file explorer, because the above code will inject the image inside dropzone file input, and since dropzone listens to their file input which is dz-hidden-input, it will act the same way that we choose the file from file explorer.
I hope this answer will help someone whos bumped into the same problem.
Kudos XD

TestCafe Studio custom action name

I'm using TestCafe Studio Version 1.4.1 and using visual test recorder. I can't see any way to specify a descriptive name to each test action. I only get names like Click that do not tell me what was clicked. Ideally I would like to add a name like Clicked on submit or other names.
Is it even possible to do this? If yes, how any samples.
At the moment this functionality is not supported. Thank you for the idea. We'll consider it with the team but we can't promise we will be able to implement it though.

What Windows Forms control would be used to create a dockable window like Visual Studio Solution Explorer?

I want to be able to use things like the Solution Explorer window or the Properties window from Visual Studio in my Windows Forms application. I am not sure what the term for it is so I cannot look it up.
Have you tried using a normal panel? You might want to code all the contents of the solution explorer and the properties panel. The panel can be docked from its properties. Then, for example, if autosize is disabled, you write
If ...... Then
_something_.Autosize = false
End If
But that's a TON of code!
I don't think you can reproduce the solution explorer dynamically nor the properties panel. Besides, do you need to change all properties of an object at once? It looks like you are trying to remake visual basic dynamically. Well, that can't happen. Not with the current versions of, at least.
You should try involving things with panel that appears on your screen with all the settings in it, but like TGamer, there is a lot of code to do. But start with showing and hiding the panel to start with. Maybe try importing the settings through a VS file stored somewhere in your directory.

How to filter by date in file openFileDialog | VB.NET

So, I have a program where you can load settings from using the Windows Explorer, opened by calling openFileDialog.
By default, all the files get filtered by their name. Can I make it so that upon clicking on 'load settings' and opening the file selector, it defaults to sorting by date created or modified?
Thanks so much for the help!
It might be possible using Windows API calls, but the solution would be pretty ugly.
See this link for more info

Opening the user's home folder?

My XULRunner application has a button named "Show Recordings". Pressing it should result in Windows Explorer opening the folder for the user. How can I achieve this?
I can't find it in the File I/O documentation, perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place.
The problem is not finding the path, but telling the system to open the folder. I can't seem to find a "openFolder" function.
You're looking for the reveal() method on nsILocalFile.
Do you mean:
And by that I mean, if you want a global variable to get the current user's home directory path, use %HOMEPATH%. I guess you have to set that button to this value. For a list of Windows environment variables, start at the wiki article.